
Servers => Dragon - HIGH FIVE x15 [sub-stack] - ONLINE => Announcements => Topic started by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 01, 2012, 12:44:49 PM

Title: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 01, 2012, 12:44:49 PM

We are proud to announce that on 16.4.2012 Dragon-Network will start process of merging 2 servers into 1 , Infinite Nightmare with Dragon server.

Huge amount of players and unlimited amount of action awaits, stay with us for more news and cya in game!

More info about merge process itself will be given in following days/week.

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on April 02, 2012, 11:52:27 PM
Dragon - Network x15 server staff (Merged)

^FootLocker^(Drake)- project developer,main coder,admin.

Head GM-s

^Trackzero^ - PayPal donations manager,community manager,scripter,event manager,tester.
^Showstopper^ - accounts issues manager,tester,general helper and assistant.
^Frozenace^  - PayPal donations manager
^Spike^ - Bot/l2w hunter, general problems support
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on April 05, 2012, 02:23:46 AM
Clan Hall revision after the merge:

After recalculating, checking and testing everything  we made following decision and it will be applied after the merge.
(Formula calculated inside clan level/activity/amount of members/time created/ and few more params)
So we matched 14 clans from Dragon and 14 clans from Infinite Nightmare servers, in total is 28, remaining clan halls will be re auctioned for everyone after the merge ( date will be announced LATER , so don't worry about it you will have time to prepare).
[About clans who lost clan hall you will receive 100 donation coins in your inventory (Clan Leader).]
So here are the lists:


LordsOfDestinies    38 aden_castle_agit_003
EvilSpirits                39 aden_castle_agit_004
Brothers1nArms     41 aden_castle_agit_006
L0LtheWORLD        53 rune_castle_agit_005
DeGeneretionX       54 rune_castle_agit_004
React1on                55 rune_castle_agit_003
PolishHunters         56 oren_castle_agit_001 ( clan hall in rune )
8Ball                       43 giran_castle_agit_002
S0ULS0CIETY        45 giran_castle_agit_004
Stalingrad               50 godad_castle_agit_004
Hyuga                    47 godad_castle_agit_001
ArciDraghi              24 gludio_castle_agit_003
WarriorsOfDawn   58 oren_castle_agit_003 (clan hall shutgart)
VoDkAC1                61 schut_castle_agit_004

Infinite Nightmare:

Mojoo                   37 aden_castle_agit_002
WladcySmokow   40 aden_castle_agit_005
BrokenAngelz           52 rune_castle_agit_006
StormRiders      46 giran_castle_agit_005
carebears      36 aden_castle_agit_001
katamaran      49 godad_castle_agit_003
AngelsOfDeath   51 rune_castle_agit_007
TheArmy         48 godad_castle_agit_002
TheHeroes      42 giran_castle_agit_001
Sheva         44 giran_castle_agit_003
aXurit         57 oren_castle_agit_002
FrostBite              60 schut_castle_agit_003
Reckless              22 gludio_castle_agit_001
EvilBunnies      23 gludio_castle_agit_002

Remaining Clan Halls for re auction and war Clan Halls:

26 gludin_agit_001
27 gludin_agit_002
28 gludin_agit_003
29 gludin_agit_004
30 gludin_agit_005
33 dion_castle_agit_003
32 dion_castle_agit_002
31 dion_castle_agit_001
25 gludio_castle_agit_004
59 oren_castle_agit_004
21 partisan_agit001
34 devastated_castle
35 bandits'_stronghold
62 rainbow_springs
63 wild_beast_reserve
64 fortress_the_dead

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 08, 2012, 04:06:02 PM
In front of Dragon 15x  Staff all people, we wish you Happy Easter to all people who are celebrating this holiday today, spend it well and enjoy these days!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on April 11, 2012, 11:53:08 PM
- Character amount:
If you have on same account multiple characters that in total are >7 we strongly suggest you to decide which one you will play and delete the one you wont use. If you don't do it before merge process start , no problem, you will be able to keep all of them even they are >7. How? Simple , you will have 7 visible chars (probably most active ones), and 7 hidden chars which will be unlocked only if you delete 1 of the visible ones.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Even we can do >7 per account, WE STRONGLY SUGGEST that you delete not used ones manually BEFORE merge to avoid any possible error with active ones.

- Name collision:
We will use the script which was used for other merges ,so you might find your char with prefix ( [INI] or [DRG] ), in this case there will be a dedicated page  free of charge where you can pick new desired name.

- Clan warehouses:
Its strongly suggested that you TAKE ALL YOU HAVE from clan warehouses and put them into safe place.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 16, 2012, 04:17:00 PM
The merging process between Dragon and Nightmare have been started. ETA 24hours. (Server up: 17/04/12 19:00 GMT)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on April 17, 2012, 08:20:39 PM
Quote from: ShowStopper on April 16, 2012, 04:17:00 PM
The merging process between Dragon and Nightmare have been started. ETA 24hours. (Server up: 17/04/12 19:00 GMT)
Servers will NOT be up sooner than 17/04/2012 23:00 GMT because of some extra maintenance undergoing. Thanks for understanding.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on April 17, 2012, 10:10:19 PM
While the merge process is undergoing take a moment and get familiar with our new or updated boards:

Announcement: http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/board,140.0.html

Donation : http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/board,143.0.html

BUG section: http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/board,167.0.html

Events Agenda: http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/board,168.0.html

Bad Users: http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/board,20.0.html

We will update other things as well in time, till then get familiar with mentioned things above.

Thank you for your time.

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 18, 2012, 10:57:00 AM
[NOTICE]IMPORTANT ETA UPDATE: Because of some undergoing syncing of databases plus some last-minute review of servers configuration, the access for players to the server have been delayed by an additional 12 hours. Servers will be up on 18/04/2012 13:00 PM GMT. Sorry for the wait and thanks for understanding. (This is the last ETA, no more delays after this one). Meanwhile is possible to check the changelog of the merge by clicking here : http://dragon-network.net/FRupdnews/merge_draini.html
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on April 18, 2012, 03:27:16 PM
Quote from: ShowStopper on April 18, 2012, 10:57:00 AM
[NOTICE]IMPORTANT ETA UPDATE: Because of some undergoing syncing of databases plus some last-minute review of servers configuration, the access for players to the server have been delayed by an additional 12 hours. Servers will be up on 18/04/2012 13:00 PM GMT. Sorry for the wait and thanks for understanding. (This is the last ETA, no more delays after this one). Meanwhile is possible to check the changelog of the merge by clicking here : http://dragon-network.net/FRupdnews/merge_draini.html
We are hardcore working to prepare everything, we are doing final preparations , 95% is done. Server will be UP today. Thank you everyone for being so patient in this huge event.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on April 18, 2012, 05:15:02 PM
Thank you for your patience , server should go up in few moments. However we will need few days to finish everything, check and balance everything including implement new things, so i would say 1 more week can be expected as "getting use to it", after that all things will be clear, but what is important that you will be able to play without any fear. I will guide you shortly what changes are made (Between Dragon-Infinite Nightmare), i wont spend time explaining how was on 1 server or another ill just mark lines that are changed:


- skill_name = [s_resist_holy_power30] / effect = {{p_defence_attribute;attr_holy;150}}
Changes: Made Max 150 but starting from 60 (instead 30)
- skill_name = [s_resist_unholy_power30] / effect = {{p_defence_attribute;attr_unholy;150}}
Changes: Made Max 150 but starting from 60 (instead 30)
- Real Target
Changes  made PDEF one is CON based ; MDEF one is MEN based
- Drain Health
Changes: Is Magic;Raised cost by 10 mp; reduced drop of cost from _cost enchant;Raised reuse by 1sec
- Physical Mirror
Changes: While active, critical rate for magic attacks is reduced by 33%
- Magical Mirror:
Changes: While active, critical rate for magic attacks is reduced by 33%
- Agile Movement
Default (off) value
- Deflect Arrow
Changes: -10% critical rate on daggers / dual-daggers
- Seal of Limit
Changes: became is_magic = 1 ; land rate reduced from 60 to 40 ;reuse changed from 2sec to 4sec

Various changes:

- Anakim removed from everyone, will be re-enabled on drop so everyone can farm it again (still to come)
- Donation manager will be available tonight
- Oly points and heroes reset , starting next month
- Drop calculator updated to fit our Client (99% accuracy and 95% done , will be updated in following days) http://calculator.dragon-community.net/index.php
If you spot some errors or have any suggestions please contact me.
- Color names removed from INI players (we will start gifting them on various events)

List will be updated on daily basis.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on April 18, 2012, 08:17:57 PM
Quote from: TrackZero on April 18, 2012, 05:15:02 PM
Thank you for your patience , server should go up in few moments. However we will need few days to finish everything, check and balance everything including implement new things, so i would say 1 more week can be expected as "getting use to it", after that all things will be clear, but what is important that you will be able to play without any fear. I will guide you shortly what changes are made (Between Dragon-Infinite Nightmare), i wont spend time explaining how was on 1 server or another ill just mark lines that are changed:


- skill_name = [s_resist_holy_power30] / effect = {{p_defence_attribute;attr_holy;150}}
Changes: Made Max 150 but starting from 60 (instead 30)
- skill_name = [s_resist_unholy_power30] / effect = {{p_defence_attribute;attr_unholy;150}}
Changes: Made Max 150 but starting from 60 (instead 30)
- Real Target
Changes  made PDEF one is CON based ; MDEF one is MEN based
- Drain Health
Changes: Is Magic;Raised cost by 10 mp; reduced drop of cost from _cost enchant;Raised reuse by 1sec
- Physical Mirror
Changes: While active, critical rate for magic attacks is reduced by 33%
- Magical Mirror:
Changes: While active, critical rate for magic attacks is reduced by 33%
- Agile Movement
Default (off) value
- Deflect Arrow
Changes: -10% critical rate on daggers / dual-daggers
- Seal of Limit
Changes: became is_magic = 1 ; land rate reduced from 60 to 40 ;reuse changed from 2sec to 4sec

Various changes:

- Anakim removed from everyone, will be re-enabled on drop so everyone can farm it again (still to come)
- Donation manager will be available tonight
- Oly points and heroes reset , starting next month
- Drop calculator updated to fit our Client (99% accuracy and 95% done , will be updated in following days) http://calculator.dragon-community.net/index.php
If you spot some errors or have any suggestions please contact me.
- Color names removed from INI players (we will start gifting them on various events)

List will be updated on daily basis.
- During the next 3 nights (18/4, 19/4, 20/4) characters that are in "delete state" will get 6 days reduction from their wait time, allowing you to cleanup faster your unwanted characters.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 19, 2012, 08:56:42 PM
[NOTICE]First cleanup for pending character deletions have been done.
[NOTICE]Small gift in everyone's inventory by DNET Staff.
[BUGFIX]Characters that was still unable to update their DNET subclass, on a previously deleted subclass, have been fixed.

Donny is back on server :)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on April 19, 2012, 10:29:04 PM
Quote from: ShowStopper on April 19, 2012, 08:56:42 PM
[NOTICE]First cleanup for pending character deletions have been done.
[NOTICE]Small gift in everyone's inventory by DNET Staff.
[BUGFIX]Characters that was still unable to update their DNET subclass, on a previously deleted subclass, have been fixed.
- Donation Manager in game has been updated with new things.
- Mana Gain skill updated (How it was working on Nightmare)
- All new characters created on Dragon apart regular boosts will now receive 7 day pass boost for EXP and SP
- CP potions reuse time fixed
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 23, 2012, 05:18:45 PM

Oren FreeLancer April 29, 2012 14:00 GMT
Rune AngelsOfDeath April 29, 2012 14:00 GMT
Goddard carebears April 29, 2012 18:00 GMT
Aden BrokenAngelz April 29, 2012 18:00 GMT

Dion Syndicate May 06, 2012 14:00 GMT
Shuttgart Kcity May 06, 2012 14:00 GMT
Gludio Hyuga May 06, 2012 18:00 GMT
Giran Stalingrad May 06, 2012 18:00 GMT
Innadrile Sheva May 06, 2012 18:00 GMT
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 27, 2012, 10:24:46 AM
A small gift toward all our loyal players have been shipped into your inventory! Quest: Horn of Longhorn!

New 4 Events on server... enjoy it !

Horn of Longhorn ( Golkonda ) added on Mammon! You can buy it using AA and Lunargent
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on April 29, 2012, 09:27:46 AM
- We are having issues with datacentar since 23h gmt+1 yesterday. I have sent them a support ticket waiting for solution and cause of crashes. Once again we apologize and asking you to stay a bit more patient.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on April 29, 2012, 01:34:11 PM
Quote from: TrackZero on April 29, 2012, 09:27:46 AM
- We are having issues with datacentar since 23h gmt+1 yesterday. I have sent them a support ticket waiting for solution and cause of crashes. Once again we apologize and asking you to stay a bit more patient.
Servers should be up now, once again we appologize for this downtime.
Thank you for understanding.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on May 08, 2012, 07:31:18 PM
PvP tournament announced, more information about it can be viewed in Events agenda section or follow this link:
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on May 10, 2012, 08:41:07 AM
Quote from: TrackZero on May 08, 2012, 07:31:18 PM
PvP tournament announced, more information about it can be viewed in Events agenda section or follow this link:
Event time changed, more information at:
Thank you for understanding.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on May 15, 2012, 08:29:23 PM
- Server is down for maintenance. ETA is roughly 2 hours (will inform you later on if it will be shorter or longer because i will know once server is down), thank you for patience.


- PvP Tournament announced: http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,269057.0.html
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on May 16, 2012, 12:27:47 AM
Quote from: TrackZero on May 15, 2012, 08:29:23 PM
- Server is down for maintenance. ETA is roughly 2 hours (will inform you later on if it will be shorter or longer because i will know once server is down), thank you for patience.


- PvP Tournament announced: http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,269057.0.html
Server should go up in few moments, once again thank you for your understanding.
Don't forget to check our upcoming pvp tournament event , the link is above this text.
Thank you
- Special offer added on donation manager NPC at Giran Town. Take a look because it is on limited period.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on May 17, 2012, 06:51:05 AM
CLIENT]Some clientside files have been update with new content for both Dragon and Arena. Please update!
[NOTICE]All previously elementally enchantable TShirt have been exchanged to a new tradable one. You can trade it to Donny to get a new special and powerful elemental TShirt!
[EVENT]Dragon: a small gift toward all our loyal players have been shipped into your inventory! To use My Teleports feature, learn the book item in your inventory and then access to the My Teleports option in your Action Menu. Flags are consumed when saving a location, Scrolls are consumed when teleporting! You can buy additional slot, flags and scrolls from Donny!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on May 18, 2012, 09:29:33 AM
- <COLOR> titles event will be removed from players after period of free event expires in 5 - 7 days. As promised before this kind of STATUS will be available only for winner team from various pvp tournament that we will be making.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on May 22, 2012, 03:59:12 AM
[GAMEPLAY]Fame Points required for enhancing weapons and armors have been considerably reduced (40-60% less)
[BUGFIX]Solved completly the issue related to Maestro/Warsmith class and impossibility to subclass/changeclass with it.
[BUGFIX]NPCs dialogue closing issues noticed by some players have been fixed
[BUGFIX]A fix have been applied on Certificate system. Please re-take them and re-learn them.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on June 04, 2012, 08:19:21 AM
- We know about hero issue, we are working to solve the issue! There is absolutely no need to create X new topics about it, once is fixed you will notice it. Thank you for understanding and for your patience.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on June 04, 2012, 09:15:16 AM
[BUGFIX]Fixed issues with My Teleports.
[BUGFIX]Please retake your certificate skills. Sorry for the issue.
[BUGFIX]Last day matches on Olympiads have been rollbacked to fix some unexpected bugs. Again, sorry for the issue.
[NOTICE]Name Color event ended, we hope you enjoyed the past colorful days :D
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on June 08, 2012, 10:49:21 PM
NEW Section is opened during the huge amount of people interested, also there is BETTING EVENT ON!!

Check it out:

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on June 09, 2012, 02:07:44 AM
[BUGFIX]Fixed some terrain bugs
[BUGFIX]Fixed peacezone bug in Goddard Castle
[BUGFIX]Fixed most of the pets not working after the merge
[BUGFIX]Many headgears that couldn't be stored in warehouse are now allowed to be
[EVENT]Updated the time-limited Adena offers at Donny

Added in donny
- Hg cp scrolls
- Small cp potion
- Red 15
- Green 15
- Blu 15
- Red 16
- Blu 16
- Green 16

Mana burn fixed on critical chance
Real Target reuse from 5 to 8 sec
Hide have now 3 min static reuse
Changed effect curve of Resist Wind, Water, Fire. Now matching Freya. (overall, higher resistance)
Pa'agrio's Emblem -10% protection vs cancel
Chant of Spirit -10% protection vs cancel
Blizzard +10% chance
Diamond dust +10% chance if enchanted +15
Physical Mirror e Magical mirror have now malus for duals too
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on June 21, 2012, 05:04:28 AM
[GAMEPLAY]Slightly raised Adena drop from all monsters

[EVENT]New time-limited offer of Adena to Exp/SP at Donny!

[EVENT]Dragon: a small gift toward all our loyal players have been shipped into your inventory! (2x) Feather of Blessing


[GAMEPLAY] Oly manager now sell 1 fame for 10 token oly

Dragon - Network x15 server staff  

^FootLocker^(Drake)- project developer,main coder,admin.

^Showstopper^ - accounts issues manager,tester,general helper and assistant.

^Trackzero^ - PayPal donations manager,community manager,scripter,event manager,tester.

^Strawberry^ - general helper and assistant.,bug handling report.

Frozenace - PayPal donations manager
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on June 22, 2012, 02:45:26 PM
Movie Recorder's event is BACK ONLINE!

Once again promote your server with great action or story mode and win amazing rewards !!!

All you need to know and location where to (ONLY) promote your video is here:


All comments regarding movies MUST be posted here:


Good Luck to everyone!

