Can you choose ANY class in your substack? I wanted to make a spoiler with a substacked crafter. But normally the crafter is a unsubbable class. Does the substack overrule this or do I have to make a crafter first?
Quote from: kittencandy on January 17, 2014, 12:40:09 PM
Can you choose ANY class in your substack? I wanted to make a spoiler with a substacked crafter. But normally the crafter is a unsubbable class. Does the substack overrule this or do I have to make a crafter first?
U can choose every class of the same race
you are limited to classes from your race only, what makes spoil/craft your only option as a dwarf.
Epic, thanks :)
Quote from: kittencandy on January 17, 2014, 12:40:09 PM
Can you choose ANY class in your substack? I wanted to make a spoiler with a substacked crafter. But normally the crafter is a unsubbable class. Does the substack overrule this or do I have to make a crafter first?
The DN substack overrule it as you said, means orcs will be able to substack OL (DE/OL or WC/OL or TY/OL...).
Same with dwarfs. but for retail subclass you will not be able to do it, you won't be able to retail OL or Crafter.