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Started by Tukan, September 13, 2011, 07:51:29 PM

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Since Piccy is extint and making topic gets more attention, I"ll cry here too not only in PMs.

It's about skill, Frenzy. Moving to Gracia Final, Frenzy's reuse have become longer, but its power shouldn't have been nerfed. With 2H sword P.Atk should be exactly +300% so it's 4x (=4 times) P.Atk increase compared to P.Atk w/o skill.
Problem starts here:
It is nowhere 4 times value, just 2,5.

It's been like this since your precious stacking weapon mastery "fix"... (Before anyone would complain, I don't need stacking mastery back, I'm just adding time interval)

Tukann (DE/WC)  @ Blackarmy, Infinity


Frenzy\0   a,Increases one's own P. Atk. by 50% for 1 minutes 30 seconds. Additionally increases P. Atk. by 131% when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear. When using a two-handed sword/blunt weapon, increases accuracy by 6 and P. Atk. by 16%. Can be used when HP is under 30%.

frenzy lvl 3, all tests w/o armor with HP<30%
2h sword(ipos+4) 1052->2589               =x2.47, lower than expected
2h blunt(beghemoth+5) 1077->2661       =x2.47, lower than expected
pole (typhoone spear+3) 807->1680       =x2.08, lower than expected
1h blunt(mace of underworld) 359-727  =x2.02, lower than expected
dagger (cursed dagger) 240->453         =x1.89, more than expected

and skill can be used while HP is 100% (edit here, just tested)
patck with ipos and behe on full hp 1470 and 1508 (+40%)


Actually skill description meant this:
All weapons= +50% patk on full Hp and if is 2H Sword/Blunt extra +16% patk on full Hp.
IF Hp<=30% 1/2H Sword/Blunt and Spear extra +131% patk.

We have here this approx:
1/2H Sword/Blunt and Spear= +22% on full Hp and if 2H Sword/Blunt extra +24% on full Hp.
Dagger/Dual Sword= +0% patk on full Hp.
Bow/Fist= -45% patk on full Hp.
IF Hp <=30% ALL weapons extra +90%
Facked up  :D?

PS: when you calculate % bonus from a buff you must remove from your current patk stat the passive skill bonuses as they give usually exact values and not count when multipling. Same on Frintezza which gives exactly +250 patk.


Quote from: Tukan on September 13, 2011, 07:51:29 PM
Since Piccy is extint and making topic gets more attention, I"ll cry here too not only in PMs.

It's about skill, Frenzy. Moving to Gracia Final, Frenzy's reuse have become longer, but its power shouldn't have been nerfed. With 2H sword P.Atk should be exactly +300% so it's 4x (=4 times) P.Atk increase compared to P.Atk w/o skill.
Problem starts here:
It is nowhere 4 times value, just 2,5.

It's been like this since your precious stacking weapon mastery "fix"... (Before anyone would complain, I don't need stacking mastery back, I'm just adding time interval)

7k+ pvp on de nice one  ;D