he just log off 3 box of some guys and he didnt jail they gm friend's ???
jaja and he also summoned me in a town lol
my friend was whit 3 box and he got jail when track was online but him lucid mby all can do 3box or more
what they teaching those kids in school?! definitely not english..
Quote from: Ellesime on March 21, 2014, 03:49:25 PM
what they teaching those kids in school?! definitely not english..
GTFO and w8ing for track or another gm
He can do serious of tests before jailing someone, it includes kicking as well. There are no gm friends on this server since we dont play. How many times i have to reapeat you that. To sum up, before banning or jailing we have to be sure you brake the rules, therefor gms do various of tests (kicking included) rest of things i wont reveal for obvious reasons.