another topic that disappear soon :D
Quote from: Painkiler on January 14, 2014, 10:58:17 PM
another topic that disappear soon :D
And whats wrong in commenting it?:(
Quote from: Painkiler on January 14, 2014, 10:58:17 PM
another topic that disappear soon :D
previous topic dissapeared because the topic opener did it on purpose , it was his roll since the day 1 here.
Anyone i dont think anyone could fully understand everything there in 2min of reading.
After i saw that "exp curve" and other things i started to reconsider joining this community ingame again
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 14, 2014, 11:00:28 PM
previous topic dissapeared because the topic opener did it on purpose , it was his roll since the day 1 here.
Anyone i dont think anyone could fully understand everything there in 2min of reading.
scaryy? :D
Track i have 1 question more, does haste + GSP will stack?
ps the rates rules (no more QQ rerolling :p)
Quote from: Painkiler on January 14, 2014, 11:01:26 PM
After i saw that "exp curve" and other things i started to reconsider joining this community ingame again
in a x2 server farming in fog it would take 24 days of continous exp to get from 79->80
btw u should nerf transfer pain on light/heavy armor too, and this tatoo thing is just lol'd
about reconsider this i mentioned to not join this srv...
The tattoo system seems really annoying to someone who wants to pvp alot.
this way is going good for nolifers, that's all.
Server for archers, cya.
Quote from: vaiper on January 14, 2014, 11:03:38 PM
in a x2 server farming in fog it would take 24 days of continous exp to get from 79->80
I really dont get you guys why u cry about exping in FOG xxx time, there are many things to do on end game... Help clan to sub ppl, farm RBS (great exp...), quests on varka/ketra, and more... Also remeber that not all PPL must be 80...
You could post how rates will change, from which point x30 goes lower etc.
If this nerf list is final I'm quite satisfied, looks interesting.
Only lack of potions suck balls.
Enchant rate is funny, +4 stuff on olympiad wins all, best idea ever :)
Making it short - it could be interesting, good job.
Quote from: Blizzer on January 14, 2014, 11:06:34 PM
You could post how rates will change, from which point x30 goes lower etc.
If this nerf list is final I'm quite satisfied, looks interesting.
Only lack of potions suck balls.
Enchant rate is funny, +4 stuff on olympiad wins all, best idea ever :)
Making it short - it could be interesting, good job.
There is exp curve in post so look at it
Quote from: Painkiler on January 14, 2014, 11:04:42 PM
btw u should nerf transfer pain on light/heavy armor too, and this tatoo thing is just lol'd
about reconsider this i mentioned to not join this srv...
+1 :D
and btw, seriously quest item drop chance 20% ?????
it's already 1x drop quantity, do you want ppl to stay in varka/woa for months?????
Drake edit:
Typo, is 200%
Quote from: Abaddon on January 14, 2014, 11:09:52 PM
thx for your time and good intentions, tho it will fail hard, server is made prolly for archers, mages wont stand a chance, deflect arrow is just a big joke
Im out, good luck and bye bye.
Yeah standard QQ, later 3k online:D
ps but imo deflect arrow nerf is quite not good:/
Quote from: Tvit on January 14, 2014, 11:03:06 PM
Track i have 1 question more, does haste + GSP will stack?
No they wont be stacking .
What about mana/combats ? Track said earlier that it will be on server and now ? Nerf nerf nerf...
QUEST ITEM have 20% chances to drop ? are you serious ? 3rd class too ?
Drake edit:
Typo, is 200%
Quote from: Garn. on January 14, 2014, 11:08:41 PM
and btw, seriously quest item drop chance 20% ?????
it's already 1x drop quantity, do you want ppl to stay in varka/woa for months?????
Typo, should have been 200%
Quote from: Tvit on January 14, 2014, 11:16:34 PM
Sps/ee Era ... AGAIN xD
The deflect arrow nerf was just retarded.
This progressive exp is an OK idea, but the current execution of it is just horrible. What's the point of making the game freakING PAINFUL at level 50~ and above?
20% chance for quest items. 700, ketra, varka, DAFUQ
Drake Edit:
200%, not 20%. Typo Error.
Quote from: Deathmagnetic on January 14, 2014, 11:15:17 PM
What about mana/combats ? Track said earlier that it will be on server and now ? Nerf nerf nerf...
Changes made BEFORE opening, not after, BIG importance. We showed you changes also BEFORE opening not after.
Tattoo system will bring new way of gameplay, youll have to think, be skilled , fast in pvp, also EE and other recharge class will be very important now. CHP potion and others was really OP ones made in c3-c4 times when there was no content in every meaning.
We believe we are close to balance now, and that will be really important to think how do you play your char, some can hate it some may like it thats truly subjective things and not everyone can think 100% same.
Thank you
Varka and 700 with 20% of chance? Nice idea - 10000 years and my childrens can end my quest after my death
Drake edit:
Typo, is 200%
Quote from: R3vo on January 14, 2014, 11:18:51 PM
Varka and 700 with 20% of chance? Nice idea - 10000 years and my childrens can end my quest after my death
Drake made typo.
Quote from: Simsung on January 14, 2014, 11:18:07 PM
This progressive exp is an OK idea, but the current execution of it is just horrible. What's the point of making the game freakING PAINFUL at level 50~ and above?
I already did the calculations and in a x3 server from 76 to 80 u need almost 2 months of constant leveling at fog( with full party and pulling at least 20 mobs).
Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 14, 2014, 11:19:22 PM
After reading the List, i was standing here waiting for new threads xD here we go
I'm ok with exp curve,
I'm ok with enchant rate,
I'm ok with No mana potions
Tatoos disappear after few hours instead to be (harder to create but) permanent?
Quest drop 20%?
Franzy doesn't stack AT ALL with totems?
Without talking about other "belanced" skills
Tattoos time counts only WHEN EQUIPPED !
Quest drop 200% (typo error)
The curve should look more like this:
1-20 30
20-30 25
30-40 19
40-50 16
50-60 12
60-65 9
65-70 7
70-72 6
72-74 5
74-76 4
77-78 3
78-79 3
79-80 2
I rly like the change log... Good job. Only thing that is tricky for me is the tattoo system but we will see how it works :) btw.. I see the kids that planned to play sps/ee and/or nuker/tank started emo quiting :))) scary archers xD
Quote from: vaiper on January 14, 2014, 11:20:28 PM
I already did the calculations and in a x3 server from 76 to 80 u need almost 2 months of constant leveling at fog( with full party and pulling at least 20 mobs).
This info is not VALID and its totally false!
What about +6 set bonus on oly?
Quote from: Tvit on January 14, 2014, 11:05:59 PM
I really dont get you guys why u cry about exping in FOG xxx time, there are many things to do on end game... Help clan to sub ppl, farm RBS (great exp...), quests on varka/ketra, and more... Also remeber that not all PPL must be 80...
You didn't played on high level right? On high level, RB xp is a joke, even the epic boss xps... in xp/time ratio, it's better to farm in FOG.
BTW no mana potions? Seriously? That means archer server.
time tattoo = sux anyway
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 14, 2014, 11:22:24 PM
This info is not VALID and its totally false!
At a x1 rate from 79->80.
you need +/- 500kk exp to lvl.
Considering that the most xp u get is at fog (around 8k per mob).
U would need 265k of mobs to get that lvl.
Getting trains of 20+/- mobs (the normal ammount), u would have to make 13250 trains.
And if in 1 hour u make 10 trains (again the normal) it would require 1325 hours or 55 days nonstop.
Thats 55 days at x1, so 18 days in x3 only to get from 79 to 80.
From 76->80 it could easily take over 30 days.
I can say that i am preety supprised about changes... Looks like it can rly work...
Freenzy doest stuck with totems is i think amazing idea :) Finally bosses will be for partys :)
However enchant rate is scarying me like hell... It Will be Turbo star wars...
Olympiad with weapon max +4??
Summoners era on OLY :P
Quote from: unhandledexeption on January 14, 2014, 11:23:33 PM
You didn't played on high level right? On high level, RB xp is a joke, even the epic boss xps... in xp/time ratio, it's better to farm in FOG.
BTW no mana potions? Seriously? That means archer server.
Well i actually exped 3 chars on infinity x5... about 78,all subbed maybe my main was 79,5 (sr/tk - yeah funny:p)
W/O stacking potions and with this 90mana regen tatoo i wouldnt say thats archer server...
Quote from: ^Deavon^ on January 14, 2014, 11:14:54 PM
No they wont be stacking .
It means I can use both haste buff and greater swift attack potion, and will both add to atk speed?
Quote from: Dhol on January 14, 2014, 11:27:32 PM
It means I can use both haste buff and greater swift attack potion, and will both add to atk speed?
What's the fuss about mana potions eh, get a recharge class in the party or dualbox it. Easy, jesus.
What about Dino Island ? Can we kill Tyrannosaurus with mage pt or only with ty/de ?
You guys haven't even played and already know how much it will take to reach each level, this is a game..stop the math and enjoy it. Also there are more important thingss...those rules are fix, that is why track didn't want to post a "temporary" list because just like the guy with the pots that were promised you start to cry... I think the only issues with the server ..if there are is with the geodata...falling through maps(for example at loa entrance there is usually a big hole) or geting stuck at the entrance to grocery in giran(the right one) those are real issues, because if you stay put with an sps/ee and press f1 all the time(or 1) ofc archers and any other char will kill you when they start using more skills than 1.
Quote from: unhandledexeption on January 14, 2014, 11:23:33 PM
BTW no mana potions? Seriously? That means archer server.
No mana potions but mana regen tattos + plus selfrecharge + party recharge .
Dont be so dramatic.
Archers/Dagggers and fighters in generall will have no easy job without Combat haste potions considering they ll have to choose to p.atack set up or attack speed set up.
And trust me , its tricky what to choose and it makes the game more realistic imo .
Awsome features!!! Things seems to require much more strategy and thinking than it used to! Love it. Well done!
I am disappointed with so low exp rates. Was hoping for 4x at least. Don't think I'll play here, good luck everyone =)
i like the potions tattos ;D
if invocation has 42 MP every second, those will work really fine
10 secs and you recovered 900 mp :P
Quote from: Tvit on January 14, 2014, 11:26:50 PM
W/O stacking potions and with this 90mana regen tatoo i wouldnt say thats archer server...
did you read the rest? 90 mana/sec BUT "with a drawback of -50% on patk/matk/attackspeed/castspeed." so you can charge mana if you are not in pvp, if you lose your mana in pvp, you're done... either you can't do anything, or you get shot if you put on the tattoo.
Actually the consumable tatoo isn't good too. It's not fun but annoying to buy 5324534534 things in a shop before each action, and it's more annoying when you forget some.
Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 14, 2014, 11:31:58 PM
ty/de just died
He didnt died, he just dont do 20k dmg anymore with +0 weapon. Get a party, get friends, play together not only youll be able to kill tyrannosaurus youll also get 120% exp.
Quote from: unhandledexeption on January 14, 2014, 11:34:42 PM
did you read the rest? 90 mana/sec BUT "with a drawback of -50% on patk/matk/attackspeed/castspeed." so you can charge mana if you are not in pvp, if you lose your mana in pvp, you're done... either you can't do anything, or you get shot if you put on the tattoo.
you can do it in pvp anyway, just run back for 3-4 secs, here you go with 400 mana
you just have to be really quick and smart.
correct me if im wrong. Focus attack works with bow with 50% power and when its on my speed is decreased by 50% aswell?
This exp curve should get of rid all these grasshoppers*, and it give motivation for people who want to spend some time on server.
*start nolife 2weeks, and leave server.
Before everyone was whining how we know everything in l2 so we r bored like hell and bla bla bla. With these new features here we got at least some challenge so lets enjoy it.
The only thing who got me a lil bit disappointed (scared i can say hahahah) was those low rates at the end but well,im sure we all can hadle it after all...
All i can say is that all the staff good a really nice job,im sure they wasted lot of their time to bring all these new things to us so lets keep away our hate or our "i know everything" attitude for a moment and freaking come up with a "Thank you for the hard work u did for us,guys".
To all the gm staff,GJ and keep doing the same ;)
ok no totems+frenzy/guts, BUT => totems work on 2 handed?
won't comment on skills, cause i'm used to system "play with given skills"
opinion about tattos: lvl 4 emp have a big restrition to support classes by pvp points gain (or needed specific share from RBs)
about enchanting: limiting only at +4 enchant for oly is bad, cause normal armor set bonus is at +6
PS: didn't understand this
Herbs drop have a constant rate of 6x rate
First of all: there are no more custom potions.
All the info shows a good research and experience of the game.
Seems inviting and could work really fine. Noone expected these customizations.
Might be some things they ll need to change along the way ofc.
Question about xp:" Party xp rewards 120% "
Talking about full party? Means if you get e.g. 1000 xp in solo,
you ll get 2200 xp in full party?
Quote from: flamingAwe on January 14, 2014, 11:37:43 PM
won't comment on skills, cause i'm used to system "play with given skills"
opinion about tattos: lvl 4 emp have a big restrition to support classes by pvp points gain (or needed specific share from RBs)
about enchanting: limiting only at +4 enchant for oly is bad, cause normal armor set bonus is at +6
Is mistype , should be 6!
So this 120% exp bonus is only for full party? Considering that party = 2+ people ?
Would like to know how many players you need to be awarded that 120%.
Quote from: unhandledexeption on January 14, 2014, 11:34:42 PM
did you read the rest? 90 mana/sec BUT "with a drawback of -50% on patk/matk/attackspeed/castspeed." so you can charge mana if you are not in pvp, if you lose your mana in pvp, you're done... either you can't do anything, or you get shot if you put on the tattoo.
Actually the consumable tatoo isn't good too. It's not fun but annoying to buy 5324534534 things in a shop before each action, and it's more annoying when you forget some.
i will make my BP/pal again, if i dont have mana UD + regen tattoo :) ppl have to make party recharge etc. It will be more about how ppl can use theri char, not just buy a weapon+10 and boss set, and you kill all by 3 shots. Try it, and judge it after :)
Herbs drop have a constant rate of 6x rate
that's good for solo players.
Also with this exp, be ready for camping FG/cementery like in old times :D
Quote from: ^Deavon^ on January 14, 2014, 11:31:25 PM
No mana potions but mana regen tattos + plus selfrecharge + party recharge .
Dont be so dramatic.
Archers/Dagggers and fighters in generall will have no easy job without Combat haste potions considering they ll have to choose to p.atack set up or attack speed set up.
And trust me , its tricky what to choose and it makes the game more realistic imo .
u finally did achieve what u couldnt on dragon, im sure u took part in most of this nerfs.
Dagger plays on -8str atleast cos he dont land blows and need +4dex, they will have max as+cd/ss+cd and on full buff to deal dmg they wont have much patk from it, and war cry for example 10% bonus? Fine from 500 patk+50 damn 25% would be so op!, while archers getting more when they stack much more PATK ?
This deflect arrow ? WTF th/pal for example will not land blow for the whole duration of it.
Most of archer combos wasnt hit by even a little excluding dmg reduction and only fighter/support or mage/support will do... rest cant use their skills either way they will be pure tanks with 0 dmg or pure fighter with no defences...
Sooo bad, a lot of ppl now just give up and leave our community.
I hope u do smth with exp stage(fix it) coz its horrible!!!
Quote from: ImmortaLSpiriT on January 14, 2014, 11:40:11 PM
well when i saw the drop rates i changed my mind about comming back. i guess ill stick to wow
@Track . You said U've been playin' as a player. Can u give us some results (mostly focused on these "rates" issue) . Thanks in advance
I liked almost all of it. The tattoo system we cant know how its going to work until we play.
What I didnt like:
- Enchanting should be LOWER. Why is higher? I hate star wars. It disgust me seeing weapow with more then +7 enchant. Make the pvps even shorter.
- The nerf on Deflect Arrow is high IMO. It is a big bonus for archers, since on Mass pvps nobody will active Deflect Arrow. Maybe on 1x1 against archer, but not on mass pvps/sieges.
Quote from: hideous on January 14, 2014, 11:39:15 PM
So this 120% exp bonus is only for full party? Considering that party = 2+ people ?
Would like to know how many players you need to be awarded that 120%.
Quote from: qash on January 14, 2014, 11:40:02 PM
Sooo bad, a lot of ppl now just give up and leave our community.
