
Archive => Infinite Nightmare 20x server => Obsolete => General => Topic started by: =^TrackZero^= on October 13, 2011, 04:17:36 PM

Title: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on October 13, 2011, 04:17:36 PM
As i heard recently some people are braking items and quitting on purpose and reason is daggers now sux and mages (especially sps/ee) kick ass badly everyone, i wanna heard your FACTS whats going on , ofc with facts step by step, so here it is i open a debate about it
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: J4cKDan13L on October 13, 2011, 04:24:41 PM
Quote from: TrackZero on October 13, 2011, 04:17:36 PM
As i heard recently some people are braking items and quitting on purpose and reason is daggers now sux and mages (especially sps/ee) kick ass badly everyone, i wanna heard your FACTS whats going on , ofc with facts step by step, so here it is i open a debate about it

is that a joke xD?

Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: ribera on October 13, 2011, 04:25:10 PM
is not sps/ee is mages/ tanks in uds they have same pdef on robe than on heavy i think.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on October 13, 2011, 04:27:10 PM
Quote from: J4cKDan13L on October 13, 2011, 04:24:41 PM
is that a joke xD?

No, they are quite serious ...
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: qwertyzxc on October 13, 2011, 04:29:45 PM
bullshits i kill both easy :D  ( but yes i failed my fist from +8 to +9 QQ ) xD
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: J4cKDan13L on October 13, 2011, 04:29:58 PM
Quote from: TrackZero on October 13, 2011, 04:27:10 PM
No, they are quite serious ...

becuz they are bored to win everytime xD don't U see the olympiads points that daggers reach in the end of the month =D?
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: qwertyzxc on October 13, 2011, 04:31:36 PM
Quote from: J4cKDan13L on October 13, 2011, 04:29:58 PM
becuz they are bored to win everytime xD don't U see the olympiads points that daggers reach in the end of the month =D?

u mean uiuiostrov with vesper +15 and set full atribute ( 600 each ) ? xD i dont see any problem kill someone if u have items like this :D
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Blind on October 13, 2011, 04:35:46 PM
600 attrb value in one part of armor ?! :D
Since I am a player of x15 i can not judge gameplay here but as far as i know we have similar game physics just your attrb deffence is " a bit" higher and on Dn x 15 we dont have any problem with dagger dmg. Good dagger is able to kill mage/tank in 3-4 stabs.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: VforVanilla on October 13, 2011, 04:38:57 PM
My point is different: Light daggers sux badly as DNET Vesper light bonuses are a joke while DNET heavy is total OP and full of debuff resistance bonuses like sleep/root res +70% (if not count the op robe stun res+50%) while light except atkspd/patk doesn't have anything to offer (Really if DNET dynasty had the patk bonus of dnet vesper there wouldn't be any particular reason to use vesper as dynasty gives a lot more stat bonuses). Ofc i should count also that Dagger/PP on Heavy take 25% Critical damage reduction which they SHOULDN'T as this is exclusive bonus of heavy mastery of tanks and not of Orc/Dwarf and PP.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Sesshomaru on October 13, 2011, 04:48:50 PM
Quote from: mr_Facke on October 13, 2011, 04:35:46 PM
600 attrb value in one part of armor ?! :D
Since I am a player of x15 i can not judge gameplay here but as far as i know we have similar game physics just your attrb deffence is " a bit" higher and on Dn x 15 we dont have any problem with dagger dmg. Good dagger is able to kill mage/tank in 3-4 stabs.

3-4 stabs in mague/tank and 1 stabs for mague/ no tank?  i think that is no good XD

because dagger whit pvp weapons cancels buff now, and they hit hard th/pp(dyna dagger +6-7) hit me for around 4.2k(bastacks) in my sws/ee ( vesper robe +5 atribute 350+ for each part) so maybe the problem is tank class.

this is my opinion.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Peorexo on October 13, 2011, 04:51:10 PM
Mages ain't, op only some of them with weapons +12-15 and full resist in sets can be deadly for lower geared players, but Dagger with set and weapon SAME like mage, will always kill mage (all), so i dont believe daggers can QQ -.-
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: DarkLoverPL on October 13, 2011, 04:56:43 PM
Quote from: Peorexo on October 13, 2011, 04:51:10 PM
Mages ain't, op only some of them with weapons +12-15 and full resist in sets can be deadly for lower geared players, but Dagger with set and weapon SAME like mage, will always kill mage (all), so i dont believe daggers can QQ -.-

Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Pawciu on October 13, 2011, 05:02:26 PM
decrease max atribuet value in armor and we will see, because 600 is a joke  :D
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Alex on October 13, 2011, 05:08:03 PM
any kind of nuker with full buff including counter critical and resist shock + full attributes in armor will beat daggers by far
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: seboulba on October 13, 2011, 05:11:07 PM
just some problem with the mana :)
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Blind on October 13, 2011, 05:15:18 PM
Quote from: Sesshomaru on October 13, 2011, 04:48:50 PM
3-4 stabs in mague/tank and 1 stabs for mague/ no tank?  i think that is no good XD
It's normal. bd/se+kama+sk/aw+ol/wc (like minimum dagger set up) = 3.5-4 k on 250 attrb def of Vesper robe +6.
Quote from: Sesshomaru on October 13, 2011, 04:48:50 PM
because dagger whit pvp weapons cancels buff now, and they hit hard th/pp(dyna dagger +6-7) hit me for around 4.2k(bastacks) in my sws/ee ( vesper robe +5 atribute 350+ for each part) so maybe the problem is tank class.
* pvp bonus was already nerfed atleast on Dn and it's LOL cuz it was fine just some dn QQers cant pwn few daggers at olly.
* Since we have sub class sistem we will have allways problem with EXTRA dmg or EXTRA def like with tank's/mage or tank/dagger.
And for sure problem is not in tank class but in stucking of classes.
* just chek pvp party on any serv w/o sub sistem.3/4 dd+3 buffers + 2 healers/1 tank. & 2/healers + 1 buffer + 5/6 dd (3-4 of them tanks) - it's our pvp party.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 05:16:05 PM
anyway they will keep nerfing archers, tanks are so damn OP and still nothing about them,critting 200 on mage/tanks isnt normal imo...next nerf will be -2k to all archers classes and still didnt get why u nerfed duelist spirit since just 3/4 players are using that char.
daggers and mages are fine, if u got some decent attr res u can handle them.
i wont even talk about vesper heavy comparing to others 2 cuz its obvious its far away that balanced.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Alex on October 13, 2011, 05:16:22 PM
forgot to add that after nerf focus death/power bonuses are simply a joke, daggers have 2x lower mana pool, 1.5x higher mana cost on skills and mana burn is still there as well

while most of nukers are subbed to supports and can just spam heal until u run out of mana without any possibility to outdamage the heal.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Peorexo on October 13, 2011, 05:28:21 PM
Quote from: Alex on October 13, 2011, 05:16:22 PM
forgot to add that after nerf focus death/power bonuses are simply a joke, daggers have 2x lower mana pool, 1.5x higher mana cost on skills and mana burn is still there as well

while most of nukers are subbed to supports and can just spam heal until u run out of mana without any possibility to outdamage the heal.
I fought with +4vesper r set 180-250atr all vs th/pp ic+8 in hand and vesper hvy +3/6(doesnt matter ofr me) dunno what atr, and he was hitting me 2.5k per blow (i have around 6k hp inside) and 5k from critical, so tell me how i can heal my ass if even im bp and i cant do it? Also th/pp with condition+pof have really huge mana level so it not so easy to drain it like u think, it cost US (i mean supports) 100~mp per use.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Blind on October 13, 2011, 05:33:01 PM
ye it was sux idea to nerf duallist spirit.
Quote from: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 05:16:05 PM
anyway they will keep nerfing archers, tanks are so damn OP and still nothing about them,critting 200 on mage/tanks isnt normal imo...next nerf will be -2k to all archers classes and still didnt get why u nerfed duelist spirit since just 3/4 players are using that char.
daggers and mages are fine, if u got some decent attr res u can handle them.
i wont even talk about vesper heavy comparing to others 2 cuz its obvious its far away that balanced.
Archer/dagger part > all xD Why do you think that 7 archer- party should rape all badly ? :< You ppl are thinking that wining in pvp is the issue of dmg only ... debuffs - that  is the way. Not even debufs but combo of them & and as i saw from almost all movies here warrior party are almost all the same sh1t.  
pwn pt :D -bd/se + ol/wc + sws/sr(  or sws/ee) + he/wk + aw/sk + bp/tank + kama(or one more dd) + 2 dd (dagger or w/e)
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: ylim on October 13, 2011, 05:34:51 PM
hahahaa funny topic :)))

after brokie and alex not the only with full attr and they cant deal 10k dmg anymore they cry for track ? :DDD

this topic made my day:)

u wanted 600attr. now others have too live with it :)
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Spelso666 on October 13, 2011, 05:37:34 PM
Quote from: qwertyzxc on October 13, 2011, 04:31:36 PM
u mean uiuiostrov with vesper +15 and set full atribute ( 600 each ) ? xD i dont see any problem kill someone if u have items like this :D

i dont have set with 600 atributs and i  dont have dual dagger +15 F4cking IDIOT wake up pls
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Blind on October 13, 2011, 05:37:58 PM
Ye 600 attrb was not so good idea if you are lazy to farm :D
// Donators VS lazy farmers !
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 05:39:57 PM
Quote from: mr_Facke on October 13, 2011, 05:33:01 PM
ye it was sux idea to nerf duallist spirit. Archer/dagger part > all xD Why do you think that 7 archer- party should rape all badly ? :< You ppl are thinking that wining in pvp is the issue of dmg only ... debuffs - that  is the way. Not even debufs but combo of them & and as i saw from almost all movies here warrior party are almost all the same.  
bd/se + ol/wc + sws/sr(  or sws/ee) + he/wk + aw/sk + bp/tank + kama(or one more dd) + 2 dd (dagger or w/e)
my point is another, i meant critting 200 isnt normal for an archers imo,i didnt say i wanna kill every1 in 1 hit but all archers got no chance vs dagger,tanks and combo like mage/tank thats a fact.they still keeping nerfing archer class whit no reasons. dunno on dragon but here in NM almost every1 plays or a dagger or any sub whit tank, all archers in server are rerolling cuz is not worth play it.

