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Insolence .

Started by SysTemHacK, June 10, 2009, 09:13:30 AM

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Total insolence to see Olympiad freaks now getting crazy when they saw that we are thinking about removing agumentations from olympiad games for equality and bring some fun back to that ruined freaked up games , Since when it's ajoy to join Oly with almost afull buffed char like sws/ee and spam mana burn till the opponent lose his FULL mana in few secs and then u win !! , Can't you guys just get agod damn normal char and join oly giving some fair play and showing skills and earn ahero or leave it for who deserve it ....

and what really gone so far that they even started to ask for MONEY to gives others ahero stats not even in sercret but as atopics on forums and shouts in game " selling hero of xx and xx and xx and xx and xx and xx  Pm me please" !!!
" pay me 20 coins and u will get it just u have to give bogs back " !!!!
SInce when we are used to that ?!

orcs starting matches with zealot unfair , paladins starting with AI , but to lose ur full mana within 15-20 secs and you become an observer not aplayer any more ....
thats becoem totaly aJOKE and what is really funny to see the GM just watching for the whole Interlude that comic show ! , afact even ablind can see it thats over powered and not fair ,  and when I said so altheo called me aretarded and Rebel said in totaly Ironic tone that me and ppl like me have no chance any way even after agumentation removed !!!
for god sake is it acrime to ask for having my mana for more than 20 secs ?!
Yes pp/wk kazimira and es/ee are hard classes for me to kill in oly but at least I want to have achance even if it's 10%  .



I assure you that on buffs and mana pots + other pots, and even if ee/es is on full buff or any other mage, you are able to survive this 5 min oly fight by using atlast ur skills to heal etc...
now after mana burn you can just sit an watch...

I'm not telling it like I want to be a hero lul, I made 1 month break and came with HB, I was anough hero, I've everything I need, I have skills +15, I'm doin pretty well out of town.
Only what I want to meet some other ppl on oly than farmers thats all, without chasing them on full map...


Quote from: SysTemHacK on June 10, 2009, 09:13:30 AM
Total insolence to see Olympiad freaks now getting crazy when they saw that we are thinking about removing agumentations from olympiad games for equality and bring some fun back to that ruined freaked up games , Since when it's ajoy to join Oly with almost afull buffed char like sws/ee and spam mana burn till the opponent lose his FULL mana in few secs and then u win !! , Can't you guys just get agod damn normal char and join oly giving some fair play and showing skills and earn ahero or leave it for who deserve it ....

and what really gone so far that they even started to ask for MONEY to gives others ahero stats not even in sercret but as atopics on forums and shouts in game " selling hero of xx and xx and xx and xx and xx and xx  Pm me please" !!!
" pay me 20 coins and u will get it just u have to give bogs back " !!!!
SInce when we are used to that ?!

orcs starting matches with zealot unfair , paladins starting with AI , but to lose ur full mana within 15-20 secs and you become an observer not aplayer any more ....
thats becoem totaly aJOKE and what is really funny to see the GM just watching for the whole Interlude that comic show ! , afact even ablind can see it thats over powered and not fair ,  and when I said so altheo called me aretarded and Rebel said in totaly Ironic tone that me and ppl like me have no chance any way even after agumentation removed !!!
for god sake is it acrime to ask for having my mana for more than 20 secs ?!
Yes pp/wk kazimira and es/ee are hard classes for me to kill in oly but at least I want to have achance even if it's 10%  .

wup wup


Quote from: SpoilerAngel on June 10, 2009, 10:29:20 AM
wup wup
Spoiler really got pissed by ur kinda idiotic lvl of posting on forum, i mean check our your replys on forum:  yup/bump/up/agree/fix
If you dont have anything smart to say please shat teh freak up ok?
What a .. jeeeez....
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


Olympiad on DN will be always unfair. Even if augment will be removed, oly will be always ruled by buffer/xx classes. Only one and real solution for all who want to enjoy on oly is: join on oly only with main class - ofc that will never happened.


Quote from: digunan on June 10, 2009, 10:33:29 AM
Olympiad on DN will be always unfauir. Even if augment wil be removed, oly wil be always ruled by buffer/xx classes. Only one and real solution for all who want to enjoy on oly is: join on oly only with main class - ofc that will never happened.
olympiad on Nightmare wasnt always unfair. i miss the times when Buruko was ES hero... that was the time when i got my hero stats as well, with not much effort. Same neozinhu. and we were es/sps, not ee/es.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: SysTemHacK on June 10, 2009, 09:13:30 AM
Total insolence to see Olympiad freaks now getting crazy when they saw that we are thinking about removing agumentations from olympiad games for equality and bring some fun back to that ruined freaked up games , Since when it's ajoy to join Oly with almost afull buffed char like sws/ee and spam mana burn till the opponent lose his FULL mana in few secs and then u win !! , Can't you guys just get agod damn normal char and join oly giving some fair play and showing skills and earn ahero or leave it for who deserve it ....

orcs starting matches with zealot unfair , paladins starting with AI , but to lose ur full mana within 15-20 secs and you become an observer not aplayer any more ....
thats becoem totaly aJOKE and what is really funny to see the GM just watching for the whole Interlude that comic show ! , afact even ablind can see it thats over powered and not fair ,  and when I said so altheo called me aretarded and Rebel said in totaly Ironic tone that me and ppl like me have no chance any way even after agumentation removed !!!
for god sake is it acrime to ask for having my mana for more than 20 secs ?!
Yes pp/wk kazimira and es/ee are hard classes for me to kill in oly but at least I want to have achance even if it's 10%  .

