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Started by =^TrackZero^=, February 26, 2012, 11:13:58 PM

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Do you want anakim to be delted as summon?

84 (51.9%)
78 (48.1%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Voting closed: March 04, 2012, 11:13:58 PM


Quote from: surecom on February 27, 2012, 05:41:57 PM
Dear retarded PIskal, playing 6-7 years there seriously dmged your brain - rly.... Just some time think a litle - if we are official - why we have icarus drop,spoil - i only will give this like example - in other hand i wonder why i try to explain you smth. Almost all players there know that your brain, like i wrote above is seriosly damaged
I sew who wana start trening to be smart .U brain work perfekt .no comment any more with u .u have only 1 think going check u dirty face in miror.LILIT WILL DROP ANAKIM SCROL VERY SOON ROFL

NiToPaMi-sps/ee nobless


Quote from: MegaZord on February 27, 2012, 01:04:52 PM
Why Weezer hiting so much with Anakim? Answer: He is nuker ,skilled pvp player and got holy in weapon when use Anakim.
Why Missviva hiting low? Answer: He is full support and i doubt he using holy in weapon and with all respect to him, he is not so skilled as Weezer.
So nec/pp got more INT then ol/wc or sws/ee right? Give anakim to sh for example Felissin and u will see damage.
And i dont know why ppl die with such damage from him, maybe its time to learn buff? Why he didnt kill me yesterday? And was trying few times. And my holy resist in set is sh1ty.

just 1 reason to prove ur explanation is wrong

Quote from: ylim on March 28, 2013, 10:19:02 AM
setup with bp/wk only with diego, the best bp/wk in dn others would die easy.


Quote from: Weezer on February 27, 2012, 01:07:49 AM
On screen u have no Songs/Dances, no CC and from Wards i can have max +3 from INT, not +8.
If people use buffs same as u do on this screen now i know why i make such damage.
But dont worry i voted to remove it.

Not just CB have it, tbh we have 2 Anakim's, mine and Katsu (not playing with this char) and on AOD u have MissViva, Nitopami and Llamame. There's 3 active players on AOD and 1 on CB.

This is not flame, but u must know that Anakim have a skill that remove the debuffs on it, most of time i see people using all kind of skills on me, except SILENCE (just 2 times while i was on Anakim people silenced me) and with Silence i cant use this skill on myself and also can't heal myself.

lol u saw my m def??even without songs and other buffs isnt pretty op dmg?;D and if not dmg op look 2 hits in a row without time to heal...obiouvsly cmon...why u never admit that is fuking unbalanced thing?is so hard..and bout int+8 i just want  remind u our last discussion on old topic where "u teached us" how to use anakim and explained that u had int+8...


Quote from: PvtStuka on February 27, 2012, 12:32:17 PM
Does this matters anyway? Scroll was obtainable before GF update (some ppl farmed anakim then, hi Arhangell :) ), some people got it, NONE was able to harvest its potential before Voodoo did on Katsu. THEN suddenly a river of tears appeared. Suprisingly, apart from Weezer, none other could copy that.

Time goes by, Voodoo changed chars, chose one of the abandoned classes, reached its potential on Shironeko, THEN suddenly a river of tears appeared. We can see the copycats running around now.

There isn't anything new to this game, these things were allready there to use. So as I see it, Voodoo is the beta-tester, FTP are the test subjects, most of the server (who rerolls after the test) are the customers, and yet again FTP/WS etc. are the upset customers who didn't get what they want in the way they wanted.

Vote given, I said "no", but it doesn't really matter to us anymore. You (our enemies) aren't a threat to us, with using Anakim. Now, I'm waiting for the "Remove Real Target/Prahnah" topic.

Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


Astramael      [db/tr]


Quote from: FIREBLADE on February 27, 2012, 07:31:47 PM
lol u saw my m def??even without songs and other buffs isnt pretty op dmg?;D and if not dmg op look 2 hits in a row without time to heal...obiouvsly cmon...why u never admit that is fuking unbalanced thing?is so hard..and bout int+8 i just want  remind u our last discussion on old topic where "u teached us" how to use anakim and explained that u had int+8...

Yes i saw ur m. def and u stil can reach more cause u dont have songs, and damage could be lower if u had CC.

And yes i tried to teach people who to use Anakim, but well as u could see they still don't know how to use it. Someday they gonna learn it or we gonna keep complaining till this gonna be removed?

So it's my fault the transformation is OP? This is how NCSoft made it.

It's my fault Nitopami and MissViva don't use weapon with Holy Attribute? Should i give a weapon with Holy for them?

FFS u have 3 Anakim's and u can't use that shit properly!

Check Zord's post, but ofc it's easier to QQ than find a way to kill me when i'm using Anakim or to survive against my hits.


Quote from: Weezer on February 27, 2012, 09:17:08 PM
Yes i saw ur m. def and u stil can reach more cause u dont have songs, and damage could be lower if u had CC.

And yes i tried to teach people who to use Anakim, but well as u could see they still don't know how to use it. Someday they gonna learn it or we gonna keep complaining till this gonna be removed?

So it's my fault the transformation is OP? This is how NCSoft made it.

It's my fault Nitopami and MissViva don't use weapon with Holy Attribute? Should i give a weapon with Holy for them?

FFS u have 3 Anakim's and u can't use that shit properly!

Check Zord's post, but ofc it's easier to QQ than find a way to kill me when i'm using Anakim or to survive against my hits.

pm biruleibe for holy weapon he took 1 from me  :D


Quote from: ylim on February 27, 2012, 11:23:00 PM
pm biruleibe for holy weapon he took 1 from me  :D

my cool am+4? :D
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
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Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Di on February 27, 2012, 05:47:36 PM
just 1 reason to prove ur explanation is wrong

Katsu was using holy in weapon so u failed ;p. And Weezer hiting better then Katsu did. So its about INT of char.
Dragon x15:
Angels Of Death Clan
Zordy - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
ZordII - Arcana Lord/Cardinal - active
Robin - Elemental Master/Mystic Muse - retired
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Zordinia - Sword Muse/Mystic Muse - retired


Quote from: MegaZord on February 27, 2012, 11:43:08 PM
Katsu was using holy in weapon so u failed ;p. And Weezer hiting better then Katsu did. So its about INT of char.

No, it's because i had ic+a+3 with 300 attr only. xD


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