another "cool" thing that i forgot is speed capped to 250,thats make mages and chars whit heavy set run like archers or daggers.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Alex on October 13, 2011, 05:43:41 PM
Quote from: Peorexo on October 13, 2011, 05:28:21 PM
I fought with +4vesper r set 180-250atr all vs th/pp ic+8 in hand and vesper hvy +3/6(doesnt matter ofr me) dunno what atr, and he was hitting me 2.5k per blow (i have around 6k hp inside) and 5k from critical, so tell me how i can heal my ass if even im bp and i cant do it? Also th/pp with condition+pof have really huge mana level so it not so easy to drain it like u think, it cost US (i mean supports) 100~mp per use.

Honestly Im here not to teach you how to play, I only posted because I was asked to do so, Im not a whiner and when I dislike something I can do nothing about (speaking of game) I just leave.

But as I can see you're speaking of oly (6k hp lol?) so here's my answer: how about you take your head out of your ass and realize that ne/bp is not a viable subclass at all, even outside oly you're damn useless in party, it is like making sorc/warlord and than saying you cant kill shit, there are much better nuker and healer combinations.

And speaking of oly are you fuking kidding me? One of the worst possible subclass combinations for oly against the one of the best and you say "omg whats wrong?". Free advice: make bp/da or sps/ee if you are such a huge oly fan. Bp/da and sps/ee are way better outside of oly than th/pp as well.

Seriously sometimes I think all these nerfs to fighters and boosts to mages are done because mage players on the server are fuking trash.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: KrdO on October 13, 2011, 05:44:09 PM
Quote from: ribera on October 13, 2011, 04:25:10 PM
is not sps/ee is mages/ tanks in uds they have same pdef on robe than on heavy i think.

Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: ahamzz on October 13, 2011, 05:45:03 PM
Quote from: TrackZero on October 13, 2011, 04:17:36 PM
reason is daggers now sux and mages (especially sps/ee) kick ass badly everyone, i wanna heard your FACTS whats going on , ofc with facts step by step, so here it is i open a debate about it
What the f2ck is going on NM? I am from 15x and here you can't see  sps/ee bcoz they're extinct kind :)  (just few are left)
On 15x daggers are still bad and hard to kill
For sps let me tell you few things cances have 40 sec reuse and critical is 2x  ;D that's Dragon 15x (Thanks Glasy!)
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: KrdO on October 13, 2011, 05:47:54 PM
in oly daggers hit me hard some crits 5k outside in mass pvp they dont hit hard if u know what buffs to take
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: ylim on October 13, 2011, 05:51:21 PM
Quote from: Alex on October 13, 2011, 05:43:41 PM
Seriously sometimes I think all these nerfs to fighters and boosts to mages are done because mage players on the server are fuking trash.

all mages sux and only 1 pr0 fighter here,  and brokie ofc :DD u made my day more and more u r just emo kid who not unkillable andymore and cant kill others with 1 stab :DD go back to ur corner and cry a day  :-*
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Blind on October 13, 2011, 05:51:27 PM
Quote from: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 05:39:57 PM
my point is another, i meant critting 200 isnt normal for an archers imo,i didnt say i wanna kill every1 in 1 hit but all archers got no chance vs dagger,tanks and combo like mage/tank thats a fact.they still keeping nerfing archer class whit no reasons. dunno on dragon but here in NM almost every1 plays or a dagger or any sub whit tank, all archers in server are rerolling cuz is not worth play it.
wake up dude.  
archer should not have a chance vs tank.
archer should not have a chance at olly.
archer is mostly siege class.
If you have different point of view u'd better stop play l2 or watch some official pvp mov's.
It's normal if you hit's 200 on tank cuz ur to lame/lazy to make normal warrior party.
Track i think that you should try to add some power to archer debuffs and a bit more dmg to arba.
+1 Alex. And i also think that it's bad practice to update serv recalling on weak/lame ppl.

Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 05:53:36 PM
Quote from: mr_Facke on October 13, 2011, 05:51:27 PM
wake up dude.  
archer should not have a chance vs tank.
archer should not have a chance at olly.
archer is mostly siege class.
If you have different point of view u'd better stop play l2 or watch some official pvp mov's.
It's normal if you hit's 200 on tank cuz ur to lame/lazy to make normal warrior party.
Track i think that you should try to add some power to archer debuffs and a bit more dmg to arba.

i'm not talking about oly lol i dont give a freak about it.
crtitting 200 on some mages its right isnt it? lmao gtfo to ur lame server and stfu here.
what u mean whit "make normal warrior party"? we should all reroll into daggers or any other class and let archer class die like it is nowadays,u got a nice point of view
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Peorexo on October 13, 2011, 05:55:34 PM
Quote from: Alex on October 13, 2011, 05:43:41 PM
Honestly Im here not to teach you how to play, I only posted because I was asked to do so, Im not a whiner and when I dislike something I can do nothing about (speaking of game) I just leave.

But as I can see you're speaking of oly (6k hp lol?) so here's my answer: how about you take your head out of your ass and realize that ne/bp is not a viable subclass at all, even outside oly you're damn useless in party, it is like making sorc/warlord and than saying you cant kill shit, there are much better nuker and healer combinations.

And speaking of oly are you fuking kidding me? One of the worst possible subclass combinations for oly against the one of the best and you say "omg whats wrong?". Free advice: make bp/da or sps/ee if you are such a huge oly fan. Bp/da and sps/ee are way better outside of oly than th/pp as well.

Seriously sometimes I think all these nerfs to fighters and boosts to mages are done because mage players on the server are fuking trash.

Dude its not about teaching me how to fight becouse i know how to do it, just to remember in hellbound i was able to kill all becouse no1 HIT SO HARD, my dmg was suck but enemies was weaker too. NOW its not about crap sub, becouse if u dont know how to play class like ne/bp its ur problem not mine, and if it useless char tell me why last time we win 9v9, im still hero and kick'ass many other chars with similar gear to me ? U telling bp/da, give me nick of bp/da who can KILL me, no1 else cardinal sub is able to kick my ass -.-
It's not about telling about me, just about daggers vs mages, and still in topic, mages ARENT OP, just same guys what i already said have top gear.
But dagger vs Mage both in top gear, skilled dagger will win :)
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: PvtStuka on October 13, 2011, 05:56:06 PM
Quote from: Alex on October 13, 2011, 05:43:41 PM
Honestly Im here not to teach you how to play, I only posted because I was asked to do so, Im not a whiner and when I dislike something I can do nothing about (speaking of game) I just leave.

But as I can see you're speaking of oly (6k hp lol?) so here's my answer: how about you take your head out of your ass and realize that ne/bp is not a viable subclass at all, even outside oly you're damn useless in party, it is like making sorc/warlord and than saying you cant kill shit, there are much better nuker and healer combinations.

And speaking of oly are you fuking kidding me? One of the worst possible subclass combinations for oly against the one of the best and you say "omg whats wrong?". Free advice: make bp/da or sps/ee if you are such a huge oly fan. Bp/da and sps/ee are way better outside of oly than th/pp as well.

Seriously sometimes I think all these nerfs to fighters and boosts to mages are done because mage players on the server are fuking trash.

Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Blind on October 13, 2011, 05:57:53 PM
Quote from: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 05:53:36 PM
i'm not talking about oly lol i dont give a freak about it.
crtitting 200 on some mages its right isnt it? lmao gtfo to ur lame server and stfu here.
Dont be mad dude and go back to your dreams about archer class  xD
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: KrdO on October 13, 2011, 05:59:22 PM
Quote from: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 05:53:36 PM
i'm not talking about oly lol i dont give a freak about it.
crtitting 200 on some mages its right isnt it? lmao gtfo to ur lame server and stfu here.

archers dmg in mass pvp full buff sux i gotta agree with that  
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 06:00:09 PM
Quote from: mr_Facke on October 13, 2011, 05:57:53 PM
Dont be mad dude and go back to your dreams about archer class  xD
u are not from this server and u dont know how things is going here so i rly suggest u to gtfo back to urs crappy server.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Blind on October 13, 2011, 06:01:08 PM
Quote from: KrdO on October 13, 2011, 05:59:22 PM
archers dmg in mass pvp full buff sux i gotta agree with that  
Pressing f1 dont make ur party stronger ?! /sad
Dramma! ! 1
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: raymax on October 13, 2011, 06:01:44 PM
Quote from: KrdO on October 13, 2011, 05:59:22 PM
archers dmg in mass pvp full buff sux i gotta agree with that  

for xx/tank for sure, but for class with support sub not
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Blind on October 13, 2011, 06:02:43 PM
Quote from: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 06:00:09 PM
u are not from this server and u dont know how things is going here so i rly suggest u to gtfo back to urs crappy server.
And as i see ur not from this planet... so? xD
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 06:04:01 PM
Quote from: raymax on October 13, 2011, 06:01:44 PM
for xx/tank for sure, but for class with support sub not
ye u right,i'm talking about tank class that is so far away that balanced compared to others.
every1 is rerolling into any tank/ xx class combo no1 can deny it.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Alex on October 13, 2011, 06:04:06 PM
Quote from: Peorexo on October 13, 2011, 05:55:34 PM
Dude its not about teaching me how to fight becouse i know how to do it, just to remember in hellbound i was able to kill all becouse no1 HIT SO HARD, my dmg was suck but enemies was weaker too. NOW its not about crap sub, becouse if u dont know how to play class like ne/bp its ur problem not mine, and if it useless char tell me why last time we win 9v9, im still hero and kick'ass many other chars with similar gear to me ? U telling bp/da, give me nick of bp/da who can KILL me, no1 else cardinal sub is able to kick my ass -.-

Because in hellbound attributes were severely nerfed, I dont remember the exact numbers, but it was down to 50% I think... so any nuker class with heal could beat any fighter by far so heal/cancel/debuff or anything what isnt about damage became much stronger since it didnt depend on attributes while fighters are mostly all about damage.