I hope u do smth with exp stage(fix it) coz its horrible!!!
actually, with party is pretty much doubled, so it's not that horrible (it's going around 4-5x totally)
Quote from: Garn. on January 14, 2014, 11:43:27 PM
actually, with party is pretty much doubled, so it's not that horrible (it's going around 4-5x totally)
3.6x last stage.
Quote from: Garn. on January 14, 2014, 11:43:27 PM
actually, with party is pretty much doubled, so it's not that horrible (it's going around 4-5x totally)
A x4 from 76->80 would have been great.
Not really, u get exp divided by players and it's 120% of exp 2,4x instead of 2x
Quote from: Painkiler on January 14, 2014, 11:44:37 PM
Not really, u get exp divided by players and it's 120% of exp 2,4x instead of 2x
Oh my bad. I thought it's x3 at the end.
Quote from: lNecropsy on January 14, 2014, 11:42:04 PM
I liked almost all of it. The tattoo system we cant know how its going to work until we play.
What I didnt like:
- Enchanting should be LOWER. Why is higher? I hate star wars. It disgust me seeing weapow with more then +7 enchant. Make the pvps even shorter.
- The nerf on Deflect Arrow is high IMO. It is a big bonus for archers, since on Mass pvps nobody will active Deflect Arrow. Maybe on 1x1 against archer, but not on mass pvps/sieges.
i agree on enchants, but still, spoil is 2x so it wont be that easy to get enchant scrolls.
and i agree on deflect arrow nerf, too big. remember that you can have resist buffs against nukers, but you have only deflect arrow vs archers. and this way archers will be maybe "a bit" stronger compared to other classes.
IMO Deflect Arrow should be still a normal buff, w/o any reductions for dmg etc. and skill activation at least 50-66%
Now players that play vs archer r fcked up, and archers with transfer pain r going well. Leave deflect arrow as a normal buff with 80% effect on light armor and robe.
Quote from: Painkiler on January 14, 2014, 11:49:29 PM
Now players that play vs archer r fcked up, and archers with transfer pain r going well. Leave deflect arrow as a normal buff with 80% effect on light armor and robe.
Quote from: Painkiler on January 14, 2014, 11:49:29 PM
Now players that play vs archer r fcked up, and archers with transfer pain r going well. Leave deflect arrow as a normal buff with 80% effect on light armor and robe.
Archers are almost untouched.
Quote from: Painkiler on January 14, 2014, 11:49:29 PM
Now players that play vs archer r fcked up, and archers with transfer pain r going well. Leave deflect arrow as a normal buff with 80% effect on light armor and robe.
Now all healers will be force to go for summoner sub.
Quote from: Painkiler on January 14, 2014, 11:49:29 PM
Now players that play vs archer r fcked up, and archers with transfer pain r going well. Leave deflect arrow as a normal buff with 80% effect on light armor and robe.
100% heavy, 80% light, 60% robe.
Dunno why remove potions for mana etc, dn was known exatcly coz of potion system.
Actually i'm pretty sure that many ppl from our clan won't even bother to join this server. This features literally killed it before it was even opened. Rates are too low, no potions are pretty much the worst.
Quote from: MegaZord on January 14, 2014, 11:50:24 PM
Archers are almost untouched.
Not exactly, they got focus attack from WL in bow also.
any nerf for archers?
Quote from: Vinny on January 14, 2014, 11:53:55 PM
any nerf for archers?
With Deavon in the crew? What did u expect? I only thought that sh1t will happen after few months so ppl will actually donate a lot on the start, now? half will give up.
Quote from: Cromatorus on January 14, 2014, 11:52:38 PM
You pwned me in what way tard? xD
If you read carefully all that announcement you might find few lines on the very bottom.
It says, more or less, that everything might still change. Not now, but during gameplay, to balance it.
I waited a long time for this and? it is joke! sever only for archers pfff gl. For me no thx I prefer not play cya
The 3 things that ppl hated the most:
1)Exp rate (way too low).
2)"Shadow" Tattos (make them permanent).
3)Deflect arrow nerf.
~~~~ ADDON, Party EXP increased from 120% to 200% . ~~~~
Quote from: =drake= on January 14, 2014, 11:55:35 PM
No CHP. a big 50% less.
Ok so att speed lower but dmg on mage/support will be still 4-6 k?
Quote from: flamingAwe on January 14, 2014, 11:37:43 PM
PS: didn't understand this
Herbs drop have a constant rate of 6x rate
First of all: there are no more custom potions.
Its about herbs that drop from mobs and give buffs or hp/mp regeneration after you pick them up.
Quote from: Peorexo on January 14, 2014, 11:55:20 PM
With Deavon in the crew? What did u expect? I only thought that sh1t will happen after few months so ppl will actually donate a lot on the start, now? half will give up.
Ofc i got the blame ;-) and i ll get all kind and type of blames ,i m aware of that .
Just FYI the deflect arrow change was Drake's idea and i was against it .
Any official dualbox info yet?
Quote from: ^Deavon^ on January 14, 2014, 11:31:25 PM
No mana potions but mana regen tattos + plus selfrecharge + party recharge .
Dont be so dramatic.
Archers/Dagggers and fighters in generall will have no easy job without Combat haste potions considering they ll have to choose to p.atack set up or attack speed set up.
And trust me , its tricky what to choose and it makes the game more realistic imo .
Selfrecharge? in past the self recharge worked like this: if you had no higher mana gain skill (that dd mages have), you get 0 mana recharge on self. If you had mana gain, then you get only as much mana, as the mana gain gives. I can't remember how many it was, but around 40 mp/each recharge. And in the changelog there is a penalty on selfrecharge, which let's say halves the recharge (i don't know, as no number written there) that means 20mp/charge, which not worth the keypress. Or now it's different?
Quote from: MegaZord on January 14, 2014, 11:58:56 PM
Ok so att speed lower but dmg on mage/support will be still 4-6 k?
WTF u Talk?? Did u see enchant armor rate?? how archer hit u for 4k if u can make each part +20??
And its not work with both sides cuz i can already see how u enchant boss jewels...
Dear Staff of DN,
Alter some things and game aspects as you now receive a big amount of requests from your future players. We would like player friendly server.
Quote from: thepal on January 15, 2014, 12:01:44 AM
WTF u Talk?? Did u see enchant armor rate?? how archer hit u for 4k if u can make each part +20??
And its not work with both sides cuz i can already see how u enchant boss jewels...
Are you stupid or what? thats failure rate not enchant rate.
Quote from: Dhol on January 15, 2014, 12:00:46 AM
Any official dualbox info yet?
one dualbox for each player...
Quote from: unhandledexeption on January 15, 2014, 12:00:56 AM
Selfrecharge? in past the self recharge worked like this: if you had no higher mana gain skill (that dd mages have), you get 0 mana recharge on self. If you had mana gain, then you get only as much mana, as the mana gain gives. I can't remember how many it was, but around 40 mp/each recharge. And in the changelog there is a penalty on selfrecharge, which let's say halves the recharge (i don't know, as no number written there) that means 20mp/charge, which not worth the keypress. Or now it's different?
first of all its more than 80mp from higher mana gain, u got also arcane wisdom (-mp consumption) and u cant enchant recharge...
Quote from: vaiper on January 14, 2014, 11:58:13 PM
The 2 things that ppl hated the most:
1)"Shadow" Tattos (make them permanent).
2)Deflect arrow nerf.
Other updates are fine.
Most Online Today: 1066. Most Online Ever: 1066 (Today at 11:58:41 pm)Don't lose it.
We all just wanna play here :]
[Their "energy" is drained while using them (like shadow items) and their duration is based by their level.]
So..... the tatoo will varnish after consuming time? Keep buying new one after 6h? over and over? costing adena for the first time and adena and materials for lvl it up?
OR it will has the energy/life recharged if it keep unequipped?
dnet change in short :
- tyr/de not existing
- mages are freaked up (-tanks on healers, -mana potions => lead to shitty setup or freaking long exp)
- "little bonus" for archers (when archers are already top...)
- x5~ and most likely no 80lv in server for looong time :D
- nice donations for talismans;d
imho, exp rates are fine (200% party exp is a lot, dont go more than that)
no custom potions (ok, we can live without)
tattoo system (let's see how it will work)
enchant rates are a bit too high but whatever
but please put deflect arrow like it was before. (less % for robes and lights ofc, but make it normal buff)
I see alot of people behaving like monkeys, getting to fast conclusions without think or read.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 14, 2014, 11:58:48 PM
~~~~ ADDON, Party EXP increased from 120% to 200% . ~~~~
200% for Party xp is really a boost for teamplay and especially for rates!
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 14, 2014, 11:58:48 PM
~~~~ ADDON, Party EXP increased from 120% to 200% . ~~~~
Quote from: ^Deavon^ on January 15, 2014, 12:00:01 AM
Ofc i got the blame ;-) and i ll get all kind and type of blames ,i m aware of that .
Just FYI the deflect arrow change was Drake's idea and i was against it .
why rapid shot/rapid fire/dead eye no nerf? daggers have to chase u, detarget u, get on ur back to deal dmg, archer press f1 and ALL their skills work 100%?, TRANSFER pain no nerf for stats?, fckn selfish updates.
When I played on Dex, talisman ( can i compare them to tattoos?) with mp reg didn't bring any penalties and were very cheap. And also were gone after some time.
still nobody mentioned Cancel skill...?
Server gonna consist of:
50% HE/WK
50% Support for HE/WK
I only would like to line the fact that deflect arrow gived something like 30% less dmg, and now archers will have 50% atk speed less, and its really a lot! U can heal 10 times b4 archer shot...
drake or track, how long is the duration of these tattooes?
I see also a lot of complains about nerfs, while actually you didnt tested it , WE did in real pvp scenario etc...
I see a lot of complains about no potion- tattoo thing, while in fact you didnt even tested it ... (* i apologize you will be more forced to use brain and >f1 key)
I see a lot of people saying XYZ class killed, every class is playable , no1 is killed and we are more close to balance then ever in history of DN
Instead of whining, re-read that topic and choose what you will play now.
~~EXP PARTY ADDED 200% bonus~~
Thank you for the support.
When you guys realize that a archer will have average attack speed 750-800 , you will understand that changes affects all classes .
Quote from: Tvit on January 15, 2014, 12:08:12 AM
I only would like to line the fact that deflect arrow gived something like 30% less dmg, and now archers will have 50% atk speed less, and its really a lot! U can heal 10 times b4 archer shot...
That's, if archers are going to use deflect arrow.
Quote from: Tvit on January 15, 2014, 12:03:17 AM
first of all its more than 80mp from higher mana gain, u got also arcane wisdom (-mp consumption) and u cant enchant recharge...
Too bad that's only for sps/sh/ elder chars, so a fullsupport char se/bd ee/sws will have less options to refill mana.
Quote from: ^Deavon^ on January 15, 2014, 12:09:09 AM
When you guys realize that a archer will have average attack speed 750-800 , you will understand that changes affects all classes .
850 :)
Quote from: ^Deavon^ on January 15, 2014, 12:09:09 AM
When you guys realize that a archer will have average attack speed 750-800 , you will understand that changes affects all classes .
when u realise average dagger on pvp will die before they get to u? all possible archer slayer got nerfed to the ground with all possible ways and all archer skills work 100%?
Rapid shot = -30% accuracy
Rapid fire = -15% speed/ -15% crit dmg
Dead eye = -20% speed
Come on! Lets nerf everything, keep ur shit straight
And 800atk speed is more than enough, dagger on full buff will have 700patk with as and 1000 atk speed?
All classed got atk speed nerf on deflect arrow, and archers got only range? with their speed on counter dash/(+dash), they dont care that much since they got still full power.
Yeah allot of posts i can't even keep up with this, the bottom line is this, check out the list, see if it is acceptable to you, if it is , fine play, if it isn't fine don't play, you like everything perfect like you always had it..tough luck life sucks..your op sub doesn't work because of deflect arrow, tough luck life sucks, just learn to cope with it, if you can't really handle the changes, change the char you still have days at your disposal to weigh the pros and cons it's not like you did already 80/80 and can't change, also you have a lot of classes because of the sub stack keep searching for the right one.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 15, 2014, 12:08:56 AM
I see also a lot of complains about nerfs, while actually you didnt tested it , WE did in real pvp scenario etc...
I see a lot of complains about no potion- tattoo thing, while in fact you didnt even tested it ... (* i apologize you will be more forced to use brain and >f1 key)
I see a lot of people saying XYZ class killed, every class is playable , no1 is killed and we are more close to balance then ever in history of DN
Instead of whining, re-read that topic and choose what you will play now.
~~EXP PARTY ADDED 200% bonus~~
Thank you for the support.
the only wrong thing is deflect arrow, imho.
rest is fine
Just restrict the sub-choices..
Make it so that one can sub to a support class only .
Since with these changes, ty/de, tank/dagger-archer, wl/fighter tank/mages are all useless..
With sub restriction, U wouldn't have to make all those nerfs , plus it would enhance a more cooperative gameplay environment...just sayin...
And...I am too disappointed with the low rate issue...though you did well with the tattoo system.
edit: %200 party bonus will do the trick for me..
-Diseases from area: fully reworked and max bonus given is 4%. All of them have drawbacks (Malaria included) this also kinda killed mages just saying :P
Archers are nerfed,most of the powerful combos like he/glad,th/he are nerfed.So telling archers aint nerfed at all is totally not true.
Quote from: stanko on January 15, 2014, 12:14:52 AM
-Diseases from area: fully reworked and max bonus given is 4%. All of them have drawbacks (Malaria included) this also kinda killed mages just saying :P
By what LOGIC , malaria (decease) should give BONUS so OP! and not even top lvl?...Koreans :*
Quote from: remeron on January 15, 2014, 12:14:44 AM
And...I am too disappointed with the low rate issue...though you did well with the tattoo system.
200% party exp makes the trick.
Why is everyone scared of a he/wk... Their cats is so lame, take it down (like 1-2 shot) and you are fighting a he.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 15, 2014, 12:08:56 AM
I see also a lot of complains about nerfs, while actually you didnt tested it , WE did in real pvp scenario etc...
I see a lot of complains about no potion- tattoo thing, while in fact you didnt even tested it ... (* i apologize you will be more forced to use brain and >f1 key)
I see a lot of people saying XYZ class killed, every class is playable , no1 is killed and we are more close to balance then ever in history of DN
Instead of whining, re-read that topic and choose what you will play now.
~~EXP PARTY ADDED 200% bonus~~
Thank you for the support.
Good changes Track :) we dont need 90% ppl on pro uber he/pal, sh/sk etc.
Quote from: Garn. on January 15, 2014, 12:16:35 AM
200% party exp makes the trick.
Its changed to 180% because of adena issues on 200.
Thanks Garn
Quote from: +GekKey+ on January 15, 2014, 12:16:49 AM
Why is everyone scared of a he/wk... Their cats is so lame, take it down (like 1-2 shot) and you are fighting a he.
Dat Cubic!!!444!44!!!!44!!! Y U NO SEE?!? OP!!44!!4!!!
Quote from: +GekKey+ on January 15, 2014, 12:16:49 AM
Why is everyone scared of a he/wk... Their cats is so lame, take it down (like 1-2 shot) and you are fighting a he.
Feline King? I don't think so.
I forgot to ask! What about Cancel skill and whats the maximum crit rate of mage?
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 15, 2014, 12:17:58 AM
Its changed to 180% because of adena issues on 200.
Thanks Garn
180 is still fine
Quote from: Peorexo on January 15, 2014, 12:12:02 AM
when u realise average dagger on pvp will die before they get to u? all possible archer slayer got nerfed to the ground with all possible ways and all archer skills work 100%?
Rapid shot = -30% accuracy
Rapid fire = -15% speed/ -15% crit dmg
Dead eye = -20% speed
Come on! Lets nerf everything, keep ur shit straight
And 800atk speed is more than enough, dagger on full buff will have 700patk with as and 1000 atk speed?
All classed got atk speed nerf on deflect arrow, and archers got only range? with their speed on counter dash/(+dash), they dont care that much since they got still full power.
Yhy.... Tell me ur point....
PR the archer with lowest attack speed now will lose chp... so his attack speed will reach hmm 800 as??
