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crafting dinasty / icarus useless? or what i missed? - Page 3



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crafting dinasty / icarus useless? or what i missed?

Started by wildpussy, June 25, 2009, 11:35:15 AM

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Quote from: wildpussy on June 27, 2009, 09:23:24 PM
so who's fault is it? i know drake was a great GM/admin/developer before the fbi thing

now tell me, how hard it is to set 2 numbers, from 394 to 94 where people would expect it to be, or make drop rate alot bigger (or spoil, something for dwarfs??), for what the hell are our gm making it harder and harder to a point where it's useless to even be there

it would be too easy?? so what?! look on C4, what means easy antahras+valakas each day, why do most of us have best items since 2 years where we got it easy, and now new-er players can do nothing (apart from buy) for it
what's the point of not make "easy" craftable dinasty ?? there will be more players on hellbound island, something ingame to do, more pvp, maybe less dead server, new players maybe will have chance to grow, and after a year most server would have their dinasty, then either l2 will die, or new chronicle will come with yet again new items and those with old ones will be again shit
that's how it was supposed to work imo!

now how can it not be GM's/admins/devs fault? -_-
You don't get the concept of DN at this very moment and the reason why it is still up.

Money makes the world go round and round...


Donat-Network in shortcut... it became to be it in IL... Now it became even worse...
I just cant imagine that how many ppl left that server because of such behavior.
Windoo SH/PS - noble // Phayveroth TH/PAL - noble //PerveroTH TH/WK - noble // Yoshihana AW/SK - noble


Quote from: Anemonia on June 25, 2009, 04:38:30 PM

So go and become lifeless farmers :D

Or Pay.

I thougt donation was not obligatory?
if I HAVE to pay, i go to retail.
remind me the price of icarus bow, Ane? How many months I can play on retail with this? (and without bugs, without stupid subs, without 1day 7 signs, without stupid mana pots and tatoos, without stupid "summon disabled for undetermined time", without stupid Dnet set...)
think a little.

The only thing that will remain this way will be a stupid pvp high rate server. There are tons of these around.

YOU said you wanted to play "hardcore L2". Where is the "hardcore" part in donation for stupid Dnet sets with OP bonus?

have fun.
You trully disappoint me :S I had a better opinion of you.

[url=http://heliosdaedalus.free.fr/laboman/]Laboratory Manager by Oleron[/url]

"We're working on it, please be patient!"


Quote from: ehlena on June 29, 2009, 10:01:52 AM
I thougt donation was not obligatory?
if I HAVE to pay, i go to retail.
remind me the price of icarus bow, Ane? How many months I can play on retail with this? (and without bugs, without stupid subs, without 1day 7 signs, without stupid mana pots and tatoos, without stupid "summon disabled for undetermined time", without stupid Dnet set...)
think a little.

The only thing that will remain this way will be a stupid pvp high rate server. There are tons of these around.

YOU said you wanted to play "hardcore L2". Where is the "hardcore" part in donation for stupid Dnet sets with OP bonus?

have fun.
You trully disappoint me :S I had a better opinion of you.

You're getting me wrong ehlena just bcoz i wrote how its is this don't mean that i'm responsible for it !

Drake decided it.And he has right since i doubt that you work for free and he don't work for free as well.

Additional to that our servers are totally taken over by l2w which make easy to farm w/o playing 24/7 like a zombie.

Additional to that DN is 1 big money machine (yes it is and you all have to get use to it and understand it once 4 ever) and if i was an l2 server owner i would make everything hard to get since as hard is 1 thing to get as much as ppl will pay to get it and it will grant me more life to already expired game like l2 (there is nothing new in this game and its already not even in top 50)

I just want you all to see the truth this is a game which you play for fun,other play it for money and Drake RUN it for money and as long as you all people play it he and his income is safe ! If he make things easy you will get bored really fast since there is nothing he hac add to this already boring game.

This is just how it is but you all don't want to accept it.


Quote from: windoo on June 29, 2009, 03:10:59 AM
Donat-Network in shortcut... it became to be it in IL... Now it became even worse...
I just cant imagine that how many ppl left that server because of such behavior.

i can tell you exact numbers (infinity):

c4 1400+
early il days ~1200
now 800 max.

I got these from log in packets, cuz at login the server don't just sends the server list, but the player numbers too (just it don't appear in l2 client).
Infinity 5x: inactive
Valkyria:  shiet
free from L2 since 2 years