I wont comment the part "im the best ne/bp evarrr" u totally missed my point there lol.

Quote from: ylim on October 13, 2011, 05:51:21 PM

all mages sux and only 1 pr0 fighter here,  and brokie ofc :DD u made my day more and more u r just emo kid who not unkillable andymore and cant kill others with 1 stab :DD go back to ur corner and cry a day  :-*

I think fail clowns like this one should be banned for provoking flame in a serious feedback topic.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 06:05:20 PM
Quote from: mr_Facke on October 13, 2011, 06:02:43 PM
And as i see ur not from this planet... so? xD
u are just an attention whore,we are talking about serious things try to spam some other topics pls.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: qwertyzxc on October 13, 2011, 06:05:50 PM
Quote from: Spelso666 on October 13, 2011, 05:37:34 PM
i dont have set with 600 atributs and i  dont have dual dagger +15 F4cking IDIOT wake up pls

stop insult me stupid moron ang go borrow items from MIti becouse on ur self items u can just qq
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: ahamzz on October 13, 2011, 06:10:29 PM
Quote from: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 06:05:20 PM
u are just an attention whore,we are talking about serious things try to spam some other topics pls.

C4 / IT era ended long ago, now F1+F2 is not enough eh?
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 06:13:36 PM
Quote from: ahamzz on October 13, 2011, 06:10:29 PM
C4 / IT era ended long ago, now F1+F2 is not enough eh?
since all archers skills are useless except stun and harmistring shot, yes is not enough.
are u from dragon too? i suggest to u as well to dont spam here cuz its not ur server and u dont know how things are going here.ty
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: entomb on October 13, 2011, 06:16:27 PM
as far as i'm concerned, daggers are the most difficult fighter char to play. also, it is a luck based char meaning you need to land your stabs, your stuns and your crits. dagger/tank makes a good combination, if played well, you can kill every single class ingame IF YOU HAVE LUCK.

sps/es and sps/ee or any other type of elf mage mutant are also luck based chars, menaing you do low damage but crit a lot (just like daggers). if there is any unbalance here, its this passives (wtf is this crap when non mage fighters get mage passives? but mages cant wear light armors?) and ofc custom armors. but again. without it you would have no chance with your punny daggers agains a mage with 2000+ cspeed becouse it will crit a lot, and it will crit FAST and FURIOUSLY in your sorry ass.

There is, however, a great problem with archers, since everyone is geting pdef and tank subs (shield passives and actives are the ones that make tank subs so overpowered on mages, nothing else) but this isn't really an "unbalance" thing, its just a consequence of a server full of archers in interlude... (how many HE/PP or HE/WK do you have on database??) so everyone had to get a /tank sub to survive, now we have  a server full of tanks, and you have to get an elf sub to survive. after this,we gonna have a server full of elfs and you gonna have to take archer/dagger sub to survive. see my point? its the lineage triangle... mages kill tanks, tanks kill archers/daggers and archers/daggers kill mages. DNet sub makes one possibility to unite 2 classes, so if you think about it:

a mage/tank kills archers/tanks and dagger/tanks. only dies from other mages (necro/da has no chance VS any SPS)

an  archer/tank kills mages/mages, resists archers and daggers, but dies from mages/tank

dagger/tank kill mages/mages, resist archer and daggers,  but dies from mages/tank

see my point? the triangle complicates when we mix it, meaning its not a simple triangle anymore, its more like a freaking piramid of PAIN.

If you'r having dificulty in killing mages, even if its tank/mage class, you should start practicing a PVP routine on mobs before getting all nervous and messing things up in the battlefield.
Characters differs from equips and skills, i know, but the most important thing is the person playing it. if you try killing a sps/es with 5 years experience on his char, you will have to relly on luck since you will lack EXPERIENCE with your newlly created dagger/tank.

remember: lineage is a skilled based game.

just saying...
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Blind on October 13, 2011, 06:23:28 PM
Quote from: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 06:05:20 PM
u are just an attention whore,we are talking about serious things try to spam some other topics pls.
The funniest part is that you dont have f2cking idea what are you "talking" about & and you dont even try to understand.
I am almost sure that rage dont let you understand what i am trying to say but for last and cuz i am borred :D
 * some classes are good as solo gangers. So if you are solo pvp player choose them: he/glad (dunno how's after nerf) sh/ps and rest like em or any other class at what you are able to play on top lvl but if ur not able you can cry a river and ask for nerf cuz you cant understand that class A can be better then class B in solo. And it's not cuz the GOD HATE YOU it's just the fact.
 * But if we r talking about mass pvp's.. there is one good word - constant party. And it does not means that it should have same ppl just necessary classes. Constant party(w/e mages or warriors) > random party.
As i say before.
*add power to archer/warlord debuffs
*add power to arba
*start play smart.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: felo41 on October 13, 2011, 06:23:48 PM
Quote from: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 06:00:09 PM
u are not from this server and u dont know how things is going here so i rly suggest u to gtfo back to urs crappy server.

What's with that rage lmao , the changes updates affect both servers , so i kinda really don't get ur point here.

We probaly all agree that archers and dagger's in the form they are atm need to be boosted .

Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Spelso666 on October 13, 2011, 06:25:48 PM
Quote from: qwertyzxc on October 13, 2011, 06:05:50 PM
stop insult me stupid moron ang go borrow items from MIti becouse on ur self items u can just qq
cause u dont have so good friends who can borrow u almost everything so u crying like a b1tch now ? go fack ur self idiot and stop talk to me ,btw i have good items  on my main char ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: KrdO on October 13, 2011, 06:26:47 PM
Quote from: mr_Facke on October 13, 2011, 06:01:08 PM
Pressing f1 dont make ur party stronger ?! /sad
Dramma! ! 1

what pt if im mage u asshole
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Blind on October 13, 2011, 06:31:33 PM
Quote from: KrdO on October 13, 2011, 06:26:47 PM
what pt if im mage u asshole
Today is good weather, isn't it?
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: KrdO on October 13, 2011, 06:33:52 PM
Quote from: mr_Facke on October 13, 2011, 06:31:33 PM
Today is good weather, isn't it?

y spring here
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: dutchy on October 13, 2011, 06:34:02 PM
i dicided to stop playing  yesterday
and today i putted my word by breaking my ic cd+15 so there isnt a way back xd
i playd here 6years  but rl needs me more than l2 xd and besides that
the changes every time from classes that are so called op  or not  dit it also for me
if a char is good it get nerfs if a char is bad we give it a boost  and i think its wrong
first making chars than changes pwr of it  and not to reroll al the time because ppl  say
they cant kill someone  
anyways i hope dn will stay for many years it was fun  to play here  ppl come and ppl go
so new ppl  go to 20x  xd

Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 06:35:01 PM
Quote from: mr_Facke on October 13, 2011, 06:23:28 PM
The funniest part is that you dont have f2cking idea what are you "talking" about & and you dont even try to understand.
I am almost sure that rage dont let you understand what i am trying to say but for last and cuz i am borred :D
 * some classes are good as solo gangers. So if you are solo pvp player choose them: he/glad (dunno how's after nerf) sh/ps and rest like em or any other class at what you are able to play on top lvl but if ur not able you can cry a river and ask for nerf cuz you cant understand that class A can be better then class B in solo. And it's not cuz the GOD HATE YOU it's just the fact.
 * But if we r talking about mass pvp's.. there is one good word - constant party. And it does not means that it should have same ppl just necessary classes. Constant party(w/e mages or warriors) > random party.
As i say before.
*add power to archer/warlord debuffs
*add power to arba
*start play smart.
dude i'm playing whit same persons for years we all know what to do in any kind of situation,but i'm not talking about that it seems u didnt get my point.dunno on dragon but on Nm every1 is rerolling into tank classes cuz are so damn far that balanced compared to other classes,u cant deny it.in hb we were faceing those kind of classes kitting them but well since they capped speed to 250 we cant do that cuz they run like us.i agree whit u that real tank should get such dmg but cmon mage/tanks get the same dmg or even more lower.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: ylim on October 13, 2011, 06:38:28 PM
Quote from: Alex on October 13, 2011, 06:04:06 PM
Because in hellbound attributes were severely nerfed, I dont remember the exact numbers, but it was down to 50% I think... so any nuker class with heal could beat any fighter by far so heal/cancel/debuff or anything what isnt about damage became much stronger since it didnt depend on attributes while fighters are mostly all about damage.