With Death Eye how much atack speed he will get?? how u think??
Rapid fire?? Its useless skill and honestly i dont remember i sow any1 who used it... range always was advantage of archers and loseing it for a bit attack speed its not good so...
To sum up... whats the point of nerfing those skills if almost no1 will use them??
PR cant afford for loseing attack speed and SR the range...
Quote from: remeron on January 15, 2014, 12:14:44 AM
Just restrict the sub-choices..
Make it so that one can sub to a support class only .
Since with these changes, ty/de, tank/dagger-archer, wl/fighter tank/mages are all useless..
With sub restriction, U wouldn't have to make all those nerfs , plus it would enhance a more cooperative gameplay environment...just sayin...
And...I am too disappointed with the low rate issue...though you did well with the tattoo system.
why restrict classes, you have a problem if i want to play destro/tyrant?...i play what i want..so what if you consider my class underpowered, and about low rate..what about it?..what u can't do level 80 and reroll in 1 night..to bad
but PR get bonus atk power and crit power in cost of atk spd, and 700 atk spd on PR is more than enough for kite. Archers aren't so much atk spd oriented, but critpower and p atk.
Quote from: thepal on January 15, 2014, 12:19:16 AM
Yhy.... Tell me ur point....
PR the archer with lowest attack speed now will lose chp... so his attack speed will reach hmm 800 as??
With Death Eye how much atack speed he will get?? how u think??
Rapid fire?? Its useless skill and honestly i dont remember i sow any1 who used it... range always was advantage of archers and loseing it for a bit attack speed its not good so...
To sum up... whats the point of nerfing those skills if almost no1 will use them??
PR cant afford for loseing attack speed and SR the range...
so what the point of nerfing war cry with dagger if patk doesnt matter on blows only autoattacks
what the point of nerfing blow land rate which suck balls already on interlude?
what the point of nerfing all classes and NOT archers?
and i meant speed, movement speed not atk speed nerf.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 15, 2014, 12:16:23 AM
By what LOGIC , malaria (decease) should give BONUS so OP! and not even top lvl?...Koreans :*
dunno, keeping it retail xD
Quote from: ^Deavon^ on January 15, 2014, 12:09:09 AM
When you guys realize that a archer will have average attack speed 750-800 , you will understand that changes affects all classes .
So plz give us dmg what make lets say he/pp on char like sorc/pp. Both in top items+3. He/pp in draco set,draco bow+3+f,aq,baium,valakas, vs sorc/pp in dc robe set+3, both on full buff.
I find that -25% cast withrobe + deflect arrow is to much .
But lets try :). Think to do an event to change sub at lvl 80 if to much ppl want change :D.
I was going to play mage/tank , i will stay on it , even with nerf.
For all the whiners:
"Adapt or die."
- Every EVE Online player
Quote from: Stazy on January 15, 2014, 12:20:20 AM
why restrict classes, you have a problem if i want to play destro/tyrant?...i play what i want..so what if you consider my class underpowered, and about low rate..what about it?..what u can't do level 80 and reroll in 1 night..to bad
I just think it would be proper seeing everyone with a support sub....why would I have a problem???
btw you can't play what u want. some ppl want to play nekro/ol as they did before but they can't, rules are rules...it was merely a suggestion, you don't need to spam me...about the rate issue, I had already edited my post....party bonus will do the trick I said...again, u didnt need to spam me..
Quote from: Mael on January 15, 2014, 12:23:54 AM
For all the whiners:
"Adapt or die."
- Every EVE Online player
Quote from: Peorexo on January 15, 2014, 12:20:49 AM
so what the point of nerfing war cry with dagger if patk doesnt matter on blows only autoattacks
what the point of nerfing blow land rate which suck balls already on interlude?
what the point of nerfing all classes and NOT archers?
and i meant speed, movement speed not atk speed nerf.
1. Honestly dont know... this nerf shouldnt take place.
2. Well i remember they were landing preety nice at least on me ;P
3. Ehh Archers are preety freaked omg... they lost shitloads of attack speed and omg LOOK on f4king enchant armor rate!! U will heal urself by Heal skill before archer will kill u lol xD And btw HE/wk will be without wk light armor mastery with also gave him as...
Cat queen ( summon that is mostly used by HE/wk) dont have much hp/ p def and cant be enchanted much. Any char with weapon + 9-10 will 1 shot this cat lol... and u have poor archer with cubic... heh gr8... He is super OP...
Quote from: R3vo on January 14, 2014, 11:18:51 PM
Varka and 700 with 20% of chance? Nice idea - 10000 years and my childrens can end my quest after my death
Drake edit:
Typo, is 200%
ahahaha :DDD
For those who think archers arent nerfed I challenge u to make an archer class
With no chp +haste
no tattoos that give bonus without taking anything (old dn tattoos)
with skills nerffed from daggers/glads/warlords
Let me see how op they will be
p.s. mage subbed with tank doesnt rly need deflect arrow that much since they will most probably carry a shield (and if u a good player and know how to turn when fighting an archer) and deflect half dmg anyway + if scary archer attacks u be sure to have your friends there, some of them might be healers or tanks with agro or daggers with trick or some class with wind shackle warrior bane trance fear slow curse of doom remove speed buffs remove pdef buffs/mdef buffs remove atkspeed buffs anchor stun slow root or just maybe u will have 2 nuker friends and together with joint forces will kill scary archer and say.. That wasnt so bad after all hmmm... On Raven i was archer and had 1800 atk speed and could kill party and a half alone but still there were some times when I lost pvp 1on1 vs mage cuz of surprise attack, pro player, crits dont lend...
Quote from: thepal on January 15, 2014, 12:27:43 AM
1. Honestly dont know... this nerf shouldnt take place.
2. Well i remember they were landing preety nice at least on me ;P
3. Ehh Archers are preety freaked omg... they lost shitloads of attack speed and omg LOOK on f4king enchant armor rate!! U will heal urself by Heal skill before archer will kill u lol xD And btw HE/wk will be without wk light armor mastery with also gave him as...
Cat queen ( summon that is mostly used by HE/wk) dont have much hp/ p def and cant be enchanted much. Any char with weapon + 9-10 will 1 shot this cat lol... and u have poor archer with cubic... heh gr8... He is super OP...
Yeah, target summon, kill summon. While u r doing this archer r shooting u 2-3 shots before u target archer again.
Quote from: igi on January 15, 2014, 12:29:08 AM
For those who think archers arent nerfed I challenge u to make an archer class
With no chp +haste
lol wtf u dude saying that u dont have 1.5k atk speed on archer doesnt mean it still dont crit for 5k each on characters who have like 7-8k max hp, 2 archers can oneshot any1 almost
Can you at least start playing and then saying something OP/CRAP/KILLED or whatever this forum playing is just funny. We didnt randomly pressed buttons and edit scripts , there were tests made. None of the gm-s playing so there is no class that benefits from this.
I hope for understanding.
Quote from: igi on January 15, 2014, 12:29:08 AM
For those who think archers arent nerfed I challenge u to make an archer class
With no chp +haste
no tattoos that give bonus without taking anything (old dn tattoos)
with skills nerffed from daggers/glads/warlords
Let me see how op they will be
p.s. mage subbed with tank doesnt rly need deflect arrow that much since they will most probably carry a shield (and if u a good player and know how to turn when fighting an archer) and deflect half dmg anyway + if scary archer attacks u be sure to have your friends there, some of them might be healers or tanks with agro or daggers with trick or some class with wind shackle warrior bane trance fear slow curse of doom remove speed buffs remove pdef buffs/mdef buffs remove atkspeed buffs anchor stun slow root or just maybe u will have 2 nuker friends and together with joint forces will kill scary archer and say.. That wasnt so bad after all hmmm... On Raven i was archer and had 1800 atk speed and could kill party and a half alone but still there were some times when I lost pvp 1on1 vs mage cuz of surprise attack, pro player, crits dont lend...
to be honest, i was playing archer with atk spd below 1k and still pwn mages with crits on fullbuff, as pr/bd without stacking masteries and chp.
Quote from: thepal on January 15, 2014, 12:27:43 AM
1. Honestly dont know... this nerf shouldnt take place.
2. Well i remember they were landing preety nice at least on me ;P
3. Ehh Archers are preety freaked omg... they lost shitloads of attack speed and omg LOOK on f4king enchant armor rate!! U will heal urself by Heal skill before archer will kill u lol xD And btw HE/wk will be without wk light armor mastery with also gave him as...
Cat queen ( summon that is mostly used by HE/wk) dont have much hp/ p def and cant be enchanted much. Any char with weapon + 9-10 will 1 shot this cat lol... and u have poor archer with cubic... heh gr8... He is super OP...
yep .. i cant understand why everybody cry about archers .. they need nerf or smth like this .. n/c :)
Quote from: Painkiler on January 15, 2014, 12:31:41 AM
to be honest, i was playing archer with atk spd below 1k and still pwn mages with crits on fullbuff, as pr/bd without stacking masteries and chp.
Track, sorry for posting it again but it might be lost in spam
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 15, 2014, 12:32:03 AM
poor mages then :( xD
info about cancel? anyone?
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 15, 2014, 12:31:29 AM
Can you at least start playing and then saying something OP/CRAP/KILLED or whatever this forum playing is just funny. We didnt randomly pressed buttons and edit scripts , there were tests made. None of the gm-s playing so there is no class that benefits from this.
I hope for understanding.
We wanted to play today, today of 15th :) I am pretty sure you get my meaning.
Quote from: Painkiler on January 15, 2014, 12:30:17 AM
Yeah, target summon, kill summon. While u r doing this archer r shooting u 2-3 shots before u target archer again.
if have problem with this... dont go out of town without healler... Dont consider urself 1 vs 1 but on mass pvp u will have cp and heal omg...
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 15, 2014, 12:32:03 AM
Well, with this nerfs archer r only viable option, so propably i'll play archer if i start play on tarantula.
And about ur previous post about our qq, remember that we were playing on this and other servers for quite long time, and we know how things work in this game.
Quote from: thepal on January 15, 2014, 12:34:40 AM
if have problem with this... dont go out of town without healler... Dont consider urself 1 vs 1 but on mass pvp u will have cp and heal omg...
Good luck targeting summons on mass pvp, lol.
Quote from: Painkiler on January 15, 2014, 12:31:41 AM
to be honest, i was playing archer with atk spd below 1k and still pwn mages with crits on fullbuff, as pr/bd without stacking masteries and chp.
Thats what archers r supposed to do dumb ass...
Cheez.. Im sick of ppl "I want to play mage that can delete all your buffs but those mean archers keep killing me its not fair.. please nerf them"
with sooo many changes it should be like must have beta test for every1...
some things on papers seems bad but after 10y of playin this game i can feel that there is strong balance between mele/range/nuke. I just dont understand that enchant rates.. why it need to be star wars +8 server? If there is already -25% pvp damage for skills/auto attack? Whats the point? We farm faster but the rates are x3 ? Guess im gonna change env.ini manualy to avoid those glows :o
And yes admins u did rly unique server. We will see if it fails to the ground after 2 weeks or will it stand for long time.
vote for increase exp from 76-80
vote for tatoos perma
vote to change that nerf for deflect arrow (its too big omg)
And remember that its not about super balanced server but about people that u just pissed by givin such a info 40h before server start. When every1 just got completed party setup
BY SentineL:
-Focus Attack: (previously this skill was giving the bonus only to pole) now it offers a half effect (crt. dmg only) also toward other weapons. bow/daggers receive also a speed penality of same amount.
My question is - focus attack dont decr move speed, skill that decr move speed is Thrill Fight. for who skill it comes? or for both
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 15, 2014, 12:31:29 AM
Can you at least start playing and then saying something OP/CRAP/KILLED or whatever this forum playing is just funny.
So go and make BETA ! 2 months exp for looking that char is crap ? Please...
Quote from: Painkiler on January 15, 2014, 12:35:05 AM
Well, with this nerfs archer r only viable option, so propably i'll play archer if i start play on tarantula.
And about ur previous post about our qq, remember that we were playing on this and other servers for quite long time, and we know how things work in this game.
My personal opinion, is that this is 1 of the most stable, and balanced DNs server after all these years. You can hate it or love it, but thats how it is. Different gameplay comparing to one you got used to in past 10 years here.
Quote from: Painkiler on January 15, 2014, 12:36:01 AM
Good luck targeting summons on mass pvp, lol.
I played he/wk and constantly needed to re summon, you played one as well, you should have experienced this too.
For me the balance changes are VERY well made. Dragon team seems to know what they are doing. Good job guys!
The only problem is that in general people are retarded and some of them will rage-quit because they do not understand the reasoning behind all this. You have to be very active on the forums now and patiently deal with all the questions.
On this thread there is a number of posts that say class X is now useless and Y is OP.
While the same number of post say they Y is now useless X is OP.
For this this is the best indication on a well made balance. Good job and see you online! ;)
Quote from: Deathmagnetic on January 15, 2014, 12:37:41 AM
So go and make BETA ! 2 months exp for looking that char is crap ? Please...
Start with dual box, im sure from what is written you can +/- calculate what might be a good char to play. No?
Most important, are you looking to play char which is most "OP" or what you prefer and enjoy to play? If answer is a) then you will be bored to exp even on x50
Quote from: +GekKey+ on January 15, 2014, 12:38:33 AM
I played he/wk and constantly needed to re summon, you played one as well, you should have experienced this too.
Well, i experienced it too, but it wasn't that frequent. Usually i haven't problem with summon since in real mass pvps there was no time to kill summons, maybe with aoe skills.
Quote from: Painkiler on January 15, 2014, 12:36:01 AM
Good luck targeting summons on mass pvp, lol.
I've played he/wk on infinity 5x, and yes i can count on my single hand how many times the enemy shot my (feline queen for catbuff) cat. They usally always shoot at me. And even if they shoot the cat, go bacwards, and resummon.
anyway the point of the cat there was the buff, the transfer pain was just a nice addition. And the mdef passive of the wk.
Quote from: unhandledexeption on January 15, 2014, 12:43:42 AM
I've played he/wk on infinity 5x, and yes i can count on my single hand how many times the enemy shot my (feline queen for catbuff) cat. They usally always shoot at me. And even if they shoot the cat, go bacwards, and resummon.
anyway the point of the cat there was the buff, the transfer pain was just a nice addition.
Yeah, summons usually died because of limit of hp taken by transfer pain
Summons in interlude was very weak.
Track about exp ... Have you ever played in x2 to x7 server mate cause after 10 years playing l2 and HOURS of exp in every possible corner of the map plus for me at least many exp time at official i really cant belive i will make myself spent 2 months(or 3 ) to reach 80 plus nearly 100% exp sub that's the hard to cooperate with exp rates noone said that we want to exp in x50
About other changes i dont mind
Archer with 723-850 att.speed GOD against noob mages { l2 true story }
well actually after 70 exp is gonna take month to get 80;d
Quote from: PepsiQQ on January 15, 2014, 12:49:29 AM
well actually after 70 exp is gonna take month to get 80;d
if you play 30min/day probably yes.
Quote from: PepsiQQ on January 15, 2014, 12:49:29 AM
well actually after 70 exp is gonna take month to get 80;d
lol? not in party
Dunno why you ppl cry about exp. Is x30 on start lol. I played on infinity on x5 rates from start to end, like many others and we didnt cry. Here we got x2 on 80 lvl wow, but u dont see that there is so much bonus when you exp in pt.
Thank you.
x30 is 1-12lv, then x25, till 20, x20 after..
realize that "1-40" takes a second or two, and after 40 its x10+
not bad changes - guys dont forget that u will get used to it , im sure most even will like it.
its the fear inside us, of changes.. i understand :)
1 question,
>> will we have XP boost, spoil boost etc. like in our lovely dragon x15 ?
that would re-balance the sh1t xp rate at late lvls .
Quote from: PepsiQQ on January 15, 2014, 12:53:11 AM
x30 is 1-12lv, then x25, till 20, x20 after..
realize that "1-40" takes a second or two, and after 40 its x10+
Imo its good to have lower rate after 52vl cuz firtly u will get better equipped at higher lvls secondly u will have time to learn about all the new stuff in the game and get to know the community and bla bla set up your roots and u will get there(80vl) eventually which will be also very good feeling :P
Quote from: TheSplichO on January 15, 2014, 12:53:42 AM
I hope not drastic modification.
so u'll change for. focus from WL before/during start, and wl for ex. will be pointless.
