quote author=TrackZero
« on: December 17, 2011, 05:59:18 pm »
-All new characters will start with 15 "Orders" that can be exchanged to the specific NPC for starting Shadow Weapons and Armors up to S grade
I have these items:
5x supply orders
5x defense orders
5x attack orders
There is written at each of them: "Fantastic scroll of escape event item. Warehouse keeper can exchange these for consumables appropriate to your level."
So I was at every wh keeper at few towns, nobody of them knows about it, how I can use them?
are you lvl 40, 52, 61, 76?
Quote from: flamingAwe on March 22, 2012, 10:34:51 AM
are you lvl 40, 52, 61, 76?
yea, I'm atm 61 lvl at char I wanted to get mby some extra DC robe set to my char ;D
well, when they implemented this i saw option in nub towns, but didn't have lvl to test....
Quote from: G4T on March 22, 2012, 10:37:56 AM
yea, I'm atm 61 lvl at char I wanted to get mby some extra DC robe set to my char ;D
ask Ika , she rich ;)
Quote from: flamingAwe on March 22, 2012, 11:07:33 AM
well, when they implemented this i saw option in nub towns, but didn't have lvl to test....
I went to dark elf village, elf village, dwarven village, orc village, gludio -> no npc there which I could use to exchange. So I think it doesnt work proper, need to fix it
Quote from: 6bIK on March 22, 2012, 11:33:39 AM
ask Ika , she rich ;)
It's not about the money, I can use char to sumon myself with devotion set
Try in Rune wh
Quote from: pawlus on March 22, 2012, 11:51:08 AM
Try in Rune wh
thx mate, it working. NPC name is Hugin, he is the only one NPC at l2 who I found with trade options.
600 minuts set isnt so good, thought it will be some better thing xD and devotion got better cast speed bonus, haha
I stay with devotion
I used it in Kamael village - not sure about the name of NPC. I think it is normal Newbie Helper. NPC is located near the entrance to the Kamael Village. (nearest entrance newbie Kamael char moving from start of the game would use to enter Kamael village)
It would be nice to change "description" of orders to something less confusing.