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on July 03, 2012, 10:57:48 PM
- Until its fixed, exploit @ TW with 250speed and using skills while ward is in inventory is banable!
(If you find those guys record/ report to me or to other gm)
- Chars who have stacked Tattos for any random reason , i give you few days to report yourself right now
- Chars with extra skill (major heal) which didn't removed on cleaning , report yourself as well
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on July 17, 2012, 06:29:39 PM
Quote from: TrackZero on July 03, 2012, 10:57:48 PM
- Until its fixed, exploit @ TW with 250speed and using skills while ward is in inventory is banable!
(If you find those guys record/ report to me or to other gm)
- Chars who have stacked Tattos for any random reason , i give you few days to report yourself right now
- Chars with extra skill (major heal) which didn't removed on cleaning , report yourself as well
- Because of the serious issue i appologize to coins ship delay, all the coins will be shiped in <24h . Thank you for undertanding
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on September 26, 2012, 01:45:58 AM

Dont miss your chance to buy this nice items on special prices starting today!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on October 03, 2012, 06:26:44 PM
Quote from: TrackZero on September 26, 2012, 01:45:58 AM

Dont miss your chance to buy this nice items on special prices starting today!
Other prices are added @ donny as a part of our promotion prices period! Dont miss your chance and get items you want by special prices right now!

Special offers that are @ donny right now:

giant's codex
giant's codex disciples
giant's codex mastery
hellfire oil
book buff lvl 3
energy stones
jewel stone
book lvl 4 buff
quest item cabrio
quest item hallate
quest item kernon
quest item golkonda
quest item baium
forgotten scrolls oly
forgotten scroll
enchanted mithril bracelet
dyn jewelry set
vesper shield
arcana sigil
dyn sigil
vesper sigil
dnet cloak

Language section update:

Russian section got new active moderator S1n, who will be assisting all Russian players there, including help how to donate from Russia (soon to be posted), don't hesitate to ask him any question in your language (RUS) that you may have , he will be glad to help!

Thank you
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on October 13, 2012, 01:38:00 PM
- Domination Event rules updated!

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on November 03, 2012, 11:01:22 AM
- Hoster unexpected server maintamance, we will be right back online once they fix their issue with machines!
Thanks for understanding
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 08, 2012, 09:22:15 AM
L2w rule got 1 update cos someone abuse of our patience !

Using l2w or any other bot program (caught or reported on forum with a valid proof*) is strictly FORBIDDEN.
*IMPORTANT notice, l2w party's made for spoil or any other kind of grind that can affect market and disabling normal player to farm by legit way will count as you are caught 2nd time so directly 360h ban
(Punishment: 1st time 200h ban 2nd time 360h ban  3rd time 500h ban, from 4th time 1 month! )

Happy game to all
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on November 16, 2012, 09:20:02 PM
~ Server will be down until tomorrow  17.11.2012 12:00 GMT+1 for machine maintenance needed for running. If ETA changes new time will be posted right here.
Thank you for understanding.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on November 17, 2012, 11:29:08 AM
Quote from: TrackZero on November 16, 2012, 09:20:02 PM
~ Server will be down until tomorrow  17.11.2012 12:00 GMT+1 for machine maintenance needed for running. If ETA changes new time will be posted right here.
Thank you for understanding.
Still maintenance undergoing, hopefully server will be up for today's Territory Wars, thank you for your patience.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 17, 2012, 04:41:11 PM
~ Today Territory war cancelled. Still maintenance undergoing. Actually can't give a Eta!
Thank you for understanding.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 17, 2012, 10:27:24 PM
~ Still maintenance undergoing, hopefully server will be up for siege time !
Can't give a Eta we are working hard for fix the issue!
Thank you for understanding and thank you for your patience.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 18, 2012, 11:54:54 AM
~ Still maintenance undergoing, Today sieges all cancelled !
Server will be down until monday. Can't give a Eta .
Thank you for understanding and thank you for your patience.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 19, 2012, 02:48:13 PM
- The server maintenace is ending finnally ! Our work is almost done!

- All donations that were made before downtime will be shipped once server goes up

- Server should be up today at night GMT
Thank you for understanding and thank you for your patience.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on November 19, 2012, 10:53:54 PM
- Forum issues with IP addresses matching with banned people should be solved now, make sure you clean your cache from your web browser and try again.

Thank you
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on November 20, 2012, 03:40:42 AM
- As you can see 4am and still working on various fixes and maintenance needed for upcoming update to new chronicle. This downtime was needed because of serious new exploits appeared on server and of course we used this downtime to fix remaining few errors on h5 client, once again we apologize for such a long downtime but this was stressful enough on both sides.
We will do our best efforts to up the server tomorrow as soon as possible! Thank you for patience

- Regarding the information you all expecting so much, H5 , i can tell you we are doing final private tests of the client if all goes fine with latest fixes we will announce a patch for DN where you can download it.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on November 22, 2012, 10:21:06 PM
- Even you think that your frustration of server being down is huge, believe me ours is 100x more.Even maintenance is finished (successively  , old data recovered, new HDD-s ordered), we cant up the server while few serious bugs and exploits are not 100% fixed and tested , so far 95% is ready and we are waiting the remaining one that should be applied today (it didn't for X reason), so this is what we are all waiting, this was all what i could inform you, but giving ETA is a risky thing, but at least now you know where we are and what are we all waiting, if i have any news regarding ETA be sure ill come here and post it because im 24/7 in this thing and reading forum as well. Thank you for your great understanding and patience , this for sure wasn't planned, but as you know if DN is famous of something is up time almost 24/7/365, so i would have to ask you for an extra patience because its what we all need in this period (badly).

- After this FIX and server running (GF), you can expect H5 following after (will be announced later on)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 24, 2012, 12:52:01 AM
- The server maintenace is  finnally end ! Our work is done!
Serious bugs and exploits are finally fixed !
Server will be up in the morning !
Thank you for understanding and thank you for your patience.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 24, 2012, 08:16:00 PM
Dragon is back online after maintenace.
Now is all fixed, sorry for the long wait.

Fixed some terrain bugs.
Fixed various exploit-bugs.
Fixed some stability bugs.
Dragon: a small gift toward all our loyal players have been shipped into your inventory!
Sieges of 25/11/12 cancelled
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on November 24, 2012, 08:21:00 PM
Quote from: ShowStopper on November 24, 2012, 08:16:00 PM
Dragon is back online after maintenace.
Now is all fixed, sorry for the long wait.

Fixed some terrain bugs.
Fixed various exploit-bugs.
Fixed some stability bugs.
Dragon: a small gift toward all our loyal players have been shipped into your inventory!
Sieges of 25/11/12 cancelled
And of course, there is new thing appeared after the fix (because we needed server up , no other way to test it), 90% of server population will express disconnects, we are urgently working on the fix, meanwhile server can go up and down, yes i know......             ......            ........
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 25, 2012, 06:09:17 PM
Dragon is back online after maintenace  sorry for the long wait.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 26, 2012, 06:59:40 PM
- HB stage 13 opened back for the players !
Enjoy and sorry for the issue.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on November 28, 2012, 07:38:50 PM

- After recent happenings that we got server exploited for a month or more few players totally destroyed the market , even after the fix we made , consequences remain , that's why this rule will apply until further notice :

- You can not set a shop for <BUY> or <SELL> with > 2KKK ( adena, everyone who brake this rule will be banned 300h or up to PERMANENT if repeated. (So you can set your shop to maximum adena) . 
This rule apply 29.11.2012 at 20h GMT+1
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on November 29, 2012, 10:32:04 AM
- After issues we had for past few weeks, Forum registration is back online  (remember if you make several mistakes in captcha and pictures your IP adress will be placed in <TEMP> ban that will expire in few days), and Forum Password reset is back online (now you can reset your passwords and you will receive a mail back with further instructions)

Thank you for your patience
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 01, 2012, 01:00:58 AM
New items added on donny:
- new hats
- items clan lvl 9
- items clan lvl 10
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on December 01, 2012, 05:57:12 PM
-Territory Wars shifted for next week because it REQUIRES the sieges to be running, because we had well known downtime.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on December 05, 2012, 11:53:12 AM
Resolution about [possible] future "nerfs" in High 5 chronicle

- As H5 chronicle aproaching, we decided to change current attitude towards "nerfs" & "fixes" without previous testing and informing community whats going on.
So after H5 is up,  there might be possible unbalances because of stacking sub we have , im not saying it will happen, but if it happens there wont be anymore changes over night without informing players whats going on. In order to nerf something ,following steps will be applied before:
- Presance of both GM-s during the test
- Presance of players who claim [something] is "OP", and players who claim opposite
- We will emulate a real scenario in test area to get best possible result if something is "OP" or not
- After real facts we get from the test we will decide (officially) in few days what will be changed or not

This is crucial for players who are building their chars and equipment to not waste time and resources on somethig that can be "nerfed" after, however you have to understand that on begginig we will need some time to gather information of those possible "OP" situations, so be patient and keep reporting bugs and irregularities in a good manner.
And of course this doesnt mean that every report will be tested , it only means that constant reports of something that is not right will be tested and decided.

This resolution is accepted by all GM-s, yours trully

TrackZero and ShowStopper
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on December 05, 2012, 02:12:49 PM
Starting this week we will have series of events for players menagment, events will be held at Giran Harbor every Sunday at 12h GMT+1
(If i wont be able to come ill announce it 24h before):

- Name change (desiered name must be free) fee 2 coins
- Mail change ( you will need to know previous mail of the account and you must be logged with the char you want to change mail) fee 3 coins

I am expecting bug amount of people so be patient and try not to make thigs harder

Notice: this event is reserved for TrackZero GM ONLY so dont spam other gm about it and wait your turn

~ TrackZero
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on December 06, 2012, 11:14:48 AM
- All players who lost ADENA during recent event (167 characters) will receive in COINS in their inventory , be patient and wait  your turn.
Thanks for understanding
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on December 06, 2012, 07:00:49 PM
Quote from: TrackZero on December 06, 2012, 11:14:48 AM
- All players who lost ADENA during recent event (167 characters) will receive in COINS in their inventory , be patient and wait  your turn.
Thanks for understanding
- As said today 160 characters got coins in their inventory (formula that applied by every character amount_of_adena lost / [value of coin] = coins in your inventory ), 7 characters from mentioned list got 300.000.000 adena in their inventory because their lost number wasn't right for the amount of coins they should receive.
- Other cases mentioned on forum will be revised in following days since we are very busy to UP H5.

Thank you for patience and support
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on December 07, 2012, 06:22:55 PM
Quote from: TrackZero on November 28, 2012, 07:38:50 PM

- After recent happenings that we got server exploited for a month or more few players totally destroyed the market , even after the fix we made , consequences remain , that's why this rule will apply until further notice :

- You can not set a shop for <BUY> or <SELL> with > 2KKK ( adena, everyone who brake this rule will be banned 300h or up to PERMANENT if repeated. (So you can set your shop to maximum adena) . 
This rule apply 29.11.2012 at 20h GMT+1

Rule is not valid anymore, there is no limit on buying-selling.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on December 10, 2012, 12:22:20 PM
- While server is down, we are recieveing high amount of reports regarding youtube videos that explain how to get free coins,items,enchants,etc... BE AWARE those things are NOT WORKING in Dragon - Network, downloading any files from there will result loosing account and items , we will not be responsibile for your items nor account ,because its your own fault!!

Thank you for patience
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 11, 2012, 09:21:43 AM
Sorry for the lack of news, the downtime wasnt originally planned as we had some serious hardware issues.
The problem have been finally solved but we took the opportunity, with the downtime, to boost the H5/Freya development process.
For such reason, we strongly suggest for everyone to download the H5/Freya client as there are big chances that the servers will require that client once they will come back online (or, in the worst case some major issues appear during our final testing phase: just few days after). Please, if you can, avoid deleting the GF client for the time being!

About an ETA, sadly i cant give it yet but we are striving to give you one as soon as possible!

Thanks for understanding and always supporting our servers!

The H5/Freya client can be downloaded from here:

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on December 17, 2012, 11:58:07 PM

We are glad to announce that upcoming High Five chronicle update will bring to everyone , old and new players, pure
joy and pure gameplay with NO custom/edited items with of course Dragon Networks original trade mark Stack-Sub.

There for several changes, add-ons will be implemented and edited:

- ALL custom sets will be deleted and exchanged to the players:
* trinket_set > dynasty_set (you will keep enchant and att level you had)
* DNET_dynasty > dynasty_set_high (you will keep enchant and att level you had)
* DNET_vesper > vesper_nobless (you will keep enchant and att level you had)

**Trinkets will be still droppable , however you will exchange them on npc for different armor.
**NO new custom sets will be implemented so there will be only official [H5 sets] ones with official values  :Moirai Sets (s80),Vorpal Sets (s84),Elegia Sets (s84) ; Of course previous chronicle official sets remains with official stats.

- Attribute System:
* Attribute system will be fully revised to bring balance and better combat , therefor:
* Official values will be applied as it is for H5 by default [armor_att 120 per armor part x3] ; [weapon_att 300]

** Notice: everyone who had armor atribute_armor 240 > 120 , and weapon_att 540 > 300

- Fast exp,sp and other fast things will be removed from Donation_npc,RB_jewels will be removed too, and generally all the items will be re-done to fit more the average player.
* We will bring back the good old farming and remove [as much as we can] items from donation_npc.

- Full publicity of tests regarding balance of classes [if needed],so no more unreasonable nerfs and changes over night;
* more information can be found in this topic:

- PvP zones will be added around Big Bosses [will be added later on]
* Revision of AMOUNT of players needed will be checked in order to fit average clan not only reserved for big ones.

- Fully schedule week for GM-s work , you will have a full list which GM do what and when from Monday to Sunday
[Schedule list will be added later on forum]

- Events on Demand system:
[Whole system will be explained on forum]

- Nevits Advent Blessing
* http://legacy.lineage2.com/news/highfive_05.html

- Mail System
* http://legacy.lineage2.com/news/highfive_10.html

- Olympiad Enhancements
* http://legacy.lineage2.com/news/highfive_02.html

- Revamped Hunting Grounds and Raid Bosses
* http://legacy.lineage2.com/news/highfive_04.html

- Class and Skill [CHANGE_LOG]
* http://legacy.lineage2.com/news/highfive_01.html

And other minor changes that will be revealed in game.

~ Some additional updates that are planned in couple of days after release:

- Fully reworked homepage of Dragon-Community
- Fixing bugs with SQL reading we had
- Adding Time table of Raid boss spawn
- Fully new DROP Calculator to match H5
- Various advertisements of DN on top sites with vote-reward system
- Bringing back to life out YouTube’s channel and motivating our movie makers with new movies
- Working on TvT events and other auto events on monthly basis


Thank you for your great support and even greater patience!!!!

Tha patch itself for everyone will be uploaded in following days during this week!

Thank you once again Dragon-Network
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 20, 2012, 08:27:41 AM
Don't exist any Dragon15x beta server
Avoid to join any kind server posted by random players and avoid download any kind patch you just will lose ur accounts and items in future!
Official info you can read just by Gms or in loader
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on December 24, 2012, 12:25:11 AM
- In fornt of Dragon - Network's staff i wish to all of our players and their families Merry Christmas and best of health, prosperity and love! Find  peace with the persons you love and show to eachother how much you care for ! Peace and God Bless you all!


Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on December 27, 2012, 01:17:47 AM
- Servers should go up at any day until Sunday 30.12. as we are doing final tests and checks and still having a lot of other things in rl happening, and because this whole project is not done by 1 man, ETA is given like this, lets hope for the best this is the final news regarding current situation. I know it isn't much for you guys but we have been passing trough hell to reach this. Good luck and cross fingers to everyone, we really had a rough period caused by many factors that first time we couldnt affect, but my expectations once its up everything will back in order as it was. Thank you for being so patient this time.

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on December 31, 2012, 03:48:28 PM
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on December 27, 2012, 01:17:47 AM
- Servers should go up at any day until Sunday 30.12. as we are doing final tests and checks and still having a lot of other things in rl happening, and because this whole project is not done by 1 man, ETA is given like this, lets hope for the best this is the final news regarding current situation. I know it isn't much for you guys but we have been passing trough hell to reach this. Good luck and cross fingers to everyone, we really had a rough period caused by many factors that first time we couldnt affect, but my expectations once its up everything will back in order as it was. Thank you for being so patient this time.

- Even most of you hate me or anything related to me, i will spare this moment to wish you all Happy New year , to you and your families, a lot of health and prosperity in 2013, and regarding Dragon - Network more joyable gaming in incoming High 5! Best of best from all Dragon - Network team and hopefully see you all in game in 2013 asap!  :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*


- Now regarding ETA, i will shortly brief you what was happening last few days when i was giving you ETA, basically we had several serious exploits (dupes) running around, some known some unknown by players, but for us all of them are important to get fixed else we cant continue. So while we was down, we prepared everything regarding H5 (the patch, fixed major things, spotted some minor bugs that will be fixed on the run, and many other things), basically H5 itself is 100% ready and all the things we said are done and ready for players, BUT ( :(  ) , we have still 1 of the dupe running out (those players didnt know about it, but by checking things we found it, however to fix it we need find approach that will fix the dupe but not disable main functions of the game), i can also assure you that 4 dev-s are working 24/7 with minimal sleep on this one because its very weird exploit! So we are expecting it to be done any day , to be quite honest was promised for Sunday but well didnt came, so once the fix is done (should be ANY following day), we will instalty up all servers share the patch and the fun goes on. I know , dont even have the words to tell you but , just try understand that many bad things came at the same time and at the worst possible period when we should celebrate ( you can be assured our holidays are ruined since 3+ weeks now and as you can see im working even at New years eve, but well thats how life is sometimes), i hope you can understand  or at least have some patience for next few days, once we are up everything will be back to its order.

~ TrackZero  :( :-X :'(

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on January 07, 2013, 10:07:37 PM
- Tomorrow 8.1.2013. we will release a High 5 patch for everyone, thank you for great patience , more info will be posted tomorrow so stay tuned.

Thank you
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on January 08, 2013, 01:12:50 PM
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 07, 2013, 10:07:37 PM
- Tomorrow 8.1.2013. we will release a High 5 patch for everyone, thank you for great patience , more info will be posted tomorrow so stay tuned.

Thank you
- Official DN patch can be downloaded from here:

Servers are currently filtered by IP-s only for staff , stay tuned for public release, i will post more informations regarding this during the day.

