
Archive => Obsolete => Discussion => Topic started by: fajnynick on February 14, 2013, 12:50:11 PM

Title: Vote system and TvT
Post by: fajnynick on February 14, 2013, 12:50:11 PM
Hey, I want to ask you, why we haven't got voting system? First 5 posiotion at http://www.gamesites200.com/lineage2/ means more new players. Dragon x15 is falling down day after day. Simple vote system with example BEWS=10 votes/Giant Codex=1 vote/BEAA=5 votes/Bonus exp for 1 day=7 votes would help us to recruit new players.

Next thing is about TvT. Game at DN is boring now. There is no enough players to PvP all the time, like years ago at Varka/near Dion etc. Exp places are empty, there is nothing to do (only farm and oly). Maybe DN should make Team versus Team events every 2 hours like it happen at others top servers. 1 codex for winners team would be good reward. I think it should improve gamplay there.
Title: Re: Vote system and TvT
Post by: fajnynick on February 14, 2013, 01:03:30 PM
Maybe you have right, but...
I have played there more than 5 years. Year after year I can see less number of players. We have to do something or DN will ends. Yesterday I was walking at execution grounds, plains of dion, seal of shilen etc and looking for lowlvl players. After 2 hours I found 1. But he was old player who was lvling new character...

We need more players... New players. Is really worth to think about vote system. TvT in my opinion is also good idea to increase number of online players
Title: Re: Vote system and TvT
Post by: fajnynick on February 14, 2013, 01:14:24 PM
Btw do you remember:


Aden/giran/full of players, people was buing buff from PP :)
and my first DN sub :P

there was so many players everywhere!

I would see so many players now... Really...

@btw I have back to Kakil ;)

I don't understand 1 thing. More players=more donation=more $. Every one would be happy...
Title: Re: Vote system and TvT
Post by: Spike on February 14, 2013, 01:23:33 PM
I see that we have some conspiracy theorists around here.
TrackZero already answered to a previous question regarding rewards and votes.As for TvT auto events every 2 hours, none of you theorists thought about the possibility to exploit these auto events?
Of course we thought of another way to "reward" voting.What happened to that you can check for yourselves here http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,273855.0.html.
Title: Re: Vote system and TvT
Post by: fajnynick on February 14, 2013, 01:36:50 PM
5ruci I agree.

^Spike^ I have thinking about it. I have wrote about little reward, like normal codex. How many codex can you expilot for a day? (if TvT will be every 2 hours, and only happen when will be enough players) So max 3-4. 3-4 mutiplied by example 10 accounts, divided by 2 (50% of win) is 20-30 codexs per day? It's less than 1 DC.  Is worthless to do it. If you visit cata and farm AA you can get 1 dc much easier and faster ;)

TvT Will give fun, and that is most important thing. Reward is just a little gift ;)

@By the way, we have got enough players to be in top 7 with out any problem.
So high raiting would give us 20~new players every day. Please think about it!
Title: Re: Vote system and TvT
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on February 15, 2013, 04:38:15 PM
Quote from: fajnynick on February 14, 2013, 12:50:11 PM
Hey, I want to ask you, why we haven't got voting system? First 5 posiotion at http://www.gamesites200.com/lineage2/ means more new players. Dragon x15 is falling down day after day. Simple vote system with example BEWS=10 votes/Giant Codex=1 vote/BEAA=5 votes/Bonus exp for 1 day=7 votes would help us to recruit new players.

Next thing is about TvT. Game at DN is boring now. There is no enough players to PvP all the time, like years ago at Varka/near Dion etc. Exp places are empty, there is nothing to do (only farm and oly). Maybe DN should make Team versus Team events every 2 hours like it happen at others top servers. 1 codex for winners team would be good reward. I think it should improve gamplay there.
Ctf and TvT events should be implemented quite soon!
Title: Re: Vote system and TvT
Post by: jygh on February 15, 2013, 08:07:58 PM
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on February 15, 2013, 04:38:15 PM
Ctf and TvT events should be implemented quite soon!
Like everything on this community :DD  anyway hope is rly soon
Title: Re: Vote system and TvT
Post by: fajnynick on February 18, 2013, 05:33:48 PM
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on February 15, 2013, 04:38:15 PM
Ctf and TvT events should be implemented quite soon!

I'd like it!