lets flame a bit :)
what happened in siege? at Giran, i wasnt there
Quote from: zthrx on December 09, 2007, 12:32:41 AM
ch was enjoying th castle.. anyway was fun also ;P
it was not about castel, it was about your weeknes :D
Quote from: Blondy on December 09, 2007, 12:41:56 AM
it was not about castel, it was about your weeknes :D
Lol our weekness was that we were on some other sieges? :D
Anyways was funny when we killed you inside and right after i got into the throne room i got ported out cuz you took the castle... ;D
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on December 09, 2007, 01:39:28 AM
Lol our weekness was that we were on some other sieges? :D
Anyways was funny when we killed you inside and right after i got into the throne room i got ported out cuz you took the castle... ;D
CL got just 2 hits and after finish engrave :) Extra Timing
GG to CH at least they gave us some adrenaline rush at the end.
Anyway, first time I go to golkonda during a siege
heh......plx castle status? did CH got it? immortalz still have dion?
fvck i lost good fun(
IMO sieges must last 20 min..coz thats all the action we got...the rest is just hitting eachother...and fishing...i got some nice chests near giran during the 1h 45 min of the beggining of the siege.=
ty for comming to visit anyway
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on December 09, 2007, 01:39:28 AM
Lol our weekness was that we were on some other sieges? :D
Anyways was funny when we killed you inside and right after i got into the throne room i got ported out cuz you took the castle... ;D
yep was nice after engrawing you was portet out :-*, but 2/3 of us get critical error :-\
some members go to giran, to see how many clans come to defend them ;D
tactic: 1, rush giran 2, rush dion > no defending giran, only rush rush rush -> "blitzkrieg" ;D
to be honest i dont know what u guys (i mean fearless) doing with giran every week and someone goes and pray.
and then u recapture it .
i believe that u are so danmed boored to death and just alow this happen so u can have some fun recapturing castle.
Quote from: thehero on December 09, 2007, 10:41:58 AM
to be honest i dont know what u guys (i mean fearless) doing with giran every week and someone goes and pray.
and then u recapture it .
i believe that u are so danmed boored to death and just alow this happen so u can have some fun recapturing castle.
on this CS they was suprised and scared to lose castel :P
We were so scared that we left 4 fighters unbuffed and a bishop afk to take care of it, meanwhile all the mages went to golkonda.
The things we do in order to get attacked are far beyond anyones imagination.
ah..and last time we left 1 fighter and a bishop...but it was too easy..so this time we left 4 :D
hhehe yea its soo funny when we decided to go to golkonda in the midle of the siege :D
Atleast we had some fun at the end ;) :D
we didnt know it would be so easy to get the castel, when we know that, we would arive 15 min to end CS and keep the castel ;)
was not our goal to get castel only to let you know, you can count with CzH ;) , shame to you, 3 allys cant protect one clan, this clan make chaos for defenders on two castels + fun for both sides - this is important
Quote from: Blondy on December 09, 2007, 11:36:14 AM
we didnt know it would be so easy to get the castel, when we know that, we would arive 15 min to end CS and keep the castel ;)
was not our goal to get castel only to let you know, you can count with CzH ;) , shame to you, 3 allys cant protect one clan, this clan make chaos for defenders on two castels + fun for both sides - this is important
i cant speak for fearless but speaking about temp im informing u that only one party from heroes
(not best organized and not full i think) and one from l-pigs were in dion + some individuals who were looking from some action , talking personally i was thre only with pp buffs and no party at all.
In dion u only saw the gate,in giran u just temporary took it just because noone was to defend the curent time.
so i wonder were did u see the chaos that u caused to 2 castles.
i also inform u that we have 3 clans (at least) beeing lazy at gludio.
i still dont see the chaos.
u didnt make chaos u just gived us some more fun thats all.
Quote from: thehero on December 09, 2007, 12:10:40 PM
i cant speak for fearless but speaking about temp im informing u that only one party from heroes
(not best organized and not full i think) and one from l-pigs were in dion + some individuals who were looking from some action , talking personally i was thre only with pp buffs and no party at all.
In dion u only saw the gate,in giran u just temporary took it just because noone was to defend the curent time.
so i wonder were did u see the chaos that u caused to 2 castles.
i also inform u that we have 3 clans (at least) beeing lazy at gludio.
i still dont see the chaos.
u didnt make chaos u just gived us some more fun thats all.