That's funny
Everybody's complaining because there's no "sure thing OP class" now, that they could start with. They're just angry of having so big choice of what to play. I like everything, except non-perm tatoos. And as splich0 said earlier - do whatever u want, but do it before server start.
EDIT: and yeah, will miss those potions :(
Quote from: MegaZord on January 15, 2014, 12:51:59 AM
Dunno why you ppl cry about exp. Is x30 on start lol. I played on infinity on x5 rates from start to end, like many others and we didnt cry. Here we got x2 on 80 lvl wow, but u dont see that there is so much bonus when you exp in pt.
Please think every ancle of what you read before you speak about crying dont post to critisize others.Anyway x2 its too damn low but ok i can make it to 80 in 1.5-2 months with 5-8 hours exp per day (with pvp/chat/no reason looking my screen time included)
as for me, want back to old potion system because was the trademark of Dragon-Network :)
Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 15, 2014, 01:07:55 AM
180% bonus exp will be applied even if the party isn't Full? Example: 2 char, 3 char, 4 char = always 180% ?
Track already wrote about 2-9 party members to get it.
Quote from: remeron on January 15, 2014, 12:14:44 AM
Just restrict the sub-choices..
Make it so that one can sub to a support class only .
Since with these changes, ty/de, tank/dagger-archer, wl/fighter tank/mages are all useless..
With sub restriction, U wouldn't have to make all those nerfs , plus it would enhance a more cooperative gameplay environment...just sayin...
And...I am too disappointed with the low rate issue...though you did well with the tattoo system.
edit: %200 party bonus will do the trick for me..
Because tank/dagger was so op in IL. Sure... :D link (http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,159656.msg1563637.html#msg1563637)
Yeah I dont like the subclass restriction. I can sub a tank for TH but its useless as TH/Sorc.
Thy the DN balance staff, good job. 8) ;D
I don't like Jedi Masters +6++ weapons. So its a big big -1000.
Quote from: MegaZord on January 15, 2014, 12:22:15 AM
So plz give us dmg what make lets say he/pp on char like sorc/pp. Both in top items+3. He/pp in draco set,draco bow+3+f,aq,baium,valakas, vs sorc/pp in dc robe set+3, both on full buff.
he/wk on draconic set+0 , boss set , draconic bow +0 full buffed .
necro/pp dc set +0 + shield ,boss set , full buffed.
HE/WK gave criticals between 1,7k and 1.9k and necro/pp(NO TRANSER PAIN) so please ... stay calm ...!
Quote from: RavenHeart on January 15, 2014, 12:37:27 AM
BY SentineL:
My question is - focus attack dont decr move speed, skill that decr move speed is Thrill Fight. for who skill it comes? or for both
its typo , it reffers to attack speed , not moving speed .
it works similar like duelist spirit .
Quote from: ^Deavon^ on January 15, 2014, 01:13:53 AM
he/wk on draconic set+0 , boss set , draconic bow +0 full buffed .
necro/pp dc set +0 + shield ,boss set , full buffed.
HE/WK gave criticals between 1,7k and 1.9k and necro/pp(NO TRANSER PAIN) so please ... stay calm ...!
Lets just play it and let it be.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 15, 2014, 12:40:50 AM
Start with dual box, im sure from what is written you can +/- calculate what might be a good char to play. No?
Most important, are you looking to play char which is most "OP" or what you prefer and enjoy to play? If answer is a) then you will be bored to exp even on x50
Yeah but playing vs archer that kill you in 2-3 shots before you can get to him is not a enjoyable experience, and the only think you get from "the char who is enjoyable to play" is frustration of dying.
they should make class-type restricted subbing (wizards to wizards, rouges to rouges, tanks to tanks, etc) ofc raceunlimited, then there will be best ballance, classes will stay same, just get additional skills
maybe then you'll stop cry....
btw, vote for perma tattoes(personal dislike of bringing too much consumables in inventary) xD
Quote from: mardel on January 15, 2014, 01:10:31 AM
Because tank/dagger was so op in IL. Sure... :D link (http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,159656.msg1563637.html#msg1563637)
Yeah I dont like the subclass restriction. I can sub a tank as TH but its useless as TH/Sorc.
Thy the DN balance staff, good job. 8) ;D
I don't like Jedi Masters +6++ weapons. So its a big big -1000.
I dont know what to say man..you even bothered yourself to find a post dating back to 2008.
Quote from: flamingAwe on January 15, 2014, 01:17:54 AM
they should make class-type restricted subbing (wizards to wizards, rouges to rouges, tanks to tanks, etc) ofc raceunlimited, then there will be best ballance, classes will stay same, just get additional skills
maybe then you'll stop cry....
btw, vote for perma tattoes(personal dislike of bringing too much consumables in inventary) xD
1. I want ask what is land rate for blows couse if i remember from old dn interlude was smth like 40%. On new server will be same?
2. Dmg from blows is sux like was? i mean on last interlude.
3. What about of full lethals?
4. Is there any cap for Movement speed?
Quote from: remeron on January 15, 2014, 01:18:53 AM
I dont know what to say man..you even bothered yourself to find a post dating back to 2008.
I just found some info from IL tank/dagger on dnet. (I used search before the modification post. Calculating subs for th. got it?) I thinking too that is so op its need a nerf. :)
Quote from: flamingAwe on January 15, 2014, 01:17:54 AM
btw, vote for perma tattoes(personal dislike of bringing too much consumables in inventary) xD
Quote from: flamingAwe on January 15, 2014, 01:17:54 AM
they should make class-type restricted subbing (wizards to wizards, rouges to rouges, tanks to tanks, etc) ofc raceunlimited, then there will be best ballance, classes will stay same, just get additional skills
maybe then you'll stop cry....
btw, vote for perma tattoes(personal dislike of bringing too much consumables in inventary) xD
that sort of restriction would suck, big time. no need to even go into details.
Quote from: remeron on January 15, 2014, 01:22:20 AM
that sort of restriction would suck, big time. no need to even go into details.
Didnt u see 'sarcasm' written in between all those words? :P
Quote from: ^Deavon^ on January 15, 2014, 01:13:53 AM
he/wk on draconic set+0 , boss set , draconic bow +0 full buffed .
necro/pp dc set +0 + shield ,boss set , full buffed.
HE/WK gave criticals between 1,7k and 1.9k and necro/pp(NO TRANSER PAIN) so please ... stay calm ...!
I am now more calm xD
Quote from: mardel on January 15, 2014, 01:21:51 AM
Dating back to find some info from IL tank/dagger on dnet. I thinking too that is so op its need a nerf. :)
I know what was op what was not, I played here till the near end of IL era. in the post he is arguing about m.crit rates, which was nerfed later on. dagger/tank wasn't that good in interlude, in oly it wasn't notably effective. However, c4 was a different story...
Quote from: igi on January 15, 2014, 01:24:18 AM
Didnt u see 'sarcasm' written in between all those words? :P
guess I didn't read the whole post, I fed the troll then : P
Quote from: remeron on January 15, 2014, 01:22:20 AM
that sort of restriction would suck, big time. no need to even go into details.
it would suck only class variety wise. it's just next step after deleting mutants.
but it will return basic l2 job-specific balance. which will reduce needed nerfs/boosts
PS: ofc, i'm against reducing even more number of possible classes, i'd prefer mutants return :P
srsly no1 talks about enchant rate ? :D it's a long after Christmas we dont need anymore lights.
Quote from: ^Deavon^ on January 15, 2014, 01:13:53 AM
he/wk on draconic set+0 , boss set , draconic bow +0 full buffed .
necro/pp dc set +0 + shield ,boss set , full buffed.
HE/WK gave criticals between 1,7k and 1.9k and necro/pp(NO TRANSER PAIN) so please ... stay calm ...!
Fair enough, it's nice that you were part of the "balancing" ... so i'm almost 100% sure that this will be PVP balanced server.
Whatever those trolls are crying about ... they just read the negative part of the change log.
And about exp, it's good as it is, it shouldn't be THAT hard to reach 78 ... and lvl 79-80 is not so important, and it shouldn't be reached fast (it's not like you can't have fun if you are not lvl 80 ... wtf?).
Tattoos/mp pots are good change ... and we should look forward for it ... and play something new,different, change tactics, swap equip in perfect timing ... not just pressing F1/F2 like in old days of IL. (most of ppl would get bored anyway, since we already did experience that once ... it's in human nature to search for something new ...
it sucks to be stuck in monotony ).
Just my opinion, no hard feelings guys, looking forward to see old peeps in game this Friday.
Quote from: stanko on January 15, 2014, 12:33:38 AM
info about cancel? anyone?
it removes between 1 to 5 random buffs and the reuse is around 15 seconds on full buffs (not sure about the reuse i ll confirm it later).
Quote from: DarkVengeance on January 15, 2014, 01:41:00 AM
Fair enough, it's nice that you were part of the "balancing" ... so i'm almost 100% sure that this will be PVP balanced server.
Whatever those trolls are crying about ... they just read the negative part of the change log.
And about exp, it's good as it is, it shouldn't be THAT hard to reach 78 ... and lvl 79-80 is not so important, and it shouldn't be reached fast (it's not like you can't have fun if you are not lvl 80 ... wtf?).
Tattoos/mp pots are good change ... and we should look forward for it ... and play something new,different, change tactics, swap equip in perfect timing ... not just pressing F1/F2 like in old days of IL. (most of ppl would get bored anyway, since we already did experience that once ... it's in human nature to search for something new ... it sucks to be stuck in monotony ).
Just my opinion, no hard feelings guys, looking forward to see old peeps in game this Friday.
With boosted party exp i dont think it is problem even on the high levels, not instant of course, but fair.
sorry mate, but can u imagine rate x2 on 78-80? It's interlude, up rates 70-80 to 6-8 and it will be still low rate
I never thought this was a good system... reading the whole changes make it possitive, but I will still play it 'cos it's my beloved Dnet haha :P
Quote from: stanxoo on January 15, 2014, 01:50:48 AM
sorry mate, but can u imagine rate x2 on 78-80? It's interlude, up rates 70-80 to 6-8 and it will be still low rate
Stop qq, i exped glad/pal in interlude on x5 rates w/o any bonuses. On infinity, like many others.
Quote from: stanxoo on January 15, 2014, 01:50:48 AM
sorry mate, but can u imagine rate x2 on 78-80? It's interlude, up rates 70-80 to 6-8 and it will be still low rate
Did you read about Party EXP bonus%?
any thoughts on dance/song mana consumption?
with no mana pots and durations being 2 min., I can't imagine playing a pw/sws which I was looking forward to.
I think it would be fair to slightly reduce it, ,since I would have relatively much less mana problem with other dagger/xx combos..
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 15, 2014, 01:53:20 AM
Did you read about Party EXP bonus%?
btw, this will be one of biggest exploits in first time, if it works as it worked in past here xD
Quote from: flamingAwe on January 15, 2014, 01:56:50 AM
btw, this will be one of biggest exploits in first time, if it works as it worked in past here xD
Thats why we lowered it a bit, but tbh adena is splitted so if you are on the starting levels in the party you will have serious issues with adena. That party boost should be used on higher levels imo.
Cant please everything and everyone ;(
Yes i did, it's just 60% more percent points than retail that's mean if mob gives 90k exp /9= 10k *1,80 = 18k(dnet) 12k(retail) is it much? it's going be nightmare, believe me. low rates like x1-5 are cool but on H5, not interlude. Anyway when Zenith(Infinity)up (I was there for 3years) Lineage 2 C3 was for us something new, something fresh for now it's "comming back to good years" but we had much more fun on pvp/sieges etc not on exp. I'm playing L2 since 2003, believe me or not i spend ~5k hours on exping dont make it much more pls.
Quote from: stanxoo on January 15, 2014, 02:00:48 AM
Yes i did, it's just 60% more percent points than retail that's mean if mob gives 90k exp /9= 10k *1,80 = 18k(dnet) 12k(retail) is it much? it's going be nightmare, believe me. low rates like x1-5 are cool but on H5, not interlude. Anyway when Zenith(Infinity)up (I was there for 3years) Lineage 2 C3 was for us something new, something fresh for now it's "comming back to good years" but we had much more fun on pvp/sieges etc not on exp. I'm playing L2 since 2003, believe me or not i spend ~5k hours on exping dont make it much more pls.
Well thats as far as we go with boosting, we cant please everyone. Sorry :(
PVE server on the way.
u should vote for rates like other servers do :) anyway Im going play here but u cutting my fun, it's not fair. btw i asked how about 1st, 2nd proffesion and will be there cat with top ng weapon for start or will we start with shots in eq? any help on start?
Quote from: shouke on January 15, 2014, 02:04:01 AM
PVE server on the way.
Based on what? Isnt every server pve at beginning, else how do you get your gear? GMshop 1 click DONE?
Also, i absolutely dont understand the issue to pvp between 62+ levels like in good old times. Its the skills that make player good pvper not the items or level, i think this server clarifies it more then any other.
Quote from: shouke on January 15, 2014, 02:04:01 AM
PVE server on the way.
If u are carebear player maybe, cause as far i remember on old infinity there was a lot pvp on FG/BS/Varka with ppl on A/B/C grade fun times are coming get some balls (if u have) and we will see :D
Well guys, pvp is not gonna be balanced for first month, since :
-> nolifers will reach pow's etc much faster and pwn all w/o it.
I doubt that u, TrackZero played Interlude some time ago, coz x5 il is not even close to x1 h5
but freak the exp, let's forget it - it's not the most important thingQuoteMore things will be revealed in the next days and during the opening, for example the various PVP events and new PVP areas dedicated.
WTF? So players will start and u'll nerf somebody? -> so for. ex as I said before there are gonna be some "changes", du u realize that even 1 skill change "during start" might be crucial???? Everything should be decided before server start, and I mean not 5 mins before (eventually, taking in account that you're still working max 2-3hours before so that people can make some changes)
I'm comming here with full cp and if for. ex u gonna change 1 skill it might affect our whole pt, since we're made so - that we're working as a UNIT - we needed to think 3 hours after u posted the list, and if you're going to make such a thing "during server start" that's not going to be fun.
Quote from: PepsiQQ on January 15, 2014, 02:23:30 AM
Well guys, pvp is not gonna be balanced for first month, since :
-> nolifers will reach pow's etc much faster and pwn all w/o it.
I doubt that u, TrackZero played Interlude some time ago, coz x5 il is not even close to x1 h5
So lets prevent players who have time to play to play, following your concept any MMORPG shouldnt exist if there are players which can play longer then others should exist because they get something before others.
how many buffslots will we get ?
will there be auto loot?
Quote from: maxiou on January 15, 2014, 02:26:54 AM
how many buffslots will we get ?
will there be auto loot?
Only adena
QuoteMore things will be revealed in the next days and during the opening, for example the various PVP events and new PVP areas dedicated.
WTF? So players will start and u'll nerf somebody? -> so for. ex as I said before there are gonna be some "changes", du u realize that even 1 skill change "during start" might be crucial???? Everything should be decided before server start, and I mean not 5 mins before (eventually, taking in account that you're still working max 2-3hours before so that people can make some changes)
I'm comming here with full cp and if for. ex u gonna change 1 skill it might affect our whole pt, since we're made so - that we're working as a UNIT - we needed to think 3 hours after u posted the list, and if you're going to make such a thing "during server start" that's not going to be fun.
Let's put everything aside, u can't make everyone happy. But decide everything before start as in this post, and it's gonna be ok
he/wk on draconic set+0 , boss set , draconic bow +0 full buffed .
necro/pp dc set +0 + shield ,boss set , full buffed.
HE/WK gave criticals between 1,7k and 1.9k and necro/pp
if is it a true, mage will own :D 1,7k with cat buff/aq/baium that's mean normal hit is 170 and crit w/o epics is 900 in to A grade robe set? loled
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 15, 2014, 02:07:49 AM
Based on what? Isnt every server pve at beginning, else how do you get your gear? GMshop 1 click DONE?
Also, i absolutely dont understand the issue to pvp between 62+ levels like in good old times. Its the skills that make player good pvper not the items or level, i think this server clarifies it more then any other.
