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Americans !

Started by SysTemHacK, August 29, 2009, 01:38:11 PM

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smwRQPdKqKg    :D


Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


u can make it in each country u will find lot of stupid answer like this :)
but very funny ^^ , the world map with france on australia was really funny :D


Quote from: Torek [IF] on August 29, 2009, 02:30:53 PMfor this reason some people's vote isn't equal to some1 else vote...... but sadly these ppl vote has the same worth. freak stupid full democracy

In hungary, about 50% of votes comes from gypsies, and pensioner people.
The most of gypsies are stupid as hell, the get money from stealing(they're social agro, mostly with knives), and government support payments, the most of them don't work so their votes can be easily bought by promising more money for them. (There are some places in country where a lot's of gypsies living, and it's nearly suicide to move there, cuz they hate hungarians, and white people, and they always crying about "racism" against them... just like in romania, and every country where a lot of gypsies live).
As i heard in italy there are problems with gypsies invaders too, but they solve the problem with military, and police :).

And the pensioners can be bought by promising raising the retired pays, and they think the socialism was better (mostly bcuz they were younger that times :D), so they vote to the communist descendant party (cuz they still living(and stealing everything, mostly from the taxes...), and they werent executed when their dictature was collapsed.

So the democracy can be good, if the vote rights would restiricted by IQ number, and only those can vote who are still working.

Infinity 5x: inactive
Valkyria:  shiet
free from L2 since 2 years


Quote from: SysTemHacK on August 29, 2009, 01:38:11 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smwRQPdKqKg    :D

yep.  can you believe we have people claiming we have the greatest educational system in the world?  roflmfao

my first real slap-in-the-face with the stupidity of my fellow Americans came when I was about 13 or 14, and my brother brought his then-bride home on leave... she was a high school graduate, and had higher rank in the Marines than he did... but was absolutely positive that they had passed through Mexico on their way to Minnesota from California.  She had no idea there is a state named New Mexico...........


Quote from: Torek [IF] on August 30, 2009, 05:37:19 PMwe really don't care, we don't live in naples an it's not our businness"

That's really LOL they don't care even about their own country, cuz they don't live in that city :D it's like shitting next to my house main door...

In hungary there is also a mafia, they calling themselves "government", "politicans". Nearly all of them are old commies, so they steal every money that they can. They put their friends to leading positions of every state owned companies, and every public procurement won by the ex-commie friend's companies. So that's why hungary is first in lots of things: We have the biggest price/km for a highway(6,4 million EUR/km), and for the subways too(10km route, for 2 BILLION EUR, with 6 YEARS delay).

The HR manager of Budapest public transport company (ofc owned by the state),  have 50% of montly payment(16000 eur), as the president of usa(not joke), and she got 400000 eur for severance pay, bcuz he left the company for ONE day, and she joined again, and worked 1 more year... And its't not the only one... And in same time a lot's of buses broke down every day, cuz there is no money for servicing(fe about 100 brand new buses can be bought from the yearly payments of the company leaders), and the tickets are the most expensive in europe according to the average payments of ppl (who arent ex-commies and their friends, cuz they get much more payments).

And the state pays our parliament delegates every expenses, without bills (fe example some of them get compensation for nice site payments, from state, what is governed by them), and for them every public transport usage is free, and same time they got and audi A6, and a driver from state, they have summer, winter, holidays (2-2 months) + the normal 20-30 day holiday as the "plain" worker, + MIN 4000 euros fix montly payment, for they "efforts", what they control the state to deeper and deeper(and steal everything).
And they NEVER want to give it up, even if 100 thousands of ppl demonstrationg against them (now they can't even do that, cuz the police is in politicans hands, and they ban every demonstration, exept the gay parade, and gypsy demonstrations, cuz they call themselves "liberal" what means "we have rights, we say what to do, if you're not with us, shut up, die, and you're a freaking racist, nazi, terrorist".

But the most awful is the most of hungarian ppl sitting at home, try to live in this place with their low payments, high prices, and high taxes, they hate the government, but they don't go to demonstrate, (bcuz only a big riot that contains 100 thousands of ppl can sweep out the shit (ex commies, corrupted politicans) from this country) because the old commie time rules ingrained in ppl "you can't do anything against the government, if you do they get you with their black cars, and inprison, or execute you". Now it's nearly same, just they don't execute you, they just stigmatize you as a terrorist,nazi, and they start conception lawsuit (like stalin did in ussr when he purged out his enemies). So all hungarian who can, leaving this country(state of 100% and pure corruption), cuz it's like a big very bad joke. We were the leaders in economy, and advancement  in the group central europe's ex socialist countries, now after some years when commies returned to parlaiment, we are the last...

In here there isn't problems with immigrants (exept gypsies), cuz if they come here, the most of them are working, and there aren't any conflicts with hungarian ppl. But the gypsies... they steal, even they kill ppl for <10 eur, and the funniest they can't even live in their groups, gypsy families attack other gypsy families nearly every they, but the unite if they can do something against the non-gypsy ppl. They say "we can't get work, so we need to steal", but if there is an opportunity for them to work, they won't cuz the stealing, and getting the government support, is good for them.   If a hungarian don't like this, that liberal government, and some liberal idiots (who never ever saw a gypsy and what they do) call him/her nazi, racist, but its funny that these ppl don't have problem with chineese ppl (they also have high populaton in country), not with africans, JUST with gypsies.

Some years ago, the gypsies lynched a teacher(he got killed), cuz a gypsy kid runned into his car from !sideway! (so not the driver's fault) , and the gypsy kid got some little scratches.
Now 4 days ago happened the same, but now the driver didn't got lynched, cuz they knew if they do the same as some years ago, hungarian ppl won't stand this shit for more, and they start to hunt gypsies(some ppl already did this, they caught by police some days ago, but it seems they are just scapegoats, for a comedy background with the government... ).

I don't say all immigrants should be pushed out, as i said i (and most of hungarian ppl) don't have problem with immigrants, just with those who can't live like a human (gypsies), and theese "animals" should be pushed out to an uninhabited island, to live with their own (probably they gonna kill each other in a year).
But if someone hate every immigrants when they don't know them, is bad, and unfair, and these are the REAL nazis, not who don't like those who steal everthing from them...
Infinity 5x: inactive
Valkyria:  shiet
free from L2 since 2 years


wtf to all what u just wrote I made this topic just for laughs ... why so serious :D


the thing that really pisses me off that they think israeal religous is Islam , its like Fire and Water OMG


Quote from: XForCE on September 05, 2009, 10:11:13 AM
the thing that really pisses me off that they think israeal religous is Islam , its like Fire and Water OMG

ok, now, on that one they had to be searching for exceptionally stupid people.....
and keep in mind, for this kind of video, they would have edited out all the intelligent answers.  They may have been out there for weeks to find that many idiots.


Dont generalize, America is the whole country, i mean from Alaska to Argentina ( Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia....etc etc) so the tittle should be USA dumb ppl or something like that.

::)  :P
sixcessive1 PR/BD  -> Nightmare OFF
BAngelz Member


may be they searched but still