Only Me, Agil, and Kazi reached the huge amount of pts on a sws ee, which is 1K+, others are limited to 50 like godoffarmer, adfontes, ridemydk's sws ee too, forgot his name, evergrey too, there are even more sws ee, they just tried, failed, quit.
Class like me and kazi will always roll sws sr, an archer needs full buffs to 1v1, or at least PP+dance.
Quit it, i am done seeing you crying a river everywhere, if you want to go oly go make a char that stands a chance at oly instead of crying the shit out of you like that 'blablabla mana 20 s' freaking pathetic shit, yes you are a retard, i do claim it.
Point is, your freaking sws sr will NEVER stand a chance at oly, can you freaking get it ?
Want to join oly? make the so called oly bot or gtfo, system won't adapt to you, you will adapt to the system no matter how freaking lazy you are.

Quote from: SysTemHacK on June 10, 2009, 09:13:30 AM

and what really gone so far that they even started to ask for MONEY to gives others ahero stats not even in sercret but as atopics on forums and shouts in game " selling hero of xx and xx and xx and xx and xx and xx  Pm me please" !!!
" pay me 20 coins and u will get it just u have to give bogs back " !!!!
SInce when we are used to that ?!

Now, the part i enjoyed the most.
Yes, we got paid, for instance, nostradamus paid me 15 coin for 150 olympaid pts, he paid agil 20 coin for 150 oly pts too, and he paid drakslord the same !
Aye ! 55 coin for his hero statu ! but he was the one that ended the month with the biggest amount of points men ! AH ! FACTS ARE FACTS !
Ah this month he bought 8 points.....with 3 coins ! aye, you got my word !
Oh, we had a deal with some other guy, funny hu, wait wait ! focus ! you are going to love it, here you go :
Catos gave us bogs, why?
well the trade was : 'give us 50% of your bogs and we won't transfer on your class ( pr)'
Isn't it freaking great? not moving a finger and getting paid (jeez, i forgot the accept trade part)? aye, life is unfair, corruption is everywhere, stupidness aswell, be our fighter, be our man, FIGHT FOR HUMANKIND !


I don't seem to quite get it, LayMeDown is indeed good @ Olympiad. But you quite seem to forget that he wasted alooooooooot of coins gaining such an augment, it got nerfed and he still wins against alot of players. He knows how to play his char, and yes he does got a good char for Olympiad. but why not make one yourself, waste coins on it try to get a good augment and get him back? Most of you will say "no, only xxx//xxx @ olympiad so its not fun", or "we don't like that class" it seems he does like his char, so why not let him enjoy playing it, There is always a couple of classes wich can take down such a char like that, you just gotta find out wich class and how.

~ FeelmyBow a.k.a. PuFf2
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord


Quote from: TrackZero on June 10, 2009, 10:33:13 AM
Spoiler really got pissed by ur kinda idiotic lvl of posting on forum, i mean check our your replys on forum:  yup/bump/up/agree/fix
If you dont have anything smart to say please shat teh freak up ok?
What a .. jeeeez....
ke ke sorryz0r : <


Put figthers vs figthers and mage vs mage, playing in oly this way its just a waste of time...


we told it,   remove freaking augments from oly
i hope some1 heard us


dont need to make  23235423 same shits topics on forum
rly annoying man

   there is life before death?


I just don't know from where to start.
We all know that oly is shit since years but don't freaked it up more.
Selling hero status is the worst thing that can happened.Seems it will be useless to do sub you need just 20 coins and nobles to be hero.And u don't even need to fight as it should be.
Layme when u tell to adapt to the system u are serious? The main oly idea is not to do new and new chars after every change/nerf doing oly bot's and etc.And don't tell me how much coins u spend for ur char.
I love my char I like the oly but I'm pissed of.90% of oly chars now day are sps/ee or "lental  man" (I'm not crying tired doing it).
Our main problem is that DN sub freaked the oly and since drake(if he still exist)don't do nothing to balance the server(Yeah I know it's hard but dyna/icarus aren't cheap).He may be can't do that as it should be: fights depending on personal skills not by gear combo,but he should listen ppl in that community.
How much archers do u see in oly now?3-4 and they die in 10 sec max(by me).My char is faking overpower vs almost all classes and I don't like it anymore.HB freaked up reuse of skill on glad/ty but I have zealot.What to do poor glads now?They are freaked up.
And I don't enjoy of 10 seconds fights.And I'm almost pissed enough to quite that shit(oly).