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I need to crush the spirit of this one person.... - Page 2



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I need to crush the spirit of this one person....

Started by kidicarus, September 01, 2009, 05:25:00 PM

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Quote from: kidicarus on September 01, 2009, 07:55:27 PM
If I posted that here you would all think im mad..... Let's just say that it was more in the way she said it, and her dumb arguments.

Either way I would most likely forgotten all about that costumer if she hadn't been dumb enough to send an email to my store thinking she was gonna get me in trouble with my boss.
Only problem is that im the boss.... I recieved the e-mail and the e-mail was highly offensive to me, and only partly true :P

try to add her addres to slut-looking-for-lotsa-cokcs and/or ninfo forums.
or better
play along a little more. if she is your customer, sent her a plea mail telling her that you as boss are gonna slap the "clerck" and get more data.. phone, address.. that as soon as you can you will sent a tech to help her.. and go.. learn all about her. get a pic if you can..them make her get a bag of postal mail spam daily from all the world.. sado cataloges, dildos cataloges and so on..make her parents repudiate her.. and even friends too

but use a inet cafe on other city

Putotapon  : (Fortune Seeker / Maestro) 84 - Mystic Muse 80 - Phoenix Knight 80 - Doomcryer 80


Quote from: Nekobasu on September 01, 2009, 08:40:11 PM
try to add her addres to slut-looking-for-lotsa-cokcs and/or ninfo forums.
or better
play along a little more. if she is your customer, sent her a plea mail telling her that you as boss are gonna slap the "clerck" and get more data.. phone, address.. that as soon as you can you will sent a tech to help her.. and go.. learn all about her. get a pic if you can..them make her get a bag of postal mail spam daily from all the world.. sado cataloges, dildos cataloges and so on..make her parents repudiate her.. and even friends too

but use a inet cafe on other city

:D :D :D lol'd about the last sentence :D

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Nekobasu on September 01, 2009, 08:40:11 PM
try to add her addres to slut-looking-for-lotsa-cokcs and/or ninfo forums.
or better
play along a little more. if she is your customer, sent her a plea mail telling her that you as boss are gonna slap the "clerck" and get more data.. phone, address.. that as soon as you can you will sent a tech to help her.. and go.. learn all about her. get a pic if you can..them make her get a bag of postal mail spam daily from all the world.. sado cataloges, dildos cataloges and so on..make her parents repudiate her.. and even friends too

but use a inet cafe on other city

Neko's life experience talking right here :p



lol  write her mail here and we will spam her mail :D


What if she created a new e-mail account and send the mail from there? -> spamming wont really work here

Try to get her phone number and add some stuff up the internet, that shes selling some stuff like a car,tv or w/e for a pretty cheap price so people will call her all the time because of it... Can be really annoying  ;D
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: Nekobasu on September 01, 2009, 08:40:11 PM
try to add her addres to slut-looking-for-lotsa-cokcs and/or ninfo forums.
or better
play along a little more. if she is your customer, sent her a plea mail telling her that you as boss are gonna slap the "clerck" and get more data.. phone, address.. that as soon as you can you will sent a tech to help her.. and go.. learn all about her. get a pic if you can..them make her get a bag of postal mail spam daily from all the world.. sado cataloges, dildos cataloges and so on..make her parents repudiate her.. and even friends too

but use a inet cafe on other city

Nah... That's to mean. If I wanted I could just shut down her phonenumber from work..... or change her subscription to something superexpensive for a month or so.
But I want a punishment fitting the crime, so she decided to send angry e-mails...... I'll send thousands of spammails back. Fair imo

Quote from: Lovroo on September 01, 2009, 09:44:25 PM
lol  write her mail here and we will spam her mail :D

Nah, thought about that but I don't trust all of you... If someone wanted they could send her my real name and I wouldn't like that one bit :P

Quote from: TomekAlmighty on September 01, 2009, 10:32:57 PM
What if she created a new e-mail account and send the mail from there? -> spamming wont really work here

The beauty of it is that her e-mail adress is "FirstName_LastName@hotmail.com" so I know that she would really want to keep that adress.
