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Quest marks suggestion.



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Quest marks suggestion.

Started by Kerth, May 01, 2010, 02:48:35 PM

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Many players are complaining, because they can't buy quest marks for adena, so they have to make quests (which take a lot of time, noone like to trash his time i guess), because adena rate is kinda slow, and they spend most of their income for suplies.

So I've got idea, you could make quest marks buyable for bronze coins, like 400 coins for mark ( just suggestion ammount).

Hope you will consider this at least



does every mob drop this coins ? or only lvl 20 + ?


Quote from: Kerth on May 01, 2010, 02:48:35 PM

Many players are complaining, because they can't buy quest marks for adena, so they have to make quests (which take a lot of time, noone like to trash his time i guess), because adena rate is kinda slow, and they spend most of their income for suplies.

So I've got idea, you could make quest marks buyable for bronze coins, like 400 coins for mark ( just suggestion ammount).

Hope you will consider this at least
for 400 bronze coin u can buy a weapon d grade,(ancient reagent) if u sell it u can make 900k adena and 1 mark for 1st class is 400k and for second 800k
i prefer buy/sell weapon  with bronze coin xD
btw yesterday at start server a ancient reagest cost 250 bronze coin, today 400......