What should be done with enchant rate?
Option 1: Leave it as it is now.
votes: 15
Option 2: Increase the chance.
votes: 30
Option 3: Other.
votes: 1
xD Personally i failed to make A grade neck to +6 with 150 beaa.All failed at +4-5 never went up to +6.
So i would vote to increase it .
Post your opinions if you want to and vote people.^^ No flamings pls.
u ench Majestic Necklace ;> :D ;D
try use EAA not BEAA ....
Quote from: YaHoYaH on July 25, 2011, 10:44:56 AM
try use EAA not BEAA ....
EAA on Frintezza ::)? i don't think so...
also hard to make vesper set +6 :( we had better enchant rate before :P
why u play here than.....
there are many jedi servers in this world....
when ask me its most fun when items are like the are now, mine clan member f2cker made a vesper bow already +7 and 2 armor parts +6
its better this way ,no blessed event no drops of beas and bews ingame
ubber sets suck :)
yeah yeah Aod , i know start flame me about mine 15+ vesper dagger <3
Quote from: andreww on July 25, 2011, 02:36:25 PM
why u play here than.....
there are many jedi servers in this world....
when ask me its most fun when items are like the are now, mine clan member f2cker made a vesper bow already +7 and 2 armor parts +6
its better this way ,no blessed event no drops of beas and bews ingame
ubber sets suck :)
yeah yeah Aod , i know start flame me about mine 15+ vesper dagger <3
not all puts real money in game like u.
Should be old enchat system
About your items i dont wanna talk becose we all know from where u get it
And btw im not fokin aod and she also is not Aod :P
I used over 55 BEAS on Vesper and mine set is still - all part's - +3 ...
Many ppl, f.e. like a topic maker , used tones of enchants, and their items are still not even +6.
Enchant rate is less then 20% atm. I tryed other items too (A grade set part's, jewellery) : with normal enchant's, result was similar.
I got like 50 EWB and not even one B weapon went over +5.
All failed on +4, +5 and one on +6.
Dont know, but just a little increase on rates would be nice. At least on lower grade weapons/armors/jewels.
Quote from: andreww on July 25, 2011, 02:36:25 PM
why u play here than.....
there are many jedi servers in this world....
when ask me its most fun when items are like the are now, mine clan member f2cker made a vesper bow already +7 and 2 armor parts +6
its better this way ,no blessed event no drops of beas and bews ingame
ubber sets suck :)
yeah yeah Aod , i know start flame me about mine 15+ vesper dagger <3
wow dude u mean u get what u got and now dont want server to even have access to beas ? u say on forum its better "this way" when u got for ur ass oe items ? what a hypocrit u are ...
Quote from: lucifsg on July 25, 2011, 04:36:58 PM
wow dude u mean u get what u got and now dont want server to even have access to beas ? u say on forum its better "this way" when u got for ur ass oe items ? what a hypocrit u are ...
Quote from: andreww on July 25, 2011, 02:36:25 PM
why u play here than.....
there are many jedi servers in this world....
when ask me its most fun when items are like the are now, mine clan member f2cker made a vesper bow already +7 and 2 armor parts +6
its better this way ,no blessed event no drops of beas and bews ingame
ubber sets suck :)
yeah yeah Aod , i know start flame me about mine 15+ vesper dagger <3
i like idea but pls then remove ur enchants too pls :-* that idea u dont like so much right ? ::)
Quote from: andreww on July 25, 2011, 02:36:25 PM
why u play here than.....
there are many jedi servers in this world....
when ask me its most fun when items are like the are now, mine clan member f2cker made a vesper bow already +7 and 2 armor parts +6
its better this way ,no blessed event no drops of beas and bews ingame
ubber sets suck :)
yeah yeah Aod , i know start flame me about mine 15+ vesper dagger <3
Why don't U put some enchants on your stuff? Ofc not blessed.
Luci, nvm bout that lowbrained donator, rly. How he can be smart if he is wasting money in pixels? And yes, plus for better rate. And Track, u r an idiot, full idiot. For money u can even sell ur parents. Use head before sell such a huge amounted donate. Oly on 15x, as i heard, is alredy dead bcoz of donators like brokie. Now, all going to be on our server exacly as on 15x. And all is bcoz of u. Dunno what will be more interesting on our server after oly ends...
i also failed alot on +6 , on dyna mace, well i use only bews, the reason i use blessed scroll and not normal is my augment , it took me lot of coins to get it, i dont have so much adena now i dont think i can make it again /:
Quote from: YaHoYaH on July 25, 2011, 10:44:56 AM
try use EAA not BEAA ....
