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Excidium - The honorless exploiter clan

Started by LegolasIII, July 10, 2010, 04:39:05 PM

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Quote from: matidobi on July 10, 2010, 10:49:25 PM
anyway, we killed baium, exi leave it coz affraid of ban, dont use it next time please :) just when u loose, try next time, if u cant handle it, just give up, dont use exploit. THX

gf mati , greetins to relaxo  8)
Infinity x5                                                      
Moondust - SR/SWS Nobless                          
iMEXX - SPS/EE Nobless                              


greetings back :)

GMs not home yet? at least exci decided to leave baium after all. one step in the right direction.

RelaXo ~ Rest in Peace
Impact ~ Valkyria x9 Rest in Peace


Quote from: G4rro on July 10, 2010, 07:55:40 PM

pwnd of what ?

If Enclave would have a chance to freaked up Exci they gonna do it for sure ? seems that you barelly failed with a shitty video , and you are drasticly chaning a side and trying to put some words to Exci members
Seriously its my first time since i meet so pathetic enemys , dont stop to QQ plz , i want to laugh at you more  :D

ure clan is one big quack quack zerg, sowee u failed at this point



Quote from: matidobi on July 10, 2010, 10:49:25 PM
anyway, we killed baium, exi leave it coz affraid of ban, dont use it next time please :) just when u loose, try next time, if u cant handle it, just give up, dont use exploit. THX

Afraid of ban ? are u kidding me ? We just dont had enough ppls to kill Baium , so stop talking bullsh1ts, about screens from kodex..lets say i can make better ;) (Ofc Joke)  ;D
Nightmare x30:
DraksLord TH/PP OFF
St1ngerx HE/BD OFF
Valkyria x9:
MasterGhost SPS + TY/DE + DE/TY + EE/SPS OFF
St1nger GL + HE/GL OFF
iDraksLord TH + TH/PP OFF


probably gm wont ban exci leader or the other exploiter clan members, he will use some lame excuse for them not to get banned or even better, he wont even answer this thread and the incident will be forever forgotten in this sever that promissed to be great and ended up being the same crap dragon and nm have become.


so, as some1 before me say. Enclave can't play and they wanna find everythig for ban excidium and stay alone at server. That can be even some shit screen.  Mb in this way u will can pwn.
And i don't understand why u call us zerg clan. I think 3 pts always isn't zerg. And yesterday on Baium we can't make even one pt. So rly don't understand yours mentality.
Btw jailaa is from excidium? XD LOL XD Yea u have right Torn and Descent too! And i forgot on dragon Drake was in exci too!

Dragon x15
Asenate - BD/PR (noblesse)
Severah - BP/WC (noblesse)
Nariane - PW/SWS *R.I.P*

Valkyrie x9
Asenate Sh/Sk, Bp/Wk (noblesse)


Quote from: k0dex on July 10, 2010, 10:19:35 PM

k maybe this screens have geodata bug also?
or maybe we took them on another server?
yea hotpussy have quest done, cool sotry, it would be cool but we killed them 1 minute before, and sudenly they are up??

Its banable to go to epic in other way then vortex, if its not I can understand that we can enter baium by wyvern when som1 killing it? I wanna hear GM response for this question.

A and tx ExKidium for your all stupid answers you made my day and confirmed that you are bunch of randoms, who recruit everybody in dc robe set. DzumolekPL <3
1st screen wtf is it? Our Crest have such a freaked things inside? GL
2nd screen Invisible Char and Half visible nickname Cheruby? Oo Nice one.
3rd screen Where the freak is your target dude?

This screen made person which had recorded this movie. His system is totally freaked'up wallhack/no animation/zommhack/texture bugs.
Clearly you can even on screens see that any1 of this isn't as should be. As I know it's forbidden to edit system with wallhacks.
Clan: Enclave
Nick: kapsel
Title: "Zelazny"
Easy to check and judge him.

ToDescent/Torn for making shit like Enclave is making you suppose to punish them... Clan which is failing everywhere start to do things like that to freak up us from server.


ExCiDiuM <3
Chujozord - DE/PAL
CrazyJoe - PR/PAL
Unloco - BP/WC
PanPijak - NE/EE
Cherry SORC -> ES/EE


Quote from: matidobi on July 10, 2010, 10:49:25 PM
anyway, we killed baium, exi leave it coz affraid of ban, dont use it next time please :) just when u loose, try next time, if u cant handle it, just give up, dont use exploit. THX
u r foking idiot , we had only 1 pt vs u 2 pt. 'affraid of ban' haeheheh n/c
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUp9ApTyGiY&feature=related ENERGY 2000 JAZDAAAAA
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcF2-uQn5 TECHNO WARIATY
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq_HSShmVoY&feature=related   !!!


ppl from excidium,  i advice you to stay silent for a moment.

all the lose comments like noob, wtf, moron, retard, idiot, doesnt changes the fact that your clan used a exploit to get to baium, instead of using the vortex.  stop defending your clan with noobish comments, just accept the fact that ppl saw cheruby on a pillar.

entering baium in a different way is unfair for other clans who are trying to do it on a normal way, like it should.  So GM should take action!

I guess GM stays quiet in this situation, but he should check the pillars for summoners.

now that you read my post, you can start ur childish flame war and call eachother names and talk about your mothers  :-*

have fun ingame

/mybirthday 20/09/2005

The Last Doombringer member online!

Zenith Infinity Raven

Vassility SPS/ES
Valima PW/SWS


chery you going down down :D   plz give better arguments, where is target? everybody know you cannot target som1 whos so far, so plz learn to play l2 and learn loosing. and yes, your crest have some shit like this in screen. where is bav3 and hes big bank theory? haha som1 said we are loosing and we try to prepare some evidences to ban exkidium, no, we were winners y-day in pvp, and we got baium anyway. this forum sux bcos of tards who make spam spam spam, plz use arguments,

"ubers - hi, me clan plx, my clan fail me plz clan
"cheruby - there are some questions you have to answer first
"ubers - ok but clan me plox me have som!
"cheruby - do you have DC ROBE?
"ubers  - yes
"cheruby - so you are in! we searching ppl just like you!!!     :P


Since it's been weekend I haven't been much on. I read a little bit through the topic and will see what's to be done. In the mean time topic locked.

On another note, everyone who made GM accuses and insults of any sorts and I can track back ingame will have a short time ban. Enough is enough.