I wont comment the part "im the best ne/bp evarrr" u totally missed my point there lol.

I think fail clowns like this one should be banned for provoking flame in a serious feedback topic.

so why u say this only for me as i see not only me flame here :) seems i hurt u.. how bad  :'(

fail clowns like u who not the ubergiga pwnzor anymore should go back to their hole and cry there  :-*

i just wanna know why theese pr0 fighters didnt appeared on forum, why u track didnt asked ppl opinion or u just give a fok when they said daggers have insane dmg ? on that topic alex why u didnt asked for urself ban and brokie when u posted ur dmgs..and telling all ok, u r just noob. so who he is the fail clow here ? u just a twoface asshole who try to show how pr0 u r and u just want good, but in fact u r piece of sh1t  :-X now mages can laugh all ok ur just noob :)

and agree archers have sux dmg in masspvp :P but how u wanna make good dmg when so many deffence against archer +all pt running around with 3 tank minimum so have pt ud all the time allmsot ":P
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Blind on October 13, 2011, 06:44:28 PM
Quote from: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 06:35:01 PM
dude i'm playing whit same persons for years we all know what to do in any kind of situation,but i'm not talking about that it seems u didnt get my point.dunno on dragon but on Nm every1 is rerolling into tank classes cuz are so damn far that balanced compared to other classes,u cant deny it.in hb we were faceing those kind of classes kitting them but well since they capped speed to 250 we cant do that cuz they run like us.i agree whit u that real tank should get such dmg but cmon mage/tanks get the same dmg or even more lower.

WOW some normal unswer :> As your comrads from NM says problem is not in mage, dagger or archer , problem is that they all subed on tanks SO :
-GF is tank era and if you admit this ncsoft gift just make proper conclusions
-or if you dont like it lets tart nerf. But you should understand that one nerf will affect the new one.
One more thing  ;D As for me ballance is the condition of server when : gange mage class have a chance vs gange warr clasa & mage const party have chance vs warrior const party.
Have a nice day girls cu ya tomorrow <3
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: KaSaNoWa on October 13, 2011, 06:49:28 PM
Quote from: TrackZero on October 13, 2011, 04:17:36 PM
As i heard recently some people are braking items and quitting on purpose and reason is daggers now sux and mages (especially sps/ee) kick ass badly everyone, i wanna heard your FACTS whats going on , ofc with facts step by step, so here it is i open a debate about it

well in my opinion ARCHERS SUX 1min pvp against sps/tk and pp/th(WITH CANCEL PVP DAGGER) and form 3 bars of fullbuff i run on CHANT OF COMBAT and VAMPIRIC RAGE hitting for mhmm sps/tk for 100? WTFF???????

Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 06:52:16 PM
Quote from: mr_Facke on October 13, 2011, 06:44:28 PM
WOW some normal unswer :> As your comrads from NM says problem is not in mage, dagger or archer , problem is that they all subed on tanks SO :
-GF is tank era and if you admit this ncsoft gift just make proper conclusions
-or if you dont like it lets tart nerf. But you should understand that one nerf will affect the new one.
One more thing  ;D As for me ballance is the condition of server when : gange mage class have a chance vs gange warr clasa & mage const party have chance vs warrior const party.
Have a nice day girls cu ya tomorrow <3
u are right ncsoft made in GF tanks OP,but we have subs here,thats why some kind of them should be nerfed like they did whit archers w/o any reasons.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: ylim on October 13, 2011, 06:57:34 PM
Quote from: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 06:52:16 PM
u are right ncsoft made in GF tanks OP,but we have subs here,thats why some kind of them should be nerfed like they did whit archers w/o any reasons.

what nerf u talking about ? dualist spirit ? how many glad/he on server 5 ? an what else ?
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 07:00:34 PM
Quote from: ylim on October 13, 2011, 06:57:34 PM
what nerf u talking about ? dualist spirit ? how many glad/he on server 5 ? an what else ?
we are just 5 than why they nerfed it? :D
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: ylim on October 13, 2011, 07:04:07 PM
Quote from: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 07:00:34 PM
we are just 5 than why they nerfed it? :D

dunno was nothing bad with it:) so what other nerfs ? :P
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: KaSaNoWa on October 13, 2011, 07:04:51 PM
Quote from: TrackZero on October 13, 2011, 04:17:36 PM
As i heard recently some people are braking items and quitting on purpose and reason is daggers now sux and mages (especially sps/ee) kick ass badly everyone, i wanna heard your FACTS whats going on , ofc with facts step by step, so here it is i open a debate about it

Lets remake topic Constructive topic Daggers Vs Archers

If daggers sux can u explain me how the hell with 3500 p def i get hit from aw/se for 6700?

(http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/452/3500def6700hit.png) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/820/3500def6700hit.png/)

Im sure whole CB remmember my RAGE after this action. Yes my head almost explode when i get 6700 WTF!!!!!

Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Weezer on October 13, 2011, 07:07:51 PM
Quote from: KaSaNoWa on October 13, 2011, 07:04:51 PM
Lets remake topic Constructive topic Daggers Vs Archers

If daggers sux can u explain me how the hell with 3500 p def i get hit from aw/se for 6700?

(http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/452/3500def6700hit.png) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/820/3500def6700hit.png/)

No buffs to decrease critical damage?!? O.o
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: KaSaNoWa on October 13, 2011, 07:13:41 PM
Quote from: Weezer on October 13, 2011, 07:07:51 PM
No buffs to decrease critical damage?!? O.o
i get tod shit after next leave from town and i lose with chant of combat and chant of protection.. you can see bity scroll chat before i get hit from greedo i was with prot and combat 3500 p def  on this full buff also pot on p def u can ask archangelll when he lmao how fast i get wiped from dagger
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: QuadCore on October 13, 2011, 07:23:08 PM
any1 can tell me if enchanting blows for +duel making the difference ?

Quote from: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 07:00:34 PM
we are just 5 than why they nerfed it? :D
coz glasy got huge hits  ::)
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: raymax on October 13, 2011, 07:26:02 PM
Quote from: QuadCore on October 13, 2011, 07:23:08 PM
any1 can tell me if enchanting blows for +duel making the difference ?

its good chose when your opponets have +++ att in armor
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: violetpl on October 13, 2011, 07:26:31 PM
stop cry kasa ;D
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: 666VeNoM on October 13, 2011, 07:28:41 PM
Im ne/pp and daggers kill me easily. Yes Im noob, my set aint full att (actually, it does not even have att, just 2 parts lvl 4), but I think is quite normal.

I mean, we (mages) are finally dealing good dmg on pvps and, if u are lucky, u will kill daggers before he gets close to you. But since they have "teleport" skills, its most possible that u will die.

The only con about daggers is that criticals are really crazy. It's not necessary to completely nerf them, but just reduce a little bit the critical damage.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: romancenk on October 13, 2011, 07:31:39 PM
Quote from: J4cKDan13L on October 13, 2011, 04:29:58 PM
becuz they are bored to win everytime xD don't U see the olympiads points that daggers reach in the end of the month =D?
or they hear > http://www.lineage2.com/gd/play-your-way.html  ;)
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: MegaZord on October 13, 2011, 07:43:43 PM
No buffs to decrease critical damage?!? O.o

Tell me my friend where u have on this screen: chant of protection, chant of combat, counter critical, eye of paagrio hmm? xD With this buffs u wanna decrease damage?
Prolly as Alex wrote on ur clan chat u got stigma from Se also.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Weezer on October 13, 2011, 07:52:37 PM
Quote from: MegaZord on October 13, 2011, 07:43:43 PM
No buffs to decrease critical damage?!? O.o

Tell me my friend where u have on this screen: chant of protection, chant of combat, counter critical, eye of paagrio hmm? xD With this buffs u wanna decrease damage?
Prolly as Alex wrote on ur clan chat u got stigma from Se also.

What i have to do with this?!? The screen is from CB guy, not me. :P
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Sesshomaru on October 13, 2011, 08:01:10 PM
Quote from: Peorexo on October 13, 2011, 05:55:34 PM
Dude its not about teaching me how to fight becouse i know how to do it, just to remember in hellbound i was able to kill all becouse no1 HIT SO HARD, my dmg was suck but enemies was weaker too. NOW its not about crap sub, becouse if u dont know how to play class like ne/bp its ur problem not mine, and if it useless char tell me why last time we win 9v9, im still hero and kick'ass many other chars with similar gear to me ? U telling bp/da, give me nick of bp/da who can KILL me, no1 else cardinal sub is able to kick my ass -.-________
It's not about telling about me, just about daggers vs mages, and still in topic, mages ARENT OP, just same guys what i already said have top gear.
But dagger vs Mage both in top gear, skilled dagger will win :)

i did some times whit zerita ;D dont forget plz =D
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: chlipus on October 13, 2011, 08:13:52 PM
Quote from: MegaZord on October 13, 2011, 07:43:43 PM
No buffs to decrease critical damage?!? O.o

Tell me my friend where u have on this screen: chant of protection, chant of combat, counter critical, eye of paagrio hmm? xD With this buffs u wanna decrease damage?
Prolly as Alex wrote on ur clan chat u got stigma from Se also.

you don't know how counter crtical work? when you are attacked you got buff +crit power so mage with counter critical+dagger with activated counter critical =0

Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Perse on October 13, 2011, 08:14:06 PM
Quote from: Sesshomaru on October 13, 2011, 08:01:10 PM
i did some times whit zerita ;D dont forget plz =D

+1  ;D
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Peorexo on October 13, 2011, 08:28:51 PM
Quote from: Sesshomaru on October 13, 2011, 08:01:10 PM
i did some times whit zerita ;D dont forget plz =D
xaxa true :) but we havent pure fight without luck with silence from both sides
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: entomb on October 13, 2011, 08:32:45 PM
Quote from: KaSaNoWa on October 13, 2011, 07:04:51 PM
Lets remake topic Constructive topic Daggers Vs Archers

If daggers sux can u explain me how the hell with 3500 p def i get hit from aw/se for 6700?