Thank you
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 09, 2013, 02:37:58 AM
- Dragon Server is expected to be live 9/1/2013 during the evening.
- Arena will switch to H5 during the week.

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 01:24:38 PM
- Issue with Windows 8 and patch have been addressed and the fix is available with a full check button in loader.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 10, 2013, 07:28:27 AM

Dragon High Five UP for final open testing.
Server will run in open-beta mode for up to 48-72h as we want to test stability and resolve some final bugs that maybe passed unnoticed during the close beta testing.
After the pre-opening THE SERVER WILL ROLLBACK by 48-72h so please refrain from do "amazing" achievements during those 48-72h period.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on January 18, 2013, 09:45:35 PM
Meanwhile we are working at the final fixes to bring server LIVE for everyone , take a  look at our new competition and win amazing rewards:


Thank you
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on January 19, 2013, 12:04:30 AM
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 18, 2013, 09:45:35 PM
Meanwhile we are working at the final fixes to bring server LIVE for everyone , take a  look at our new competition and win amazing rewards:


Thank you
You can also read new rules that will be activated after rollback:

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on January 20, 2013, 01:21:50 AM
- Server will stay down tonight (20.1.2013) until tomorrow morning. More news will be posted in the morning.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on January 20, 2013, 03:44:24 PM
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 20, 2013, 01:21:50 AM
- Server will stay down tonight (20.1.2013) until tomorrow morning. More news will be posted in the morning.
- After tough road we have been passing, i can announce (with some personal fear to announce ) but its the fact that in few moments we will go live and no more rollbacks, so please spend some time and enjoy the game!!! Thank you for your great understanding and even greater patience!

However let me grab this moment to tell you that this doesnt mean the end, this is just a begging of work we are planning to do, we will begin with all the things that require a fix, then all the things that requires checking and then starting to implement our things that will make your playing even more joyable then anywhere else, so expect a lot of changes soon.

Also you can expect few restarts from time to time in order to implement,fix or change things.

Once again thank you for your patience and your time, and in the end your trust and faith in us! We will continue to keep up the good job!


Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on January 21, 2013, 02:11:12 PM
- Since things slowly going on its place step by step our main page got updated too with content and in few days it will be updated deisgn wise, also PL language (and few others) will be available too.

- Drop calculator is under going and test phase (not yet available for public)

- Raids Spawn info will be available in few days too (as announced)

- Voting process is getting implemented (* banner competition still ON!
http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,272899.msg2367650.html#new )

- Donation page and more options/languages added. It is very important to support server in order to keep the server alive , please spend a minute of your time and visit our page:

Thank you once again for your great suppprt and we will come out with more news in couple of days, and of course play fair and keep reporting bad users!

~ TackZero
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on January 22, 2013, 10:01:58 AM
- Important forum annoucments, only registred users will be able to read forum from now on.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on January 22, 2013, 07:31:04 PM
- Apologies for restarts (few more coming as well) but its needed to fix some important security issues.

Thank you for understanding , i will announce once we finish.

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on January 22, 2013, 09:28:19 PM
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 22, 2013, 07:31:04 PM
- Apologies for restarts (few more coming as well) but its needed to fix some important security issues.

Thank you for understanding , i will announce once we finish.
After this reboot everything should be stable for tonight. Tomorrow we continue with fixes, change log list will be posted when done.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on January 26, 2013, 10:57:43 PM
Banner competition ended and i have place some of them, thank you all who send their work.

Thank you

Topic with banners: http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,272899.msg2369069.html#new
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on January 27, 2013, 01:38:23 AM
- Because of increase of players and increase of work and in order to provide fast fixes and updates , we hired more working power to help us, thats why im proudly present you new GM Staff ^Spike^.
He have great knowledge regarding l2, but his main job will be hunting and punishing BOT-s and L2w users 24/7 and listening and filtering the problems of the people from time to time, so once again welcome Spike and i wish you long staying here!

Profile: http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php?action=profile;u=74781


- Customer service will be updated in few days so you can report us your problem on the fly and get the report in very short notice!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 28, 2013, 05:04:37 PM
Full Check issue is fixed now ! Please do all check full ! Thanks
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on January 29, 2013, 12:06:11 AM
- Neolithic Crystals implemented and working! Good luck with your pigs hunt!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on January 30, 2013, 01:05:28 AM
- Banner competition ended, congratulations to the winner, more about it you can read in this article :

- Other projects are closing to its goal, one of them is Advertising DN with our new advert manager DnAdvertiser, in few days more options and news regarding this will be available , but for now:

* We have placed monthly fixed banner at http://www.gtop100.com/lineage2 ,notice that you have to refresh it several times in order to see us, or sometimes you will just see it instantly , its all based on traffic.

* We added DN to top200 again and we would like to ask you for some support,if you cant donate at least  vote for us daily. Later today vote button will be added @ forum too but for now you can find it on home page:  www.dragon-community.net or simply click this link


~~In next 48h i will enable Vote-Event-System on demand that will run weekly for all of the players, but until then, it is very important to vote,your every vote counts and we are very grateful for that! ~~

We are negotiating with few more big marketing/adv companies and well see if we will come both side agreement.

- Drop calculator should be ready and done by the end of this week , im putting all the efforts in it with my team.

- Homepage language update to Polish will be added later tomorrow and design progress updates will be visible by begging of next week. Other languages compatibility are under consideration and final judgment will be made in near future.

- Information with raidboss spawn should be available @ homepage by the end of this week.

- The project we were working on and its close to end its dedicated Panel for every player who will be able to change every personal data/name/mail/color system/check inventory/bind IP logging/and many more...
We hope for beta during next week (will announce).

- Remaining major bugs that are reported are expected to be fixed by Sunday (will update crash log with fixes when done), Multiclass issues are priority as well (drake is 24/7 on them), so once i get news from him about ETA ill update you.

- Test of various skills/damages/balances is planned for this week , you will be informed with result.

Thank you and dont forget to vote for us daily!

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on January 30, 2013, 01:21:09 PM
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 30, 2013, 01:05:28 AM
- Banner competition ended, congratulations to the winner, more about it you can read in this article :

- Other projects are closing to its goal, one of them is Advertising DN with our new advert manager DnAdvertiser, in few days more options and news regarding this will be available , but for now:

* We have placed monthly fixed banner at http://www.gtop100.com/lineage2 ,notice that you have to refresh it several times in order to see us, or sometimes you will just see it instantly , its all based on traffic.

* We added DN to top200 again and we would like to ask you for some support,if you cant donate at least  vote for us daily. Later today vote button will be added @ forum too but for now you can find it on home page:  www.dragon-community.net or simply click this link


~~In next 48h i will enable Vote-Event-System on demand that will run weekly for all of the players, but until then, it is very important to vote,your every vote counts and we are very grateful for that! ~~

We are negotiating with few more big marketing/adv companies and well see if we will come both side agreement.

- Drop calculator should be ready and done by the end of this week , im putting all the efforts in it with my team.

- Homepage language update to Polish will be added later tomorrow and design progress updates will be visible by begging of next week. Other languages compatibility are under consideration and final judgment will be made in near future.

- Information with raidboss spawn should be available @ homepage by the end of this week.

- The project we were working on and its close to end its dedicated Panel for every player who will be able to change every personal data/name/mail/color system/check inventory/bind IP logging/and many more...
We hope for beta during next week (will announce).

- Remaining major bugs that are reported are expected to be fixed by Sunday (will update crash log with fixes when done), Multiclass issues are priority as well (drake is 24/7 on them), so once i get news from him about ETA ill update you.

- Test of various skills/damages/balances is planned for this week , you will be informed with result.

Thank you and dont forget to vote for us daily!
- Information with raidboss spawn should be available @ homepage by the end of this week. < Added @ Loader, will be available @ homepage in few days too.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 31, 2013, 06:10:39 PM
L2 freezing and GaduGadu issue!

Dear players, we got report (and tested) that GaduGadu messenger is not compatible with Lineage2.
Having GaduGadu makes the client freeze on login so please disable it, and if the issue remains, uninstall it. Thanks!

If after uninstalling it you still have issues, please report in the apposite section of forum!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on February 01, 2013, 12:07:37 AM
- Sorry for forum downtime was fixing some errors in DB and usual maintenance.

- News regarding Events will be revealed tomorrow during the day.

- Tomorrow is new month once again we would like to ask you for your kind votes:

Thank you
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 01, 2013, 04:32:38 AM
Dnet Cloak have now a new skin ! Dnet Cloak visual issue is fixed ! Please do all check full ! Thanks
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on February 01, 2013, 10:19:43 AM
- Valkyria coins drop fixed.
- Missing HTML-s 98% fixed (few remained).
- Raid Bosses who were self dying not spawning ,fixed.
- Beleth raidboss fixed.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on February 01, 2013, 03:22:24 PM
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on February 01, 2013, 10:19:43 AM
- Valkyria coins drop fixed.
- Missing HTML-s 98% fixed (few remained).
- Raid Bosses who were self dying not spawning ,fixed.
- Beleth raidboss fixed.
- Trade bug fixed.
- Death penalty bug fixed.
- Skill transfer fixed.
- Pet inventory fixed.
- Reply emails fixed.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on February 02, 2013, 12:33:56 AM
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on February 01, 2013, 12:07:37 AM
- Sorry for forum downtime was fixing some errors in DB and usual maintenance.

- News regarding Events will be revealed tomorrow during the day.

- Tomorrow is new month once again we would like to ask you for your kind votes:

Thank you
- Events on Demand system is announced , please spend some time and review this new system:


Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 02, 2013, 04:29:55 AM
- Loader tables are sortable.
- Beleth "Teleport Device" dialogue and many other quest related NPCs have been corrected.
- A bug related to retail cancellation have been fixed that prevented, after a sub retail renew, to not be able to substack it. Please notice that the fix is not-retroactive and in case you can't substack a newly made retail, a GM support request should be made (or alternatively you should re-renew your retail subclass)
- EXP/SP available for Adena are back on Donny.
- Mana Herbs and Curative Herbs now drop correctly.
- Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum Coins pickup issues with inventory space have been solved.
- Various monsters have been enhanced with more reactive AI.
- More bosses now can level up crystals correctly.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 02, 2013, 09:31:13 AM
Oly fix - Now u can watch oly's battles
Oly fix - Now u can cancel ur registration in oly
Mammon bugs fixed
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on February 12, 2013, 11:51:33 AM
- Aditional event for Saint Valantine announced:


Contact GM Spike for more information needed.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on February 13, 2013, 11:51:06 AM
- Database maintanance needed for upcoming fixes, ~ 45min ETA.

Thank you
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on February 13, 2013, 01:30:44 PM
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on February 13, 2013, 11:51:06 AM
- Database maintanance needed for upcoming fixes, ~ 45min ETA.

Thank you
Server is going up.

Thank you for patience
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on February 14, 2013, 01:08:17 PM
- database cleanup of invalid/extra/bad skills/classes , ~45min ETA.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 14, 2013, 02:24:37 PM
- All mutants that wasnt possible to migrate to the new system have been "cleared" of the mutant status and have been given to them a free Quest Horn. Skills SP have been refunded.

- Some characters had corrupted DNET subclass by some old (fixed) bug. Where possible have been fixed, else you got free Quest Horn for each lost subclass and SP refund for each skill you had.

- Pets now becomes uncontrollable when starved.

- Some minor glitches and small bugs fixed.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 15, 2013, 04:43:31 PM
Oly observer fixed

Fame point again tradable in olympiad manager for oly token

Buzz_the_cat respawn issue fixed
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 16, 2013, 10:57:25 PM
Increased chance of spawn of RaidBoss: Emerald Horn.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 20, 2013, 02:27:27 PM
Special GM service avaliable just for few months
all infos here : http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,274078.0.html
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 22, 2013, 12:17:27 AM
Server maintenance from 0:00 GMT to about 1:30AM GMT.
Dragon will not be accessible during this time.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 23, 2013, 12:41:06 AM
- Refund items to 390 chars with stucked mail ! First reboot char you got the items in inventory

- Donny Exp/sp event avaible for next 24h only
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 25, 2013, 01:57:16 PM
From the new website is now possible to get the list of your accounts based on your email (click Account Recovery in the Login panel). Other features coming up during the week.

"Rim Kamaloka" is accessible daily from "Pathfinder Workers" in every town. They also exchange "Kamaloka Essence" for "Pathfinder's Reward".
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 26, 2013, 11:29:32 AM
[NOTICE]"Astral" have been moved from ADEN to HARDIN ACADEMY for "crash-free" pleasure in town.
[GAMEPLAY]"Guard Stance" PDEF bonus is reduced to 75% on light armor and 50% on robe. Shield bonus is given regardless of armor.
[GAMEPLAY]"Final Fortress" PDEF bonus (and power enchant) scales with Armor Type. SEE GRAPH HERE http://oi46.tinypic.com/mbol89.jpg
[GAMEPLAY]"Majesty" PDEF bonus (and power enchant) scales with Armor Type. SEE GRAPH HERE http://oi46.tinypic.com/5of8r9.jpg
[GAMEPLAY]"Ultimate Defence" PDEF and MDEF bonus (and enchant) scales with Armor Type. SEE GRAPH HERE http://oi50.tinypic.com/2r5yq07.jpg
[GAMEPLAY]"Angelic Icon" PDEF and MDEF bonus on Light/Robe is 50%.
[GAMEPLAY]"Vengeance" PDEF bonus is reduced to 75% on light armor and 50% on robe. MDEF bonus reduced to 50% in light armor and 25% in robe. Cancel resist remains unchanged regardless armor type.
[GAMEPLAY]"Zealot" effect is temporarily disabled once HP level is over 60% (is automatically reactivated again if HP goes under 60% if buff is still active). Skill activation remains unchanged (30%HP)
[GAMEPLAY]"Guts" maximum effect (200%PDEF) is now only at 30% HP or less, it decreases linearily to +50%PDEF when in full HP. (before it was always 200%PDEF regardless of HP even if the activation was at 30%HP)
[GAMEPLAY]Reduced noticeably Heavy/Light Armor drawbacks on castspeed (was -80%, now is -40%).
[GAMEPLAY]"Pride Of Kamael" (SoulBreaker skill) gives to crossbow +0.5%PATK every +1 enchant instead of +1%PATK (it does 10%->25%PATK instead of 10%->40%PATK).
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 26, 2013, 12:54:54 PM
Events Update

Hellbound Stage 13
Destruction Stage 5
Immortality Stage 6

Gifted to our players
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on March 01, 2013, 12:30:24 AM

- Fixed some clientside skill descriptions (FULLCHECK).
- Light Armor Mastery of TH/HE/PW/SR/AW/PR/TY classes (or subclassed) now correctly mitigates chances to receive a critical hit (while wearing Light Armor).
- Heavy Armor Mastery was giving Crt.Dmg reduction to anyone with that skill, now it correctly give it only if you are classed/subclassed "knight" (and wearing Heavy).
- Chain Heal now correctly restores 30% as official value and skill description and not 40% as before.
- Max CastSpeed is now 1999 as official values (Max AttackSpeed remains 1500 as was already correct).
- Sacrifice cannot be casted anymore while "Enlightenment" effect is active on yourself.<BR>
- [ROLLBACK] Zealot working again over 60%HP.

This changes requires reboot of the server, they will be available in loader once other things are done.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on March 04, 2013, 02:05:45 PM
- Open Beta of drop calculator for all : http://calculator.dragon-community.net/index.php

Sorry for the week delay but i had some stuff to do , this data will be merged into the new site when is fully finished until then you can use it there, positive feedbacks are welcome same as bug spots in order to deliver the best acurate finall product for you.
Thank you once again for your great patience.

~ Track
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on March 08, 2013, 11:02:14 AM
[GAMEPLAY]Reduced drastically HP and HPregen of Valakas and Antharas (hard mode) to a more feasible value.
[GAMEPLAY]Restored Adena droprate to match server exp rate.
[NOTICE]From the website PlayersData's WorldBosses sheet is now possible to click on the names to see their details inside the MONSTER FINDER. (this option is enabled also inside the loader)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on March 08, 2013, 02:16:09 PM
Happy Woman Day to all our community's Girls
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on March 09, 2013, 05:17:48 PM
[GAMEPLAY]"Seed of Destruction" instance can now be done daily instead of once every 4 days. Min required amount of people changed from 36 to 10.
[GAMEPLAY]"Seed of Infinity" instance min required amount of people changed from 18 to 10.
[GAMEPLAY]"Final Emperial Tomb" instance min required amount of people changed from 36 to 18.
[GAMEPLAY]"Cavern of the Pirate Captain (Nightmare)" instance can now be done every 5 days instead of once every 7. Min required amount of people changed from 72 to 18.
[GAMEPLAY]Magor and Igor, located in Gludin/Heine, now can trade vesper/moirai recipes and armor parts in exchange of Raid Trinkets and Platinum Coins.
[NOTICE]Prices of items from Igor and Magor have been adjusted for Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum coins. New supplies can be now purchased using coins (up to A grade). Is now possible to buy 10days shadow equipment up to A grade. Magor now accepts also bronze/silver coins too.
[NOTICE]Gatekeepers prices have been reduced noticeably.
[NOTICE]Prices of 1st/2nd class quest items in Gludio have been adjusted.
[NOTICE]On the creation of a new character, you will now receive several mails with various explanations of the less obvious custom elements of the server.
[NOTICE]Strategist Lucien have been added in Gludio. Description of Attack/Defence/Supply Orders have been updated with a better description.
[NOTICE]Some prices updates in Donny and added normal scrolls of enchant S and neolithic crystals S80/S84.
[NOTICE] Recipe and pieces Vesper avaible on magor npc
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on March 09, 2013, 11:06:39 PM
- Begginers section added on forum


Read section description before posting there, any help tip or advise to help new players is more then welcome.

Thank you for the support.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on March 10, 2013, 09:13:48 PM
We are happy to announce our new multifunctional homepage :
You have main menu on the top, which opens several functional options:
- Create account
- Recover account
- How to join
- Drop Calculator
- Monsters & Items search
- Players data
- Community
- cPanel (*fully optional in few days)
If you can’t remember some part of your account, no worries, go to Login > account recovery and you will have all options there how to do it.
On very same page you have a vote links, by clicking them you are doing a great support to this server, thank you for that!

