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Started by matthew, April 29, 2010, 07:26:54 PM

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"As you can see from the poll result dn sub will be staying but with a new system.
Every character will beable to dn sub three times, once on every retail subclass it has.
For example, you started as a dwarf lets say bounty hunter and took retail subclass hawkeye, now once you have reached level 80 and obtained 3rd class you can go to our subclass manager named Astral in Aden and request to take a stacking class. The classes you will beable to choose from will depend on the race you took as retail.
For example, you took Blade dancer as retail sub, classes you can choose for stacking sub will be from the Dark Elf race. As mentioned when you take dn sub what happens normally on other DN servers is you will lose xp, but not on Valkyria, you will keep whatever level your on and your newly taken subclass will be on 3rd class too.
Obviously a Golkonda horn is required for EACH sub, so 1 character needs 3 horns if he/she wants to take sub on each retail class. Kamaels can sub only to their own race so they have very limited option but its possible for them to have subs too now.

To help everyone get a horn we have made Golkonda and family’s spawn twice as fast for the first opening month."
There u got Descent's words about how sub system will run.
In the last line we can see that we got 1 month with Golkonda's respawn time reduced on half.
Now i got a question to our players: How long it takes u to xp a char to 76 + retail this char + xp the retail at 80 +3'rd it on a 9x sv?
Well if u spend around 3-4h everyday on this game u got a chance to finish it in 2 weeks.
2 months instead on 1 would be very helpful to us oO


Valkyria x9:
imSe - SE
Dexoo - SH


Make a free horn - that will solve the problem ...  ::)
/ l2 offline ... finally ...