(http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/452/3500def6700hit.png) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/820/3500def6700hit.png/)

Im sure whole CB remmember my RAGE after this action. Yes my head almost explode when i get 6700 WTF!!!!!

im sorry, but with that poor buffing its completly normal.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: MegaZord on October 13, 2011, 08:37:14 PM
Quote from: Weezer on October 13, 2011, 07:52:37 PM
What i have to do with this?!? The screen is from CB guy, not me. :P

I quote wrong  xD, it was fo Kasanova ;p
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: KaSaNoWa on October 14, 2011, 12:16:02 AM
Quote from: violetpl on October 13, 2011, 07:26:31 PM
stop cry kasa ;D
sorry but when i saw topic "Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages " when dagger hit tankwith def 3500 for 6700 it make me laught

but yea lets boost daggers and canceler/tank classes ( and i reroll to dagger with this shit "pvp cancel"   :-*)
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: KaSaNoWa on October 14, 2011, 12:23:45 AM
Quote from: entomb on October 13, 2011, 08:32:45 PM
im sorry, but with that poor buffing its completly normal.

Quote from: KaSaNoWa on October 13, 2011, 07:13:41 PM
i get tod shit after next leave from town and i lose with chant of combat and chant of protection.. you can see bity scroll chat before i get hit from greedo i was with prot and combat 3500 p def  on this full buff also pot on p def u can ask archangelll when he lmao how fast i get wiped from dagger

scroll next time posts
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: lasombra on October 14, 2011, 12:34:57 AM
For me daggers who cry about mages are funny.
Same archers.

Mby they have problems with mages/tanks.
But not everyone mage is tank.
And still most of times they killing them

Mby they have problems with sps/ee.
But not everyone is sps/ee.
And good dagger kill easy sps/ee.

Archers are mostly mass pvp / sieges class.
Archers and daggers hit very hard. Also daggers have cancell in dagger which is totally OP.

What with classes which are not tanks and not EE's. I'm SH/BD, and for ex. on oly I have 0 chances against any tank sub or dagger. Just admit You don't pwn everyone.

All tanks sub's are hard now, it's true.
But how You wanna solve it ? You nerf mages ? Couse of tanks or ee's subs ? What with mages not subbed to tanks or not EE's ?
You nerf tanks couse of daggers/mages/archers tanks subs ? And what with tanks not subbed to dagger or mage ?
There is no prefect solution. Every nerf make another crying and nerfs. This is neverending story.
People just must realize than they will NOT PWN everyone.
Many ppl switch chars for every chronice, after every bigger update. For what ? Just wanna pwn everyone. It's impossible, there is always smbd better or some class better.

There is crying all the time "he killed me plix nerf, me broke itamzz plss" and so what ? Every nerf bring much more problems.

Problem for me it's only this max 600 atribute in 1 part. Should be max 600 for whole set, not for 1 part.
I think max should be 180, max. We must have a bit more than official, couse of stacking subs.

Really Track, change this max 600 atr in 1 part of set.

ps. sry for be rude but...
about this guy/guys/whatever who leaving/brake items couse he get ass kick in game. Well, he should buy a rope, this can solve many things...
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: KaSaNoWa on October 14, 2011, 12:48:43 AM
Quote from: lasombra on October 14, 2011, 12:34:57 AM
Archers are mostly mass pvp / sieges class.
Archers and daggers hit very hard. Also daggers have cancell in dagger which is totally OP.

I agree with first but second (when u  gotwindstorm and ressist archery) archers do sh1t =D i dont see difference bettwen 300 dmg on mage/tank and 250 on warrior/tank in hvy :P

FOR example  SPS/TK with shield and PAL/HE with bow  ;D
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Kishin on October 14, 2011, 01:14:17 AM
Quote from: lasombra on October 14, 2011, 12:34:57 AM

Really Track, change this max 600 atr in 1 part of set.
what about ppl who already made their attr in set? I also think 600 in 1 part is stupid and I was saying it from the very beginning, but right now its way too late change it back.

Quote from: TrackZero on October 13, 2011, 04:17:36 PM
As i heard recently some people are braking items and quitting on purpose and reason is daggers now sux and mages (especially sps/ee) kick ass badly everyone, i wanna heard your FACTS whats going on , ofc with facts step by step, so here it is i open a debate about it

great, and that person is suppose to make balance on server? 
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Luthor123 on October 14, 2011, 01:26:24 AM
1)Attribute system sort of ruins even the point of itself...having attribute on weapon 450 and each armor part to 600 will give full resist overall against 5 elements out of 6...and with Hellbound chronicle 180 atri S Shirts ..maybe 5 full and 1 halved ....
2)The land rate of curses  (not speaking about cancel so ppl won't rage on me) ,like slows/silence etc. is a bit ridiculous ...even on magic UD with 9k M.def they land pretty much every time.:)
3)The debuffs of armor like pvp slow can't be resisted from M.def /P.def ...if it triggers you got it,at least i always do on Magic ud and Party Ud with great resists over 6k.
4)The critical (mastery) land rate on battle heal should be lowered to some point.....a buffed pp can easily out heal the damage of a dagger /archer just by spamming it ,and atm the mastery is like 1/5 heals  or so.
5)Dagger classes should be able to focus not just on dagger/tank part but also on evasion part after the light sets get a bit boosted or the heavy one nerfed.
6)Bluff should be fixed,the animation of non turning back after bluff landind is frustrating a bit.
7)Resist buffs ,all of them should be checked all over again.
8)Halfkill rate is a bit too high,nerf it but rise the probability of rare critical blow it's like 1/15 back stabs that i manage to get it..or even more.

Overall my opinion for now is that Mages can own daggers in fight over debuffs/slows/kiting easily,while daggers can own a mage in pure damage dealing fight (if they resist the curses/debuffs).

For me personally only the debuff rate is a little too high and the battle heal mastery.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: J4cKDan13L on October 14, 2011, 01:36:08 AM
don't forget those 30000 skills that remove target...and if you do it during a casting the spell get interrupted...

you have teleport... skills that remove target... high speed/atk speed...stun...anti-slow/root skills...  lethal chances with skills... and all that without a sub xD

you would be overpowered even without sub xD
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Di on October 14, 2011, 02:44:10 AM
hico dont be stupid
ty/de is still a freaking strong char, but not for noobs...
and this thread is for other stuff not for orc noobas qq
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: qwertyzxc on October 14, 2011, 06:04:37 AM
Quote from: Di on October 14, 2011, 02:44:10 AM
hico dont be stupid
ty/de is still a freaking strong char, but not for noobs...
and this thread is for other stuff not for orc noobas qq

sorry but if u think ty/des is still op ur funny atm :D  any des/wc or ty/wc make more dmg then ty/des so ur wrong
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: violetpl on October 14, 2011, 09:37:39 AM
Quote from: KaSaNoWa on October 14, 2011, 12:16:02 AM
8)sorry but when i saw topic "Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages " when dagger hit tankwith def 3500 for 6700 it make me laught

but yea lets boost daggers and canceler/tank classes ( and i reroll to dagger with this shit "pvp cancel"   :-*)

sry kasa but is gracia final try play on officail gracia f. and on UD with that pro buff you get 10k from th or aw
so sry you can only cry:P
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: chlipus on October 14, 2011, 10:14:41 AM
Quote from: lasombra on October 14, 2011, 12:34:57 AM
For me daggers who cry about mages are funny.
Same archers.

Mby they have problems with mages/tanks.
But not everyone mage is tank.
And still most of times they killing them

Mby they have problems with sps/ee.
But not everyone is sps/ee.
And good dagger kill easy sps/ee.

Archers are mostly mass pvp / sieges class.
Archers and daggers hit very hard. Also daggers have cancell in dagger which is totally OP.

What with classes which are not tanks and not EE's. I'm SH/BD, and for ex. on oly I have 0 chances against any tank sub or dagger. Just admit You don't pwn everyone.

All tanks sub's are hard now, it's true.
But how You wanna solve it ? You nerf mages ? Couse of tanks or ee's subs ? What with mages not subbed to tanks or not EE's ?
You nerf tanks couse of daggers/mages/archers tanks subs ? And what with tanks not subbed to dagger or mage ?
There is no prefect solution. Every nerf make another crying and nerfs. This is neverending story.
People just must realize than they will NOT PWN everyone.
Many ppl switch chars for every chronice, after every bigger update. For what ? Just wanna pwn everyone. It's impossible, there is always smbd better or some class better.

There is crying all the time "he killed me plix nerf, me broke itamzz plss" and so what ? Every nerf bring much more problems.

Problem for me it's only this max 600 atribute in 1 part. Should be max 600 for whole set, not for 1 part.
I think max should be 180, max. We must have a bit more than official, couse of stacking subs.