Well... I was expecting some higher rates at the finals levels, i mean...sure i will test the server out, but im not sure if it will be enjoyable as we were expecting.
Quote from: stanxoo on January 15, 2014, 02:28:40 AM
if is it a true, mage will own :D 1,7k with cat buff/aq/baium that's mean normal hit is 170 and crit w/o epics is 900 in to A grade robe set? loled
he/pp its the same as unsubed HE
Quote from: vaiper on January 15, 2014, 02:34:14 AM
he/pp its the same as unsubed HE
HE/WK was tested, without TP.
Quote from: DarkVengeance on January 15, 2014, 02:35:58 AM
HE/WK was tested, without TP.
its the same, since masterys dont stack the only thing that change are classes with active skills.
Quote from: stanxoo on January 15, 2014, 02:28:40 AM
he/wk on draconic set+0 , boss set , draconic bow +0 full buffed .
necro/pp dc set +0 + shield ,boss set , full buffed.
HE/WK gave criticals between 1,7k and 1.9k and necro/pp
if is it a true, mage will own :D 1,7k with cat buff/aq/baium that's mean normal hit is 170 and crit w/o epics is 900 in to A grade robe set? loled
3-4 archers take you on assist and cya. And if archer dont hit 4k+, u think mage will? As they wrote they made test and balanced it. Lets hope they did it good.
Quote from: DarkVengeance on January 15, 2014, 02:35:58 AM
HE/WK was tested, without TP.
About tp, it was about Necro not archer trololo.
Quote from: vaiper on January 15, 2014, 02:38:34 AM
its the same, since masterys dont stack the only thing that change are classes with active skills.
True, but i corrected you ... also offset in damage if he tested HE/WL for example wouldn't be drastic ... he would crit for around 400 more.
And they were both without TP. So trolololol.
Quote from: DarkVengeance on January 15, 2014, 02:42:43 AM
True, but i corrected you ... also offset in damage if he tested HE/WL for example wouldn't be drastic ... he would crit for around 400 more.
And they were both without TP. So trolololol.
Rly? And what bonus to dmg give active tp on he/wk? They wanted show you dmg on clean nuker.
Deflect arrow lvl 2 will reduce bow range by 25% ?
Rapid fire + deflect arrow lvl 4 or deflect arrow lvl 2 = range of ?
Totems will work with bows?
@Megazord I would like to see bishop dead when u attack him 1000 crit max and he has tp 50% :D
I will tell u something guys, the first conception of my CP was mage party to rush lvls (mana potions, aoe, pvp dominance at start) but after this list with nerfs I thought mage pt will be fail (tank subclass useless, deflect arrow also too) that meant 2 crits on bishop/mages from archer
but after that quote from ^Deavon^ I'm going back to mages. w8ing for more changes :D I love them
Quote from: MegaZord on January 15, 2014, 02:45:53 AM
Rly? And what bonus to dmg give active tp on he/wk? They wanted show you dmg on clean nuker.
Who's talking about bonus dmg of TP?
Obviously WK doesn't any dmg advantage over normal HE ... i just quoted the ^Deavon^ post, regarding the test dmg.
Plus placed random (theoretical) number ... of HE who has advantage in damage (regarding subclass).
But anyway ... if you gave yourself a few moments of "precious" time to read it once more, you could get it by yourself.
Summons are very weak in interlude. So tp isnt so OP,also remember about erase skill which class which have it should spam during pvp. Also pvp is about assisting in pvp so as i wrote before 3-4 archers hit you around 2 k and you will have problem stay alive.
Guys u all forget that this is damage which is reduced for 25%... As gms said all dmgs are reduced,so 1.7k on nec/pp is not so bad at all...
Quote from: DarkVengeance on January 15, 2014, 02:52:37 AM
Who's talking about bonus dmg of TP?
Obviously WK doesn't any dmg advantage over normal HE ... i just quoted the ^Deavon^ post, regarding the test dmg.
Plus placed random (theoretical) number ... of HE who has advantage in damage (regarding subclass).
But anyway ... if you gave yourself a few moments of "precious" time to read it once more, you could get it by yourself.
Ye i got it, sure he/wl will hit harder then he/wk, same goes to pr/bd.
Quote from: MegaZord on January 15, 2014, 02:58:16 AM
Ye i got it, sure he/wl will hit harder then he/wk, same goes to pr/bd.
... And will be debuffed and receive more magic damage then he/wk cuz have no mdef passive, dont have betray and cubics.
pr/bd have lowest hp of all archers
every combination have its positive and negative sides, dont look only on damage they made, pick a strategy how to kill those who kill you and everything will be fine
bd/pr ( if will be the main bd on pt ) will be kinda problematic on mana.... just mentioning
Quote from: MegaZord on January 15, 2014, 02:56:51 AM
Summons are very weak in interlude. So tp isnt so OP,also remember about erase skill which class which have it should spam during pvp. Also pvp is about assisting in pvp so as i wrote before 3-4 archers hit you around 2 k and you will have problem stay alive.
believe me 2k isn't problem for bishop :P i can't believe it was true be cause if he was hitting 1,7k with full epic per critical in to necro in A grade set that's mean regular hit was 170, isnt possible
well that or another wait, with this rates it will take at least 1 month, when archers will stand a chance against nukers, draco+F+aq at least it takes some time and then lvl it up to 78 from 40 for ex.
remember that nukers will 1 hit u, till u get tts so early goes for nukers, after I read Daevon post I belive nuker's won't be freaked, it's gonna be more balanced. I belive in u Track keep doing the work, but please post all b4 server starts
I changed my signature, just to remember if my Sps/EE gets 1 or 2 shoted by an archer :D
1st of all, you did huuuuuuuuuuge mistake, not giving a chance for players to play BETA
2nd, wtf you was drunk when u was thinking about deflect arrow? it's a joke actually.
and the last:
Tattoo of Mana Recovery: Gives a constant 90mp/sec, with a drawback of -50% on patk/matk/attackspeed/castspeed.
This means you will have to manage your tattoos (equip/unequip) during a fight to get the best out of them.
cant w8 to see that crap during pvps : )
about enchant rate, its not 80% to make fighter weapon +9 with 1 click.
Its 20% failure every time you enchant it ( above +3 ).
It means that you have 6 chances to destroy your weapon with 20% propability. Its not that easy to enchant as it seems, believe me...
Will you guys use NORMAL enchant scrolls on S grade weapons? I doubt everyone has a balls of steel, so check out blessed enchant rate.
from 0 to +9 as example
0% 0% 0% 20% 30% 30% 30% 40% 40%
doesnt look easy at all.. If you are lucky you will get your item enchanted, but its not that easy as it seems ( tested it )
I know my luck with enchanting, I will burn my 1st weapon on +4, wanna bet? :)
Mana burn skill reuse is now 24s and erase skill reuse is 60s ? Wtf ?!?
Quote from: UncleDrew on January 15, 2014, 08:02:58 AM
Mana burn skill reuse is now 24s and erase skill reuse is 60s ? Wtf ?!?
yup looks like ee/sws might have harder work to do at oly
Quote from: ^Deavon^ on January 14, 2014, 11:31:25 PM
No mana potions but mana regen tattos + plus selfrecharge + party recharge .
Dont be so dramatic.
Archers/Dagggers and fighters in generall will have no easy job without Combat haste potions considering they ll have to choose to p.atack set up or attack speed set up.
And trust me , its tricky what to choose and it makes the game more realistic imo .
This. Tell me, for what there is shit like self recharge ?
Quote from: ^Artur^ on January 15, 2014, 07:09:03 AM
about enchant rate, its not 80% to make fighter weapon +9 with 1 click.
Its 20% failure every time you enchant it ( above +3 ).
It means that you have 6 chances to destroy your weapon with 20% propability. Its not that easy to enchant as it seems, believe me...
Will you guys use NORMAL enchant scrolls on S grade weapons? I doubt everyone has a balls of steel, so check out blessed enchant rate.
from 0 to +9 as example
0% 0% 0% 20% 30% 30% 30% 40% 40%
doesnt look easy at all.. If you are lucky you will get your item enchanted, but its not that easy as it seems ( tested it )
Blessed enchant rate looks pretty ok for me but rates for normal enchants are in my opinion kind of too low. It should be more difficult to make an enchanted weapon with a normal enchant.
Anyway gj with the idea with enchant restrictions on Oly, it's rly cool!
Not too keen on deflect arrow changes, but on the whole looks good to me. I'll trust that it's been properly tested and it's fairly balanced.
XP will probably be the only thing that stops me playing. I will likely only have a few hours a week, so no way I'll ever keep up level wise.
Will start I guess and hope for some mid level pvp - can't see me ever making it to higher levels though, simply not enough time!
Quote from: stanxoo on January 15, 2014, 02:47:33 AM
@Megazord I would like to see bishop dead when u attack him 1000 crit max and he has tp 50%
what a problem?:D And i wanna show u how i kill this summon from 2 arrows xD
Quote from: MegaZord on January 15, 2014, 12:48:22 AM
Summons in interlude was very weak.
yes. remeber that:F 2 hits from he/pp and no summon
You think Feline king is weak ? Rofl ...
Feline king def buffed, 2 hits K.O ??? Good joke pro's ;D
Quote from: daruno on January 15, 2014, 09:54:33 AM
Feline king def buffed, 2 hits K.O ??? Good joke pro's ;D
I think you played with star wars weapons bit too much.
Quote from: GenghisKhan on January 15, 2014, 09:59:06 AM
I think you played with star wars weapons bit too much.
You know what is sarcasm :D ? Looks once more on my post. HF ;)
Quote from: daruno on January 15, 2014, 10:10:42 AM
You know what is sarcasm :D ? Looks once more on my post. HF ;)
I'm terribly sorry then :( But just I've seen plenty of ridiculous statements on this forum , so forgive me once again :)
Quote from: ^Deavon^ on January 15, 2014, 01:44:39 AM
it removes between 1 to 5 random buffs and the reuse is around 15 seconds on full buffs (not sure about the reuse i ll confirm it later).
so u actually quadred it's reuse and didn't say a word about it. the most important skill for mage ot
Quote from: GenghisKhan on January 15, 2014, 09:39:52 AM
You think Feline king is weak ? Rofl ...
its IL not hb, h5 xD
Quote from: MegaZord on January 15, 2014, 02:39:35 AM
3-4 archers take you on assist and cya. And if archer dont hit 4k+, u think mage will? As they wrote they made test and balanced it. Lets hope they did it good.
isn't same if 3-4 mages take archer on assist ?! ...... stop crying ppl .. looks like this srv will be balanced so ..
Quote from: StunSh00t on January 15, 2014, 10:45:34 AM
isn't same if 3-4 mages take archer on assist ?! ...... stop crying ppl .. looks like this srv will be balanced so ..
agree. In Poland ppl make monument for drake and track glory \o/
The best Gms ever :P And i can say just one: TRACK I LOVE U <3
Stop complaining about the rates, rates are just fine...there was even the retail with 1x and no bonuses and players played it fine, they survived they didn't complain about it being higher, what...do you want to level it just in 1 week and after reroll because u don't like it, it means you must use more of your brain when you decide for your char because it will be with you for a while. 2 x and the party bonus in my opinion is quite decent..and even more than that, i mean..you want level 80?..work for it. Also about pve server? what pve...who is stoping me to attack you at level 50...60..what... if you and i don't have lvl 80 we can't pvp? It's not like at lvl 80 you have a new skill or a new option(i am refering to a skill/option that allows you to pvp and before, without this skill/option you were not allowed to pvp)..you don't get at lvl 80..."congrats now you can pvp" announcement...no ...you can even pvp at lvl 20..30. Anyway most fun pvp's are at around lvl 60...it lasts longer.
Best changes ever, some of them could be made slightly better, but the server is totally new, not old dragon from IL just starting from 0, but whole new server. Balanced classes, long lasting pvp, tactic/strategy thinking, new custom tatoos to have fun with (deciding which to buy and which to start with). SO incredible GOOD JOB to all of you, staff.
Quote from: StunSh00t on January 15, 2014, 10:45:34 AM
isn't same if 3-4 mages take archer on assist ?! ...... stop crying ppl .. looks like this srv will be balanced so ..
I dont cry it was just explaining things to other guy, if you would read previous posts you would understand it.
All kinda acceptable, but for fuk sake don't change your mind after 2 months and rework half of skills....
And question: we will have auto events like 2x xp or 2x drop like on dragon now?
Quote from: Vandana on January 14, 2014, 11:37:09 PM
Before everyone was whining how we know everything in l2 so we r bored like hell and bla bla bla. With these new features here we got at least some challenge so lets enjoy it.
The only thing who got me a lil bit disappointed (scared i can say hahahah) was those low rates at the end but well,im sure we all can hadle it after all...
All i can say is that all the staff good a really nice job,im sure they wasted lot of their time to bring all these new things to us so lets keep away our hate or our "i know everything" attitude for a moment and freaking come up with a "Thank you for the hard work u did for us,guys".
To all the gm staff,GJ and keep doing the same ;)
I think exp rate is kinda scary, but looking forward to it - lvl 80 will be only for dedicated players (that's a PLUS).
And wanted to thank all the GM's for insanely great work. I haven't been so excited in like 6 years (gaming wise). Even WOW new expansions were not so exciting. Maybe because there's a dialog here between GM's and players :) Ay.
See you all in the game.
Tbh i've just read these features more carefully and i must admit that i kinda like them. The only thing that i don't approve is that deflect arrow nerf. I'll also miss pots system, which have been one of the biggest dragons trademarks all over the years.
I really have just one concern. With 25% damage reduction, and a complete removal of press-F1-once-and-kill combos. Would that not make classes that can heal a bit too powerful? In every mmo I know, once they introduced a global damage reduction in PVP a healing nerf was following shortly after (if not implemented right away), and for a good reason. I'm not whining, I'm just pointing out that this should be looked into before the release (if it haven't been done so already). Cheers!
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 15, 2014, 02:07:49 AM
Based on what? Isnt every server pve at beginning, else how do you get your gear? GMshop 1 click DONE?
Also, i absolutely dont understand the issue to pvp between 62+ levels like in good old times. Its the skills that make player good pvper not the items or level, i think this server clarifies it more then any other.
Really? WTF. Maybe on 62+ lvls it's the skill but when you have 78 lvl, S grade bow+f++++, boss jewelery and full buff your "pvp skill" is: F1 -> autoattack, F2 -> CP potion. Hell yeah with this amount of "pvp skill" all archers can go on official and dominate the world... n/c
More and more I read these features, more and more I think they did good job on balancing server.
one clarification about deflect arrow;
if i use deflect arrow (starting as SK) with heavy armor and 1hand weapon+shield, does it have any malus?
Quote from: Garn. on January 15, 2014, 11:41:02 AM
one clarification about deflect arrow;
if i use deflect arrow (starting as SK) with heavy armor and 1hand weapon+shield, does it have any malus?
They didn't say anything about it, so I assume there won't be any negative effect as long as you play in heavy with sword/blunt+shield. Having a negative effect for pure tanks would be stupid anyway.
Quote from: mumin_666 on January 15, 2014, 11:32:03 AM
Really? WTF. Maybe on 62+ lvls it's the skill but when you have 78 lvl, S grade bow+f++++, boss jewelery and full buff your "pvp skill" is: F1 -> autoattack, F2 -> CP potion. Hell yeah with this amount of "pvp skill" all archers can go on official and dominate the world... n/c
We aren't going to play on the official, if you haven't realized yet. Your argument is just like the same as I see in MOBA games: ADC is for noobs, just autoattack. Of course. GL rightclicking/F1ing yourself into death.
Quote from: nbx on January 15, 2014, 11:44:49 AM
They didn't say anything about it, so I assume there won't be any negative effect as long as you play in heavy with sword/blunt+shield. Having a negative effect for pure tanks would be stupid anyway.
that's what im worried about.
Im sure more and more ppl after they did calm down,chill a bit,read the list with a more cleared mind,would realize that we got a nice challenge in front,smth new we should cope with :P
Most of this changes i like but, dunno if it was good idea remove potions. Dragon Network was known by them.
Quote from: MegaZord on January 15, 2014, 11:55:39 AM
Most of this changes i like but, dunno if it was good idea remove potions. Dragon Network was known by them.
