Is it just me or rapid fire is bugged? cause when i use it, it looks like im just a fighter (not a archer) using a bow lol...
You mean the range gets shitty?
"Rapid Fire Lv.8
Temporarily increases your P. Atk. and Atk. Spd. when using a bow. While in effect, your firing range decreases. Obviously, an equipped bow is required to use this skill. Effect 8."
That's the way it works sadly, shooting harder and faster but range gets decreased quite a bit (I think it's decreased by 50% but I'm not certain)
Range gets down to 600 from 900.
It's sad, SR is already the worst ranger and they get the most useless archer skill in existence.
Quote from: Sephiroth on October 08, 2014, 04:58:07 PM
Range gets down to 600 from 900.
hahaha my old love play here?
I think you guys dident test rapid fire in tarantula.... you dont lose half your range... it looks like you lose your 2 lvl's of Long Shot.... who the hell would use rapid fire if your range is the same as a fighter using a bow?....
We did not touch rapid fire,as some1 said already it decrease your range from 900 to 600.
This chronicle is so damn old and there are still ppl, which doesn't know how skills work. Hilarious.