Really Track, change this max 600 atr in 1 part of set.

ps. sry for be rude but...
about this guy/guys/whatever who leaving/brake items couse he get ass kick in game. Well, he should buy a rope, this can solve many things...

i can buy rope for brokie xD
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: zenice on October 14, 2011, 11:20:44 AM
I got to agree with some people here, nerfs gonna make this server more unplayable, i think GM`s got to start to FIX this insane atribute system, 600 defense on each part its making all the diference on pvp, any char dmg taken or dmg maked its 80% based on atribute, nothing more. (but i also know this its impossible to make cuz atribute system like this makes much money come in server)
Cuz of this atribute system, and cuz of custom vesper sets where u have OP Heavy vesper and OP Robe vesper vs a completly sh1t ligth vesper, we have chars that are suposed to use ligth like th/pp and they using vesper heavy?!? guess why....
Speed limit cap another thing that should be fixed, how can nowdays someone kite? guys in heavy or mages runs more than an ligth set user  ;D
IMO daggers are not OP mages are not OP, its atribute system that should be fixed or even deleted -_-
Dont make more stupid nerfs like that on duelist spirit and others based on someone cry, if someone cry call people that uses that kind of char and TEST it with them!
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Peorexo on October 14, 2011, 11:56:20 AM
All crying about damage? I will be up for nerf total damage for all chars in pvp by 30% and we will see what happen, just for test for a while or smth.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: FANTA on October 14, 2011, 12:31:16 PM
Quote from: zenice on October 14, 2011, 11:20:44 AM
I got to agree with some people here, nerfs gonna make this server more unplayable, i think GM`s got to start to FIX this insane atribute system, 600 defense on each part its making all the diference on pvp, any char dmg taken or dmg maked its 80% based on atribute, nothing more. (but i also know this its impossible to make cuz atribute system like this makes much money come in server)
Cuz of this atribute system, and cuz of custom vesper sets where u have OP Heavy vesper and OP Robe vesper vs a completly sh1t ligth vesper, we have chars that are suposed to use ligth like th/pp and they using vesper heavy?!? guess why....
Speed limit cap another thing that should be fixed, how can nowdays someone kite? guys in heavy or mages runs more than an ligth set user  ;D
IMO daggers are not OP mages are not OP, its atribute system that should be fixed or even deleted -_-
Dont make more stupid nerfs like that on duelist spirit and others based on someone cry, if someone cry call people that uses that kind of char and TEST it with them!

Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: FadeAway on October 14, 2011, 02:21:08 PM
Also agree on the whole attribute subject. Yes 600 attribute on each armor part is redicilous but also whole pvp now is based on that freakin attributes (i understand its an feature of gracia). Not everyone is rich enough getting DNET vesper set , and now its like: no vesper means certain defeat in pvp. Dunno if other people (non tanks) have experienced an magical crit from an mage when you have DNET (dynasty) set? it's 8k-15k... The entire effect of the attribute system should be lowered to an certain amount.

About mages, imo they are fine with me but cause of all the resistance buffs we have (CC,COP,windstorm etcetc) +  the attribute system the dmg (specially of archers) aint really high enough. Archers (also other fighters) dmg is most of the times lower then the ammount of HP being healed from major heal or anything else. That's the only problem i see.

Now about archers, they can make sick dmg but that's mainly on people with normal DNET (dynasty) armors. Now it's like u need to assist with 4-5 people to kill a mage. + I still believe there's something wrong with the range archers have (it's like few steps further then an mage). For archers now the situation is: not enough damage (not enough to kill good geared by urself), no way to kite mages properly. I'm not saying archers should 1 crit everyone, just i think making crits above 1k atleast would be reasonable.

I don't see much wrong about dagger chars (tbh can't really think of anything).

Now what i hate most (has always been like this), it's always about archers/mages/daggers, what about all the other classes? Tyrants / Gladiators / Tanks (playing with sword / combo's like se/bd (for example,the drain health nerf was totally BS). Won't the server would be much cooler to play when ur fighting vs multiple classes/combo's? The day that i'd see an bladedancer with duals killing people (or would have actually a chance to) would be so cool.

Last opinion, yes tank subs are being abused to the bone. Personally i've been playing tanks since interlude and it has always been a lower the average character. Gracia finally is the time where tanks become stronger, and now each single class abuses it. If it was possible i'd decrease the stats (defensive) of a class when he's not having a blunt/sword equipped. + also decreased with robe/light armor equipped. It makes me sick playing a tank now...
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: WannaBe on October 14, 2011, 02:34:49 PM
Quote from: mr_Facke on October 13, 2011, 06:44:28 PM
WOW some normal unswer :> As your comrads from NM says problem is not in mage, dagger or archer , problem is that they all subed on tanks SO :
-GF is tank era and if you admit this ncsoft gift just make proper conclusions
-or if you dont like it lets tart nerf. But you should understand that one nerf will affect the new one.
One more thing  ;D As for me ballance is the condition of server when : gange mage class have a chance vs gange warr clasa & mage const party have chance vs warrior const party.
Have a nice day girls cu ya tomorrow <3

like he said it is era of tanks like c4 or int who remembers de/ty from inf Maxfreek(From infinity) full force and a aoe force blaster min 5 guys were dead now era of tanks so SHH reroll if u want if u dont suck on it farm this gracia and stfu untill u get good gear and stop crying like a freaking baby learn to play and dont make a class then make anoether then anoether ask someone for tips that is good with a class i dont see Jack re rollling he is SH/se that class is particulary usless atm no offense and he doesnt cry he just ask questions and etc. LEss crying more learning. plz
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: flamingAwe on October 14, 2011, 05:27:38 PM
Quote from: mark_elesse on October 14, 2011, 04:38:33 PM
idk why he cant learn the lesson that HE SHOULD NOT LISTEN TO THE NONSTOP CRY TOPICS.

1st time ever must agree with this flamer :P
stop nerfing/boosting, changing any stats of skills, balance will come with players help/work...
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: MIRAA on October 14, 2011, 06:10:21 PM
Quote from: zenice on October 14, 2011, 11:20:44 AM
I got to agree with some people here, nerfs gonna make this server more unplayable, i think GM`s got to start to FIX this insane atribute system, 600 defense on each part its making all the diference on pvp, any char dmg taken or dmg maked its 80% based on atribute, nothing more. (but i also know this its impossible to make cuz atribute system like this makes much money come in server)
Cuz of this atribute system, and cuz of custom vesper sets where u have OP Heavy vesper and OP Robe vesper vs a completly sh1t ligth vesper, we have chars that are suposed to use ligth like th/pp and they using vesper heavy?!? guess why....
Speed limit cap another thing that should be fixed, how can nowdays someone kite? guys in heavy or mages runs more than an ligth set user  ;D
IMO daggers are not OP mages are not OP, its atribute system that should be fixed or even deleted -_-
Dont make more stupid nerfs like that on duelist spirit and others based on someone cry, if someone cry call people that uses that kind of char and TEST it with them!

Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: KaSaNoWa on October 14, 2011, 10:39:08 PM
Quote from: violetpl on October 14, 2011, 09:37:39 AM
sry kasa but is gracia final try play on officail gracia f. and on UD with that pro buff you get 10k from th or aw
so sry you can only cry:P

violet u forgot that in freya u got 3x ressist in 1 armor part so QQ  about 10000000hits ;D
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: FeelmyBow on October 14, 2011, 10:51:29 PM
fcking daggers are ruining everything.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Vargine on October 14, 2011, 11:58:47 PM
Quote from: KaSaNoWa on October 14, 2011, 10:39:08 PM
violet u forgot that in freya u got 3x ressist in 1 armor part so QQ  about 10000000hits ;D

lol i didn't known that we are playing on Freya atm ;/
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Peorexo on October 15, 2011, 08:05:51 PM
Quote from: HICO on October 15, 2011, 06:53:17 PM
You are  just one big stuped kid
1. Battle Roar dont work
2 .Bizon dont work
3 .Critical rate rly sux
4. Frenzy reuse is 10min
5. Tyr/Dest now is same like w/o sub, bether to be des/wc or tyr/wc

1. u are noob it work if u know how to use it
3. i have 500 dont see point
4. gracia feature
5. not rly, u dont know how to play it
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: violetpl on October 15, 2011, 08:27:03 PM
Quote from: KaSaNoWa on October 14, 2011, 10:39:08 PM
violet u forgot that in freya u got 3x ressist in 1 armor part so QQ  about 10000000hits ;D

yes 3x ressist in 1 part but we have 600 in 1 part so i dony need QQ (5X600 :P)
Kasa i only know that 6500 is normal dmg :P
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: PvtStuka on October 16, 2011, 12:57:04 AM
This is a dagger/mage topic, leave your stinky green hairy ass out of this.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Zaled on October 16, 2011, 01:31:21 AM
make smt with att system.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Javardsnegger on October 16, 2011, 11:02:13 AM
Bla bla bla 9 pages of bullshit!!

Yay plz one more nerf/boost so that server gets fuked up a bit moar!!

Weeeeeeeeeee  :D :D :D

Server's fine like it is! If you wanna do smthg than maybe fix pdef value with r armor cause mage/tank's have same pdef in robe as fighter/tanks in heavy!!