CHP + R.I.P :-X
Quote from: Garn. on January 15, 2014, 11:41:02 AM
one clarification about deflect arrow;
if i use deflect arrow (starting as SK) with heavy armor and 1hand weapon+shield, does it have any malus?
Absolutely none. We encourage the use of it as TANK.
so much cry about deflect arrow - shield fortress, aegis stance not touched at all, guard stance not giving b pdef in robe but shield block yes. You'll get maybe 400 bigger hits from bows w/o this deflect, on the other hand all other classes will still suck in dmg on mage/tank. Sadly blows aren't ignoring shield so gg for daggers :s
i usualy dont post in such cry out topics ;) neither mana pots neither exp rates are so big of a problem.. but what worries me is 80% chance to success and 20% to fail on fighter wep per enchant -.- till up to +9 so i guess Star Wars VII will be released a bit sooner than expected
Quote from: =drake= on January 15, 2014, 12:05:29 PM
Absolutely none. We encourage the use of it as TANK.
so not even 50% less cast speed right? otherwise i wont be able to use lightning strike lol (cast speed is already low enough as fighter)
Quote from: 69 on January 15, 2014, 12:07:47 PM
i usualy dont post in such cry out topics ;) neither mana pots neither exp rates are so big of a problem.. but what worries me is 80% chance to success and 20% to fail on fighter wep per enchant -.- till up to +9 so i guess Star Wars VII will be released a bit sooner than expected
imho, not really a big deal, with that -25% dmg on pvp.
Quote from: =drake= on January 15, 2014, 12:05:29 PM
Absolutely none. We encourage the use of it as TANK.
And whats your advice? Which subclass useful for them (as fighter) at pvp/siege?
how will malaria work? from 16% to 4% is kinda big nerf :P
I vote for P.atk/M.atk/P.def/M.def potions to be back
as well as sub system this potions are basic trademark of our server and for them we are playing on this server not on official
I think they bring some balance between mages and fighters coz HE/WL with low M.def or Sps/EE with low P.def can use potions to reduce their weakness
Deflect Arrow should be at least toogle skill
War Cry lvl1 (from WL) will give just 10% P.atk for bows ?
any info about max M.crit rate and power (x2.5 / x4) ?
what with Th/PAL blow land rate ? 20% ? 30% ? and will FINALY Focus death/power work properly ?
Drake will be possible use zealot +totems? Coz you wroted only about frenzy/guts. Coz de/ty make biggest dmg thx to zealot+2 handed blunt.
clean tyrant have zealot + totems so why not?
Quote from: Vargine on January 15, 2014, 12:20:11 PM
Deflect Arrow should be at least toogle skill
Was one of the ideas :)
I dont anderstand what the point delete mana potion ect, its stupid idea coz maybe its np in farm but in siege or tw its sux .Forexemple wc/ol class when all skils cost +/- 200 mana u lost 50% of mana to buff u pt +some debuf and cp and u out of mana in 1 sec or 2 char who recharge must folow u to keep lvl of u mana, so i imagine next picture in nuker pt :D 2 dd 1 heal 1 wc/ol and and 5 char who recharge mana? Track when u come out wit idea make old c4 style server i dont think firs thing what came to ppl mind ist no mana server with dinamic rates of xp and w/o correct drop rates.Im imagine old dragon c4 server before GM start to came out with (brilliant ideas) what totaly foked up game with all time bugfixes nefres changes ect,if u relay going to make balanced server where all classes can play, bring back real dragon c4 game just w/o mutannt and balance aded automaticaly coz i remember that c4 game and its was balanced coz all clsses like se/bd or sws/archers or wc/ol ...... was not only shit suports but its was chars with abbilyti to pvp or oly , so pls dont try figuare out something supper smart and new, once we have good game bring it back !!!!
Quote from: Csenky on January 15, 2014, 11:45:12 AM
We aren't going to play on the official, if you haven't realized yet. Your argument is just like the same as I see in MOBA games: ADC is for noobs, just autoattack. Of course. GL rightclicking/F1ing yourself into death.
You know what sarcasm is?? o.O
And don't compare 30min MOBA game (where actually skill is most important) with MMO that you will play months or years and farm the best equipment to win pvps.
Quote from: mardel on January 15, 2014, 12:27:25 PM
And BladeDancers lost their Deflect Arrow lvl2 with dual sword? (because of -atk speed)
No, the reduction on duals starts at level 3.
Quote from: =drake= on January 15, 2014, 12:28:56 PM
No, the reduction on duals starts at level 3.
what if glad/pal won't buy high lvl of deflect arrow? Meaby make it to dont stack with warcry/duelist spirit
Quote from: MegaZord on January 15, 2014, 12:23:18 PM
Drake will be possible use zealot +totems? Coz you wroted only about frenzy/guts. Coz de/ty make biggest dmg thx to zealot+2 handed blunt. So still will be nice dmg with 2 handed blunt+bison+zealot.
Quote from: =drake= on January 15, 2014, 12:24:49 PM
Was one of the ideas :)
then do it that way, it's way better than how it is right now
Quote from: MegaZord on January 15, 2014, 12:23:18 PM
Drake will be possible use zealot +totems? Coz you wroted only about frenzy/guts. Coz de/ty make biggest dmg thx to zealot+2 handed blunt.
Zealot + totems will be working .
You cant use Zealot + totems + Frenzy/Guts together .
You have to choose or Zealot + totems OR Zealot + Frenzy.
Quote from: mumin_666 on January 15, 2014, 12:25:51 PM
You know what sarcasm is?? o.O
And don't compare 30min MOBA game (where actually skill is most important) with MMO that you will play months or years and farm the best equipment to win pvps.
I didn't compare the games, I compared the argument's value. Which is below reasonable in both cases.
Quote from: ^Deavon^ on January 15, 2014, 12:44:21 PM
Zealot + totems will be working .
You cant use Zealot + totems + Frenzy/Guts together .
You have to choose or Zealot + totems OR Zealot + Frenzy.
So de/ty isnt dead like all say, still will make nice crits, ofc lower then in old times.
totems work with all weapons or only fists?
Quote from: MegaZord on January 15, 2014, 12:47:02 PM
So de/ty isnt dead like all say, still will make nice crits, ofc lower then in old times.
There is no dead class nor combo, in fact i think that after so many years this server offers varieties of combinations to play and to be good more then ever!
Quote from: ^Artur^ on January 15, 2014, 12:52:24 PM
After the boost of % party exp? I dont think so!!
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 15, 2014, 12:54:29 PM
After the boost of % party exp? I dont think so!!
i would go maybe for drop boost event only.
Quote from: SizeMatters on January 15, 2014, 08:35:31 AM
This. Tell me, for what there is shit like self recharge ?
I m reffering to Elven Elder and Shielen Elder classes which have the recharge skill and they can use it to themselves too but with limited effect.
Fighter/mage will have high casting speed on fighter stats? Will ty/wc be able to use cov every 4 minutes? (with acu, dance, reneval)
[22/08/13 - NOTICE] Welcome to INTERLUDE Server by DNET. Server is currently in CLOSED BETA.
;D ;D ;D
why so long? ::)
Quote from: flamingAwe on January 15, 2014, 01:11:55 PM
;D ;D ;D
why so long? ::)
Was a test thou...Mr Flamer :)
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 15, 2014, 01:13:42 PM
Was a test thou...Mr Flamer :)
too bad this time patch is hidden better than in HB, when i could check, what new sets are awayting us.
Thus the question is: any special sets, like DNET, are going to appear?
Quote from: flamingAwe on January 15, 2014, 01:17:22 PM
too bad this time patch is hidden better than in HB, when i could check, what new sets are awayting us.
Thus the question is: any special sets, like DNET, are going to appear?
Deflect arrow lvl 2 will reduce bow range by 25% ?
Rapid fire + deflect arrow lvl 4 or deflect arrow lvl 2 = range of ?
Totems will work with bows?
- How much time of duration has the new tattoos?
- any info about max M.crit rate and power (x2.5 / x4) ?
- On subclassing at lvl80, we delvl to 79. Do you get any SP when you subclass? We need to know it to chose wisely what skills to learn at higher lvls.
- About deflect arrow: what if glad/pal won't buy higher lvl of deflect arrow? They will use with no penalities.
- PvP damage is reduced by 25%. What about Heals? It makes Healers a bit stronger, if they can heal 100% while damage is 75%.
- Will Instant Kills from daggers work as retail? No info about it until now.
-We also would like to know about Archers max atk speed at S grade + full buffs + boss jewels.
Can you lets us know?
thank you
Quote from: Deadraiderpl on January 15, 2014, 01:26:43 PM
Deflect arrow lvl 2 will reduce bow range by 25% ?
Rapid fire + deflect arrow lvl 4 or deflect arrow lvl 2 = range of ?
Totems will work with bows?
Depends of meaning of this -25%
Basic range = 500
archer max range = 950
Rapid Fire = -250 range
deflect arrow = -125(basic) or -237.5(max) or {175}
summary = about 500
PS: Deflect arrow lvl 2 should reduce Range by 10% to do not nerf SR/SWS and PR/BD
PPS: PAL/WL with bow hmm ...
Quote from: lNecropsy on January 15, 2014, 01:40:09 PM
- How much time of duration has the new tattoos?
- any info about max M.crit rate and power (x2.5 / x4) ?
- On subclassing at lvl80, we delvl to 79. Do you get any SP when you subclass? We need to know it to chose wisely what skills to learn at higher lvls.
- About deflect arrow: what if glad/pal won't buy higher lvl of deflect arrow? They will use with no penalities.
- PvP damage is reduced by 25%. What about Heals? It makes Healers a bit stronger, if they can heal 100% while damage is 75%.
- Will Instant Kills from daggers work as retail? No info about it until now.
-We also would like to know about Archers max atk speed at S grade + full buffs + boss jewels.
Can you lets us know?
thank you
Why are you worrying about glad/pal? There isn't any penalty on deflect arrow lvl2. Any XX/SWS, XX/BD, XX/TANK can use it. Guys. Why want you completely nerf tanks as subclass?
Quote from: lNecropsy on January 15, 2014, 01:40:09 PM
- How much time of duration has the new tattoos?
Level 1:
life 3h, normal tattoo +STAT -STAT (balancing two stats by % value), power 1
Level 2:
life 4h, normal tattoo +STAT -STAT, power 2
Level 3:
life 5h, normal tattoo +STAT -STAT, power 3
Level 4:
life 6h, normal tattoo +STAT -STAT, power 4
Level 4 EMP:
life 6h, empowered tattoo ++STAT -STAT -STAT, power 4 (higher bonus to a stat, taking the amount from other two stats)
Quote from: lNecropsy on January 15, 2014, 01:40:09 PM
- How much time of duration has the new tattoos?
lvl 1 3h
lvl 2 4h
lvl3 5h
lvl 4 6h
Quote from: Blizzer on January 15, 2014, 12:51:36 PM
totems work with all weapons or only fists?
+1 becouse still no response to that and what with fist fury , will it work only with dualfist??
Moreover "Fast Attack" I thought its just rename of " Boost Attack Speed" skill ,after Truck wrote: " Fast Attack: attack speed given only to fist, dualfist, dagger, bow (this skill is obtained only by fist/bow/dagger users)." but after that Drake wrote "Is a skill of Rogues. Archers gets it to lv1 only. Assassin gets it up to level3." so any one clear answer ??:D Cheers
Quote from: lNecropsy on January 15, 2014, 01:40:09 PM
-We also would like to know about Archers max atk speed at S grade + full buffs + boss jewels.
Can you lets us know?
Archer without sub, with draco set + db+f with boss set ( dye +4 dex) got 849 atk speed on full buff. If be tatoos i think on dragon u can got smomthing about 970-1100. Question is how it be work flu. In old times archer can get 1290 atk speed.
Quote from: Abaddon on January 15, 2014, 02:18:15 PM
you know, interlude stacksub server (no mutants) needs just few skills changes to have very good balance, many of ur tweak are just ridiculous, reduced speed from blinding blow, like wtf ???
UD/VG/Defflect Arrow - heavy/light/robe - 100%/75/50 or 100/80/60
increased reuse on mana burn and cancel
no custom armors, weapons, tattoos or pots
and thats all ^^
anyway, why the hell you made so high enchant rates?! 80/70% from 4-10 to enchant weapon, making +10 will be so easy, dont you know that higher enchant > worse balance, lower enchants > better balance? why dont you make it like static 50%, way better imo, no one wants to see star wars after 3 months.
still waiting for m.crit rate/power, augus changes.
Many years ago my clan mate said that the blinding blow its a useless skill. Hit somebody with it then run away and fear from the revenge.. ;D
Quote from: Abaddon on January 15, 2014, 02:18:15 PM
you know, interlude stacksub server (no mutants) needs just few skills changes to have very good balance, many of ur tweak are just ridiculous, reduced speed from blinding blow, like wtf ???
UD/VG/Defflect Arrow - heavy/light/robe - 100%/75/50 or 100/80/60
increased reuse on mana burn and cancel
no custom armors, weapons, tattoos or pots
and thats all ^^
anyway, why the hell you made so high enchant rates?! 80/70% from 4-10 to enchant weapon, making +10 will be so easy, dont you know that higher enchant > worse balance, lower enchants > better balance? why dont you make it like static 50%, way better imo, no one wants to see star wars after 3 months.
still waiting for m.crit rate/power, augus changes.
Definition of star wars is? If subject A makes +X armor or +Y weapon what stops subject B to do same if weapons and armors by craft only?
Will be easy to enchant? Sure give it a try, just dont forget no armors and weapons at donny.
About "easy to balance substack server" with your ideas you suggested i can say your knoweledge is really low and expirience = 0;
And once again we didnt create clone of dragon, we intented to make something different.
What about deflect arrow lvl 2 in robe? -25% casting speed penalty? or no penalty at all ?
Quote from: SizeMatters on January 15, 2014, 02:37:53 PM
What about deflect arrow lvl 2 in robe? -25% casting speed penalty? or no penalty at all ?
nice idea. what ur smoking ?
Quote from: Abaddon on January 15, 2014, 02:18:15 PM
you know, interlude stacksub server (no mutants) needs just few skills changes to have very good balance, many of ur tweak are just ridiculous, reduced speed from blinding blow, like wtf ???
still waiting for m.crit rate/power, augus changes.
Why dont educate yourself before u speak, blinding blow speed is reducet if ure not wearing light armor. Stop flaming gms about ruining the game cuz u know nothing about it. U cry because they "nerf" skills and chars which used to be op on old DNet, and now u ask about the only (used to be)op char that they didnt mention, sps/ee to know if u will have chanses there but u know what? Its not op anymore.. No100% m.crit rate, 2100cap cast. Speed and cancel deletes 1-5 buffs at random with 15sec cd... Omg this means u actualy will have to learn to play or emo quit...
Hello, I have a question, Will there be C grade in shop for C / D Crystals? or was it removed?
Quote from: SpoilerAngel on January 15, 2014, 02:52:15 PM
Hello, I have a question, Will there be C grade in shop for C / D Crystals? or was it removed?
u mean in luxury shop? Yes there will be
Did not read the whole topic, so sorry if it was already questioned.
Are totems working with other weapons, and if yes - in full potential or reduced?
With details and values if possible, at least for bison.
Is fist fury working with other weapons then fist?
There is only 1 slot for new tattoos, right?
Not sure how this new feature will work. Sounds interesting, but I'm seeing a problem with inventory space, cause most likely we'll use at least 4 types of tattoos, while having 2+ of each type.
Quote from: remeron on January 15, 2014, 01:55:52 AM
any thoughts on dance/song mana consumption?
with no mana pots and durations being 2 min., I can't imagine playing a pw/sws which I was looking forward to.
I think it would be fair to slightly reduce it, ,since I would have relatively much less mana problem with other dagger/xx combos..
does anyone agree with me on this?
Quote from: remeron on January 15, 2014, 02:56:07 PM
does anyone agree with me on this?
I do. Would be nice to do sth about it.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 15, 2014, 02:30:56 PM
Definition of star wars is? If subject A makes +X armor or +Y weapon what stops subject B to do same if weapons and armors by craft only?
Will be easy to enchant? Sure give it a try, just dont forget no armors and weapons at donny.