If you have or when you get and IF you ever get frintezza you can use normal eaa.^^ Np for me .
Only today i used like 55+ beaa on tezza and still +6 ,this necklace became my personal enemy ! :P
I used around 1200 EAD to make set (5 parts) +6 ;D
just 4fun to test enchant rate xD
Official like things? :D My as$
Quote from: Vermin666 on July 26, 2011, 12:35:19 AM
even mark couldnt add smth :l
Actually he said a lot with that quote. There's nothing more to add
also +1 to Lucif
Quote from: andreww on July 25, 2011, 02:36:25 PM
why u play here than.....
there are many jedi servers in this world....
when ask me its most fun when items are like the are now, mine clan member f2cker made a vesper bow already +7 and 2 armor parts +6
its better this way ,no blessed event no drops of beas and bews ingame
ubber sets suck :)
yeah yeah Aod , i know start flame me about mine 15+ vesper dagger <3
flame who? xD kido which not able do any thing w/o euro even in game? u got everything and now wanna be smart here? sry, but flame u should deserve, cuz as player u zero and if u think items make u pro u failed ^^
So much hate in this world......
Quote from: Shadow21 on July 26, 2011, 07:36:44 AM
flame who? xD kido which not able do any thing w/o euro even in game? u got everything and now wanna be smart here? sry, but flame u should deserve, cuz as player u zero and if u think items make u pro u failed ^^
iirc brokie totally ownd dramaqq on oly
Quote from: FeelmyBow on July 26, 2011, 10:38:02 AM
So much hate in this world......
no hate dude, just some kids put money in this game and after think they r pro, smart and better than normal players.
Quote from: Alex on July 26, 2011, 10:41:05 AM
iirc brokie totally ownd dramaqq on oly
1st alexdusktard i dont play on oly so here u failed.
2nd u play on his char on oly, dunno why mb, lick ass for items but i dont care. real brokie as player - nothing
Quote from: Shadow21 on July 26, 2011, 10:58:28 AM
no hate dude, just some kids put money in this game and after think they r pro, smart and better than normal players.
1st alexdusktard i dont play on oly so here u failed.
2nd u play on his char on oly, dunno why mb, lick ass for items but i dont care. real brokie as player - nothing
im sorry hard to remember all aods i stomp on oly
Stop about oly already....this game isn't made for oly but for pvp,and specially this Topic wasn't made for oly it was made for enchant rates.
As to some smart ppl who say "There shouldn't be bless enchants" ,i agree but after we get full wipe of enchants on every item on server,then you maybe will reconsider your opinion.
Quote from: Alex on July 26, 2011, 11:08:38 AM
im sorry hard to remember all aods i stomp on oly
herovo v takom vozraste problemi s pamiatiu imet'..... na po4itaj mog pomoget: http://meduniver.com/Medical/Neurology/283.html
Quote from: Shadow21 on July 26, 2011, 12:05:04 PM
herovo v takom vozraste problemi s pamiatiu imet'..... na po4itaj mog pomoget: http://meduniver.com/Medical/Neurology/283.html
translate pls 8)
Quote from: ylim on July 26, 2011, 12:12:41 PM
translate pls 8)
to bad he have problems with memory alrdy, so i suggest him read smth like:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amnesia and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory
mb сan help him, hope so....
Quote from: Shadow21 on July 26, 2011, 12:05:04 PM
herovo v takom vozraste problemi s pamiatiu imet'..... na po4itaj mog pomoget: http://meduniver.com/Medical/Neurology/283.html
thank you, i found something for your case, too
Quote from: Alex on July 26, 2011, 12:56:24 PM
thank you, i found something for your case, too
after such link i can just suggest u read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiot , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_retardation
Quote from: Shadow21 on July 26, 2011, 01:23:13 PM
after such link i can just suggest u read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiot , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_retardation
thanks, this helps me to understand your logic during sieges much better
Quote from: Alex on July 26, 2011, 03:32:00 PM
thanks, this helps me to understand your logic during sieges much better
for now these links just explain why u act like dumbfak on forum and ingame.
stop calling me names you hurt me :(
Quote from: Alex on July 26, 2011, 12:56:24 PM
thank you, i found something for your case, too
XD <3
Quote from: andreww on July 25, 2011, 02:36:25 PM
why u play here than.....
there are many jedi servers in this world....
when ask me its most fun when items are like the are now, mine clan member f2cker made a vesper bow already +7 and 2 armor parts +6
its better this way ,no blessed event no drops of beas and bews ingame
ubber sets suck :)
yeah yeah Aod , i know start flame me about mine 15+ vesper dagger <3
How many doors you had to make to buy this weapon? Or you got promoted yet?