~  Dragon â€" Network

** Homepage will be updated from time to time with more new functions make sure you don’t miss them!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on March 10, 2013, 10:50:04 PM

[NOTICE]Is now possible to complete the Kamael 1st/2nd class change without having to do the whole quest if you have the quest items in inventory.

[BUGFIX]Fixed possible client lag-crash (and rare server crash) during Freya bossfight.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on March 12, 2013, 12:05:13 AM
[BUGFIX]"Decoy" should now work propertly also when enchanted.
[BUGFIX]"Delusion Chamber" corrected some monsters not using their correct skills.
[NOTICE]From MONSTER FINDER is now possible to scan monsters in specific area. Please Refresh (F5) the WorldMap page in case you don't have it activated.
[NOTICE]Temporarily disabled 3vs3 and 1vs1 CLASS matches until further notice.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on March 13, 2013, 01:06:09 AM
[NOTICE] New Offerts in Donny ( check scrolls of enchants and stones attributes )

[NOTICE]3vs3 and 1vs1 class matches are re-enabled as big request from all transfer-happy players. enjoy. (next month disabled on 1st day)

[NOTICE]MONSTER FINDER, when watching an npc/monster's details, will show now also neighbourhood monsters under/beside the minimap
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on March 15, 2013, 04:22:21 PM
- Vote war announced ! Join the fight right now!

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =drake= on March 18, 2013, 06:13:07 PM
New feature on PLAYERS DATA section of website.
In the OLYMPIAD sheet now you can click on the player's entry to open a massively detailed view of all matches of current season done by that player.
Informations visible are: Date, Opponent, Points, Match Duration (in seconds) and Match Result.
All fields are sortable for easy analysis :)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on March 20, 2013, 11:42:12 AM
[GAMEPLAY]Reduced noticeably the time between respawns of world bosses

[GAMEPLAY]World bosses now have 5% reflect shield like it was during HB, slightly reduced their PDEF/MDEF to compensate.

[GAMEPLAY]Reduced massively the amount of points required to level up "Seed of Destruction" and "Seed of Immortality".

[NOTICE]Some players reported that issues with .pl domains with Reset Password seems resolved. Give it a try!

[NOTICE]From PLAYERS DATA, in the Olympiad sheet, you can click now over a player's name to display his whole matches history of current month with date/opponent/points/duration and match result. You will be amazed by some date :)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =drake= on March 22, 2013, 06:21:55 AM
New SPOIL algorithm have been deployed and will be in "BETA" for the whole weekend.
Monsters will spoil the same items as before but what changed is the whole server mechanics around it (from "turn-blue" to the effective ending spoil). Also materials quantity have been improved noticeably.

For your reference: MONSTERFINDER have been updated to match the new spoil system.
Please give us some feedback on forum.
Happy spoiling!

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on March 26, 2013, 11:45:27 PM
- PvP Tournament announced, more information at:


Thank you
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on March 31, 2013, 08:59:43 AM
In front of Dragon-Network's staff , i wish to all catholic believers , happy Easter. Enjoy it and God bless you.

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on April 04, 2013, 11:00:25 PM
- BELETH raidboss, is disabled until further notice.Until CONSTANT respawn is fixed. Once its done i will re-announce.

*Braking this rule will cause permanent ban.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =drake= on April 05, 2013, 07:06:17 AM
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 04, 2013, 11:00:25 PM
- BELETH raidboss, is disabled until further notice.Until CONSTANT respawn is fixed. Once its done i will re-announce.

*Braking this rule will cause permanent ban.

Beleth is back as normal, enjoy it :)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 18, 2013, 08:32:14 PM
- The Use of Anakim's Trasformation is forbidden till the next week incoming fix. Once its done i will re-announce .

Using the trasformation will cause Strong Punishment
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 23, 2013, 02:54:49 PM
Behemoth Leader , Dragon Beast , Drake Lord  respowin time is now 96h +12h random 
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on May 09, 2013, 03:56:44 PM
Fixed char in pending delete
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on May 17, 2013, 01:58:14 AM
[GAMEPLAY]"Sacrifice" reuse time raised from 2 to 6 seconds.

[GAMEPLAY]"Aura Flash" reuse time raised from 2 to 6 seconds.

[GAMEPLAY]"Servitor Barrier" reuse time raised from 5 to 8 minutes.

[GAMEPLAY]Igor/Magor got some additional stuffs for sale, check them out!
( Fixed prices vesper recipe/parts - Set Morai,Vesper, Vorpal added on sell)

[GAMEPLAY]Some prices at Donny have been reduced.

[GAMEPLAY]Fame points required for weapons have been slightly reduced.
( -20% lower )
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on May 27, 2013, 07:27:09 PM
- Olympiad [GEODATA] Exploit is strictly forbidden until is fixed. Dont even try to use it, if you heard it ignore it, else if you are spotted and reported you will be punished with permanent ban. The rule stay applied until this exploit advantage is fixed.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on May 29, 2013, 10:44:23 AM
Working on skill's fix tested with players
Need just Test made by Drake
Working too on Beleth room Fix and Anakin Trasformation fix

Cos of long time waiting Both Gms decided to allow the use again of Anakin Trasformation ( Fix will be up in next global update )
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on June 01, 2013, 07:14:18 PM
Change Subclass done ! We ask sorry for long deley

Donny update - Attribute stones 

Magor update - High Grade Armor

Unbanned all player's machines
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on July 06, 2013, 04:31:45 PM
[NOTICE]Giran Shop Zone have been limited to some specific areas to reduce lag.

[GAMEPLAY]Attribute Manager accepts also Trinkets for exchange attribute stones.

[GAMEPLAY]Antharas/Baium/Valakas/Frintezza areas have PVP zone enabled.

[GAMEPLAY]Slightly increased chance of skills Fear, Stun to land.

[GAMEPLAY]Improved "Song of Silence"

[GAMEPLAY]Stigma base duration is now 15sec and up to 45sec at +30 enchant

[GAMEPLAY]Improved effect of "Mana Burn"

[GAMEPLAY]Mirage now have 60% chance to activate (instead of 80%) and the triggered effect chances are 80% instead of 100%.

[GAMEPLAY]Summon of Pets base cast time have been raised by 2 seconds.

[GAMEPLAY]Anakim transformation skills have been re-tuned (again) in reuse time (now they should be usable).

[BUGFIX]You can relog in Beleth Room in case of crash (you have between 5 to 20minutes, by server logics)

[GAMEPLAY] Letters Event and others event up

[GAMEPLAY]Focus Death gives overall a little (10%) less Critical Damage bonus

[BUGFIX]Focus Death/Chance/Power doesn't give anymore the Damage/Rate bonus to other weapons if you switch it during the skill effect.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on July 15, 2013, 09:59:57 PM
For Polish Guys

GaduGadu give problems with the clients L2 ( ncsoft bug )
If you have problem after install it to log in game you have to delete gadugadu and problem with login should be solved.
If u still have problems suggestion is to do a reboot of pc at 2 3 day before when u didnt have any problem! In this way problem of login should be 99,99% solved.
If still problem try contact me in facebook
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on July 31, 2013, 06:24:51 PM
During the day server will do down for maintenance, we hope that , if everything fine, server will go up after midnight. Maintenance was required because of upgrading hardware to all of the machines.
We know that conflicts Olympiad period, but we hope that eventually everything will be just fine on its time.

Thank you for your patience for this planned downtime.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on August 01, 2013, 09:53:13 AM
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on July 31, 2013, 06:24:51 PM
During the day server will do down for maintenance, we hope that , if everything fine, server will go up after midnight. Maintenance was required because of upgrading hardware to all of the machines.
We know that conflicts Olympiad period, but we hope that eventually everything will be just fine on its time.

Thank you for your patience for this planned downtime.
Server is back up and running. Please do a fullcheck before logging in. Webserver and other things will be fully operational again in no time.
I will share more news with you after Monday, if all fine.

Thank you for your patience and apologize for the downtime.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 02, 2013, 02:33:00 PM
Down for hardware maintenance caused by a faulty HDD.
We always take in great consideration the data of our users and today one of the backup support HDDs died, the current maintenance is on replace of it with a new one so we can always keep assured your data is safe in case of system fault.
Of course the main server data is all saved so no losses.

Eta 1h sorry for the issue and thanks for your patience
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 02, 2013, 06:23:38 PM
[GAMEPLAY]Chain Heal now works as it should (official like)

[BUGFIX]Corrected mail system bugs and few other generic bugs.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 03, 2013, 08:40:44 PM
[BUGFIX]Potions and some other items can now correctly be sold in Private Stores.

[BUGFIX]Restored mailserver functionality, now website should work correctly when mail action is required (example: account registration)

[GAMEPLAY]As big request on forum, White Talisman of Protection (WToP) have been restored to 100% cancel protection. The maximum cancel resist (CAP) have been changed to OFFICIAL VALUES: 75% instead of 98% as we had before. This means that WToP can't protect more than 75% in any case.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 04, 2013, 02:11:37 AM
[GAMEPLAY]Mana Burn slightly enhanced and slightly improved curve on the Power Enchant route.

[GAMEPLAY]Mental Shield (and alternatives derivated from it, like the ClanHall version) gives now 32% protection instead of 35%.

[GAMEPLAY]Valakas have been slightly nerfed on HP/HPregen/Defence.

[NOTICE]New generic items available on Donny to fresh up your summer (Juices!)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 05, 2013, 06:24:14 PM
[GAMEPLAY] Boost Event List

All times are in UTC:
00:00~01:30   Event: Vitality boosted 400% for the next 90 mins!
02:00~04:00   Event: SP gain boosted 200% for the next 2 hours!
04:30~06:30   Event: Exp gain boosted 200% for the next 2 hours!
07:00~09:00   Event: Drops boosted 150% for the next 2 hours!
09:30~11:30   Event: Spoil boosted 200% for the next 2 hours!
12:00~13:30   Event: Vitality boosted 400% for the next 90 mins!
14:00~16:00   Event: SP gain boosted 200% for the next 2 hours!
16:30~18:30   Event: Exp gain boosted 200% for the next 2 hours!
19:00~21:00   Event: Drops boosted 150% for the next 2 hours!
21:30~23:30   Event: Spoil boosted 200% for the next 2 hours!

[BUGFIX]Fixed various broked quest dialogues. (mostly daily quests)

[BUGFIX] Kamaels quest work now correctly
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on August 06, 2013, 04:31:39 PM
- Hoster doing an SSD replacement, servers will be fully operational once they do their job.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 06, 2013, 06:33:26 PM
[BUGFIX] You can buy again fs in oly manager

[NOTICE] Donny Update - Need now less  adena for buy items

[GAMEPLAY]Added some merchants around the world selling some basic recipes

[BUGFIX]Corrected dialogue of Fireworks Event (active from next reboot, up to 72 hours from now)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 10, 2013, 02:44:46 AM
[EVENT]FULLCHECK REQUIRED: Capture The Flag (CTF) Event have been re-enabled since long time. See Rules at the NPC located on Fantasy Island (north/east corner of island, you can't miss the two big arenas).

[EVENT]New teleporter (Island Teleporter) have been placed in all main towns, it will teleport you to the CTF event and also to Underground Coliseum. ( Rewards avaible in npc )

[GAMEPLAY]Underground Coliseum now rewards 250 FAME POINT and 1 EVENT COIN for each win.

[ARENA]Server merge will happen in the future days, we are cleaning up the database and aligning items/stats/etc to Dragon. Final date will be written here
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 12, 2013, 02:34:02 AM
[EVENT]Is time for another good event, this time is a FULL DEATHMATCH PvPvE. Kratei's Cube is up and ready for you with really interesting rewards!

[GAMEPLAY]Rewards from the new events have been slightly changed with the new additional event.
CTF: 2 event coins;
UndergroundColiseum: 100crp (or 400 fame if clanless) and 3 event coins;
Kratei: 200/800/1200/1600/2000 fame points and 1/4/6/8/10 event coins based on partecipants amount and ranking (losers gets the minimum reward for partecipation)

[NOTICE]Island Teleporter now have destination also for Kratei's Cube for easy access from main towns.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 14, 2013, 05:15:07 AM
[NOTICE]Arena merged with Dragon.

[NOTICE]Following the merge, various accounts have now more than 7 chars. Please delete the chars you don't want. In 14 days from now we will automatically execute the deletion of the least used chars on accounts with more than 7. Thanks for the understanding.

[NOTICE]Rewards from Underground Coliseum have been changed: 35crp (or 100 fame if clanless) and 3 event coins each member.

[GAMEPLAY]Added new Event's Rewards ( notice top b grade weapon usefull for nobles quest )

[GAMEPLAY]Beleth/Antaras/Valakas respawn raised by 48h (5 days). Instances Zaken/Frintezza/IceQueen raised by 24h (5 days)

[GAMEPLAY] http://www.dragon-network.net/account/change_name.php HERE U CAN CHANGE UR NICKNAME [ARE]
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 14, 2013, 03:23:57 PM
[GAMEPLAY]DNET Cloak can now be enchanted.

[GAMEPLAY]PVP Weapons/Armors of grade S or higher can now get attribute points without requirement of "devolve" to normal weapons.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 21, 2013, 03:39:49 PM
[GAMEPLAY]Removed nerf on Pride of Kamael.

[GAMEPLAY]Igor/Magor doesn't offer anymore soulbounded items but "complete" ones (old items purchased remains same).
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 29, 2013, 12:20:04 PM
[BUGFIX]Aura Flash bug fixed.

[BUGFIX]Corrected issues on Epic Weapons.

[BUGFIX]Fixed missing enchant route of Prominence, Hurricane and HydroBlast.

[BUGFIX]Dash, when used with armor different than "light", gives only 80% of the speed bonus.

[GAMEPLAY]Igor/Magor can trade some consumable in exchange of Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum coins.

[GAMEPLAY]Trade Golem shop list improved.

[NOTICE]Donny have available now some new hats.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 31, 2013, 05:08:54 PM
[BUGFIX]The minimum % of buff dispel effect was not always applied on all skills giving cancel protection. Now it does

[GAMEPLAY]Focus Death/Chance/Power now doesn't cripple stats so much anymore when using a weapon different that daggers.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on August 31, 2013, 08:27:44 PM
- Name Change is now Available in Manage Account section at our homepage.


P.S. You have to login in order to do mentioned change.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on September 06, 2013, 06:40:31 PM
- Auto pickup system is enabled ;
- Auto pickup on all items enabled ;
- Auto pickup on Raid drops disabled ;

*Auto pickup works only on NPC-s not chars nor drops from inventory.
*Same KS drop-rules remain as for the auto pickup.

To enabled auto pickup , log in game and type .autopickupon
for additional options you may want to type .help

Thank you
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on September 26, 2013, 02:44:55 PM
Tablet of vision in vall of argos is fixed

Sorry for the issue
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on October 01, 2013, 10:21:40 PM
[BUGFIX]When in Hide you should not be targettable anymore or attackable from pets.

[BUGFIX]Re-fixed again cancel resist, now should really be max 75% with any skills combination.

[BUGFIX]Corrected a possible disconnection bug. (please report on forum if still happening)

[GAMEPLAY]EXP curve changed to reflect H5 one, now is required much less EXP to reach maximum level. Players who was already max level probably will notice extra EXP in their bar (over 100%). Don't worry about that, is all extra for you.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on October 24, 2013, 04:44:10 PM
- Datacenter hardware failure, we are replacing damaged parts , however it also depends on hoster itself. Expect up and downs in next few hours until completly solved.
We appologize again for this unplaned downtime.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on October 26, 2013, 03:34:59 PM
Downtime 1h - Finnaly Datacenter is changing our HDD
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on October 31, 2013, 06:15:11 PM
- Halloween Night Event is on! More of the details are here:

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on November 24, 2013, 12:40:44 AM
- Alea iacta est the tournament has been announced :

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on December 04, 2013, 06:05:20 PM
- Alea iacta est the tournament has been announced :

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on December 20, 2013, 05:42:17 PM
HO HO HO HO Donation 25% SALES OFF

- Starting today 25% discount on all donations , each coin values 0,75e = 1dc . Promotion will be up until 20.1.2014.

Happy Holidays to everyone!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 09, 2014, 09:31:38 AM
I would like to announce that is now possible got a Ts3 room in private server for free !

Also Check out our Event List


Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 15, 2014, 12:55:24 AM
we hired more working power to help us, thats why im proudly present you 2 new GMs ^FlashHunter^ and ^Saga^
They have great knowledge regarding l2, but their main job will be hunting and punishing BOT-s and L2w users.

Dragon - Network x15 server staff (update)

- Project Developer
- Main coder
- Admin


- Accounts Issues Manager
- Tester
- General Helper and Assistant
- Event Manager

- Jailer
- L2w hunter
- General Problems Support
- Daily Event Manager

- Jailer
- L2w hunter
- General Problems Support
- Daily Event Manager

Quitted on all Dragon x15 positions.

- PayPal Donations Manager

I want inform players that Clans can got a FREE room in Ts3 server
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 30, 2014, 02:31:02 AM
Hoster unexpected server maintamance, we will be right back online soon as possible!
Thanks for understanding
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =drake= on January 30, 2014, 03:19:55 PM
After some DDoS attacks that yesterday threatened the stability of the servers and the quality of the gameplay, we upped an anti-DDoS protection system.

At login you will probably notice that there are now up to 3 servers to choose from (center EUropa, middle RUssia, south ROmania).
Simply take the one with better connection for you (try them all, but usually just take the one that is probably nearer to your country).
Lowest ping = better connection
(If we see the three servers are not enough, we will add more.)

The login/gameservers are up and running fully as before.
All secondary services will slowly getting restored, for the end of the day it should be all back to normal (webserver, patcher, etc... can have some quirks and behave weird)

Thanks and sorry for the nightly interruption.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 30, 2014, 05:46:35 PM
The DDoS, as gamebreaking situation, went in highest priority.
Sadly this took the time to test the new skills and the whole new update package (items) so the release have been delayed by about 24-48h until we finish to restore also the secondary services (webserver, patcher, web account management)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =drake= on February 02, 2014, 07:25:38 AM
As you have probably noticed, we had DDoS issues that have been resolved using proxies.
Tonight have been done some additional fine tuning for who was experiencing disconnections and have been added a 4th p. to the list.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =drake= on February 02, 2014, 07:34:37 AM
Mailserver have been restored.
In case you need reset/change password or register a new account: now you can again.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 03, 2014, 10:48:59 AM
Datacenter unexpected server issue, we will be right back online soon as possible!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 03, 2014, 11:56:16 AM
Machines are all up, servers should follow in a bit.