About "easy to balance substack server" with your ideas you suggested i can say your knoweledge is really low and expirience = 0;
And once again we didnt create clone of dragon, we intented to make something different.
Well Antharas,Valakas etc. officialy drop weapons and amros, so not only possible get them by craft.
Quote from: remeron on January 15, 2014, 02:56:07 PM
does anyone agree with me on this?
u will recharge 90mp per sec with tattoo so u will gain mana back very fast (even faster then by ench mana pots) and for pve u can simply pick up herbs....
Quote from: Abaddon on January 15, 2014, 03:04:53 PM
Ive played on like 90% of all of the stacksub servers ever made, and i was always in factor clan, I know what im talking about. You have spend most of your time on DN, your knowledge is based on DN experience which is very very specific.
YES it is EASY to balance INTERLUDE stacksub server without mutants.
YES those changes i wrote are enough, to have good balance in pvp, if skills are working retail like.
You didnt make a clone of dragon and thanks gods you didnt.
You made something different, unique, but many of your changes just turn the L2 stacksub world upside down, some of the combos are just not worth making. You wrote somewhere that you made tests, with how many ppl ? 4-5? You couldnt test how pvp betweem 1pt v 1pt will look like. 1v1 tests are nothing.
With so many changes your biggest mistake is that you didnt make OPEN BETA. Many ppl made their choice about char/pt setup before, and know after reading changelog they are now rerolling to other chars cuz their previous choice will be weak.
Dont tell me that if we didnt play yet we can not know how will it look, after so many years in L2 you can easly predict how most aspects of the game will look like.
/igi just..em..what? <facepalm>
Just +1 for the most he said
Quote from: Abaddon on January 15, 2014, 03:04:53 PM
Ive played on like 90% of all of the stacksub servers ever made, and i was always in factor clan, I know what im talking about. You have spend most of your time on DN, your knowledge is based on DN experience which is very very specific.
YES it is EASY to balance INTERLUDE stacksub server without mutants.
YES those changes i wrote are enough, to have good balance in pvp, if skills are working retail like.
You didnt make a clone of dragon and thanks gods you didnt.
You made something different, unique, but many of your changes just turn the L2 stacksub world upside down, some of the combos are just not worth making. You wrote somewhere that you made tests, with how many ppl ? 4-5? You couldnt test how pvp betweem 1pt v 1pt will look like. 1v1 tests are nothing.
With so many changes your biggest mistake is that you didnt make OPEN BETA. Many ppl made their choice about char/pt setup before, and know after reading changelog they are now rerolling to other chars cuz their previous choice will be weak.
Dont tell me that if we didnt play yet we can not know how will it look, after so many years in L2 you can easly predict how most aspects of the game will look like.
/igi just..em..what? <facepalm>
U can facepalm yourself all u want but this is the first time u write a comment trying to reason and not flame, still doesnt make u right though... Game is balanced imo or at least u will see after server start
I didn't read all pages, to long and always same things.
About exp , stop cry ppl . I played on official lvl 70 to 80 on x2 is not so hard.
Play in party , it will become x4 server + if we get some exp event or vitality dunno, even on simple x4 is easy.
+ if its x4 , daily quest should give good exp/sp.
And one more thing , don't you remember old pvp low lvl? That s soooo good.
And exp slowly make you remind how work L2 , tank have to tank and not deal dmg in pvp like PVE for example!
About tatoo , skill change etc. I won't speak about it , let's see how it's . I choosed before "nerf" post to do a class that get a lot of things nerfed. But i love this class , so i will try and see.
We all keep cry about Dragon server since THE BEGINING , 7 years ago , now we have something new.
Let's try it !
Ps : Just 1 cry for me xD . -25% cast on robe + deflect arrow is ... hard ...
For your info trolls Track played since c1 prelude here.And dafaq about open-beta seriously ppl dont stop?All know that when it was open-beta for players they tried exploit it to the max and didn't reported nothing.They tried to find every possible bug for them and other sh1ts so fk off with open beta for the last time. I want stable server without bugs/exploiting retards that can't do fair play.Because since years in every fking game you find cheaters,exploiters that ruin ppl's game play.
Open beta for players on private servers dream on.On private servers you don't got dev team like in payed games to fix all fast and plus they salaries.Ex:Bf3,God,Gta and others payed games.And even there you find many bugs.But you can't compare big game companies with private servers.
Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 15, 2014, 03:42:28 PM
Let's talk about serious things:
We should Change server's name from "Tarantula" to "Shadow" ::) ;D :D
bitch pls Dragon was always the flagship of Dragon network...
So rename it dragon :p
Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 15, 2014, 03:55:07 PM
c4/c6 Shadow > every other server,
too bad shadow's (ehehe they were all corrupted italians nvm) admins/gms fu cked it up and let it die.
Quote from: Garn. on January 15, 2014, 01:59:30 PM
Level 1: life 3h, normal tattoo +STAT -STAT (balancing two stats by % value), power 1
Level 2: life 4h, normal tattoo +STAT -STAT, power 2
Level 3: life 5h, normal tattoo +STAT -STAT, power 3
Level 4: life 6h, normal tattoo +STAT -STAT, power 4
Level 4 EMP: life 6h, empowered tattoo ++STAT -STAT -STAT, power 4 (higher bonus to a stat, taking the amount from other two stats)
I'm so fu***** blind...
Thanks ^^
Quote from: igi on January 15, 2014, 03:00:56 PM
u will recharge 90mp per sec with tattoo so u will gain mana back very fast (even faster then by ench mana pots) and for pve u can simply pick up herbs....
I know that..its not about that..my point is....with sub-stack, regardless of mana pots or mana tatoo situation, don't u think a pw/sws or aw/bd is disadvantageous compared to other dagger/xx combos mana-wise? not to mention a dagger is the biggest mana-eater of all fighters..
Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 15, 2014, 03:55:07 PM
c4/c6 Shadow > every other server,
too bad shadow's (ehehe they were all corrupted italians nvm) admins/gms fu cked it up and let it die.
+1 :D
I just wish someone will dare to play with the name p1nG or MIRAA(A?). Would love to crit to death those nicks once again. ^^
Quote from: SofiatheReal on January 15, 2014, 03:49:03 PM
bitch pls Dragon was always the flagship of Dragon network...
So rename it dragon :p
I agree that Tarantula is an unfortunate name, telling your friend that you play on Tarantula feels a bit wired, especially if I say in in my native language. Good marketing is everything! :D
Maybe we could treat Tarantula as a developer cod-name and rename it for the release? Viper, Shadow, Legion, Dragon Reborn...? Just a thought, please feel free to ignore me. :D
Quote from: Mael on January 15, 2014, 04:04:48 PM
I agree that Tarantula is an unfortunate name, telling your friend that you play on Tarantula feels a bit wired, especially if I say in in my native language. Good marketing is everything! :D
Maybe we could treat Tarantula as a developer cod-name and rename it for the release? Viper, Shadow, Legion, Dragon Reborn...? Just a thought, please feel free to ignore me. :D
I'm pretty sure there is a reason why they didn't want to make a 'reborn' name, connected to the previous DN servers. And btw, I presonally like Tarantula, doesn't matter how hard I hate every kind of spiders. ^^
Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 15, 2014, 04:08:59 PM
Well, from what I remember p1ngG was a good player... Wasn't him?
He wasn't bad, but sadly I can't say much about his personal skill, he was good at being surrounded with his ally all the time. :) Only once I saw him running around in duo (at WoA 700), and he died that time. :) Too bad I don't remember so many names, but there were some stronger players in the EvilEmpire, a TH/PP who always buttraped me no matter what, and some sps and necro were strong as well with various subs. (them necro/EEs omg...)
However, I always loved to see their crest on the screen, too much fun to care about losing. ^^ And that guy from Evil ally who dropped baium+zaken... Please, come again! :D
War Cry lvl1 (from WL) will give just 10% P.atk for bows ?
any info about max M.crit rate and power (x2.5 / x4) ?
what with Th/PAL blow land rate ? 20% ? 30% ? and will FINALY Focus death/power work properly ?
Focus Attack lvl5 will give for bows +15% Critical power or just 10% ?
each lvl of tottoo will give effect of +10% / -10% ?
Good changes. Sounds interesting. Good job.
Don't care about cryiers, there always will be some not satisfacted ppl which world will fall down if they not own in game.
ps. Track what about mcrit rate ? Any info plix
Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 15, 2014, 04:27:27 PM
We are a bit OT but anyway: most influence Players on Shadow were EasyMike, p1ng, Venusia, Gauss and many other i can't remember
I still remember that "misteryous" OP 3xFemale-SPS/EE-party who spawned from nowere in late IL, powning everyone lol
I guess you didn't play from very beggining? That was the best part of Shadow, before +XX weps donation
Quote from: Csenky on January 15, 2014, 04:08:06 PM
I'm pretty sure there is a reason why they didn't want to make a 'reborn' name, connected to the previous DN servers. And btw, I presonally like Tarantula, doesn't matter how hard I hate every kind of spiders. ^^
"Opinions, Opinions everywhere" :D
Yeah, I kind of agree that Dragon Reborn was not the best proposition in that case. ;)
Quote from: BaKu on January 15, 2014, 04:33:17 PM
I guess you didn't play from very beggining? That was the best part of Shadow, before +XX weps donation
I started early-mid C4, and it was my first time playing L2 at all. :)
Well I didn't care much about +16 donations, I broke a db to +11 or 12, and a shining to +9, and those weren't much weaker than +16s, actually enchanting only need ballz, it's not worse to donate safe enchant, than donate any kind of full item. ^^
Whatever, enough OT. ^^
Question @topic:
GMs, I guess you tested some 1v1 as well, is there any way for a he|wk/he|pal on oly, or he|pp will be the main and only hero of the HE population?
Drake simply rename teh server Drake or I hax your bionic arm that writes everything ;D or DragonAge/DragonNest or this dragon names Drakon/Astarot/Ryujin/Drogon/Rhaegal
Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 15, 2014, 04:49:49 PM
Too Mainstream, but anyway i don't think this will ever happens.... You know... Marketing...
Or SickRabbit haha ;D from the old topic in dragon announcements.
Quote from: scary on January 15, 2014, 02:45:55 PM
nice idea. what ur smoking ?
ask those who touch deflect arrow bro
Quote from: SizeMatters on January 15, 2014, 02:37:53 PM
What about deflect arrow lvl 2 in robe? -25% casting speed penalty? or no penalty at all ?
I was hoping for some old fashioned DN L2, but thats not it - completely different server with some changes I cant understand. Tattoos? Were pots bad or something? People liked it, noone complained (except CHP which was overpowered). I really wanted to play DN stacksub IL/c4 again, but after reading drake's log I definitely wont.
At least I had an opportunity to remind myself how much fun I had back in the IL/c4 times. Thank you for that.
Quote from: ^Deavon^ on January 15, 2014, 01:13:53 AM
he/wk on draconic set+0 , boss set , draconic bow +0 full buffed .
necro/pp dc set +0 + shield ,boss set , full buffed.
HE/WK gave criticals between 1,7k and 1.9k and necro/pp(NO TRANSER PAIN) so please ... stay calm ...!
Now disarm shield on necro pust +5str dyes in he, use shots, ogr tattoo and make a 30s movie how ur buffed , ur stats and how u hit this necro, with later showing SS from necro gear/stats.
Quote from: Peorexo on January 15, 2014, 07:16:41 PM
Now disarm shield on necro pust +5str dyes in he, use shots, ogr tattoo and make a 30s movie how ur buffed , ur stats and how u hit this necro, with later showing SS from necro gear/stats.
There are a lot of fellow players to do this soon. Those who have doubts can wait these screenshots/videos, and decide wether to join or not later.
Quote from: Peorexo on January 15, 2014, 07:16:41 PM
Now disarm shield on necro pust +5str dyes in he, use shots, ogr tattoo and make a 30s movie how ur buffed , ur stats and how u hit this necro, with later showing SS from necro gear/stats.
why the hell a mage shouldnt use a shield? LOL
Quote from: Tabbox on January 15, 2014, 07:49:49 PM
why the hell a mage shouldnt use a shield? LOL
So he know exact dmg nab.. :)
Quote from: igi on January 15, 2014, 07:54:10 PM
So he know exact dmg nab.. :)
i wont even comment it.
Quote from: Peorexo on January 15, 2014, 07:16:41 PM
Now disarm shield on necro pust +5str dyes in he, use shots, ogr tattoo and make a 30s movie how ur buffed , ur stats and how u hit this necro, with later showing SS from necro gear/stats.
Id really like to know how many times u revell played ur mage without wearing a freaking shield.
Lol what do you mean disarm shield?...2 handed weapons?..which weapons are 2 handed except crystal staff, goul, soes and bomt?..those weapons are either harder to get than the alternatives(except crystal) but let's be honest, he did a test at the same level gear ..and same level gear(s grade archer) you should also have s grade arcana mace which is 1 handed..so you can wear shield....but wait i have better idea.. necro should have no transfer pain activated..dressed in devotion..no buffs vs a full s +16 archer with full buffs ..and see how op the archer is... i mean how can archer 1 shot that necro...NERF ARCHER I MUST SAY THEN.
Quote from: Vandana on January 15, 2014, 07:59:50 PM
Id really like to know how many times u revell played ur mage without wearing a freaking shield.
ur not always face to face with archers, in mass pvp u will usually die without knowing from where u got shot, since the damages is 1.7-1.9 according to bh tests, im 100%sure it was all 50% shield succes dmg.
Quote from: Peorexo on January 15, 2014, 08:04:14 PM
ur not always face to face with archers, in mass pvp u will usually die without knowing from where u got shot, since the damages is 1.7-1.9 according to bh tests, im 100%sure it was all 50% shield succes dmg.
Well its up to u if u know how to avoid turning ur back to an archer.
Funny how did u not ask ne/pp to use transfer pain as well while getting hits,if u asked for everything else to be on.
Maybe u didnt notice,but was told that ne/pp was WITHOUT transfer pain which freaking counts a lot when it comes about dmg received!
Quote from: Vandana on January 15, 2014, 08:07:40 PM
Well its up to u if u know how to avoid turning ur back to an archer.
Funny how did u not ask ne/pp to use transfer pain as well while getting hits,if u asked for everything else to be on.
Maybe u didnt notice,but was told that ne/pp was WITHOUT transfer pain which freaking counts a lot when it comes about dmg received!
can u stop posting here ? Deavon is making it best to let ur archers play there with no nerfs, but im not him so i fckn care of exact archer dmg we all know dmg will be hella higher thats why i want to know the numbers, just that why would u care of that?
Shields do not half the dmg they decrease the dmg by a specific amount based on the defence of the shield(there is the case of excellent shield and the dmg goes to 1/0 dmg but that is not the case) if you wear let's say dc shield the dmg will decrease by a small amount 100-200 let's go wild and say 300 dmg..it means instead of 1.7-1.9..you get 2.0-2.3 k dmg..which it means you will not be 1 shooted, anyway if you are also fullbuffed you should get pretty often shield defence(especially if you do a tank which has also the passive skill to increase it)..like i said...place the necro in devotion no buffs vs a archer on full buffs+s+16 ..if the necro gets 1 shot..op archer right?(even better a necro lvl 1 plz and archer lvl 80)
Quote from: Peorexo on January 15, 2014, 08:09:33 PM
can u stop posting here ? Deavon is making it best to let ur archers play there with no nerfs, but im not him so i fckn care of exact archer dmg we all know dmg will be hella higher thats why i want to know the numbers, just that why would u care of that?
I just posted because asking about dmg on a mage WITHOUT a shield is nothing more but silly. I wanna know how many ppl from here who played mages in their l2 life,used to play without a shield. That's all.
Quote from: Tabbox on January 15, 2014, 07:55:02 PM
i wont even comment it.
Quote from: Peorexo on January 15, 2014, 08:04:14 PM
ur not always face to face with archers, in mass pvp u will usually die without knowing from where u got shot, since the damages is 1.7-1.9 according to bh tests, im 100%sure it was all 50% shield succes dmg.
Cuz things like this happen and after u gonna cry when u get hit 4-5k by archer with ++bow saying GMs lied bla bla
p.s. u dont need to comment this one too
Quote from: Vandana on January 15, 2014, 08:14:58 PM
I just posted because asking about dmg on a mage WITHOUT a shield is nothing more but silly. I wanna know how many ppl from here who played mages in their l2 life,used to play without a shield. That's all.