Rest if okay! Daggers hit as they should now. archers are not to far fuked up (cause they are fuked up but still playable i mean), maybe atk speed could get higher. If mages/tank arn't no more able to get 200dmg per hit server will be fine! THATS ALL!! Yes atribute system is fking high but ALL can get it...just stop being lazy!! <----this part is for me too...
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: DarkLoverPL on October 16, 2011, 03:52:23 PM
make more casting speed.now sps or es have same cast like necro etc. its sux
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Gonzal on October 17, 2011, 05:08:43 AM
Quote from: DarkLoverPL on October 16, 2011, 03:52:23 PM
make more casting speed.now sps or es have same cast like necro etc. its sux
thats sad imo....
make like before 2300 :)
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Luthor123 on October 17, 2011, 11:22:22 AM
Quote from: DarkLoverPL on October 16, 2011, 03:52:23 PM
make more casting speed.now sps or es have same cast like necro etc. its sux
Seriously now......?
More cast...?Rly...?
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: ahamzz on October 17, 2011, 02:43:14 PM
with 2,1k cast speed limit , mage pvp weapons are totally useless...  when its activ it take 1 slot and you have same cast speed  :-X
Change it or delete it , it's shit anyway...
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: chlipus on October 17, 2011, 02:47:10 PM
use tatto on m atak and make the same m atak walue like sh xD
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Weezer on October 17, 2011, 02:48:10 PM
Quote from: ahamzz on October 17, 2011, 02:43:14 PM
with 2,1k cast speed limit , mage pvp weapons are totally useless...  when its activ it take 1 slot and you have same cast speed  :-X
Change it or delete it , it's shit anyway...

No it's not, u just switch ur casting tatoo to m. attack tatoo and u will be able to keep a high casting speed with a better m. attack.

I don't play with SPS/ES that can reach the high casting IG, but a good option to then is to play with m. attack tatoo or even other tatoo they wanna, cause they reach 2.1k easily.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: lasombra on October 17, 2011, 06:18:45 PM

Long time I didn't saw so many bullshits in one place like in this topic...
Lets start, no sense quote...

- Archers dmg sux - yeah sure....archers are not for killing tanks. Many ppl have chars subbed for tanks, but this not mean archers dmg sux. Check archers dmg on NOT TANKS chars. If You boost archers, for non tanks classes it will be end here, will be like in CS "headshot" "headshot". Archers hit hard, very hard.

- Daggers sux....if smbd who play dagger tell it sux, sorry I leave it without comment. It's the most strong char on server (no matter even what sub). If You can't play it, it's not mean it sux. And with this cancell in dagger, it's just crazy, few hits and 0 buffs (if I survive)

- Mages own. Next bullshit. Mages are quite fine now. Also mages are so-so balanced each others, sh-sps-sorc-necro - everyone have some + and - If You are not able kill sps/ee on oly couse of "trance/cancell/heal/bless of eva and debuffs, it's not mean mages own.

- Tanks own, true. But this is tanks chronice. Especially tanks/daggers are hard. On oly...all tanks are fuking hard, for classes like mine without heal, tanks are impossible to kill.

- Glads/Orcs. For me they are quite fine now. Orc hit very very hard on 30 %, Glads still nuking harder than any mage, but they have tons of hp/cp.

- Mages run fast like archers....pls, what a bullshit.

- mages in dynasty get higher mcriticals...lol ? What have vesper set against m criticals ? No matter if You have dyna/dnet/vesper or even mj arcana, You get the same hits from mages. Difference make jevelery, attribute and ofc buffs.

Leave all like it's now, don't nerf nothing. It makes only MORE problems. One nerf, force to another nerf, it's neverending story. No more nerfs. Those neverending nerfs make server more unbalanced.

what to change ? CHANGE THIS 600 ATTRIBUTE IN ONE PART OF SET. This sux, this make problems.
180 attribute in one part is quite enough. This attribute system what we have ruin gameplay.
And it's not "couse smbd have" No matter how many ppl have it. It's just sux. 600 in one part is too much.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: MaraZmo on October 18, 2011, 08:51:27 AM
Quote from: lasombra on October 17, 2011, 06:18:45 PM

Mages own. Next bullshit. Mages are quite fine now. Also mages are so-so balanced each others, sh-sps-sorc-necro - everyone have some + and - If You are not able kill sps/ee on oly couse of "trance/cancell/heal/bless of eva and debuffs, it's not mean mages own.

What about the other mage classes?  BD/SE f.e
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: YaHoYaH on October 18, 2011, 09:01:23 AM
Quote from: lasombra on October 17, 2011, 06:18:45 PM
what to change ? CHANGE THIS 600 ATTRIBUTE IN ONE PART OF SET. This sux, this make problems.
180 attribute in one part is quite enough. This attribute system what we have ruin gameplay.
And it's not "couse smbd have" No matter how many ppl have it. It's just sux. 600 in one part is too much.


Quote from: MaraZmo on October 18, 2011, 08:51:27 AM
What about the other mage classes?  BD/SE f.e

And SK/SE ? Fix that foc king drain.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: garikUA on October 18, 2011, 09:03:06 AM
Quote from: MaraZmo on October 18, 2011, 08:51:27 AM
What about the other mage classes?  BD/SE f.e

what about pp/bd or wc/sws? im cant kill anyone ;D
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: ylim on October 18, 2011, 09:07:52 AM
Quote from: lasombra on October 17, 2011, 06:18:45 PM
what to change ? CHANGE THIS 600 ATTRIBUTE IN ONE PART OF SET. This sux, this make problems.
180 attribute in one part is quite enough. This attribute system what we have ruin gameplay.
And it's not "couse smbd have" No matter how many ppl have it. It's just sux. 600 in one part is too much.

u have right but its too late for this, many ppl spent lot of coins to make his set, and also many botters got lot of coins to sell energies :P
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: YaHoYaH on October 18, 2011, 09:15:24 AM
Quote from: garikUA on October 18, 2011, 09:03:06 AM
what about pp/bd or wc/sws? im cant kill anyone ;D

We talk about :P normal chars not mutants :P
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Arienrod on October 18, 2011, 09:18:15 AM
Quote from: ylim on October 18, 2011, 09:07:52 AM
u have right but its too late for this, many ppl spent lot of coins to make his set, and also many botters got lot of coins to sell energies :P

it's not an argue coz in few months everybody will have 600

600 is too much anyway and soon non attribute nuke will do more dmges  ::)
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Javardsnegger on October 18, 2011, 12:08:16 PM
Quote from: mark_elesse on October 14, 2011, 04:38:33 PM
my 50 cent, flames are wellcomed <3
<----- HEY! WTF!! Pay me now... :o

Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: FANTA on October 18, 2011, 12:48:50 PM
Quote from: lasombra on October 17, 2011, 06:18:45 PM

Long time I didn't saw so many bullshits in one place like in this topic...
Lets start, no sense quote...

- Archers dmg sux - yeah sure....archers are not for killing tanks. Many ppl have chars subbed for tanks, but this not mean archers dmg sux. Check archers dmg on NOT TANKS chars. If You boost archers, for non tanks classes it will be end here, will be like in CS "headshot" "headshot". Archers hit hard, very hard.

- Daggers sux....if smbd who play dagger tell it sux, sorry I leave it without comment. It's the most strong char on server (no matter even what sub). If You can't play it, it's not mean it sux. And with this cancell in dagger, it's just crazy, few hits and 0 buffs (if I survive)

- Mages own. Next bullshit. Mages are quite fine now. Also mages are so-so balanced each others, sh-sps-sorc-necro - everyone have some + and - If You are not able kill sps/ee on oly couse of "trance/cancell/heal/bless of eva and debuffs, it's not mean mages own.

- Tanks own, true. But this is tanks chronice. Especially tanks/daggers are hard. On oly...all tanks are fuking hard, for classes like mine without heal, tanks are impossible to kill.

- Glads/Orcs. For me they are quite fine now. Orc hit very very hard on 30 %, Glads still nuking harder than any mage, but they have tons of hp/cp.

- Mages run fast like archers....pls, what a bullshit.

- mages in dynasty get higher mcriticals...lol ? What have vesper set against m criticals ? No matter if You have dyna/dnet/vesper or even mj arcana, You get the same hits from mages. Difference make jevelery, attribute and ofc buffs.

Leave all like it's now, don't nerf nothing. It makes only MORE problems. One nerf, force to another nerf, it's neverending story. No more nerfs. Those neverending nerfs make server more unbalanced.

what to change ? CHANGE THIS 600 ATTRIBUTE IN ONE PART OF SET. This sux, this make problems.
180 attribute in one part is quite enough. This attribute system what we have ruin gameplay.
And it's not "couse smbd have" No matter how many ppl have it. It's just sux. 600 in one part is too much.


Biggest problems on server are coz unbalanced attribute system.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: garikUA on October 18, 2011, 02:20:10 PM
Quote from: FANTA on October 18, 2011, 12:48:50 PM


Biggest problems on server are coz unbalanced attribute system.
for what u need 600 atr in armor(each part) if max atr in weapon 300 (official) (450 DN)
track answer plz
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Vargine on October 18, 2011, 06:22:15 PM
Quote from: FANTA on October 18, 2011, 12:48:50 PM


Biggest problems on server are coz unbalanced attribute system.

Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: PvtStuka on October 18, 2011, 06:31:04 PM
Quote from: lasombra on October 17, 2011, 06:18:45 PM

Long time I didn't saw so many bullshits in one place like in this topic...
Lets start, no sense quote...

- Archers dmg sux - yeah sure....archers are not for killing tanks. Many ppl have chars subbed for tanks, but this not mean archers dmg sux. Check archers dmg on NOT TANKS chars. If You boost archers, for non tanks classes it will be end here, will be like in CS "headshot" "headshot". Archers hit hard, very hard.