Thank you and apologize for unplanned inconvenience.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =drake= on February 04, 2014, 04:30:46 AM
EU2 p. have been updated with better performances/capacity.
(in you are already connected to it since before 4:30AM UTC 4th february, we suggest to relog to get moved to the new one)
Added also a new p. to the list (same engine of EU2)

EU2 and USA runs an custom low latency/high capacity p. system that is still in beta (phase 2 of 4 now) so can happen rare crashes (aka global disconnection) or maintenance (announced before).
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =drake= on February 04, 2014, 02:35:46 PM
P. EU2 updated (was down for maintenance the whole morning), please test it.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =drake= on February 04, 2014, 03:55:17 PM
New p. USA (located in Dallas, Texas) is operative.
You will see it from the list of proxies at login.

Please let us know if works good for you.
(refrain to use it if you are from europe/asia!)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =drake= on February 05, 2014, 07:42:05 PM
EU1 and EU2 p. have been updated.
EU1 is located in Frankfurt
EU2 is located in Strasbourg
They should both have really good performances and lowest ping.

In case you are currently already connected to one of those, please re-login to be redirected to the new proxies (else you remain connected to the old ones and connection trough them will be cutted in next 48 hours)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =drake= on February 10, 2014, 02:36:16 AM
Changelog for updates of tomorrow (some things are active already right now but you will have to wait tomorrow evening to have all fully operative)

- During PVP/PK, for each kills you will now be awarded, regardless where you are, with 1 Mark of Eris. This item can be traded at the Island Teleporter for various rewards (and also for "fame" as 1 Mark of Eris = 1 Fame Point)
- Four new exciting tattoos have been added to the available choices: Bloodlust, Roots, Illusionist and Horrors. They noticeably increase the landing rate of specific effects like Bleed/Root/Sleep and Fear but at same time they also make you weak to other effects so plan your choice carefully!
All tattoos that affect Bleed now also affects Poison (in good and bad way)
- Antharas/Valakas/Baium/QueenAnt/Orfen and Core have now a 25% chance to drop for you a "Blessed" version of their jewel offering additional or enhanced properties compared to their standard version!
- using the Weapon/Armor/Etc Orders received and character creation, is now possible to obtain "Frienship" high level S grade equipment (with 90 days lifespan) that can help you massively to get ready and kicking on Dragon.
- Mana Gain: can be casted only toward party members and cant be casted on self
- Boost Morale: it cant be stacked with Spirit of Shillien and Flame Gust
- True Berserker (kamael skill): does not affect crossbows
- Increase Power (kamael skill): does not affect crossbows
- global pvp damage: increased magic damage by +2%
- mirage: the chances of target loss went from 80% to 70%. The effect requires now at least 100 damage instead of 1 damage to trigger.
- trick/switch: increased landing rate by 10%
- DeathSpike Summoner enchant path Duel have been reduced in power. For example, now in PVP +15 duel is same as +19 power and +23 duel is same as +30 power
- Increased cast time of all summonings by 2 seconds
- Removed 1vs1 Class matches from Olympiads (class unrestricted 1vs1 and 3vs remains unchanged)
- Hide now correctly works
- Mental Shield working correctly as should
- CTF is now accessible again
- various bugfixes

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =drake= on February 11, 2014, 03:26:33 AM
Updates active, please fullcheck.

- added also an additional tattoo: "Tattoo of the Wounded"

Every player (that have logged in last 8 days) have been awarded with 50 mark of eris for the issues with the proxies :)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =drake= on February 13, 2014, 12:27:16 AM
Whole datacenter is having major issues at the moment (everything is lagging, even their website is KO)

We expect them to fix it quite fast but meanwhile is to be expected major lags in the game (we cant do much about it).
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on February 13, 2014, 09:56:46 AM
Forum issue has been solved. However login issue appeared again, seems that hoster is doing some maintenance , we wrote a support ticket when they will be finally solve it. Hoping for shortest possible answer and resolving of the problem. I will inform you about everything.
Thank you
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =drake= on February 16, 2014, 05:12:55 AM
New respawn time for all the bosses.
The random time have been massively reduced to +/- 30min so everyone have a chance to know nearly exactly when the boss will be available by checking:
Please remember that +/-30min means that you can have a time-range that goes from -30min to +30min over the expected respawn date/time!

Some tunings have been made also to the respawn time to be adjusted accordly to the new random respawn (reduced and disaligned to not end up constantly on same hour of the *next* day)
We hope this change will bring great PvP for everyone.

In addition, currently active only on BAIUM, we are testing the new Rage System for the raidbosses.
The Rage System consists in 5 stages.
At each stage the boss will grow stronger/faster in power but weaker in defence. Additionally will receive a self-heal for 10% of the total HP.
The first stage of Baium triggers after 20 minutes of fighting and every successive stage each 10 minutes.

CTF event is now accessible daily only from 16:00 to 20:00 (UTC)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =drake= on February 16, 2014, 05:53:17 AM
Seems there have been many misunderstanding so i will re-explain the match limit.
Currently we have the official matchlimit that is of 70 matches WEEKLY (this means 280 matches MONTHLY).
Those matches weekly are 60 1vs1 and 10 3vs3 matches.

Please remind it: the 70 matches limit is a WEEKLY!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 17, 2014, 07:14:04 PM
OLYMPIAD SYSTEM - Olympiad now start at 20:00 (UTC)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 25, 2014, 11:20:23 PM
- Shield of revenge work now correctly
- Totems cant be stacked with Spirit of Shillien and Flame Gust
- Sacrifice self effect reduced.
- Mark of eris now can be exchanged for 2 fame points
- Manor System - Crops can be traded in npc castle for gcm
- Fixed some game bugs
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on February 26, 2014, 12:59:18 PM
Donation system is enabled. In order to donate:

1) Log our homepage www.dragon-network.net
2) go to manage , then press donate (or click in right top corner donate button)
3) agree with donation terms
4) select char you wish to donate for (*there are some checks on your character , you have to be level 40 char and few other checks)
5) select amount from the list or go custom

** Donation Rate for Dragon x15 is 0,7euro :1dc

Thank you
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on March 29, 2014, 10:50:49 AM
- Event Island is now giving 3 PVP point ( FAME ) for each Mark of Eris
- Event Island is now offering GMC for trinkets (greater, normal and lesser)
- Warlock was missing Light Armor magic mastery lv2. It have now been added.
- Light/Heavy armors when used as FIGHTER have additional base 10% penality on cast speed. (when used as MAGE it  had already up to 50% as official since first day of L2 and it have not been changed)
- Magicians Will 5% passive bonus of matk/castspeed is given now only to Robe
- Nightshade summoning and reuse time have been slightly increased
- We found a big inconsistency about summons affecting Unicorn Seraphin, Queen Cat and Nightshade. By official, all summons have a PVP damage penality (that goes from 14% for the lowest summons, 20% for the 2nd summon and 30% for the top (4th) summons like spectral lord, king cat, unicorn magnus). For some unknown reasons Unicorn Seraphin/QueenCat/Nightshade, that are the 3rd summon, was totally missing this PVP reduction. We added it as 24% (average between 2nd and 4th summons) to Seraphin/Queen/Nightshade.
- New farm zone in hot spring ! You can now spoil Attribute Stones , Attribute Crystals and LifeStones from Atrox , Nepenthes and Yeti
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 03, 2014, 10:36:27 AM
- Chant_of_berserker now work correctly
- Removed 3vs3 option from oly
- Instance Raid Boss drop now only 1 red trinkets ( active next reboot )
- Mutant Elpy have now time respawn 1h (+/- 20 mins )
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 20, 2014, 08:55:02 AM
In fornt of Dragon's staff i wish to all of our players and their families Happy Easter !!!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 29, 2014, 03:44:48 PM
- Hot Spring back normal quest zone
- New Hats available in Donny ( General Purpose Items )
- Dynstic Essence available in Donny ( General Purpose Items )
- Attribute Stone are now spoilable in Field Of Whispers ( Suppressor , Exterminator  ,Murcrokian Ascetic )
- Antharas Behemoth Dragon is little nerfed ( 15%)
- Nightshade receive around 15% more dmg ( fix up already about 3 weeks )
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on May 11, 2014, 01:42:11 PM
Seed of anihilation - Is noW possible spoil gcm in 3 mobs : Elite Brakian , Elite Turtlian . Elite Karnibi
( cos of this event manager gmc exchange is little changed )

Donny - New cool items added in General purpose items Section

Donny - New cool Agaithions added in Special Mounts Section

Event Manager - Some prices are increased
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on May 28, 2014, 02:31:09 AM
Do fullcheck or you will got problem for log in future
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on June 05, 2014, 12:12:10 AM
Our hoster merged company with another company, they are re-routing and moving everything to the new system. Expect global downtime of 24h!

Apologize for the inconvenience , but our hoster have informed us about all this on German language (great...)

Thank you for patience
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on June 05, 2014, 07:45:25 PM
Dragon is up ! 
Our Datacenter solved the issue with machines !
ty for ur patience
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on June 07, 2014, 05:28:25 AM
The login problem is finnaly solved !
Sorry for the issue and ty for ur patience
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on July 30, 2014, 05:30:05 PM
- Mirage now give {i_target_cancel;75} That means that now chance to avoid attack of enemy is 75% (fix active since 10 days)

- Lethal have 4% more of chance (fix active since 10 days)

- Arcane Shield work correctly as official

- Smart cubic now delete 6 debuffs not more 10 as before

- Augument reflect ( active and passive ) now reflect 18% of dmg not more 20%

- Pranah now give a malus of 7% pvp dmg

- [malruk_succubus_turen e  [malruk_succubus] have now 2x 3x numbers of respoin based of area

- Pvp mask coming in server in next 24h
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 19, 2014, 03:20:19 PM
We noticed some issues on the DNS servers of our Domain/Nameserver provider (dragon-network.net). the issue should be resolved by them quite promptly and probably already solved by now. But based on the way DNS servers works you will be able to login ingame already now or later up to 12 hours depending by which country you live in.

The issue basically would not allow you to navigate the dragon network website (you can access it by IP by going and not allowing you to login as our login domain is same
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on August 21, 2014, 05:54:18 PM
Paypal is back online. In order to donate please follow these steps:

1) go to www.dragon-network.net
3) press DONATE button
4) select your character from the dropping column.

Thank you for supporting the servers and keeping them alive, in addition to that by donating trough our homepage you also support future projects development and hardware improvement. Thank you for that.

**Small notice**: As in every aspect of life there is always underground black market, that includes our servers as well. Please save a minute of your time and read what i have to state about it, which may concern you. Illegal buying not only that is bannable (perma), but also by doing so you are supporting and sponsoring that person, not the server. When this happens, server eventually have less and less money to pay the bills and eventually drains out of resources to keep it online. Which means that even you got a bit better price or even good items , they will have no value since servers will be offline, therefor i strongly suggest you to use official ways of donating. It is the ONLY way to keep the servers online, support future projects and reward the staff itself for countless time spent in providing you stability, service and fun. Thank you once again for your time and support.

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on September 17, 2014, 05:15:06 PM
we will start use this update rule from day 20 ( so u have 3 day for learn the rule and no excuse )


This rule will be applied only if catched by gms cos we dont want fake video etc
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on December 02, 2014, 03:55:05 AM
Official Dragon Network's YouTube channel announced, for all the information please follow this Link (http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,286175.0.html).

Thank you
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 09, 2014, 12:33:37 PM
Server Maintenance Eta around 30 mins

Skill fix

- Violent Temper fixed the chance (10% less)
- Curse fear fixed the time-effect in cost
- Heroic grander fixed the chance (10% less)
- Pranah give now malus 20% less pvp dmg
- Hero pole fixed chance (10% less)
- Still divinity fixed chance (10% less)
- Erase fixed the chance (5% less)

Bug Game

- Zaken trasformation fixed
- Hells weapon+mw code for sa fixed
- Vorpal light set bug fixed
- Essence of Kamaloka bug fixed
- Warrior Helmet fixed in upcoming client patch
- Squad skills no bug found ( tested and all work correct )

Game play
- Oly period will terminate on 15th of this month
Thats means that will be new hero day 15/12 then day 30/12 then day 14/1 then 29/1 and so on every 15 days...

1 more reboot will be during the week with new consumable items in donny ( pvp mask etc )
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 11, 2014, 12:40:45 PM
Litte 20 mins Maintenance downtime ! When server back online be sure to do full check or you will be not able to log in game later
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 13, 2014, 06:39:39 PM
Maintenance downtime ! Eta 1h
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 13, 2014, 08:05:00 PM

To login should be more than enough to simply launch your LAUNCHER (DRAGONNETWORK) and it will prompt you for autoupdate.
- it will restart
- a new selection of server will appear DIRECTLY IN THE LAUNCHER
- choose DRAGON (for DRAGON)
- press START

If you fail in any situation, you can redownload the LAUNCHER from www.dragon-network.net or, if you have major issues or proxies or some bizarre configuration of your PC/Network you can download the WHOLE patch from www.dragon-network.net and override all
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 24, 2014, 04:36:43 AM
But servers are UP and running!

Website should be back online within 24 hours, our highly trained monkeys are currently working on it!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 24, 2014, 09:37:44 PM
In front of Dragon Network's staff i wish to all of our players and their families Merry Christmas and best of health, prosperity and love!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 27, 2014, 08:36:20 PM
http://ge.tt/6Xt74Y72/v/0 Here u can download the patch for Enter in Dragon ! Unzip the compressed file inside the L2 folder, overwrite all when requested. For log in game u must use Dnet Lancher
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on December 31, 2014, 09:09:54 PM
In front of Dragon-Network staff, we wish you that this 2015. Brings you 12 months of happiness,52 weeks of joy,365 days of success,8,760 hours of good health,52,600 minutes of luck,3,153,600 seconds of pleasure and.... thats all!

Happy New year!

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 14, 2015, 07:03:16 PM
Is now possible to view the olympiad period directly from the website:

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 16, 2015, 07:08:12 PM
Knorics update
- They debuff -20% casting -20% att sped ( 30 sec effect ) official is -90% casting -30% att speed ( 120 sec effect )
- respown is 8 mins in official is 45
- No Lethal
- No static mobs ( they run now )
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 20, 2015, 01:49:11 AM
Jail system is back !!!
Who find his char in jail have to pm me in game or a gm for be unjailed ! ty
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on March 03, 2015, 06:46:28 PM
We finally managed to get back our machine. There is not enough words to say sorry, but you have to understand that this wasn't planned nor intended. We will change hoster services starting next month.

Thumbs and servers UP!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 05, 2015, 01:09:01 PM
In front of all Dragon-Network's staff , i wish to all happy Easter. Enjoy it with your families and friends
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on May 01, 2015, 03:52:19 AM
- Variuos bugs fixed

- Is now possible exchange medal of glory for 150 fame in oly manager

- All subChange are done
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on August 14, 2015, 09:09:01 PM
[NOTICE] GM Saga is removed from duties during inactivity.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on August 14, 2015, 09:14:50 PM
[NOTICE] Server will restart in 10 minutes. Small downtime for some testing.
*Expect several instant reboots*

Update done. For further information about it, you will be informed by ShowStopper after he appears.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on October 23, 2015, 10:41:55 AM
New items avaible in donny

You can buy :

Pvp Mask ( in 3 possible skin in headgears section )
Multimedial Shirts ( in shirt section )
Blessed Clock
Blessed Bracelet
3 Blessed Belt
Green Talisman
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 21, 2015, 02:24:52 AM
UNEXPECTED MAINTENANCE from our datacenter - Expect global downtime from 6 to 10h

Blessed items have now the correct description

Added 4 new blessed items
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 21, 2015, 02:46:58 PM
Because of some extended maintenance at the datacenter ( hardware issue ), HighFive server Dragon is currently inaccessible and new accounts registration are disabled for 48h.
Services will come back online on monday morning 23rd november 2015.

Kind regards and thanks for your patience,
DNET Staff
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 21, 2015, 03:04:30 PM
Our german monkeys have solved the hardware problem in record time .
Dragon is up but some lag could be present cos still server under checking by datacenter

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 21, 2015, 03:33:21 PM
Dragon is up !!!

Full check is necessary for see the new blessed items

Blessed items have now the correct description ( fixed )

Blessed Dnet Clock is now enchantable

4 new blessed items added in donny :
Blessed Elegia shield
Blessed Belt pvp physical attack
Blessed Belt pvp skill attack
Blessed Belt pvp defense

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 24, 2015, 11:06:41 AM
In front of Dragon's staff i wish to all of our players and their families Merry Christmas.

Find  peace,love and prosperity with the persons you love and show to eachother how much you care for !

Peace and God Bless you all!