Im sure he thought remove shield only for the testing.. Anyway read Stazy's post 2 posts up ^
Quote from: igi on January 15, 2014, 08:20:55 PM
Im sure he thought remove shield only for the testing.. Anyway read Stazy's post 2 posts up ^
Whats the point of testing that when everyone knows that every mage who uses his at least 1 cell brain will play with a shield equiped.
Quote from: igi on January 15, 2014, 08:20:55 PM
Im sure he thought remove shield only for the testing.. Anyway read Stazy's post 2 posts up ^
i used to resist more than half damage by a shield, so with advanced shield its goona be big amounts counting dc shield have 243 by basic, advanced block boosts by 50% so its atleast 350more def, and in dc robe set full buffed u will have 1-1.2k pdef? adding 350more is big deal.
Quote from: Vandana on January 15, 2014, 08:25:21 PM
Whats the point of testing that when everyone knows that every mage who uses his at least 1 cell brain will play with a shield equiped.
The point of knowing real damage, since non-tank mages will not resist much hits, and being only a little from side already makes their shield useless, i want to know real damage not blocked one, so thats why im asking our GM crew to provide serious tests.
Quote from: Peorexo on January 15, 2014, 08:28:07 PM
i used to resist more than half damage by a shield, so with advanced shield its goona be big amounts counting dc shield have 243 by basic, advanced block boosts by 50% so its atleast 350more def, and in dc robe set full buffed u will have 1-1.2k pdef? adding 350more is big deal.The point of knowing real damage, since non-tank mages will not resist much hits, and being only a little from side already makes their shield useless, i want to know real damage now blocked one, so thats why im asking our GM crew to provide serious tests.
Ok,i got ur point.In this case dmg on a ne/pp using transfer pain should be known as well.
Quote from: Vandana on January 15, 2014, 08:32:16 PM
Ok,i got ur point.In this case dmg on a ne/pp using transfer pain should be known as well.
transfer pain is an addition its not decreasing damage nor absorbing it, full dmg going on just shared between master and servitor. U can count it by urself, its 50% on +0 :)
Quote from: Peorexo on January 15, 2014, 08:34:00 PM
transfer pain is an addition its not decreasing damage nor absorbing it, full dmg going on just shared between master and servitor. U can count it by urself, its 50% on +0 :)
It counts,as far as instead of dying in 3-4 shots he will stay alive for like 3 more shots (as long as his summon is up). Meanwhile that ne/pp can freak that archer up in many possible ways..again,if he knows to use his cell brains :P
mage w/o shield vs fighter?
nice idea :D
Quote from: Peorexo on January 15, 2014, 08:28:07 PM
The point of knowing real damage, since non-tank mages will not resist much hits, and being only a little from side already makes their shield useless, i want to know real damage not blocked one, so thats why im asking our GM crew to provide serious tests.
Yeah, I want to know the exact dmg as well, so please calculate DPS (Damage Per Sec), so we can see how the lack of CHP affects the archer gameplay. And DPS info from the necro as well. You can't conclude anything from some crit dmg data. Who the heck cares if archer gonna hit 5k, if it gets anchored 3 times before finishing the first shot lol. (yes this last one was sarcasm, but really everyone should stop complaining about dmg/hit before testing ingame the actual DPS aka Damage Per Sec, I hope you can process in your mind what I try to say, and I won't have to point out the difference between impact dmg and sustained dmg again)
Quote from: Csenky on January 15, 2014, 09:06:51 PM
Yeah, I want to know the exact dmg as well, so please calculate DPS (Damage Per Sec), so we can see how the lack of CHP affects the archer gameplay. And DPS info from the necro as well. You can't conclude anything from some crit dmg data. Who the heck cares if archer gonna hit 5k, if it gets anchored 3 times before finishing the first shot lol. (yes this last one was sarcasm, but really everyone should stop complaining about dmg/hit before testing ingame the actual DPS aka Damage Per Sec, I hope you can process in your mind what I try to say, and I won't have to point out the difference between impact dmg and sustained dmg again)
chp gave atk speed right, but also more speed and casting speed, u CANT SAY that not adding custom feature is nerf to archers, cuz ALL classed cant use it lol.
Why most of chars got atk/cast speed nerfs on substacks and archers got range or nothing? What is 25% range if they run imba fast anyway ...
. . .
Quote from: Peorexo on January 15, 2014, 09:11:06 PM
chp gave atk speed right, but also more speed and casting speed, u CANT SAY that not adding custom feature is nerf to archers, cuz ALL classed cant use it lol.
Why most of chars got atk/cast speed nerfs on substacks and archers got range or nothing? What is 25% range if they run imba fast anyway ...
I can say whatever I please to say, when everyone can cry about how OP archers are BEFORE even the server going live. Doesn't matter how fast they run, if the nukers can start casting 25% earlier. And we talked about necro, you know necro has debuffs as well? Which is not affected by 25% pvp dmg reduction? Neither is the healer subclass self healing? Yeah, definitely there are so many reasons to whine about archers, I'm out of this, HF 2 more days of trashspam. ^^
What kind of soulshots/spiritshots will be available in grocery stores?
How will offline shops work (is there any special item required)?
Quote from: Vandana on January 15, 2014, 08:32:16 PM
Ok,i got ur point.In this case dmg on a ne/pp using transfer pain should be known as well.
fok them:p Imma i lf sws/s to cp wanna join? <3 ?:P
just one question, is it possible to upgrade tat lvl4+ to refresh its duration?
Quote from: lol on January 15, 2014, 10:10:08 PM
What kind of soulshots/spiritshots will be available in grocery stores?
How will offline shops work (is there any special item required)?
1) ull need to see it hy urself when server is up
2) offline shop scroll u make ur shop and click on the scroll ( in ur inventory )
Then ull log automatically out, when u try login again, the shop dissappears.
Quote from: lol on January 15, 2014, 10:10:08 PM
What kind of soulshots/spiritshots will be available in grocery stores?
If its retail like, only No grade soulshot.
Not even D grade.
I went to a retail like server, and at least in Giran there wasnt ssD for sale.
Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 16, 2014, 02:23:56 AM
Mmh, Really? No ssd? xD
On that IL server, no.
But I think its nice not having it. Dwarfs will like it.
This idea of slowing PVP is BULLSH1T ... So you opening new server where pvp wont be any different then this NEW Lineage 2 ... This isnt oldschool lineage or DN server ...
There is no fun pvping party vs party for 15 min, it is TIRESOME ... reason i quitted L2...
Give us some movement where you gonna have few sec to make decision what to do and if you make bad one you are dead ... That was trademark of DN for years and made it so big community ...
I will try server but I dont think I gonna have fun here ...
Greetings, cya in game.
A lot of luck.
Quote from: Atlantida on January 16, 2014, 01:52:33 PM
This idea of slowing PVP is BULLSH1T ... So you opening new server where pvp wont be any different then this NEW Lineage 2 ... This isnt oldschool lineage or DN server ...
There is no fun pvping party vs party for 15 min, it is TIRESOME ... reason i quitted L2...
Give us some movement where you gonna have few sec to make decision what to do and if you make bad one you are dead ...
I will try server but I dont think I gonna have fun here ...
Greetings, cya in game.
A lot of luck.
Stop crying, learn how to assist.
Quote from: thepal on January 16, 2014, 01:55:22 PM
Stop crying, learn how to assist.
What is assist, i dont know to do that ...
If you have something constructive to say go ahead kiddo if not then stfu and save me that childish comments.
Quote from: Atlantida on January 16, 2014, 02:00:33 PM
What is assist, i dont know to do that ...
This is probably why you were "pvping party vs party for 15 min". :D
Assisting is attacking the same target as the leader.
CC the healer, assist, nuke, .... profit!!
Quote from: Mael on January 16, 2014, 02:05:03 PM
This is probably why you were "pvping party vs party for 15 min". :D
Assisting is attacking the same target as the leader.
CC the healer, assist, nuke, .... profit!!
No shit dude lol I learned new thing lmao now I gonna pwn in L2 ...
WTF is your IQ below room temperature???
Quote from: Mael on January 16, 2014, 02:05:03 PM
This is probably why you were "pvping party vs party for 15 min". :D
Assisting is attacking the same target as the leader.
CC the healer, assist, nuke, .... profit!!
Quote from: Atlantida on January 16, 2014, 02:07:49 PM
No shit dude lol I learned new thing lmao now I gonna pwn in L2 ...
WTF is your IQ below room temperature???
Sorry but if u were doin pvp pt vs pt for 15 mins that means there are few option
- u didnt assist at all
- u were playing on self buffs
- both partys were made just of 9 heallers
- u should start play saper cuz seems l2 is not ur game
And please stop talking about IQ if ur going just to flame...
Quote from: thepal on January 16, 2014, 02:13:16 PM
Sorry but if u were doin pvp pt vs pt for 15 mins that means there are few option
- u didnt assist at all
- u were playing on self buffs
- both partys were made just of 9 heallers
- u should start play saper cuz seems l2 is not ur game
And please stop talking about IQ if ur going just to flame...
dude cya ingame :D
dont have time for you ...
Quote from: Atlantida on January 16, 2014, 01:52:33 PM
There is no fun pvping party vs party for 15 min, it is TIRESOME ... reason i quitted L2...
Ah, you want party vs party in 2 minutes? haha
Most of ppl like long team fights, where you need to use SKILL to play. I would love mass pvp for bosses lasting for more then 20 minutes.
The clan that knows how to play would win.
Ressing, mass ressing, re-buffing in the middle of mass pvp, etc.
Quote from: Atlantida on January 16, 2014, 02:07:49 PM
No shit dude lol I learned new thing lmao now I gonna pwn in L2 ...
Good thing that you have learned something new today. No need to thank me.
Quote from: Atlantida on January 16, 2014, 02:07:49 PM
WTF is your IQ below room temperature???
Yes, in ºK.
Ohh i see, u have time just for qq-ing and crying :)
I rly cant undarstand this community at all,what the hell u become (
i think on ppl that "cry" last 7 days on forum), i rly got sick while i was reading all posts about: SPS/EE is not playable,DE/TYr can solo farm RB's, No mana pots mages are usless, etc... why are u so pathetic? This is game and u should enjoy playing it, u can be the best with any class, not just with op one. And to all of u who are talking that archers gona pwn>all i think u are wrong. First mages will be able to exp,farm,pwn rly hard first 5-6 months bcs as we all know archers need much more equpimnet for that. And after that pvp will become more balanced.
And as HE player maybe i should cry all over forum bcs as daevon said:
Quote from: ^Deavon^ on January 15, 2014, 01:13:53 AM
he/wk on draconic set+0 , boss set , draconic bow +0 full buffed .
necro/pp dc set +0 + shield ,boss set , full buffed.
HE/WK gave criticals between 1,7k and 1.9k and necro/pp(NO TRANSER PAIN) so please ... stay calm ...!
So when i farm draco set,db, and valaks,baium,aq etc i will hit necro/pp for 1.8k and thats is just big MAYBE. When i finish whole s set, everyone will make dc+++
No hard feeling,soz for eng and.... Cheers
Quote from: ^Deavon^ on January 15, 2014, 01:13:53 AM
he/wk on draconic set+0 , boss set , draconic bow +0 full buffed .
necro/pp dc set +0 + shield ,boss set , full buffed.
HE/WK gave criticals between 1,7k and 1.9k and necro/pp(NO TRANSER PAIN) so please ... stay calm ...!
so when i make on my pr/bd only db+F + a grade set w/o aq baium valakas.... i hit necro/pp on (a grade set)for 400?
Quote from: p90k on January 16, 2014, 03:44:36 PM
so when i make on my pr/bd only db+F + a grade set w/o aq baium valakas.... i hit necro/pp on (a grade set)for 400?
Yes, and this is ARCHER SERVER. Imagine if they buffed the mages instead. (muhaha)
Why you keep crying before test yourself?...
I want play mage/tank , i got some "nerf" on it , and ? I want still try it.
People, thay made the changes after careful consideration.
Take that in account that archer CP has about 5-6 archers that assist and attack only 1v1 (so 6 hits, 2 crits, 4 normals => QQ, HF, GL)
and there is 34567309 other interlude servers out there....
retail/custom/x500000000/x1/with pots/without pots/with stack subs/without stack subs
u can choose play any of those if this server setup dont fit your trolling asses
Many of you didn't even start to play here and you are already crying about things when you really have absolutely no idea how it will be.
Quote from: DaVinci on January 16, 2014, 06:54:21 PM
Many of you didn't even start to play here and you are already crying about things when you really have absolutely no idea how it will be.
Quote from: Atlantida on January 16, 2014, 01:52:33 PM
This idea of slowing PVP is BULLSH1T ... So you opening new server where pvp wont be any different then this NEW Lineage 2 ... This isnt oldschool lineage or DN server ...
There is no fun pvping party vs party for 15 min, it is TIRESOME ... reason i quitted L2...
Give us some movement where you gonna have few sec to make decision what to do and if you make bad one you are dead ... That was trademark of DN for years and made it so big community ...
I will try server but I dont think I gonna have fun here ...
Greetings, cya in game.
A lot of luck.
I am sure that if you will get 1 shoted by an archer/mage it isn't nice as well and u will start to cry, always ...it's not good that you die to fast and it's not good that u can't kill to fast...sorry but...you want to be immortal and 1 shot everyone ..it will not happen,
Lets see if server will be open tomorrow ! I hope there will be no information like in past "we have some issues bla bla you have to w8 another 24-48h" :D Anyway cya in game
Quote from: qwertyzxc on January 16, 2014, 08:37:28 PM
Lets see if server will be open tomorrow ! I hope there will be no information like in past "we have some issues bla bla you have to w8 another 24-48h" :D Anyway cya in game
It's definitely too silent ...
Quote from: qwertyzxc on January 16, 2014, 08:37:28 PM
Lets see if server will be open tomorrow ! I hope there will be no information like in past "we have some issues bla bla you have to w8 another 24-48h" :D Anyway cya in game
+1 too
Im gonna play on this server anyway, looking for some old c3/c4 sheva members maybe around here? my old nick boboslaw
Any1 who dont like it nobody asks you to join, it's not f1 spam pvp it's old style slowly paced pvp which i am looking for here and im hoping to experience once again
What r ur guessues in prices for 1st and 2nd class? More like 100k / 1kk, or closer to 800k / 2.5kk?
PS. of course in case there isnt any official info yet and I didnt miss anything.
Quote from: Blizzer on January 16, 2014, 10:53:56 PM
It's definitely too silent ...
I agree and i think server start will be delayed, hope so im wrong : )
Quote from: Dhol on January 16, 2014, 11:55:04 PM
What r ur guessues in prices for 1st and 2nd class? More like 100k / 1kk, or closer to 800k / 2.5kk?
PS. of course in case there isnt any official info yet and I didnt miss anything.
800k on starting server? btw. its' not x15, forget it, u start with 30, on 20lv its x20 and on 40 its x10
-Majesty: scaling by armor type
Can you please explain me if it means there will be ANY effect on robe or no effect at all ?
usually robe has less def...since majesty gives like 20% more p.def out of the p.def you have...with robe since you will have less p.def(let's say 1k) and with heavy more p.def(let's say 1.5k) majesty will not give you 300 p.def like on heavy but ....200....but it is an educated guess..i don't have a direct link to gm brain.
Quote from: Mael on January 16, 2014, 02:33:53 PM
Good thing that you have learned something new today. No need to thank me.
Yes, in ºK.
he didnt even realize how much did u own him here :D
Why are ppl saying it's an Archer server when they still can go mage/summoner and gain TP + cast speed...
Quote from: Clonage on January 17, 2014, 01:48:56 AM
Why are ppl saying it's an Archer server when they still can go mage/summoner and gain TP + cast speed...
becouse archer cant do that right? and archer have higher range than mage and he can 2shot summon while if summon have elemental + resist aqua for example, w/o erase mage cant do that, and i want to remind that most strong debuffs have range around 600~ while archer hit is 950 and mage 900.
Quote from: Clonage on January 17, 2014, 01:48:56 AM
Why are ppl saying it's an Archer server when they still can go mage/summoner and gain TP + cast speed...
its not , u`ll see 80% of server will be mages