- Daggers sux....if smbd who play dagger tell it sux, sorry I leave it without comment. It's the most strong char on server (no matter even what sub). If You can't play it, it's not mean it sux. And with this cancell in dagger, it's just crazy, few hits and 0 buffs (if I survive)

- Mages own. Next bullshit. Mages are quite fine now. Also mages are so-so balanced each others, sh-sps-sorc-necro - everyone have some + and - If You are not able kill sps/ee on oly couse of "trance/cancell/heal/bless of eva and debuffs, it's not mean mages own.

- Tanks own, true. But this is tanks chronice. Especially tanks/daggers are hard. On oly...all tanks are fuking hard, for classes like mine without heal, tanks are impossible to kill.

- Glads/Orcs. For me they are quite fine now. Orc hit very very hard on 30 %, Glads still nuking harder than any mage, but they have tons of hp/cp.

- Mages run fast like archers....pls, what a bullshit.

- mages in dynasty get higher mcriticals...lol ? What have vesper set against m criticals ? No matter if You have dyna/dnet/vesper or even mj arcana, You get the same hits from mages. Difference make jevelery, attribute and ofc buffs.

Leave all like it's now, don't nerf nothing. It makes only MORE problems. One nerf, force to another nerf, it's neverending story. No more nerfs. Those neverending nerfs make server more unbalanced.

what to change ? CHANGE THIS 600 ATTRIBUTE IN ONE PART OF SET. This sux, this make problems.
180 attribute in one part is quite enough. This attribute system what we have ruin gameplay.
And it's not "couse smbd have" No matter how many ppl have it. It's just sux. 600 in one part is too much.

Since many people donated for energy to get these, I doubt there would be a "fix" to fuk them.

The other solution would be: set each kind of attributes for max. 600 to global set (this can be in 1 part as we can do it atm), and change weapon attribute from 450 to 600. At least, there will be some damage to see then, on pvp.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Gonzal on October 19, 2011, 01:59:38 PM
imo we need some new things...
change speed cap 250 is easy have for any fighter.
casting is ok but since the reuse of skills dont depend on casting anymore... with 2300 was great cause ppl could choose between having nice casting vs m atk... now u can reach 2100 with emp M atk tatoos (w/o arcane agility).
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: DarkLoverPL on October 19, 2011, 03:29:55 PM
Quote from: Gonzal on October 19, 2011, 01:59:38 PM
imo we need some new things...
change speed cap 250 is easy have for any fighter.
casting is ok but since the reuse of skills dont depend on casting anymore... with 2300 was great cause ppl could choose between having nice casting vs m atk... now u can reach 2100 with emp M atk tatoos (w/o arcane agility).

sry,but casting sux!! on sps/ee sps/es etc u have same cast like necro sh....
char like sps:big cast but lower m attac
char like sh necro lower cast but big m attac

now its totaly unbalanced
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: J4cKDan13L on October 19, 2011, 03:31:21 PM
Quote from: DarkLoverPL on October 19, 2011, 03:29:55 PM
sry,but casting sux!! on sps/ee sps/es etc u have same cast like necro sh....
char like sps:big cast but lower m attac
char like sh necro lower cast but big m attac

now its totaly unbalanced

we don't have trance... cancel ....  10x skills for slow enemies and so on =D
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: flamingAwe on October 19, 2011, 03:32:56 PM
Quote from: DarkLoverPL on October 19, 2011, 03:29:55 PM
sry,but casting sux!! on sps/ee sps/es etc u have same cast like necro sh....
char like sps:big cast but lower m attac
char like sh necro lower cast but big m attac

now its totaly unbalanced

maybe stop posting bullshit, necro..sh... all human and dark elfs mages (w/o summoner sub) can get over 2k cast only with enlightment.. for very low period of time
and elfs can hold over 2k cast even w/o witch tattoes and w/o enlightment
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: DarkLoverPL on October 19, 2011, 03:35:34 PM
i wrote about cast speed ,not skills LOL
if u think like that:necro have silence....and??

again:comparing mages chars i think its totaly unbalanced..
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: J4cKDan13L on October 19, 2011, 04:02:53 PM
Quote from: DarkLoverPL on October 19, 2011, 03:35:34 PM
i wrote about cast speed ,not skills LOL
if u think like that:necro have silence....and??

again:comparing mages chars i think its totaly unbalanced..

never seen 1 silence landed in the last  3 years xD
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Gonzal on October 19, 2011, 04:59:40 PM
Quote from: J4cKDan13L on October 19, 2011, 04:02:53 PM
never seen 1 silence landed in the last  3 years xD
u play here?
many ppl have silence+30 or doom+15 and yes it lands!
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: 666VeNoM on October 19, 2011, 06:23:28 PM
my silence and doom never lands.

prolly cuz Im noob

Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: qwertyzxc on October 19, 2011, 06:33:09 PM
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Gonzal on October 19, 2011, 11:58:28 PM
Quote from: qwertyzxc on October 19, 2011, 06:33:09 PM
to orcs with laserhelmets :O
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: lucifsg on October 20, 2011, 04:14:21 AM
all things are fine as they are atm , dmg is balanced as players add attribute slowly to their armors  and u can notice that during a pvp. also +1 to this post :

QuoteLong time I didn't saw so many bullshits in one place like in this topic...
Lets start, no sense quote...

- Archers dmg sux - yeah sure....archers are not for killing tanks. Many ppl have chars subbed for tanks, but this not mean archers dmg sux. Check archers dmg on NOT TANKS chars. If You boost archers, for non tanks classes it will be end here, will be like in CS "headshot" "headshot". Archers hit hard, very hard.

- Daggers sux....if smbd who play dagger tell it sux, sorry I leave it without comment. It's the most strong char on server (no matter even what sub). If You can't play it, it's not mean it sux. And with this cancell in dagger, it's just crazy, few hits and 0 buffs (if I survive)

- Mages own. Next bullshit. Mages are quite fine now. Also mages are so-so balanced each others, sh-sps-sorc-necro - everyone have some + and - If You are not able kill sps/ee on oly couse of "trance/cancell/heal/bless of eva and debuffs, it's not mean mages own.

- Tanks own, true. But this is tanks chronice. Especially tanks/daggers are hard. On oly...all tanks are fuking hard, for classes like mine without heal, tanks are impossible to kill.

- Glads/Orcs. For me they are quite fine now. Orc hit very very hard on 30 %, Glads still nuking harder than any mage, but they have tons of hp/cp.

- Mages run fast like archers....pls, what a bullshit.

- mages in dynasty get higher mcriticals...lol ? What have vesper set against m criticals ? No matter if You have dyna/dnet/vesper or even mj arcana, You get the same hits from mages. Difference make jevelery, attribute and ofc buffs.

Leave all like it's now, don't nerf nothing. It makes only MORE problems. One nerf, force to another nerf, it's neverending story. No more nerfs. Those neverending nerfs make server more unbalanced.

Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Furesy on October 20, 2011, 08:52:46 PM
I believe the topic title says 'constructive topic', going good on that part!

Yet again, this place was never filled with much 'constructive' people! Still comparing Olympiad vs normal PvP eh, never learn...

What up! I see they finally merged 2 servers, any good? :D
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: FeelmyBow on October 20, 2011, 10:27:08 PM
Quote from: Furesy on October 20, 2011, 08:52:46 PM
I believe the topic title says 'constructive topic', going good on that part!

Yet again, this place was never filled with much 'constructive' people! Still comparing Olympiad vs normal PvP eh, never learn...

What up! I see they finally merged 2 servers, any good? :D

Shit, he's alive. Sup mate long time no see.
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on October 20, 2011, 11:17:25 PM
Quote from: Furesy on October 20, 2011, 08:52:46 PM
I believe the topic title says 'constructive topic', going good on that part!

Yet again, this place was never filled with much 'constructive' people! Still comparing Olympiad vs normal PvP eh, never learn...

What up! I see they finally merged 2 servers, any good? :D

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Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: FeelmyBow on October 20, 2011, 11:18:13 PM
Quote from: TrackZero on October 20, 2011, 11:17:25 PM

Date Registered:    Today at 07:36:11 pm
Last Active:    Today at 08:00:32 pm


You banned him, didn't you fcker?
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: PolSilv3r on October 20, 2011, 11:28:42 PM
May I start to QQ about mage/archer eg. HE/WK? ;D
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: Furesy on October 21, 2011, 12:27:14 AM
Quote from: FeelmyBow on October 20, 2011, 10:27:08 PM
Shit, he's alive. Sup mate long time no see.
Oh yea I'm alive and kickin' alright. Going very good, almost done with Uni, final year. Can't complain :)

Quote from: TrackZero on October 20, 2011, 11:17:25 PM

Date Registered:    Today at 07:36:11 pm
Last Active:    Today at 08:00:32 pm

Hey there old friend! Still here eh Track?

It's kinda weird, a friend showed me a funny topic on a different forum (from some clan named 'LayLow') where some guy registered under the nick Furesy and claimed to be from DN! It made me all nostalgic so figured I checked out the DN forums (:

Quote from: FeelmyBow on October 20, 2011, 11:18:13 PM
You banned him, didn't you fcker?
Nah he didn't, my account is just gone. And I was allowed to remake it with the same nick, so can't be banned!
Title: Re: Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages
Post by: FeelmyBow on October 21, 2011, 12:37:54 AM
Quote from: Furesy on October 21, 2011, 12:27:14 AM
Nah he didn't, my account is just gone. And I was allowed to remake it with the same nick, so can't be banned!

I know, i just like to call him "fcker"