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^FlashHunter^ on December 24, 2015, 12:04:44 PM
On behalf of myself and the entire team of Dragon-Network I wish you all a merry and peaceful Christmas
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 01, 2016, 04:33:52 PM
In front of Dragon's staff i wish to all of our players and their families Happy New Year
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 17, 2016, 02:14:09 AM
Updates List

- removed all flags from Baium area and disabled summon on it
- queen ant and minions are lv85/84
- valakas/antharas cannot be heal
- baium/valakas added 30%hp
- antharas removed 30%hp and, on hard mode, removed 40%
- added new item Blessed Elegia Sigil, higher MP and PDEF
- Steal Divinity talisman now follows the same rules of the skill (but still takes maximum 1 buff)
- Detect Weakness skills cannot be canceled or stolen
- Talisman of Bravery reduced effect by 20%
- replaced all shining bow in server with draconic bow
- vesper heavy set +6 bonus now correctly increases MP regen
- Corrected resist/weakness of the following Tattoos: Wounded - Undead - Illusionist - Brave
- Zaken and Anakim scroll trasformation fixed reuse time in 20 mins
- Light Armor Magic Mastery lv2 on Warlock fixed (again)
- Dance of medusahave now 10% less chance
- Song of Silence have now 5% more chance
- Curse Fear now have 1sec additional reuse, 7% less chance. Cost effect is now 30sec.
- Duelist spirt doesn't work anymore with Flame Icon or SoS (interaction between AIcon, FIcon and SoS remains unchanged)
- Shield of revenge boosted the reflected damage by a 10%
- Trick/Bluff/Switch have been boosted by 5%
- Erase is now based on casting speed
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 17, 2016, 10:15:27 PM
- Cancel Talisman: 80->90% resistance
- WarriorBane/MageBane: reuse 3->5sec. Landrate 80->50%
- MassWarriorBane/MassMageBane: reuse 8->10sec. Landrate 40->25%
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 22, 2016, 05:25:56 PM
- DuelistSpirit again stacking with everything. But reduced bonuses with blunt/bow/daggers
- Shining Bow replaced with draconic bow (for real, now)
- Hero Jewels accessible to new players with friendship tokens. Beware of their cost.
- Friendship S grade jawels - fixed bug
- All non-epic bosses have been dramatically reduced in HP and proportionally raised in PDEF/MDEF.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on March 27, 2016, 03:15:44 PM
In fornt of Dragon's staff i wish to all of our players and their families Happy Easter
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on June 21, 2016, 11:44:47 PM
Updates Part 1

New droplist for Queen Ant (website will be updated in the next days)

Raised base stats of Baium

Fortress guards level raised to lv82

Physical Mirror, Fear, Heroic Dread, Seal of Limit chance reduced by 5%

Chain Heal now works only on party/clan members

Assassination +5% patk, +2% fatal blow, +5% pvp physical damage, +2% pvp skill damage

Death Spike Summoner base reuse time raised by 0.8sec

Bow Mastery gives additional +3% pvp physical damage and +5% patk on bows. Everyone else that is not an archer loses 5% patk with bows.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on June 27, 2016, 11:44:53 PM
[GAMEPLAY]Frintezza have now a chance to give a Blessed Necklace with higher stats!

[GAMEPLAY]Dyno Island raised level of the monsters to 84 Also Pachycephalosaurus have a chance to drop Blessed Enchants Weapon S

[NOTICE]PVP Masks of Donny dropped from 4dc to 3dc!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 11, 2016, 02:27:42 PM

BLESSED TEZZA MDEF FIXED ( we will fix the description in game in next reboot )


BLESSED CLOCK MW  READY ! Will be avaible for player in next reboot-updates






The second part of fix is almost ready we should finight it tomorrow !  I think we will not up it tomorrow night cos of tw and siege ! Problalby we will up all monday night so all players will have time to buy the new item and all can check without rush all changes
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 14, 2016, 08:42:12 PM
DATACENTER PROBLEMS ! they working for solve asap ! sorry for the issue
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 29, 2016, 12:46:14 AM

[CLIENT]Corrected the description of Blessed Frintezza (MDEF)

[SKILLS]Bow Mastery gives an additional 5% PAtk and 5%AtkSpeed with Bow

[SKILLS]Curse Fear reduced chance by 5%

[SKILLS]Aura Flash increased reuse time to 4sec

[SKILLS]Heroic Dread reduced chance by 5%

[SKILLS]Trance reduced chance by 5%


[SKILLS]Sonic Buster reduced critical chance by 2%

[SKILLS]Death Spike (Summoner) increased reuse time to 4sec

[ITEMS]DNET Cloak is now available as MasterWork item

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 03, 2016, 02:08:02 AM
[NOTICE]We had some issues with our web server that died happily of old age. We are restoring the services on a new roaring server, please be patient... But meanwhile you can log game or discuss on the forum.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 15, 2016, 08:51:38 PM

- Registration Account
Use for now gmail emails cos hotmail give some issue ( we gonna fix )

- Xmas Sieges
Same rules of last years will be siege only for pvp and fame ( engrave castle is forbidden ) cos lost of people will be offline so we do the same that all leaders decided in last years

- Events
any kind of event will back when the website will be complete again
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 24, 2016, 04:25:30 PM
In front of Dragon's staff i wish to all of our players and their families Merry Christmas.

Find  peace,love and prosperity with the persons you love and show to eachother how much you care for !

Peace and God Bless you all!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 28, 2016, 10:18:46 AM
- Drop List again avaible in website
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on March 22, 2017, 11:03:20 PM
29/03/2017 Planned Maintenance

Datacenter Maintenanceon 29th March from 5AM GMT to  12AM GMT.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on July 17, 2017, 06:13:50 PM
Unexpected extended datacenter maintenance/issue.

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on July 17, 2017, 10:34:41 PM
The Unexpected datacenter maintenance/issue will conitune so you will be not able to log in game all night long. Server will come back online not before of 12h.
Our german monkeys working for solve the big datacenter problem in record time .
Sorry for this downtime , Kind regards and thanks for your patience

DNET Staff

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on July 18, 2017, 12:16:59 PM
We are in continuously contact with the datacenter.
Our German Monkey working no stop for solve problem asap.
Will need some more hours since the problem is not only for Dragon but for a good part of the datacenter.
Thanks for patience and again sorry for this issue
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on July 18, 2017, 07:31:46 PM
Unexpected maintenance update:
we finally got answer from the datacenter and server's motherboard fried.
We are waiting now a replacement and the move of the HDDs to the new hardware.
Once all pieces are together we will work on the clock to restore the gameserver back online.
ETA is 20th july 10:00 GMT+1 but if all goes well we may manage to have all up and running already by tomorrow afternoon.
Thanks for ur patience.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on July 19, 2017, 05:25:12 PM
motherboard arrived, we assembled everything and... not booting :D
The data is all there, right now we are doing security backups and is taking a bit of time as is many hundreds of gigabytes and rsync ain't so fast here (in fact ETA is 20hours and yes is a shitload of time).
Once rsync finishes we will reinstall OS&things and copy back all data (this time just the minimal things, so ETA less than 20 hours, if lucky is 10 hours).

Because of the rsync back'n'forth we can't guarantee the previous ETA to have all ready by tomorrow morning. There are high chances it will not be ready until evening or even 21st July during the day (more precise ETA when rsync is finished and we start the rebuild process).

Sorry for the extended issue, we are working for you.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on July 20, 2017, 02:54:31 PM

- motherboard assembled
- OS reinstalled
- database restored (all data is, of course, ok and safe)

we are now finishing prepare all services to up the gameserver. Should be all ready by tomorrow morning.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on July 22, 2017, 12:51:08 AM
We finished restore the server, all is up and running.
All is back as before, but in the next few days we may occasionally reboot the server (with announces) to tweak it for performances.
Stability should be as usual but we will keep monitored all.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on July 23, 2017, 02:28:16 PM

[GAMEPLAY]Buffs on summons/pets are removed upon death or erase
[BUGFIX]Some generic crash bugs have been solved
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 08, 2017, 10:15:20 PM
Cos of very important real life issue i am not able to log till saturday so the planned events will be moved to a new date next week !
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 21, 2017, 12:22:09 PM

In front of Dragon's staff i wish to all of our players and their families Merry Christmas.
Find  peace,love and prosperity with the persons you love and show to eachother how much you care for ! Peace and God Bless you all!
We wish you that this 2018 brings you happiness, joy, success, good health, luck and pleasure!

Remember all that as last 3 years :
Day 23 will be NORMAL TW
Day 24 will be Sieges but will be forbidden to engrave ( so use for pvp and fame )
Day 30 will be NORMAL TW
Day 31 will be Sieges but will be forbidden to engrave ( so use for pvp and fame )
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on March 29, 2018, 04:31:30 PM
In front of Dragon's staff i wish to all of our players and their families Happy Easter.

Remember all that as last 3 years :
Day 31 will be NORMAL TW
Day 01 will be Sieges but will be forbidden to engrave ( so use for pvp and fame )
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 05, 2018, 11:25:04 PM
In front of Dragon's staff i wish to all of our players and their families Happy Orthodox Easter.

Day 07 will be NORMAL TW
Day 08 will be Sieges but will be forbidden to engrave ( so use for pvp and fame )
as request of orthodox players
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on May 05, 2018, 11:05:33 PM
Sorry for the inconvenience but we had an hardware failure on the server and is currently under repair.

Dragon will remain offline until the datacenter will complete the maintenance, we don't have yet an exact ETA but we will update you as soon as possible.

Our best guessing is around 24-48h, depending of DC engeneers.

Thank you for your patience.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on May 07, 2018, 03:12:26 PM

The datacenter fixed the hardware issue.
Sever now work correctly
Thanks for you patience
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on May 08, 2018, 12:19:51 AM
Sorry again for the inconvenience of this extra downtime but, seems the datacenter didn't repair correctly the machine and now is KO again.
We are waiting now for the replacement part, should be all up and running by tomorrow morning (they sadly dont work at night).
Thanks for your patience.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on May 08, 2018, 09:52:53 AM
Server is back online, the PSU was fried.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 06, 2018, 05:45:44 PM

[GAMEPLAY]No CTRL keypress required during a ClanWar
[GAMEPLAY]Reduced bosses level penality on droprate (based on level difference) (now you will have better droprate even if the boss is more than 2 levels under you)
[GAMEPLAY]Vitality rate increased
[BUGFIX]Increased the minimum distance between shops from 20 to 30
[BUGFIX]Fixed a lock/crash bug during trades, please report on forum if you still have it
[BUGFIX]Fixed other bugs and crashes
[NOTICE]There will be another maintenance in the evening with additional updates, final changelog will be published too.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 20, 2018, 07:50:04 PM
- Hoster unexpected server maintamance, we will be right back online once they fix their issue with machines! Eta max 12h
Thanks for understanding
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on October 04, 2018, 12:11:55 AM
[BUGFIX]Blades of Delusion now giving bonus when enchanted to +4 or more.

[BUGFIX]Fixed bugged DNET MW cloaks with wrong attribute stats

[GAMEPLAY]Reduced by 10% the effect of Heroic Dread

[GAMEPLAY]Reduced by 10% the duel/power enchants of Sonic Buster

[GAMEPLAY]Slightly increased the patk bonus on bows/crossbows masteries (after lv72)

[BUGFIX]Fixed price for Rudolph

[NOTICE]Converted all remaining Shining Bows to Draconic Bows

more fix in next days and new nice things for players incoming
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on October 25, 2018, 04:54:37 PM
[GAMEPLAY]Raised reuse of Curse Fear and Trance by 20%
[GAMEPLAY]Increased Atk speed and critical rate of archers with bow
[GAMEPLAY]Increased Atk speed and PAtk of Kamaels in all their weapon masteries (in both enchant routes)

more fix imcoming
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 03, 2018, 06:00:04 PM
[GAMEPLAY]Reduced Seal of Limit duration to 90 seconds
[GAMEPLAY]Slightly reduced efficiency of Cancel, Trance and Curse Fear
[GAMEPLAY]Limited Steal Divinity to max 4 buffs
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 16, 2018, 12:29:12 PM
[NOTICE]You can now recover the character's passkey from your private area on the website. If your character is pass-locked, a button [PASS] will appear near the name, click on it to recover your passkey.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 20, 2018, 06:38:27 PM
In front of Dragon's staff i wish to all of our players and their families Merry Christmas.
Find  peace,love and prosperity with the persons you love and show to eachother how much you care for ! Peace and God Bless you all!
We wish you that this 2019 brings you happiness, joy, success, good health, luck and pleasure!

Remember all that as last years :
Day 22 will be NORMAL TW
Day 23 will be Sieges but will be forbidden to engrave ( so use for pvp and fame )
Day 29 will be NORMAL TW
Day 30 will be Sieges but will be forbidden to engrave ( so use for pvp and fame )

will be huge punishment for who broke this clan leaders dealing
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 07, 2019, 01:00:29 AM
[NOTICE]Neolithic Crystal - S84, price increased from 20dc to 25dc

[BUGFIX]Vorpal Leather Set PVP now correctly giving +MP and +CrtDmg (wasn't)

[GAMEPLAY]Is now possible to obtain "Blessed Masterwork" versions of Vorpal and Elegia centerpiece armors from the Dimensional Merchant. Is required a Red Trinket and a Neolithic S84. These pieces can be further upgraded to PVP version too.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 04, 2019, 12:47:15 PM
[NOTICE]Blessed Vorpal/Elegia PVP Armors can be upgraded from their respective PVP normal versions without remove the PVP attribute.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 08, 2019, 12:26:47 PM
[GAMEPLAY]Dino Island is now PVP zone.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on October 18, 2019, 02:53:30 AM
[ Updates ][2019/10/18]

[BALANCE] Curse of Divinity's power reduced by 6%
[BALANCE] While under the effect of Enlightenment, you can't receive "Instinct" effects (example: Magic Impulse)
[BUGFIX] Fixed sieges/events time delay (11 minutes offset)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on October 28, 2019, 09:36:49 PM
[BALANCE]While under the effect of Angelic Icon, Flame Icon or Spirit of Shillien, you can't receive "Instinct" effects (example: Appetite for Destruction or Magic Impulse)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 14, 2019, 11:29:56 PM
Remember all that as last 4 years as requested by Main Clans Leaders :
Day 21 will be NORMAL TW
Day 22 will be Sieges but will be forbidden to engrave ( so use for pvp and fame )
Day 28 will be NORMAL TW
Day 29 will be Sieges but will be forbidden to engrave ( so use for pvp and fame )
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 18, 2019, 10:38:13 AM
[Game] Queen Ant area is now PvP zone
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 23, 2019, 03:11:10 PM
In front of Dragon's staff i wish to all of our players and their families Merry Christmas.
Find  peace,love and prosperity with the persons you love and show to eachother how much you care for ! Peace and God Bless you all!
We wish you that this 2020 brings you happiness, joy, success, good health, luck and pleasure!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 19, 2020, 11:39:38 AM
[ Updates ]

[GAMEPLAY] Orfen is now level 85
[GAMEPLAY] Queen Ant minions have been boosted and Baium DPS increased by 6%
[BUGFIX] Orfen's minions are now level 84

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 23, 2020, 10:56:30 PM

[BALANCE] Blessed Orfen Earring gives an additional +300 HP
[BALANCE] Reduced the chance of Steal Divinity
[BALANCE] Reduced maximum chances of Fear, Mass Fear and Silence
[BALANCE] Increased reuse time of Mass Aggression
[BUGFIX] Buff Shield is now usable in Olympiad

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 24, 2020, 12:13:19 PM

Unespected Datacenter Maintenance!
Sorry for the issue ! Server work now Correctly
Thanks a lot for your patience !
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 27, 2020, 01:11:51 PM

[BALANCE] Resurrection feathers received a big weight increase. For logistical reasons, each player had it moved to their warehouse
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 30, 2020, 07:03:38 PM

[GAMEPLAY]All bosses level 80+ (except epics) always drops at least 1 Blessed Enchant Weapon S and 1 Giant's Codex of Mastery
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 01, 2020, 02:12:05 PM

[GAMEPLAY] Olympiad weekly matches limit (using original HF rules)

[GAMEPLAY] Chamber of Delusion is now PVP zone

[BALANCE] Drastically reduced the droprate for Blessed Enchant Scroll S and Mastery's Codex of the following bosses: Emerald Horn, Dust Rider, Bleeding Fly, Blackdagger Wing, Shadow Summoner, Spike Slahcer, Muscle Bomber

[BALANCE] Slightly increased Aggression reuse delay

[BALANCE] Blessed Scroll of Escape have now a reuse time

[BALANCE] To reduce the abuse of bots, the item "My Teleport Scroll" has been removed from all inventories and their cost has been replaced with coins
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 04, 2020, 02:58:21 PM

[BALANCE] All bosses that received the additional drop of BEWS and Codex of Mastery had their stats increased (feedbacks are welcome)

[BALANCE] Aggression reuse delay is now static at 5 sec

[BALANCE] My Teleport Scroll" coins price has been reduced
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on March 07, 2020, 10:46:39 AM
[ Updates ][2020/03/07]

[BALANCE] Slightly reduced the PDEF of various bosses
[MISC] Olympiad Tokens are now available from Donny
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 07, 2020, 08:24:49 PM

[NOTICE]On date 10/04/2020 we will delete all characters that didn't log since 01/01/2011. If for any reason you have a character matching this criteria and that you want to save, just enter ingame at least once with it. Thanks.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 12, 2020, 12:44:17 AM
In front of all Dragon-Network's staff , i wish to all happy Easter. Enjoy it with your families and hope this bad time in the world will finish soon
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on April 12, 2020, 05:19:28 PM
Official Dragon-Network Discord is UP and running, please joins us today following this link:

https://discord.gg/hnYdrU (https://discord.gg/hnYdrU)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on May 13, 2020, 08:59:00 PM
[ Updates ][2020/05/13]

[BUGFIX]All items stuck in mail have been sent to your warehouse. Only stuck items have been moved.

[BALANCE]Arrest effect now lasts longer
[BALANCE]Curse Divinity power has been reduced by 20%
[BALANCE]Sacrifice heals 20% less and the +Power enchantment is less powerful
[BALANCE]Touch of Death max buffs removed is now 3 (was 5)
[BALANCE]Drain Energy and Life Leech slight increase of Reuse Time

[NOTICE]From next week, Weekly Olympiad Matches will be back to default

[NOTICE]Overall price changes in Donny
[NOTICE]At Donny you can now purchase Ketra and Varka quest items in exchange of Adena
[NOTICE]At Donny you can now purchase EXP and SP in exchange of Adena (instead of Coins)

[NOTICE]Friendship equip items have now better stats and are inbued with Attribute Defence (client fullcheck to see new stats)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on July 03, 2020, 01:22:57 PM

[NOTICE]Ancient Weapon and Armor Enchant Crystals (S-Grade) are now available at Donny! They can enchant up to +12 for Weapons and up to +8 for Armors.

[BUGFIX]Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 86 is now tradable in private shops
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 07, 2020, 10:30:55 AM

We was experiencing some stability and disconnection issues with the game server.

