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Raiboss status

Started by =^TrackZero^=, January 09, 2014, 10:18:43 PM

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Quote from: nbx on January 10, 2014, 01:36:13 PM
There's literally nothing valuable in your comment. It's just an ignorant rant.
+1 there a bit (no hate at all ,its just not good idea)

Thou u can chose "or play or live"  ppl chose live .

Since you will be able get 1+1 char out of city only, then many many many depends on your friends/clan  . Make RB spawn max X+3hour for quest bossess and for "farm" dont rly care . There are many ways how to farm, not rly need rb actions at all -> afterall .

So if u "nolife" u can camp whatever u want and u will anyway . But is not fair to NOLIFERS if you announce/make spawn  X+1h   .  Not to mention that "ppl who work can donate to suport server"  which mean they dont need to "Get evry boss" and this fun can stay at "Real players"  :P aka  24/7-ers . 

As well i think u shuld improve drop from PK , cuz this is gona be mess anyway u set it :)   
I just log to applaud Track and smite Glasy ..

missing frames in my videos are there to show you, that my fraps software is not pirated ^^  it can record onlz 30secs and then u must push the buton again


+1 for drop from pk

Btw i said that keep respawn secret, that means only developers of server know the respawn ecuation. The rest of the followers, read it in announcements.


am gona th/pp if there will be list with spawns :) 

" wow  xXxxx alive . lets move there , wait the 60 ppl deal with eachother and clean all the pk "

on the otherside , works for me :)     Mby i erase the "no" vote afterall  :)
I just log to applaud Track and smite Glasy ..

missing frames in my videos are there to show you, that my fraps software is not pirated ^^  it can record onlz 30secs and then u must push the buton again


th/pp? lol. people will just make a big bunch of watcher accounts if there is no raidboss map. it really adds nothing to the gameplay, this will only stress login server.


make RB status like a dragon but without epicks
Tarantula   IL     Dragon H5          Hellraiser         Gaia         Infinity

BUFFSONG         BUFFCAT            SHAMANA         SHAMANA              NE/PP
sws/ee               best pp/wk ever       WC/OL         WC/OL        


Giving public RB status is a bad idea.

However it would be good to randomize time frames a little bit, and make that info publicly available.

1st kill - 8h +- 1-2h
2nd kill - 6h +- 1-2h
3rd kill - 10h +- 1-2h

and so on


just give spawn times, don't make any status on forums, we wanna make cameras ... its damn part of the game.


*IF* you can guarantee PvPs on normal raids, this is good. But what I see is, the game just changes a little bit. It becomes who can go to the RB fastest and start hitting, versus who can camp.

Because if there is no PvP zone. I am calling it now, I've even seen this on PvP servers. Carebear clans ignore wars, and have a full party ready to just farm.

IF you have a PvP zone around RBs. Well, then. We got something interesting. Because "top" clans can get zerged by rest of the server. Rest of the server will be encouraged to form alliances, and if we reduce exp loss on death also, will be epic.

I suggest preventing Restore life on RBs as well.



Quote from: bsrealm on January 11, 2014, 10:45:37 AM
reduce exp loss on death also.
I suggest preventing Restore life on RBs as well.


Dying should be painful, but if on top levels we would have rates 1x then I think it would be good to reduce exp loss on death.

Also I believe it would be good if augumented weapons on PK could be dropped as well on death.
Even dying from MOB should have a chance of dropping equipment (as in old C3/C4 times)


Quote from: ^Saristian on January 11, 2014, 01:21:02 PM
Dying should be painful, but if on top levels we would have rates 1x then I think it would be good to reduce exp loss on death.

Also I believe it would be good if augumented weapons on PK could be dropped as well on death.
Even dying from MOB should have a chance of dropping equipment (as in old C3/C4 times)
Augmented weapons drop from PK would be abusable, because people would trade their weapons that way. For instance you get WM and you are fighter, so you can drop it that way to your ally. However, if they could make that augment is automatically lost when you drop it, then it could work.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 01, 2014, 10:16:44 AM
There will be no armors nor weapons at donny. Spoil/craft them.


Quote from: GenghisKhan on January 11, 2014, 01:26:31 PM
However, if they could make that augment is automatically lost when you drop it, then it could work.



Quote from: GenghisKhan on January 11, 2014, 01:26:31 PM
Augmented weapons drop from PK would be abusable, because people would trade their weapons that way. For instance you get WM and you are fighter, so you can drop it that way to your ally. However, if they could make that augment is automatically lost when you drop it, then it could work.

Ughm I had no idea you actually cannot drop them at all now.... off course make them droppable, without the agu as this man suggests.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(