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Started by Nanny, July 22, 2010, 11:29:43 PM

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Quote from: ThunderDome on July 23, 2010, 02:38:41 PM
one way or another server will be dead

God send to us a clairvoyant prophet....

If u r so smart, why r u playing here huh ?


Quote from: ThunderDome on July 23, 2010, 02:38:41 PM
well as u remember at start was 2000 people playing
but since all used bots 80% got banned
and now play 500 people
one way or another server will be dead

that doesnt provide u a right to act like u want feeling untouchable, coz if u would get ban, server would lose ppl and would die  ;)

btw yea, a size of server community is a failiure and server will probably not live long... hmm, then, why you(not exactly you) fight so much for not being banned on dying server? and why u donate here? :)

L2 life: Infinity 5x
August 2005 - October 2008
thank you all ppl for this great adventure

Thnks fr th Mmrs


It's a holyday time, most ppl went somewhere to relax, or younger part of our community went for seson jobs etc
I am sure we will have more online individuals after august : )
good things


Quote from: Torek [IF] on July 23, 2010, 03:17:07 PM

do u play MW2 on PS3?? cuz i saw a man with your same nick in game

and was he so bright and goodlooking like me?  :P ...nah, seriously, i dont play any other game.. barely i find some free time for this one

L2 life: Infinity 5x
August 2005 - October 2008
thank you all ppl for this great adventure

Thnks fr th Mmrs


Why we got lesser bans?

Descent Decided that protcol takes final decision in this case.
Protocol posts.

QuoteOk the final result is 300hr time ban on those on the baium exploit but for cheruby will recive perm ban. I know alot of you other players want them perm ban but they didnt do the exploit themself so cheruby was the one who did it resulting getting his clan involved in his greed. For you exci member thinkin why you gettin ban is because you are the one suppose to stop your cl from that kind of behavoiur but you guys went along with it.

QuoteFor the antharas screen i couldnt get the data log since its dating back at 20/06 in a result i can just randomly ban. Reason why i dont know who went in there via portal stone or by summon but they will be on my watch list and checked up on my routine bases.

QuoteSry cant randomly ban. Am currently at work and cant make changes via phone. I will be lettin all know who on ban list and watch list

QuoteThis result will apply to all clans and members for those who do the same as exci

This bans were from Jailaa deciion but he didn't had main word in this case. Probably bans are 60H lesser because of it that we were banned from wrong list for a whole day.

ExCiDiuM <3
Chujozord - DE/PAL
CrazyJoe - PR/PAL
Unloco - BP/WC
PanPijak - NE/EE
Cherry SORC -> ES/EE


to bot-killer    -    i play cuz of someone in the serv
i had left dragon-network long time ago and i would never return if not for that guy
full with corruptions and bots
and to phate   -   no i dont donate
and since server gonna die why u care so much

Game Over


ye i had for 1 year +
then my bf asked me to go to valkiria cuz exc1 there

Game Over