We was all night on server for fix it

The server is back online

Sorry for the issue and thanks for understanding .
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 12, 2020, 02:34:26 PM

s_stun_shot1 | activate_rate from 55% to 50%, chance enchant max activate_rate from 95% to 80%
s_polearm_mastery | increased targets hit by +2
s_speed_walk_freedom | fix effect from p_resist_abnormal_by_type to p_resist_abnormal_by_category
s_spirit_of_bear | mp 13 to 25
s_spirit_of_wolf | mp 10 to 19
s_frenzy | p_physical_attack_by_hp1 to p_physical_attack_by_hp2 and % changed (now matching the skill description, from 30,42,55% to 20,30,40%)
s_sweeper | added i_consume_body
s_trick | i_target_cancel da 95 a 80 (as official)
s_switch | i_target_cancel da 95 a 80
s_summon_mechanic_golem | casting time from 6 to 15
s_detect_bug_weakness | buff_protect (cannot be stolen)
s_detect_beast_weakness | buff_protect (cannot be stolen)
s_punch_of_doom | reuse_delay_lock=1
s_sword_symphony | lv_bonus_rate from 1 to 2
s_deadly_blow1 | changed trait from trait_death to trait_none (as official)
s_servitor_empower | increased p_magical_defence when enchanted (matching skill description, +30 was 3510 now is 4212)
s_blinding_blow1 | changed trait from trait_death to trait_none (as official)
s_bluff | i_target_cancel from 90 to 80 (as official)
s_dance_of_medusa | added trait turn_stone and now gives 100% protection to "turn_stone" when you are turned stone (can't overstack anymore)
s_dark_vortex | removed the -6 accuracy effect
s_hero_heroic_berserker | p_magical_defence is now -25%, before was -25 (fixed value, not %!)
s_tribunal | added i_get_agro
s_judgement | added i_get_agro
s_arrest | abnormal_time from 16 to 10
s_psycho_symphony | skill_hit_time from 3 to 1.5, activate_rate from 50 to 80
s_demon_blade_dance | activate_rate from 50 to 80
s_critical_blow  | changed trait from trait_death to trait_none (come originale)
s_magical_backfire | abnormal_lv from 2 to 3 to match npc version (corrected all other skills i_dispel_by_slot;mp_cost_up to match this new level)
s_shield_of_revenge | p_damage_shield from 22 to 20
s_sweeper_festival  | added i_consume_body
s_chant_of_gate | reuse_delay 240 to 600
s_volcano1 | added i_m_attack;500 at the start of the effect
s_cyclone1 | added i_m_attack;500 at the start of the effect
s_tsunami1 | added i_m_attack;500 at the start of the effect
s_gehenna1 | added i_m_attack;500 at the start of the effect
s_purification_field | skill_hit_time from 4 to 3
s_guiltied_body | removed p_heal_effect -5%
s_increase_power | p_physical_attack works now to all, before was only "sword;blunt;dual;dualfist;dagger;dualdagger;pole;ancientsword;rapier" (basically now works with bows too)
s_defuse_trap | target_type fixed
s_remove_trap | target_type fixed
s_soul_of_pain | reduced mp consumed (+30 went from 11/44 to 9/35)
s_dark_flame | abnormal_lv from 1 to 3
s_annihilation_circle | reduced mp consumed (+30 enchant went from 18/71 to 15/57)
s_soul_to_empower | reduced mp consumed (lv3 went from 60/40 to 12/48)
s_seal_of_blockade | abnormal_lv from 2 to 1
s_meteor | tp_hp from -117 every 3sec to -100 every 5sec (as official)
s_star_fall | tp_hp from -117 every 3sec to -100 every 5sec (as official)
s_leopold | reduced mp consumed (+15 from 21/84 to 17/68)
s_transform_death_blow | changed trait from trait_death to trait_none (cas official)
s_critical_sence | lv1 skill magic_level 43 to 40
s_soul_shock_power | added abnormal_visual_effect={ave_turn_flee}
s_sub_warrior_ability_fast_attack1 | is now marked as a debuff
s_sub_knight_ability_defence1 | is now marked as a debuff
s_sub_rogue_ability_critical_chance1 | is now marked as a debuff
s_transform_sub_knight_hate | is now marked as a debuff
s_transform_sub_knight_hate_aura | is now marked as a debuff
s_transform_sub_rogue_deadly_blow1 | changed trait from trait_death to trait_none (come originale)
s_flame_hawk1 | removed {t_hp;-300;10}, added the effect on a triggered skill (requires testing)
s_rain_of_arrow1 | removed {t_hp;-300;10}, added the effect on a triggered skill (requires testing)
s_ghost_piercing1 | removed {t_hp;-300;10}, added the effect on a triggered skill (requires testing)
s_dread_full | replaced the {p_hit;-10} with {p_avoid;-10} (now correctly reduces evasion instead of accuracy)
s_weapone_blockade | p_physical_attack debuff from -35% to -40%
s_force_of_destruction | t_hp from -80 to -200, activate_rate from 80 to 90, abnormal_time from 20 to 5
s_demolition_impact | effective_range from 400 to 200
s_throne_root | activate_rate from 50 to 90
s_soul_vortex | reduced mp consumed (from 21/84 to 17/68)
s_lighting_shock | reworked as official: removed {i_m_attack;69}, added {p_attack_speed;{all};-50;per};{p_magic_speed;{all};-50;per};{p_defence_trait;trait_paralyze;100};{i_m_soul_attack;69;0}
s_shadow_step | corrected magic_level from 72 to 40
s_fast_recovery_kamael2 | magic_level 49 to 43. Corrected all regen values to official stats (hp from 6 to 4, mp from 3 to 5.4, cp from 6 to 4)
s_dual_blow1 | magic_level 81 to 83, effect from {i_fatal_blow;11234;400;20};{i_death;5;10} to {i_fatal_blow;11234;600;30};{i_death;0.1;8}
s_chant_of_elements | mp consume from 220/55 to 55/220
s_deadly_strike | removed use with dualdagger
s_multi_shot | effective_range from 1100 to 1400, fan range from 45 to 60 degrees, skill_cool_time from 0 to 1
s_song_battle_whisper | is not a party song! now affects only the caster as should be
s_dance_defence_motion1 | is not a party dance! now affects only the caster as should be
s_death_shot | reduse_delay_lock=1, now it auto-attacks after
s_dagger_throw | effective_range from 500 to 450, reuse_delay_lock=1, activate_rate from 50 to 80
s_sonic_mastery | trigger from 99% to 100%, some minor fixes in the skill format
s_force_mastery | trigger from 99% to 100%, some minor fixes in the skill format
s_servitor_share | now requires to have a summon with an operate_cond check
s_dimension_spiral | consumes 1mp less, reuse_delay_lock=1
s_hf_rush1 | magic_level from 32 to 40
s_hf_rush_impact1 | magic_level from 78 to 83. i_p_soul_attack changed to i_p_attack
s_crashing_strike1 | now can crit (5%)
s_blazing_boost1 | min range from 400 to 200. effective_range from 900 to 600. now can work with dualfist
s_soul_roar1 | stack with some other effects (abnormal_type now is max_hp_up_k instead of multi_debuff_g)
s_potential_ability1 | requires armor_light equipped
s_lucky_blow1 | more chances to crit (from 10% to 30%), less chance to i_death when full CP (from 5% to 0.1%)
s_battle_cry1 | abnormal_type from max_hp_cp_up to max_hp_up (different stacking)
s_fury_of_paagrio1 | reduced mp consumption from 28/172 to 35/137
s_piercing_attack1 | the skill now triggers by the action of attacking, not by damage.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 16, 2020, 11:41:08 AM
All quest items from Olympiads (Certificates) are now stackable. Please fullcheck the client. (if you have any issue with inventory, try to reduce the amount of occupied quest items slots to under 100)

Full check 
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on September 03, 2020, 02:41:32 PM

[GAMEPLAY]A new Olympiad season has started and from this month there are some new changes. Weapons and armors with enchant higher than +16 will automatically scale to +16 for the duration of the match. The maximum amount of points that can be earn during a match is now 8 (was 10)


[BUGFIX]Restored Sacrifice to official costs and effect and the skill now works with Touch of Life and Enlightment. Can't be casted on yourself.
[BUGFIX]Cancel protection does not protect from Symbols
[GAMEPLAY]Reduced stats of monsters from Lair of Antaras and Valley by about 20%
[GAMEPLAY]Reduced by 15% the Patk/Matk and by 50% the PDef of Drake Lord, Dragon Beast, Behemoth Leader


[BUGFIX]Dragon Vortex preventing the summon of the Bosses
[BUGFIX]Blocking dialogue issues with the following npcs: Officer Edric, Sake Dun Zu Hestui, Mysterious Wizard, Harkilgamed
[BUGFIX]Sin Eater leveling


[BUGFIX]Drop rate of Freya (still slighty better than before)
[BUGFIX]Secret Door of Solina to open only using the "Secret Key" from Guide Solina
[BUGFIX]Chain heal reworked to match the correct effect
[GAMEPLAY]Reduced the respawn time of Magma Drake Mother (please notice that after spawning, the miniboss will try to run away: once escaped it disappears)
[GAMEPLAY]Slightly increased the amount of Drakos Assassins
[GAMEPLAY]Reworked the monsters in LOA, increased Exp/Sp
[GAMEPLAY]Reworked the monsters in Dragon Valley, increased Exp/Sp, added 10 spawns of Magma Drake Mothers (hint: each spawn is preceeded with an earthquake. High chance of dropping blessed scrolls)
[GAMEPLAY]Reworked AI and greatly increased Exp/Sp of of Emerald Horn, Dust Rider, Bleeding Fly, Blackdagger Wing, Shadow Summoner, Spike Slasher, Muscle Bomber
[GAMEPLAY]Reworked AI and skills of Freya (hint: you should use the Freezing Core, to make it easy now protection lasts 30 seconds and Freya (Hard) HP and HP-Regen have been reduced)
[NOTICE]All changes in this changelog from 2020/08/21 and 2020/08/24 are in effect from today


[BUGFIX]Blunt Mastery (dwarves only) is now correctly giving the extra 122patk for sword and 133patk for blunt weapons.
[BUGFIX]Spirit Totem Bison now correctly gives 10%patk under 60%hp and an additional 30%patk under 30%hp (the % was inverted between the two HP thresholds)
[BUGFIX]Mass Curse Gloom enchanted Chance, when over +25, had no chance bonus at all.
[BUGFIX]Item Skill: Wild Magic (lv10) now gives more magical critical rate (was giving as lv9)


[BUGFIX]Adjustements to the "cancel" formula (reduced "mininum cancel chance" from 5% to 1% for each buff slot in use)
[BUGFIX]Fixed a bug where, under specific conditions, the chance of lethal was 30% lower than expected
[BUGFIX]LOA spawns, knoriks paths and the three LOA raid bosses.
[BUGFIX]Freya skills (more in the next days).


[BUGFIX]Adjusted the CP base value (for each level) for the following classes: sorcerer, bishop, spellsinger, elder, spellhowler, shillien elder, overlord, archmage, cardinal, mystic muse, eva saint, storm screamer, shillien saint, dominator (corrected them to H5 values like all other classes, before they had GF values. On average is a reduction of -10%)
[BUGFIX]Corrected the Karma curve from GF to H5 values, difference is up to -50% less Karma.


[MISC]All quest items from Olympiads (Certificates) are now stackable. Please fullcheck the client. (if you have any issue with inventory, try to reduce the amount of occupied quest items slots to under 100)


[BUGFIX]Corrected all buffs occupying slots when they shouldn't (most trigger effects)
[BUGFIX]Restored .lock functionality
[BUGFIX]Corrected and restored the interaction between magical backfire, mana burn and mana storm
[GAMEPLAY]During an Olympiads Match all items are now capped to max +20 enchant. Items with higher enchant will auto-scale to +20 stats for the duration of the match.


[BUGFIX]Fixed countless amount of crashes and disconnections, if you still notice issues: please use the bug report section of the forum
[BUGFIX]Corrected Psycho Symphony and Demon Blade Dance landing % (+15%)
[BUGFIX]Tribunal and Judgement now correctly gets aggro
[BUGFIX]Corrected the curve of damage by hp level from Frenzy (-10%, but max bonus comes at 60% instead of 30% hp)
[BUGFIX]Raised Gate Chant reuse delay to official value (600 seconds)
[BUGFIX]Removed the delay in initial damage from mass skills (Volcano, Cyclone, Tsunami, Gehenna)
[BUGFIX]Battle Whisper and Defense Motion now correctly affects only the dancer/singer
[BUGFIX]Corrected a bug in overhits that could stack indefinitely
[GAMEPLAY]Territory Wars flags can not be moved out of Battlezones
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on September 03, 2020, 03:29:11 PM

[GAMEPLAY]Doubled the spawns in Dragon Valley of Big Bloody Leech, Valley Necro, Emerald Drake and Gem Dragon.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on September 15, 2020, 02:23:35 PM
[BUGFIX]Kratei's Cube is now correctly giving rewards at the ends of the event
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on October 09, 2020, 12:16:54 PM

[BALANCE]Aura Flash reuse have been reduced from 12 to 8

[BALANCE]Hate reuse from 7 to 6 (removed the nerf)

[BALANCE]Bow Mastery lost all the extra bonuses that was given during Gracia for "balance purpose", the lost bonuses are 10% critical rate, 5% atk speed, 13% p.atk. Now all weapon masteries, except Crossbow Mastery with a +10% p.atk, are back to official values.

[BALANCE]Erase chance have been slightly increased from 66% to 75%
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on October 15, 2020, 11:25:38 AM
Unexpected downtime due to datacenter issues, we will be right back online once they solve their problem.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on October 15, 2020, 03:44:10 PM
Server is up!

Sorry for the issue
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on October 30, 2020, 04:28:41 PM
Dragon is currently down for unexpected issues with the datacenter's cluster. They are currently working on it to be back online as soon as possible

Sorry for the issue and thanks for undestand
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on November 01, 2020, 01:10:11 PM
Quote from: ^ShowStopper^ on October 30, 2020, 04:28:41 PM
Dragon is currently down for unexpected issues with the datacenter's cluster. They are currently working on it to be back online as soon as possible

Sorry for the issue and thanks for undestand

Server is UP and running.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 11, 2020, 09:12:52 PM

[BALANCE]Dance of Medusa base reuse raised by 2 seconds, maximum landing chance reduced by 10% and maximum duration reduced by 3.5seconds
[BUGFIX]Dragon Beast should now correctly give the quest item
[NOTICE]Donny reduced package size of EXP/SP purchases. Please notice that you can't buy more EXP/SP than your maximum limit.

more fix incoming...
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 15, 2020, 02:10:48 PM

[BALANCE]Backstab, Deadly Blow, Lethal Blow, Dual Blow: increased half-lethal chance by 25% (please remember Dual Blow lost the full-CP lethal in H5).
[BALANCE]Sel Mahum monsters are now giving an additional +30% exp/sp reward. ( NEW FAST EXP AREA )
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 17, 2020, 11:45:32 AM

[BALANCE]Shadow Steps reuse reduced from 75 to 60, Throwing Dagger landing rate raised from 80% to 90%
[BALANCE]Warrior Bane and Mage Bane nerfs have been lifted (this doesn't affect the Mass versions)
[BALANCE]Throwing dagger land 10% more
[BALANCE]Blazing Circle reuse and cast time have been reduced from 4sec to 3sec
[BALANCE]Seed of Revenge buildup requires now a minimum of 100 incoming damage
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 18, 2020, 01:30:21 PM

[GAMEPLAY]1st and 2nd Hidden Pages are now tradeable
[GAMEPLAY]Sel Mahum exp/sp rate have been increased (again)
[BALANCE]Curse Fear is now more in line with official (better) stats: faster reuse, higher chance, slightly shorter base duration, better +cost duration
[BALANCE]Chain Heal reuse increased by 1 second
[BALANCE]Heroic Grandeur reduced the duration of the effect
[BALANCE]DNET PVP Mask slightly increased defence from blunt damage
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 12, 2020, 04:39:32 PM
[NOTICE]Special Christmas prices: Exp/Sp at Donny is now half the price!
[GAMEPLAY]Knoriks spoil of blessed scrolls increased
[GAMEPLAY]Xel Mahum increased exp/sp rate (again)
[GAMEPLAY]Demon Contract Fragment is now tradable
[BALANCE]Assassination +Power enchant slighty increased PATK bonus
[BALANCE]Seal of Limit +25% landing chance (40% -> 50%)
[BALANCE]Bow Mastery +Haste slightly increased the attack speed bonus
[BALANCE]While under the effect of Shield of Faith, pvp output damage is reduced by 10%
[BALANCE]Curse Fear +Cost/Time enchant reduced max duration to 12.5sec, while under the effect of Fear a character takes -20% magical damage.
[OLYMPIAD] Removed limit Heros number in oly
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 12, 2020, 05:42:51 PM
[NOTICE]Through love and vocal requests, the following nerfs that was added today have been destroyed:
Angelic Icon and Zealot "Time" enchant max duration reduced by 20sec
Flame Icon, Touch of Eva and Spirit of Shilen duration reduced by 10sec
Frenzy and Guts duration reduced by 10sec
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 24, 2020, 06:03:57 AM
In front of Dragon's staff i wish to all of our players and their families Merry Christmas.
Find peace,love and prosperity with the persons you love and show to eachother how much you care for !
We wish you that this 2021 brings you happiness, joy, success, good health, luck and pleasure!
We hope finally to be able to defeat, all together, this ugly evil called Cavid19!
Peace and God Bless you all!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 01, 2021, 01:33:42 AM
In front of all Dragon-Network's staff , i wish to all HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: Alannah on January 05, 2021, 08:45:14 PM
Website maintenance

The main website is currently offline for unexpected maintenance, it will be back online as soon as possible (Current ETA: 2021/01/06 16:00 CET)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 06, 2021, 06:41:38 PM
Website work again correctly! Sorry for the issue and thanks for patience!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 09, 2021, 12:33:39 PM
Server will back online in around 1h

Sorry for the issue and thanks for undestend !

