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Excidium - The honorless exploiter clan

Started by LegolasIII, July 10, 2010, 04:39:05 PM

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the point is that there were 2 parties of enclave standing on stairs and waiting for baium to go sleep T__T

RelaXo ~ Rest in Peace
Impact ~ Valkyria x9 Rest in Peace


As for getting a dragon on the August column, pillar and sumonowanie people ..... frabs, sceen is! and how it got on the pillar of your toilet? Be honest with other players .... You win as a pvp a few days ago the Exploited pvp nobody ...... weep now trying to avoid the ban, but the ban has to be !!!!!!!!!!

Mr. YoOcker


The double animation that actually appeard in the movie is nothing else as bug after relogging in same spot. A shadow of the orginal char had appeared. This kind of shadow only appears after relog and such, obviously your CL relogged and then logged back in cause he couldnt dismount wyvern. Also the shadow cannot be targetted by a player, its just a mirror or char, which actually isnt really there. So again, on movie Cheruby is being targetted which means that he IS there, on the exploit spot. Thx bb.



1st of all u didint target Cheruby, HotPussy it was Graphic Bug, when u will target him he will disappeared or u was scared to target him becouse u use l2w? hehe , this Movie don t proove nothing, btw all of us have Blooded Fabric , so gl .
Nightmare x30:
DraksLord TH/PP OFF
St1ngerx HE/BD OFF
Valkyria x9:
MasterGhost SPS + TY/DE + DE/TY + EE/SPS OFF
St1nger GL + HE/GL OFF
iDraksLord TH + TH/PP OFF


OK lets see this with excidium eyes. You were pvping with enclave, but You cant win you didnt have enough ppl, so you decided to keep Baium alive until you gather enough ppl. Enclave were waiting to get in to Baium, but you keep Baium somehow alive as far as you want. Enlave noticed it and they found out that they make a video they somehow put Cheruby to a place where he seems bugging, and put HotPussy to another place. But excidium were didnt even there or were they?. Sry but i dont rly get this story.
Server: -Infinite Nightmare 20x
Char Name: -Ashey
Char Gender: -Female
Mainclass (lvl): -Cardinal/Hell Knight (85)
Retail/DNsub (lvl): -Cardinal/PhoenixKnight (80)
Clan: -Black Army



Quote from: Sev3n on July 10, 2010, 06:20:58 PM
1st of all u didint target Cheruby, HotPussy it was Graphic Bug, when u will target him he will disappeared or u was scared to target him becouse u use l2w? hehe , this Movie don t proove nothing, btw all of us have Blooded Fabric , so gl .

Just like i said a couple minutes ago, the fact u got fabrics doesnt mean anything except that u finished a quest. What does this quest got to being summoned ? The only proof u could have would be a screen of hotpussy's chat with an information on the chat that blood fabric has been used, however she doesnt attached it. The question is - because she had lw2 on or just fabric wasnt used.

Quote from: Ashee on July 10, 2010, 06:24:23 PM
OK lets see this with excidium eyes. You were pvping with enclave, but You cant win you didnt have enough ppl, so you decided to keep Baium alive until you gather enough ppl. Enclave were waiting to get in to Baium, but you keep Baium somehow alive as far as you want. Enlave noticed it and they found out that they make a video they somehow put Cheruby to a place where he seems bugging, and put HotPussy to another place. But excidium were didnt even there or were they?. Sry but i dont rly get this story.

Bahahah, well said



why?cuz i must relogging all the time to keep baium alive:)
Excidium <3


grant exploida


Translate only one

Clan who congratulated and Exploited g4rro said:
if you had such an opportunity would you do it too, it is normal to spite the other one

Mr. YoOcker


Quote from: LegolasIII on July 10, 2010, 04:39:05 PM
After losing baium to excidium the day before yday today we managed to make up 2 pretty strong parties and killed excidium 3 times. After noticing they dont stand a chance this time the smart leader of excidium - cheruby - decided to fly to baium on a wyvern, sit down on a rock, summon in 2 clan members (like HotPussy which we were fighting 2 min before) and keep baium awaken for some undecided time. now i know that the gm has some exci past and so on but we do have more than enough proves about that and u wont tell its a legit way to do things so this time if those idiots wont get banned i rly dont know what else is needed.


here some of screens/movies brought together by clanmembers and neutrals who couldnt believe what honorless idiots excidium are


Since we knew that hotpussy didnt get in on a legit way, we started to looking for cheruby (clanleader with wyvern)

So sad story.. Omg i go cry a little....
Btw use more cheaters programs :)
And again btw gj Enclave u are so pro, and so fast die in Baium room xD

Dragon x15
Asenate - BD/PR (noblesse)
Severah - BP/WC (noblesse)
Nariane - PW/SWS *R.I.P*

Valkyrie x9
Asenate Sh/Sk, Bp/Wk (noblesse)




"gdybyscie mieli taka okazje tez byscie to robili "

means basically if u had an opportunity u would do that too

Im sorry but this proof is unbeatable.



This cry is not only contempt
but not about you g4rro speaking, we know very well and long. I know that you can fair play....
damage only because not everyone can accept defeat with dignity

Mr. YoOcker


Guys, i only wanna ask one question:

when u post screen on forum , why always did relog before it ? maybe u was in L2W , its a bit funny :)