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Started by Stazy, January 19, 2014, 01:07:19 PM

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Track you said that the party member is too far away and you must be in range, but if i want to be in party to chat with multiple players..not just 1(with 1 you can chat in pm) to be honest..i have a friend that is playing with me and i want to be in party all the time..he is exp-ing and i am in town buying stuff and we chat there..i see his hp..laugh when he dies and so on...this bug is a serious bug and needs to be fixed in my opinion..also even when you are farming if i go for a "sepcial mob" that is rare and he is already fighting other mobs and i exit the range...can't pick up drop.
"Whe serch the truth but whe can't find anything but incertain things ,whe serch for happynes ,but all whe find is unhappynes and mizery.Whe are incapabile to wish the truth and happynes "
Blaise Pascal "Chosen writings"


Quote from: Stazy on January 19, 2014, 01:07:19 PM
Track you said that the party member is too far away and you must be in range, but if i want to be in party to chat with multiple players..not just 1(with 1 you can chat in pm) to be honest..i have a friend that is playing with me and i want to be in party all the time..he is exp-ing and i am in town buying stuff and we chat there..i see his hp..laugh when he dies and so on...this bug is a serious bug and needs to be fixed in my opinion..also even when you are farming if i go for a "sepcial mob" that is rare and he is already fighting other mobs and i exit the range...can't pick up drop.
I know it is a bug Stazy, i just said it what causes it and how to temp solve it, until we fix it properly thats all.
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Ok sorry bout that..you can lock it
"Whe serch the truth but whe can't find anything but incertain things ,whe serch for happynes ,but all whe find is unhappynes and mizery.Whe are incapabile to wish the truth and happynes "
Blaise Pascal "Chosen writings"


Quote from: Stazy on January 19, 2014, 01:18:23 PM
Ok sorry bout that
No appologize to you and all players for this unplanned issue.

But the thing is we fixed party exploit exping just before the servers launch. You was able to sit in town while other is exping all over the map and still to recieve full exp like you were beside him.

Yet pickup bug remains, and must be fixed .

Thank you for submiting the issue once again
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make autopickup please, this picking drops when it says "please try again later" is really annoying. Also spiritshots doesn't work how they should...


Quote from: Kubi on January 19, 2014, 03:04:05 PM
make autopickup please, this picking drops when it says "please try again later" is really annoying. Also spiritshots doesn't work how they should...


funny is one im trying to pick up my drops, by the way im not eve in party, just solo, and have to wait 20-30 seconds to do it


 it s so boring waiting 3 hours to pick up adena and other things...pls fix it soon.


Any info about if its really possible to fix it?
Necro (psy)
RedKnights Clan


Quote from: lNecropsy on January 20, 2014, 02:28:48 PM

Any info about if its really possible to fix it?
It is, alresdy wrote about it. Ss lag and pickup is the priority
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