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Sub for SH?

Started by sjogos, May 24, 2010, 02:33:35 AM

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Hi ppl.
I need some help in sub my SH.My SH is lvl 79 and iam making retail quest.

I have asked some friends, and i read foruns about bests subs for this char, and i need an opinion.
I want a char good for :

1.Solo Playing (PVE) - Most of time
2. Solo PVP - if i want kill any1
3. Party Playing - if i find a party, or with clan.
4. Some mass PVP - with clan

My options for sub (NOT MUTANT)

SH/SE -> I think is the best, becouse i have EMP+WM+POW and root and Good Heal (Good becouse SH have low HP). I read in forum it sucks, but i analise and i think it is good. I have erase (i can erase summon from an SH/PS), and i can heal myself (major heal its really good). Divine Lore will save some MP.
SH/PS -> I have some questions. I think is good, but....Arcane Agility+Summon Lore is better than SE heal and buff and m.barrier?  I dont think so... i will still have an crappy heal, and PPs, SE's have Erase, so my summon will be deleted. I lack of root (good for PVPs with fighters). What is the diference of casting speed? Casting will be faster than a human Sorcerer (with same buffs)?

Another options i consider.  (Mutants)
Retail Necro and sub SE (Necro/SE): Necro with SE buffs and heal, with necro casting speed, maybe is better than SH/PS?
Retail WK and sub SH (WK/SH): I think will be like SH/PS right?

Subs i dont want:
SH/BD: Simply, becouse SH/SE is better in my opinion.
SH/SK: I think i will not get and great advantage for PVE solo. No heals, no buffs, only def....for me, sux. Sorry.

Yes...some people tell me: Make a bot BD/SE. I dont like to play with bots, i try to dont use it.
I had a sorc/pp in past, and was good. I was allways buffed, and i played solo so nice.
I want a char that, i can play solo (with my own buffs/pots) without problems. Becouse of that, i think SH/SE is the best, but i want your opinion. SE buffs + Acu pot, i think it will be good.


Quote from: sjogos on May 24, 2010, 02:33:35 AM
Hi ppl.
I need some help in sub my SH.My SH is lvl 79 and iam making retail quest.

I have asked some friends, and i read foruns about bests subs for this char, and i need an opinion.
I want a char good for :

1.Solo Playing (PVE) - Most of time
2. Solo PVP - if i want kill any1
3. Party Playing - if i find a party, or with clan.
4. Some mass PVP - with clan

My options for sub (NOT MUTANT)

SH/SE -> I think is the best, becouse i have EMP+WM+POW and root and Good Heal (Good becouse SH have low HP). I read in forum it sucks, but i analise and i think it is good. I have erase (i can erase summon from an SH/PS), and i can heal myself (major heal its really good). Divine Lore will save some MP.
SH/PS -> I have some questions. I think is good, but....Arcane Agility+Summon Lore is better than SE heal and buff and m.barrier?  I dont think so... i will still have an crappy heal, and PPs, SE's have Erase, so my summon will be deleted. I lack of root (good for PVPs with fighters). What is the diference of casting speed? Casting will be faster than a human Sorcerer (with same buffs)?

Another options i consider.  (Mutants)
Retail Necro and sub SE (Necro/SE): Necro with SE buffs and heal, with necro casting speed, maybe is better than SH/PS?
Retail WK and sub SH (WK/SH): I think will be like SH/PS right?

Subs i dont want:
SH/BD: Simply, becouse SH/SE is better in my opinion.
SH/SK: I think i will not get and great advantage for PVE solo. No heals, no buffs, only def....for me, sux. Sorry.

Yes...some people tell me: Make a bot BD/SE. I dont like to play with bots, i try to dont use it.
I had a sorc/pp in past, and was good. I was allways buffed, and i played solo so nice.
I want a char that, i can play solo (with my own buffs/pots) without problems. Becouse of that, i think SH/SE is the best, but i want your opinion. SE buffs + Acu pot, i think it will be good.
If you want to PvP with clan, then SH/SK is the best choice imo. Right, you won't have self heal, but how many clans go to PvP without Bishop? + You will have awesome shield defense, Deflect arrows, cubics and it is pain in the ass to kill char overall.

SH/SE is good for solo farming, but only if you cannot get buffs in any other way. You'll be easy to kill and imo it is the worst sub :P You mentioned few buffs and root as a +. Your Dryad Root will never land in end game PvP, but you still have Throne of Root or w/e it is called. And will you really be happy with subclass that gives you nothing but an average self heal and buffs which you can get from every PP?

SH/BD is just a SH with dances, low lvl of deflect arrow and UD.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on May 24, 2010, 03:58:09 AM
If you want to PvP with clan, then SH/SK is the best choice imo. Right, you won't have self heal, but how many clans go to PvP without Bishop? + You will have awesome shield defense, Deflect arrows, cubics and it is pain in the ass to kill char overall.

SH/SE is good for solo farming, but only if you cannot get buffs in any other way. You'll be easy to kill and imo it is the worst sub :P You mentioned few buffs and root as a +. Your Dryad Root will never land in end game PvP, but you still have Throne of Root or w/e it is called. And will you really be happy with subclass that gives you nothing but an average self heal and buffs which you can get from every PP?

