Hey guyz,
I'm thinking about doing a new char but i don't know which is the best.
Can i get your opinion and why ?
Thanks :)
Quote from: Tagada on August 06, 2011, 05:38:28 PM
Hey guyz,
I'm thinking about doing a new char but i don't know which is the best.
Can i get your opinion and why ?
Thanks :)
Thank you for your answer :)
So many read my post, come on :p don't be shy ;) give me your opinion.
Thank you!
It all depends of ur plastyle, but imo the best option to play is PW/TK.
If u dont have both chars to check status talk with someone who have it.
PA/TH is more effective in oly, but TK/PW is more defensive and a better option to play on mass pvp's or sieges.
there is many th/pal or th/da
there is some aw/sk
be original and make pw/tk
mostly with his stats you will see light elf dagger powa
use +STR
good bless you
Normally the weakest chars in Lineage are the elfs. They have only evasion and speed. They've been prefered by looser and runner people, who can't kill anyone alone. Well if you want to change that, Go make PW/TK and show your best.
I prefer TH/PAL coz he have much more useful skills in pvp. And he is much more strong. But this is Dragon after all ...EXPECT THE UNEXPECTABLE. ;D
:o u always amaze me :D
Quote from: Weezer on August 09, 2011, 07:26:56 PM
It all depends of ur plastyle, but imo the best option to play is PW/TK.
If u dont have both chars to check status talk with someone who have it.
PA/TH is more effective in oly, but TK/PW is more defensive and a better option to play on mass pvp's or sieges.
for me tk/pw better on oly)))) i kill easy th/pal and take hero on my tk/pw :)
berty you really dont know nothing about daggers.
Quote from: Tagada on August 06, 2011, 05:38:28 PM
Hey guyz,
I'm thinking about doing a new char but i don't know which is the best.
Can i get your opinion and why ?
Thanks :)
wts lessons ,how to use a dagger player
Quote from: WaZaAaAaA on August 10, 2011, 02:29:31 AM
berty you really dont know nothing about daggers.
Well I kill faster PW/TK than TH/PAL :p
Quote from: andreww on August 10, 2011, 09:33:05 AM
wts lessons ,how to use a dagger player
1. Donate vesper+15 or more
2. Donate set+12 or more
3. Donate 2rd skills+30 and 3rd+15
4. Donate much jewels,energy and up each set part +600
Lesson end))) and i give this for free :)
Quote from: Tagada on August 06, 2011, 05:38:28 PM
Hey guyz,
I'm thinking about doing a new char but i don't know which is the best.
Can i get your opinion and why ?
Thanks :)
Th/Pal dark elfs are lame :P
I brake to many asses on IL whit my pw/tk and i think is still fuking good, just u have to learn some tricks.
If u need any suggest pm me and i'll be glad to help u ^^
Anyway on oly is not true that th/pal is better, maybe just th/da can be more pain in ass
Quote from: Fui on August 10, 2011, 02:10:52 PM
I brake to many asses on IL whit my pw/tk and i think is still fuking good, just u have to learn some tricks.
If u need any suggest pm me and i'll be glad to help u ^^
Anyway on oly is not true that th/pal is better, maybe just th/da can be more pain in ass
<3 so we all agree that aw/sk suck amd isnt worth to make it :)
Whats the time?
obviously pw/tk in gf. or any dagger char played by thepsyck.
Quote from: __Metallica__ on August 10, 2011, 02:44:33 PM
Whats the time?
thanks ! almost forgot .
Thx for all your answers :)
Quote from: __Metallica__ on August 09, 2011, 11:50:14 PM
Normally the weakest chars in Lineage are the elfs. They have only evasion and speed. They've been prefered by looser and runner people, who can't kill anyone alone. Well if you want to change that, Go make PW/TK and show your best.
I prefer TH/PAL coz he have much more useful skills in pvp. And he is much more strong. But this is Dragon after all ...EXPECT THE UNEXPECTABLE. ;D
I think who is loser and can't play make xxx/tank cuz they have big resist vs mage and archer - for other combo need use brain( impossible for you )
Quote from: joroboro on August 17, 2011, 05:36:08 PM
I think who is loser and can't play make xxx/tank cuz they have big resist vs mage and archer - for other combo need use brain( impossible for you )
Well you mean that ALL who have TANKS are brainless? What a pitty. I have done my job well with tank and with all my chars. Even with a low grade I was raping the donated "pro-item-full-brain" people. And they hate me. Just like you :) Flame me more :*
Quote from: __Metallica__ on August 17, 2011, 05:58:04 PM
Well you mean that ALL who have TANKS are brainless? What a pitty. I have done my job well with tank and with all my chars. Even with a low grade I was raping the donated "pro-item-full-brain" people. And they hate me. Just like you :) Flame me more :*
berty now u moved to NM ? ;)
Quote from: __Metallica__ on August 17, 2011, 05:58:04 PM
Well you mean that ALL who have TANKS are brainless? What a pitty. I have done my job well with tank and with all my chars. Even with a low grade I was raping the donated "pro-item-full-brain" people. And they hate me. Just like you :) Flame me more :*
you said "losers' play with white elf char . Try rape with no tank class ;D every one can be smart ass with xxx/tank , just try next time with no tank ;D and YES only brainless make tank cuz can't play w/o their stats/skills ...
What is the best dye for WK/TH?
+Str/Dex -Con
+Dex/Con - STR