i was thinking about it and is a class i want to play.. but i don't know if i can.. as main class overlord can't get dn-sub with non orc class.. and as retail i think i can choose overlord right? so if i choose necro i could mix class later with ol?
anyone knows? :D
u need to start with any orc class i think
srart with any class, make retail necro, make dnet on retail ol
still useless combo, simple nc/pp much better cause of 81+ skills
i only want if you can make necro on retail and then use horn to dnet sub and choose ol then.. :)
i saw too for necro+pp but i heard (i've played only in interlude servers until now) retails only can earn level 81, no more.. so, if that is right, i will get Enlightement, Magician Will and Turn Stone with ol and with pp.. but with ol y get Seal of Limit too..
i really think necro/pp useless cause pp gives a lot of buffs but its better for fighters, overlord give most of mage buffs and have cov in the place of pof and more nice things as cp heal, soul guard, fast sleep, area debuffs.. etc
each one think one thing about their classes so i want to try it :D
Retails can gain 80 lvl only, so nope, you won't get that skills.
Quote from: Darkaire on October 03, 2011, 10:58:20 PM
i really think necro/pp useless cause pp gives a lot of buffs but its better for fighters, overlord give most of mage buffs and have cov in the place of pof and more nice things as cp heal, soul guard, fast sleep, area debuffs.. etc
Tell that to lucifsg on our NM server :)))
Quote from: Darkaire on October 03, 2011, 10:58:20 PM
i saw too for necro+pp but i heard (i've played only in interlude servers until now) retails only can earn level 81, no more.. so, if that is right, i will get Enlightement, Magician Will and Turn Stone with ol and with pp.. but with ol y get Seal of Limit too..
i really think necro/pp useless cause pp gives a lot of buffs but its better for fighters, overlord give most of mage buffs and have cov in the place of pof and more nice things as cp heal, soul guard, fast sleep, area debuffs.. etc
retails max lvl is 80
so you can't learn those FS(nc/pp can learn 2 enlightment, turn stone, MW), you can't learn Protection FSs(rune, elemental, alignment), can't learn vampiric mist, can' learn Counter Critical
can't enchant skills (2nd job to +10, 3rd job to +3 only normally)
if you want to play necro/buffer, chose nc/pp, if you want necro on retail, you might chose OL...
Quote from: PvtStuka on October 08, 2011, 03:11:55 PM
Tell that to lucifsg on our NM server :)))
isn't he just an oly camper ?