SH/BD is just a SH with dances, low lvl of deflect arrow and UD.

Ok, i will forget SE and BD sub for now. I will assume i can get this buffs from anybody.

And u think SH/SK is better than SH/PS?
I know SH/SK will be good against archers and fighters, and maybe against mages too becouse of high m.def i will get (if SK magic defence stacks with anti-magic), and i will have another drain live with less MP cost. UD will be very good, becouse during 30 sec i get very good p.def and m.def. 30 seconds in PVP is alots of time.
But the reuse time of UD its high. I get good shield defence but.....all of this is good with a rob?

SH/PS with TP all dagame will be 50% to my summon, and i will get better casting speed.
I can use TP all time (UD only 30 sec). I have cubics (i dont know if are good/equal as SK cubics).
Summon friend is a good extra skill.

What you think? SH/SK is betther than SH/PS?


SH/PS is the most powerful sub for SH in pvping (solo/mass) - cuz it's have TP 50% , cool un-buffs , un-dieble  shadow ,awesome cubics , plus shadow have heal- it can heal u like bp wich is very good in pvp .

The 2nd chose is SH/SK cuz it's tank, but u have to play in good clan with full support chars.



Bajchos  Eon  plavusha



good char in oly have pasive skill to mana reg. Ud deflect arrow,medusa,blade strom, i think is the best sub for sh


Quote from: superniania on May 24, 2010, 12:37:33 PM
good char in oly have pasive skill to mana reg. Ud deflect arrow,medusa,blade strom, i think is the best sub for sh

U think BD Dances/Skills is better than SE Heals and buffs in oly?


what is your gamestyle?this is the most important before you choose what to do.if search in forum i guess you wull find many post that answers your question, unless they are deleted.
i have, sh/sk and sh/ps.

i wont spent time to explain about sh/bd, sh/se.they are chars demi support.consider to do such a char and you will be adorable by any party -but for help , not as a main damage dealer.

sh/sk. all good others mentioned, but....robe set.yes roe set on defences of sk it fakin sux.deflect arow only ~25% helpfull compared to heavy set, ud , the same.it does work well if you are with party of experienced players as a second line atack, to elimeinate some chars who manage to come close to you or close to bishop.i didnt enjoyed much this char, mana eater as a hell, and as long as i have experienced, it dies a bit faster than others.

sh/ps.so far the most strong mage in my opinion.a great minus is the mana consumption and a must is lvl 3 buffslot because buffs are never enough for this char.great damage dealer on pvp, end stay alive way too long because of transfer pain and the summon wich can easily reach ~18 k of hp.
i suggest it a s the best combo on sh and general on mage.summon althought is fakin hard to be erased
from others, so far i have never got erased summon in 1 k pvp.foul buffed is a  killin machine.
so far i never had valakas on him, but even without it, a 30-40% crit rate can be arcieved.antharas is a must to save you from archer stun, and baium ofcourse.is an expencive to maintain char. if you want to be on the first line of nukers.dies try +5witch - 5 , +4 con-4 str.must is tatoo witch lvl 4.
the heal of summon is (with bss for beast used) 1,3 k, you can make a macro and save your ass on many circumstances.
stats are in generaly :
buffed with pp/se/bd bufs:
~3k cp
~5k hp
~5k mp
with dnet robe and dynasty weapon 230 matk:
~6k matk (with togle on= 8,5 k)--on foul buff party + toglesi have 12,5 k matk using a dyna mace+7
~1700 casting (with togle on =2250)
~1600 pdef--1800 mdef
so in general, i sugest you do one, im sure you will enjoy it a lot.most importand is to have 8 fingers on the keyboard and 2 on mouse, cause it fakin need a lot of efort to unleash its foul potentials.
I love you, not for what you are, but for what i feel when i am with you...
                                 Gabriel Garcia Marques


I think SH/SK...

I have SK and SH so i think is the best choice.
you forgot about good cubics, especially vampiric. you have also UD final fortress and some passives/acticve skills for your shield.
lightning strike and good drains.
SH with SK sub is much stronger and its more advantage then SE sub. You can make SE/BD for support (the best support for nuker).


Yes Sk sub +1 deflect arrow , UD , cubic etc..
Infi : spangle - Saggi/ warlord /SH          Valk.: Antistar -  Dc-78 / He   Tarantula: Beyondthelaw


SH/SE, SH/PS or Necro/SE

i really like Necro/SE cuz i have sh/se and sh/sk and they run out of mana really really fast. In c4 was ok but now its really stupid. Necro/SE will have also a lot of debuffs and TP, really nice char. It wont be the biggest dmg dealer but will have at least mana for some time.
Ruddi -> SH/SK
DonDie -> BI/WC
Gemik -> SH/SE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze_fgGCStrQ&feature=youtu.be sad moment


Why se isnt a good sub u naabzords? U Think on robe u will get  same bonus as on heavy? Its not like that for me ps or se are best combo, BD is good for archer imo.