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18/01/09 Giran Siege

Started by Ch4risma, January 19, 2009, 12:06:30 AM

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Quote from: DePayens on January 19, 2009, 09:02:34 AM
Yes, it was a funny siege..

We came to help temp and we did for a couple of rushes...
then, without any reason, Eb members killed us....
Ok, could happen that someone from EB didn't recognize us, coutd it be..
We came again, after have spoken with Astri, Eb leader and old friends from all temp clans..
1 min passed and, again, someone of us killed by 1 stupid eb archer, coz I think u have to be stupid or maybe too young to use your brain in the right way.

i think they were just bored of that shit siege, we have shit online and cant fight with that "river" of enemies :D :D
and next sieges will be bored coz i guess we wil not come
..... а вы мне ещё за Севастополь ответите!!!


Quote from: DePayens on January 19, 2009, 11:45:47 AM
we never asked anyone some kind of favour.

Defending a castle means u want smth in return...
Gaellee - game over
Amila - R.I.P.


The drama, finally some other siege topic than only gf's and was fun :X

More dramaaaaaaaaaaa!


Quote from: SirAlex on January 19, 2009, 03:02:19 PM
Defending a castle means u want smth in return...

Or it means that you want some fun on sunday evening...and you should decide which faction to support..

We decided when we registered for Schuttgart....
We are still just a really few people from the clan we were months ago...so I never though we could be able to succeed in Schuttgart..
consider that our first aim it was to keep mayem far from your castles during saturday siege time..as some of your clan mates could confirm...then reach you and give our help.
I also excused myself with my friends in TEMP cause we took the castle and had to defend it so couldn't come to help already saturday...

It was really a huge misunderstanding probably but you can easily imagine that I couldn't close my eyes in front of such an episode..
You have your clan members to defend and I've mine..I can't accept someone to insult them that way (and I'm not talking about you, that weren't there) without answering.

Just that.

For what I became king of all the lost?
Barren and lifeless the land lies