In giran was defenders, only 1clan but there were defenders. (ws) they told us to come so SINS came and 1pt of heroes? dunno exactly. After it some1 from ch pmed me "1clan against 3ally" xD
there was Katamaran,Sheva,Heroes,Fearless... (and others), ppls open ur eyes if u have
Quote from: Quido on December 09, 2007, 03:29:30 PM
In giran was defenders, only 1clan but there were defenders. (ws) they told us to come so SINS came and 1pt of heroes? dunno exactly. After it some1 from ch pmed me "1clan against 3ally" xD
pls wear ya ll glasses or go back to school and learn to count...
Quote from: muthafreaker on December 09, 2007, 06:16:42 PM
pls wear ya ll glasses or go back to school and learn to count...
This is the party you got killed by
Others arrived after.
Cry mo' fags.
Quote from: zthrx on December 09, 2007, 08:44:35 PM
there is no better feeling than be a cannon fodder, i got pwned in 2s with xxxx m. crits <3
i know what a feeling it is to be in Libentinas "shower room" no chance to escape :P
ari i c some ppls who r not in ur pt and some temp here....os i dont think it was ONLY ur party...but i know u can pwn us all with ur am+a xD
Quote from: JudgeDeath on December 09, 2007, 08:53:36 PM
ari i c some ppls who r not in ur pt and some temp here....os i dont think it was ONLY ur party...but i know u can pwn us all with ur am+a xD
Tell me where i ever written "we were only 1pt." Choose your words carefuly b4 u write smt.
a jak ceske prislovi rika , 2krat mer a jednou res
edit: there were like 15SINS behind us (in martyrs) But this was the pt that killed you ( and those 5random guys)
pointless to flam after CS ;D
better enjoy this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJHCxGNJ9fs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJHCxGNJ9fs)
me new sniper (archer) in action ;)
My party was still in dion... i was there on self buffs + pow xD
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on December 09, 2007, 11:21:11 PM
My party was still in dion... i was there on self buffs + pow xD
lier ;)
btw nice self buffs ;D
nice selfbuffs....than u must be ne/bi/sws/bd/ee/se/ol...nice class
Quote from: Quido on December 09, 2007, 07:36:58 PM
This is the party you got killed by
Others arrived after.
Cry mo' fags.
n/c rofl xD if i'm w/o pt and there are 19901231 pts with me and we kill 5 partys it means that i killed them all alone?
hehehe ups.. i confused this rush with another one when i was alone there :P
btw... ariosto buy yourself atleast a tate earing lolz xD
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on December 09, 2007, 11:56:01 PM
hehehe ups.. i confused this rush with another one when i was alone there :P
sure sure xD
btw this is my self buff.
Best achivement for CH was being stuck at sieges and lagging and block the way for their ally to move.. so don't blame them if they get happy for not being so for the first time.. BTW CH power GG
I was always thinking that CH could be a good clan but at the last golky in 4 sep they really showed their REAL CH SKILLS. They brought a bishop that was doing restore life all the time, they brought a PP that was shitbuffing us, and even if they had more people than we and we had golky on our back they were still scared to flag back so we could have atleast some fun with a mass pvp...
The difference between you and us is that when we come and mess up the raid like this it turns into a pvp... But when you come you turn it into a booring shit with no ending... ::)
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on December 10, 2007, 03:30:55 PM
I was always thinking that CH could be a good clan but at the last golky in 4 sep they really showed their REAL CH SKILLS. They brought a bishop that was doing restore life all the time, they brought a PP that was shitbuffing us, and even if they had more people than we and we had golky on our back they were still scared to flag back so we could have atleast some fun with a mass pvp...
The difference between you and us is that when we come and mess up the raid like this it turns into a pvp... But when you come you turn it into a booring shit with no ending... ::)
dont know, but you always lie, dunno why
last 4s golky we playing with you and w8 what will you do and how you will talk about it, result a complety full mode lie from fearless, we dont suprised about this, the conversation about giran show it how you can lie
in 4s you were more then 3 times death after long w8 we get bored and let you kill it
we a are mega unlucky on this golky- 5 times in a row she got killed by us but nobody got horn :-\
about bad buffing, dunno why i get kiss of eva the rest of the members to, so one from us startet it to this "bad buff sh1t", we never do that never!!!!! so why you do that? pp sh1t bufs we got, pp use return, wtf??
btw. conversation between us und you will still be example: "fearless we was there one party (true result 19ppl), rest 15 ppl are waited on martirs, we was there on self buffs (true you had full buffs), we were etc. etc. this is only from last giran CS
last one we could not be a good clan, we already was and are a good clan ;)
to raids: where is our party, we got drops, last "event" from track we got drops and 2X stages :P, we was for fun 2 times on Baium, get drops ;), you camped ant queen with you L2w both army, we came, then the rest of you server friends, soo many and got nothing, dont even drops from us, when we was PK.