Quote from: mark_elesse on July 26, 2011, 09:01:34 PM
TROLOLOL ! what a flawless victory OMG XDD !!! imo, awesome to see when the local flamethrower is on vacation, clannies keepin' the name "CB flamer squad" feard... imo Alex rapes! huhuuuuuu :D::D:D
victory? hum sure, he won in competition: show how brainless u r. he just shown and confirmed his tardness 1 more time. but u same kind of tard, so ofc for u its "victory". now for sure u will be happy and whole night gonna masturbate and watch at same time his tarded post on forum. enjoy.
What the hell....i just made a topic where we could just discuss like normal ppl the enchant rate and vote what we would like for the server...and i see some bunch of people just throwing flame to each other like 9 y/o kids would do.
If anyone else has some frustrated opinion like "remove blessed enchants" please go make your own topic about it.
And if there is anyone else who wants to flame go do that on pms on forum or in game so you won't bother the actually 5 people who really want to discuss normally on the topic. :-\
Many of you flame GMs for what they do with donations.I don't say that anyone is saint of the Dev team of server but they do good job even keeping the server alive for 5 years+...that's a pretty amazing fact,and the server is still alive due to their work and donations that we have.So,if you have some suggestion of how to make this server a better place please write a new topic and post it there,personally i would be happy to write my own opinion about the ways that server could be helped.
Thank you, Ele.:)
P.s.Those flames/blames/hate don't help the community to grow or get better,but make exactly the opposite ,which is causing more and more frustration,hate,disgusts for new players and total mess when it comes to vital opinions about basic stuff of the game.
Quote from: mark_elesse on July 27, 2011, 12:53:20 AM
make love, not war ..... lol fckin hippy sh1t :D gtfo already.
I can actually flame a lot too,and i do sometimes,but on important topics i pref are not to.
Now...if you haven't a pretty well formed dictionary and the half of your speeches contain flame ,take some English lessons ,read books and stuff like that instead of playing and flaming pixels like you use to do. :P If not,your choice to stay an unhappy pixel in this world without having a life.
P.s. Learn what hippy means 1st.And then learn the difference between a hippy and a "well informed" person.
And by the way...i made this topic ...you came flaming ppl in my topic...why would i "Gtfo"?Funny you are. ;D
More votes/suggestions people,don't pay attention to flamers like this guy above.:P
Ele naab spamer ;]
Quote from: mark_elesse on July 26, 2011, 11:50:35 PM
actually this wasnt a bad one eighter, tho its kinda strange that on the upper mentioned "forum fight victory" you stricktly associated on masturbation...sick mofo you are :)
on the other hand, theres one more hidden truth in your post...in the last 3 page, you called 3 different players " retarded, and brainless " .... apologise me but i have to ask: have you ever thought about the idea that you're trying to project your own mental problems on other ppl ? ye, i know that makes your poor and fcked up life less miserable, but still...i can assure you most of us thinks that you're a very complicated little boy, with very-very complicated problems. do us a favour, or more....do this for the humanity, sterilize yourself.
not that you could get laid easily with this habit, but your raging hate against donators actually based on the conclusion, that you hate ppl who can afford pay for a game, which is kinda understandable if we consider the fact that you waste all your money on paying random homelesses for whispering to your ears " you are my friend, you're a funny and cool person, i like you "
i pity you.
was rly intresting read this sad story about ur real life mark. imo u can start write book alrdy, smth like: "my hard childhood and real life problems", should be bestseller. but u should understand, not every1 like u and not all have so hard real life, so senseless move ur problems on another ppl. hope in future all will be ok with u.
also 1 friendly suggestion for u. mb its time back to basic school and learn math abit, cuz difference between 2 and 3 exist, but looks like u didnt see.
Quote from: mark_elesse on July 27, 2011, 09:31:34 AM
you can do better then this cheap sh1t :)
well informed..... ahahahhaha xD you're a joke m8.
so "low skilled" reply from "pro flamer" like u :-\ try 1 more time :)
Quote from: mark_elesse on July 27, 2011, 04:19:25 PM
with your mental level and creativity it could happen easily.
1st look at mirror, after think who u r and only after post smth.