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4sep exploit

Started by DarkVengeance, August 19, 2010, 11:11:17 PM

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Quote from: GekKey on August 22, 2010, 01:43:45 AM
I dont wanna take any side on this... I just wanna bring something that "popped" in my eye. On the screen, you see in general chat, the "Victim" talk, this mean you are in the 3rd or further. This guy might have bugged in, but for what ? Theres no point going in such a deep room for key exploiting since the chests are not spawn, and this guy is a ee, basicly cant solo the RB... Anyway, thats just what i see from this picture wich i tought seems kinda strange...

Ok it toke a while till i made a picture obviously, the "EE" actually attacked Trooper here's the early one ...
I don't know if he came there for pvp, boss, screw up someones 4sep, or fun. It's an exploit so it doesn't really matter.
I posted it since I'm tired of seeing that all the time ... there You go another one.

And funny thing it's Crows clan again, dunno what have they teach You at Infinity ... but this is not right.
Also I'm still waiting for GM to move his finger ... and type something here.

♥ Panic ♥
Valkyria x9
DarkVengeance NE/BP

Nightmare x30
iBurn WL/SR
AncientDevil OL/WC

Dragon x15
DarkVengeance GL/PP


Dont worry, your topic didnt make my idea about crows :P anyways, like i said, its just this detail that was jumping to my eye