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 09, 2021, 02:26:29 PM
Server up
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on March 10, 2021, 01:38:43 PM
Dragon-Network has an issue at the moment on their servers (*Dragon included) due to fire in the datacenter, read more:


We will do everything to restore our services as soon as possible, we apologize for the inconvenience.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on March 10, 2021, 11:46:14 PM
Main website and players statistics (bosses, olympiads, sieges) have been restored
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 16, 2021, 11:24:06 PM
[NOTICE]Three new fabulous hats are now avaible in Donny (Ketra Karm, Varka Karm, Halisha's Helmet)
[NOTICE]Ancient Scrolls A-Grade and B-Grade available in Donny (max: +8 armors +12 weapons)
[NOTICE]Main website and players statistics (bosses, olympiads, sieges) have been restored
[BALANCE]Steal Divinity max buffs removed is now 3 (was 5)
[BALANCE]Seed of revenge fixed the activation rate (higher)
[GAMEPLAY]Dragon Valley, Lair of Antharas and Field of Silence are now PVP zones
[BUGFIX]Various crash and securty fixes

more things incoming
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on May 13, 2021, 08:28:22 PM
[NOTICE]Trinket Raid Trophy (Green) drop quantity have been increased (x2)

[GAMEPLAY]Fortress Guards have now a chance to drop: Giant Codex of Mastery, Blessed Enchant Weapon S, Ancient Scrolls S (Weapon/Armor)

[GAMEPLAY]Slightly reduced the spoil chance of Giant Codex of Mastery from Caiola

[NOTICE]Ancient scrolls are now tradable

[BUGFIX]Corrected issue of some DNET Cloak MW having wrong (lower) elemental attributes

[BUGFIX]Fixed a possible desync between client/server while using skills rapidly
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on July 31, 2021, 03:05:13 AM
[BUGFIX]Fixed a calculation error in attribute system damage reduction
[BUGFIX]Fixed two crash bugs and some visual bugs
[GAMEPLAY]Reduced reuse by 1 second for Aura Flash, Life Leech, Drain Energy and Song of Silence

more fix incoming in next days
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on September 04, 2021, 05:21:28 PM
[GAMEPLAY]Enchant limit at olympiads have been raised to +18
[NOTICE]Chance of extra drops from fortress guards have been reduced
[NOTICE]Cost of exp/sp from Donny have been massively reduced
[BUGFIX]Fixed the 12 minutes offset delay of sieges/tw
[BUGFIX]Fixed an exploitable geodata bug in rune

more fix and new things incoming
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 13, 2021, 06:35:25 PM
[GAMEPLAY]Increased reuse for Dance of Medusa and Pranah
[GAMEPLAY]Steal Divinity max removed buffs is now 2
[GAMEPLAY]Instant Haste Potion has now reuse
[BUGFIX]Fixed an exploitable geodata bug in Aden Castle
[BUGFIX]Corrected some bugs in hero skills (they will work better now)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on December 04, 2021, 10:53:06 AM
FORUM will go offline today for up to 24h for a db migration and maintanance. For any kind of support please reach us trough our official Discord chanel (in my signature).
Thank you for understanding
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on December 04, 2021, 05:36:05 PM
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on December 04, 2021, 10:53:06 AM
FORUM will go offline today for up to 24h for a db migration and maintanance. For any kind of support please reach us trough our official Discord chanel (in my signature).
Thank you for understanding
IMPORTANT NOTICE [FORUM]: forum has been successfully moved to another host, DB migrated and forum has been encrypted (httpS), which means you will not get error anymore. If you are registering NEW ACCOUNT please check SPAM inbox as well in order to finish registration. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 15, 2021, 08:52:14 PM
Today was meeteing of all clan leaders ! The clan leaders took this decision

Remember all that as last years :
Day 25 will be TW only for fame will be forbidden take wards
Day 26 will be Sieges but will be forbidden to engrave ( so use for pvp and fame )
Day 1 will be TW only for fame will be forbidden take wards
Day 2 will be Sieges but will be forbidden to engrave ( so use for pvp and fame )

will be huge punishment for who broke this clan leaders dealing
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 23, 2021, 07:47:56 PM
if someone use Discord can join official Dragon network Discord and ask for a room

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 24, 2021, 11:21:06 AM
In front of Dragon's staff i wish to all of our players and their families Merry Christmas.
Find peace,love and prosperity with the persons you love and show to eachother how much you care for !
We wish you that this 2022 brings you happiness, joy, success, good health, luck and pleasure!
We hope finally to be able to defeat, all together, this ugly evil called Cavid19!
Peace and God Bless you all!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 08, 2022, 12:23:37 PM

[GAMEPLAY] Doubled the chances to obtain enchants from Fortress' Guards
[GAMEPLAY] Instant Haste Potion has now a 10sec reuse
[NOTICE] Xmas Events have been removed - No more Santa Buff
[NOTICE] Is now possible to change name of your character from the website, you can rename only once every 15 days
[NOTICE] Price of blessed from Event Manager has been raised

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 17, 2022, 10:09:24 PM
Website's droplist is again accessible and updated :  https://droplist.dragon-network.net/search
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on February 25, 2022, 05:56:03 PM
After a meeting between all  main clan leaders, we all agreed that it is right to suspend tw and sieges cos of the bad times that our russian, ukrainian, romanian and polish players are experiencing at moment!

Dn Staff and our community we all express our solidarity with all those people that are experiencing moments of fear, terror due to this serious war.

For those reasons

Saturday 26 Tw will be just for pvps and fames
Sunday 27 Sieges will be just for pvps and fames
Satuday 5 Tw will be just for pvps and fames
Sunday 6 Sieges will be just for pvps and fames

we all hope that this ugly war will end as soon as possible
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on March 31, 2022, 05:09:02 PM

[BUGFIX] Corrected reuse time of instant haste potion
[BUGFIX] Party Return / Escape skills now share the same reuse slot
[GAMEPLAY] Added Blessed Scroll of Enchant Armor S drops to fortresses guards. Corrected missing drops to some fortresses.
[NOTICE] To improve the ingame economy we had to take the hard choice of culling 30% of everyone's Adena. The old Valkyria coins have been also reduced.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 01, 2022, 04:12:54 PM
To thank all players for their trust and support, we decided to gift to all active characters (since 2022-01-01) a PVP Mask. Thank you very much!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 11, 2022, 01:33:53 PM
In front of all Dragon-Network's staff , i wish to all happy Easter. Enjoy it with your families and hope this bad time in the world will finish soon

Yesterday was meeteing of all clan leaders ! The clan leaders took this decision

Remember all that as last years :

Day 16 will be TW only for fame will be forbidden take wards

Day 17 will be Sieges but will be forbidden to engrave ( so use for pvp and fame )

will be huge punishment for who broke this clan leaders dealing
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 19, 2022, 02:32:01 PM
In front of all Dragon-Network's staff , i wish to all happy orthodox Easter. Enjoy it with your families and hope this bad time in the world will finish soon

As requested by our orthodox players

Day 23 will be TW only for fame will be forbidden take wards

Day 24 will be Sieges but will be forbidden to engrave ( so use for pvp and fame )
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on June 22, 2022, 03:48:38 PM
Unexpected server maintenance, we are currently working on it and we will be back online as soon as possible.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on June 23, 2022, 10:38:20 AM
The large scale outage in the datacenter has been resolved.
We are currently doing some checks that everything is ok and then the servers will be back online ASAP.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on June 23, 2022, 11:15:07 AM
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on July 26, 2022, 04:53:05 PM
Any other reference to war will no longer be tolerated!

Keep national rivalries and issues out of the game.

Make provocations about this stupid  war show a very low behavior!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on August 30, 2022, 03:39:41 PM
[BUGFIX] Fixed the 16 minutes offset delay of sieges/tw
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on October 10, 2022, 07:17:00 PM
[BUGFIX]Drake Lord Corpse, Behemoth Leader Corpse and Dragon Beast Corpse should now be fixed
[BUGFIX]Sailren should be finally fixed. Please remember that you need to be in a party and own the item "Gazkh"
[GAMEPLAY]Doubled the reuse time of Seal of Limit
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on October 14, 2022, 06:14:13 PM
Well i will repeat one more time!
keep out of game politic things and war things!
We dont like this war but we respect all people ( russian , ukrain and from every other country ) i hope u do the same !!!
War insult will be not accepted !!!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 02, 2022, 11:31:34 PM
[WEBSITE]Issues with email not being delivered to gmail.com should be fixed.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 01, 2022, 08:19:35 PM
[GAMEPLAY]Xel Mahum increased Exp/SP rate.

[GAMEPLAY]Fortress Guards have now a chance to drop a selection of useful talismans.

[GAMEPLAY]For each PVP kill (not PK) you have a chance to obtain a selection of useful talismans.

[GAMEPLAY]Mark of Olympians can be obtained and traded for discounted items at the Olympiad Operator.

[BUGFIX]Fixed (again) the attribute defence bug of Blessed DNet Cloak MW.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 15, 2022, 09:24:11 AM

Since during xmas Holydays we all want spend time with our family and i think more of 50% of people will not have time to join game for dont have "fake" tw and sieges we will work like last years in this way

DAY 24 - TW
will be active and you can join for pvp and just for pvp

will be active sieges and you can join for pvp and just for pvp

DAY 31 - TW
will be active and you can join for pvp and just for pvp


will be active sieges and you can join for pvp and just for pvp

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 24, 2022, 03:19:10 PM
In front of Dragon's staff i wish to all of our players and their families Merry Christmas.
Find peace,love and prosperity with the persons you love and show to eachother how much you care for !
We wish you that this 2023 brings you happiness, joy, success, good health, luck and pleasure!
We hope finnaly the end of this Russo-Ukrainian War!
Peace and God Bless you all!

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 31, 2022, 04:14:25 PM

[GAMEPLAY]all the Infinity weapons got their stats increased

In front of Dragon's staff i wish to all of our players and their families Happy New Year
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 21, 2023, 04:57:55 PM
All hero skills had their reuse reduced

The following skills are now "Party target only": Greater Might, Greater Shield, Resist Shock, Concentration, Wild Magic, Vampiric Rage, Resist Fire, Resist Wind, Resist Water, Resist Earth, Resist Poison, Resist Dark, Resist Holy, Kiss of Eva, Agility, Decrease Weight, Bless Shield, Regeneration, Advanced Block, Divine Protection, Arcane Protection, Invigor, Focus, Death Whisper, Guidance.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 02, 2023, 01:43:06 PM
In front of all Dragon-Network's staff , i wish to all happy Easter. Enjoy it with your families and hope this bad time in the world will finish soon

Remember all that as last 3 years :
Day 8 April will be TW but will be forbidden to engrave Wards ( so use for pvp and fame )
Day 9 April will be Sieges but will be forbidden to engrave Castles ( so use for pvp and fame )
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 04, 2023, 12:31:35 AM
[GAMEPLAY]A new npc is available: Buffer Booster! This npc provides a set of useful buffs of your choice (Warrior or Mage) and they will last for 1 hour. The service is available only from Monday to Friday.

[BALANCE]During olympiad matches, weapon and armor enchantment bonuses are now capped to +8 (example: you can join with a +20 weapon but the bonuses received will be limited as if the weapon was a +8)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 05, 2023, 01:35:06 PM
[GAMEPLAY]"Wings of Destiny" headset (Hero headset) now gives also the same skill bonuses you can get from a DNET PVP Mask.

[GAMEPLAY]"Blessed Orfen Ring" gives now slighly better bleed attack/defence and blow rate.

[GAMEPLAY]Mucrokian Ascetic, Suppressor and Exterminator have now slighly better spoil amounts for elemental "Ore" and "High Ore".

[GAMEPLAY]"Varka Karm" headset gives now a +2% speed (same as the afro headset)

[GAMEPLAY]Is now possible to trade "Platinum Coins" + 1 "Greater Raid Trinket" for Dinasty Weapons and Morai Armor parts. Check out the NPCs Igor and Magor!

[BUGFIX]NPC Buffer Booster: removed "Queen's Blessing" from the list of Mage buffs, "Chant of Victory" is now without penality.

[BUGFIX]"Sacrifice Summoner" now lasts 30 seconds (instead of 15)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on May 02, 2023, 05:55:24 PM
[GAMEPLAY]NPC Buffer Booster: updated and improved list of buffs and now this NPC allows you to teleport outside of all the Fortresses

[BALANCE]During olympiad matches, weapon and armor enchantment bonuses are now capped to +10 (example: you can join with a +20 weapon but the bonuses received will be limited as if the weapon was a +10)
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on October 05, 2023, 08:35:45 PM
Dear Players, sorry for the unexpected downtime. Dragon is currently offline and we are working with the datacenter to solve the hardware/network issue and be back online ASAP
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on November 10, 2023, 03:00:11 PM

[GAMEPLAY] Fortress Guards have a chance to drop "Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 76"

[BALANCE] Feather of Blessing's weight increased from 20000 to 28000.

[BALANCE] Increased Sorcerer/SPS "Cancel" chance by 5%

[BALANCE] Reduced maximum chance of "Shakle" by 10%

[BALANCE] NPC Buffer is disabled while you are in combat

[BALANCE] All blessed scrolls of escape have a shared cooldown

[BALANCE] Golkonda's (both subclass quest and ToI) have grown stronger

[BALANCE] Baium, Valakas and Queen Ant have been slightly reinforced.

[BALANCE] Valakas moveset have been greatly improved.

[NOTICE] Moirai High Sets and some Clan Quest Items are now available at Donny

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 12, 2023, 06:43:20 PM
Remember all that as last 4 years :
Day 23 will be TW only for fame will be forbidden take wards
Day 24 will be Sieges but will be forbidden to engrave ( so use for pvp and fame )
Day 30 will be TW only for fame will be forbidden take wards
Day 31 will be Sieges but will be forbidden to engrave ( so use for pvp and fame )

Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 25, 2023, 08:09:26 PM
n front of Dragon's staff i wish to all of our players and their families Merry Christmas.
Find peace,love and prosperity with the persons you love and show to eachother how much you care for !

We wish you that this 2024 brings you happiness, joy, success, good health, luck and pleasure!
Peace and God Bless you all!
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 25, 2024, 09:38:53 PM
Dragon is currently offline for unexpected maintenance, we are in contact with the datacenter but we don't have an ETA yet.
It might require up to 12 hours to have it back online.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on January 26, 2024, 02:00:45 PM
we are back online
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on March 22, 2024, 06:02:39 PM
In front of all Dragon-Network's staff , i wish to all happy Easter. Enjoy it with your families and hope this bad time in the world will finish soon

Remember all that as last years :

Day 30 will be TW only for fame will be forbidden take wards

Day 31 will be Sieges but will be forbidden to engrave ( so use for pvp and fame )
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 07, 2024, 07:56:02 PM
Dear Players,

We regret to inform you that due to unforeseen events, our datacenter is currently experiencing an outage.
Their technical team is actively working to resolve the issue, but at this time, we do not have an estimated time for restoration.
As a result, we must cancel the scheduled sieges planned for 20:00 CET.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding during this challenging situation.
We will keep you updated on the progress, and once the datacenter services are fully restored, we will promptly reschedule the sieges.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.


DNET Staff

forbidden to engrave when server go up if sieges start
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 07, 2024, 09:31:03 PM
We are pleased to announce that our datacenter services have been fully restored, and we are back online! Thank you for your patience during this outage.

As a result of the resumption of services, the sieges originally planned for today at 20:00 CET have been rescheduled to 21st April at 20:00 CET.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding.

Best regards,
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on April 24, 2024, 12:50:07 PM
In response to the unexpected datacenter downtime and the cancellation of the Siege of Giran, the DNET staff has taken measures to ensure transparency and fairness. As part of this, all castles have been reset to their original state with NPCs. Additionally, territory wars have also been reset.

[GAMEPLAY]From day 12 Siege will back +1h later so 16 and 20 gmt +2
[GAMEPLAY]Increased reuse time of Steal Divinity from 15 to 20.
[GAMEPLAY]NPC Buffer is not disabled during combat.
[BUGFIX]Fixed various crashes and a possible cause of lag spike during mass PvP
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on May 04, 2024, 07:18:17 PM
Cos of reset castle tw will be active again after sieges of tomorrow cos need all 9 castle siege done

Also tw will be 20 pm gmt+2 not more 19
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on May 13, 2024, 07:39:51 PM
[GAMEPLAY] Angelic Icon, Flame icon and Spirit of Shiellen: Blunt Critical Damage bonus reduced by 5%
[GAMEPLAY] Shield Fortress and Aegis Stance: slightly reduced the casting penality in Robe
[GAMEPLAY] Aggression: Increased reuse time by 2 seconds
[GAMEPLAY] Soul of Pain: increased reuse time by 2 seconds
[GAMEPLAY] Dagger Mastery (any enchant): slight increased in damage and triggered Fatal Blow rate
[GAMEPLAY] Assassination enchanted Fatal Blow: increased max Fatal Blow rate from +6% to +9%
[GAMEPLAY] Dagger based Bleed effects increased chance by 5%
[GAMEPLAY] Shadow Step: reuse reduced from 60s to 50s
[GAMEPLAY] Warp: same reuse of Blink
[GAMEPLAY] Curse of Divinity: increased reuse time by 2 seconds
[GAMEPLAY] Warrior Bane and Mage Bane: increased reuse from 3s to 6s
[GAMEPLAY] Archer Mastery (any enchant): increased base damage
[GAMEPLAY] PVP Mask: removed the additional protection against bows (now is same protection against all weapons)
[GAMEPLAY] Meteor and Starfall: increased damage
[GAMEPLAY] Dodge and Counter Attack: reuse reduced from 75s to 70s
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on May 30, 2024, 03:30:20 PM
[BUGFIX]Potions of Resistance: fixed bug with buff/debuff slot overlap with other effects
[BUGFIX]Blessed Scroll of Escape of Heine: fixed reuse to be on par with all the other BSOE
[GAMEPLAY]Increased lethal chance

More fix incoming
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on September 15, 2024, 12:20:51 PM


Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 07, 2024, 01:54:50 PM
[NOTICE]The issue affecting the visibility of Olympiad Heroes has been successfully resolved. Regrettably, this required a reset of the ongoing Olympiad matches for the current month. As a compensation, all characters have been credited with 50 points.
Title: Re: Announcements
Post by: ^ShowStopper^ on December 25, 2024, 12:03:04 AM
In front of Dragon's staff i wish to all of our players and their families Merry Christmas.

Find peace,love and prosperity with the persons you love and show to eachother how much you care for !

We wish you that this 2025 brings you happiness, joy, success, good health, luck and pleasure!