Quote from: Blondy on December 10, 2007, 05:10:32 PM
dont know, but you always lie, dunno why
last 4s golky we playing with you and w8 what will you do and how you will talk about it, result a complety full mode lie from fearless, we dont suprised about this, the conversation about giran show it how you can lie
in 4s you were more then 3 times death after long w8 we get bored and let you kill it
we a are mega unlucky on this golky- 5 times in a row she got killed by us but nobody got horn :-\
about bad buffing, dunno why i get kiss of eva the rest of the members to, so one from us startet it to this "bad buff sh1t", we never do that never!!!!! so why you do that? pp sh1t bufs we got, pp use return, wtf??
btw. conversation between us und you will still be example: "fearless we was there one party (true result 19ppl), rest 15 ppl are waited on martirs, we was there on self buffs (true you had full buffs), we were etc. etc. this is only from last giran CS
last one we could not be a good clan, we already was and are a good clan ;)
to raids: where is our party, we got drops, last "event" from track we got drops and 2X stages :P, we was for fun 2 times on Baium, get drops ;), you camped ant queen with you L2w both army, we came, then the rest of you server friends, soo many and got nothing, dont even drops from us, when we was PK.
I didnt even read all your post to the end cuz i know its full of bullcrap... Anyways i already sad that i confused this rush with another when i was alone there from my party and was running there with WS guys... And yea offcourse we are the one that are doing shitbuffs LOL! ;D
Ok lets clear the lying thing:
Who was the one that was always crying that someone buged into your castle and destroyed your life crystals. We usually always gaved you the proof that WE destroyed it with a SCREENSHOOT...
Who was the one saying that you were 20 MAX at the mass pvp in TOI 13... and i gaved you the proof that you were MIN 40 with a SCREENSHOOT..??
So tell me whos the lyer... I always gaved you a proof with a screen, but all that you do is saying crap without any proof ;)
P.s. I will stop replaying to your posts cuz its useless to argue with you since you will always say: MI NO LIE YOU LIE! MI IS GOOD YU IS NOT! ::)
EDIT: Plx gimme your ingame nick so i will do some hunting :D
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on December 10, 2007, 06:26:56 PM
Who was the one saying that you were 20 MAX at the mass pvp in TOI 13... and i gaved you the proof that you were MIN 40 with a SCREENSHOOT..??
So tell me whos the lyer... I always gaved you a proof with a screen, but all that you do is saying crap without any proof ;)
EDIT: Plx gimme your ingame nick so i will do some hunting :D
there where exactly 36 ->you count it, you count clanless to, who fight on your side but thats not important, important is you wrote min 40 :D
yes you can hunt me SE/BD with your Necro/bishop, but with me second char you can only run for your life as you do on Dion CS
Quote from: Blondy on December 10, 2007, 06:55:57 PM
you can only run for your life as you do on Dion CS
Talking about bullcrap again? :D
And again your wrong i counted 39 people that were on the screen and they were all from your ALLY....
Well tell me your name on bouth chars... we will see whos gonna be the one who will run :D
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on December 10, 2007, 06:26:56 PM
Anyways i already sad that i confused this rush with another when i was alone there from my party and was running there with WS guys
oh! what a shame that there was only one rush
Quote from: muthafreaker on December 10, 2007, 08:54:39 PM
oh! what a shame that there was only one rush
Was CH the only clan attacking?
phoenix earring spotted!
wtj CH ... i'll take them through boot camp xD
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on December 10, 2007, 11:27:16 PM
Was CH the only clan attacking?
well dunno...but i heard yes..i came home 21:30 (came on siege 21:40) in gmt+1...
Quote from: Quido on December 09, 2007, 09:18:10 PM
Tell me where i ever written "we were only 1pt." Choose your words carefuly b4 u write smt.
a jak ceske prislovi rika , 2krat mer a jednou res
edit: there were like 15SINS behind us (in martyrs) But this was the pt that killed you ( and those 5random guys)
omg r u stupid?u wrote this pt kiled us...and now u write 5 more guys...so u think b4 u write smt.
Quote from: JudgeDeath on December 12, 2007, 06:29:18 PM
omg r u stupid?u wrote this pt kiled us...and now u write 5 more guys...so u think b4 u write smt.
Those 5random guys were that few temp Omg. Are you that freaked up dumb asshole or what , cant you understand what I write.
Accept war instead of talking height of follys. Or ya scared fags?
Quote from: Quido on December 16, 2007, 11:21:42 AM
Those 5random guys were that few temp Omg. Are you that freaked up dumb asshole or what , cant you understand what I write.
Accept war instead of talking height of follys. Or ya scared fags?
bla bla bla
(pod pred goddard xD )
dont listen to judge he is nabz0r =P
haha judge <3
haha dia more ghay xD