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Quest golkies

Started by Dzadro, April 11, 2014, 11:35:09 PM

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See changelog.
Now for last hit is just 1 horn (to a random party member, highest priority on never subbed chars).
But 4 shard are dropped (priority is on highest damage party) and with just 3 you can get horn (plus shards are fully tradable) so the highest damage party gets basically 1 horn and a spare shard to trade (or if they manage to kill 3 golkies, is basically 4 horns)


so its basically the same(1 horn gone, 4 shards came,means 0.3 horn extra), except for the mammon option..which might boost lunargent prices....anyway, it's still something...snd it solves the "who will start hitting the golki" problem..

I dont see why not just shorten golky spawn times..


Quote from: remeron on April 18, 2014, 11:23:35 AM
so its basically the same(1 horn gone, 4 shards came,means 0.3 horn extra), except for the mammon option..which might boost lunargent prices....anyway, it's still something...snd it solves the "who will start hitting the golki" problem..

I dont see why not just shorten golky spawn times..
They do have rather short spawn time, its just the matter of big random ^^


Quote from: remeron on April 18, 2014, 11:23:35 AM
so its basically the same(1 horn gone, 4 shards came,means 0.3 horn extra), except for the mammon option..which might boost lunargent prices....anyway, it's still something...snd it solves the "who will start hitting the golki" problem..

is 33% extra horn, so not really crap. And considering that we have 6 golkondas in total, that means 6 extra shards = 2 extra horns.
GoE option seems no one takes it even in consideration...

Just small notice: Soul of Andarta you get with Fragment of Andarta and the whole party gets the fragment.
This means that with 4 bosses (the requirement of 1 soul of andarta, as 1 soul = 4 fragments) your whole party gains 1 soul each (up to 9 souls in total). Thats pretty remarkable.
The 4 bosses are up everyday during the opening time of GoE (so you dont even have to catch the correct spawntime)


Quote from: =drake= on April 18, 2014, 11:33:05 AM
is 33% extra horn, so not really crap. And considering that we have 6 golkondas in total, that means 6 extra shards = 2 extra horns.
GoE option seems no one takes it even in consideration...

1/3 horn is something yea, I agree...on avarege it is almost 1 horn per day..
as for GoE option, pls don't make us pvp with non-subbed chars...

My complain was that I barely see golkies and there r more ppl like me who can't dedicate much time to play...

your server, your rules,


Quote from: remeron on April 18, 2014, 12:04:50 PM
1/3 horn is something yea, I agree...on avarege it is almost 1 horn per day..
as for GoE option, pls don't make us pvp with non-subbed chars...

My complain was that I barely see golkies and there r more ppl like me who can't dedicate much time to play...

your server, your rules,
Then buy a horn with lunargents at mammon?
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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 18, 2014, 12:17:43 PM
Then buy a horn with lunargents at mammon?

I'll see to it..thanks


It would be also great that only chars 76+ would get a horn or at least 70+, and as Oo said, increase range for subbed chars


Quote from: =drake= on April 18, 2014, 11:00:24 AM
See changelog.
Now for last hit is just 1 horn (to a random party member, highest priority on never subbed chars).
But 4 shard are dropped (priority is on highest damage party) and with just 3 you can get horn (plus shards are fully tradable) so the highest damage party gets basically 1 horn and a spare shard to trade (or if they manage to kill 3 golkies, is basically 4 horns)

when you say "highest priority on never subbed chars" what you mean is never subbed chars have a higher chance of getting it, right?
Dragon c3/c4

Twix http://i.imgur.com/ijnOBg4.jpg?1


Quote from: _okazaki_ on April 19, 2014, 12:10:04 AM
when you say "highest priority on never subbed chars" what you mean is never subbed chars have a higher chance of getting it, right?

Yes. In a party with mixed people like some chars with zero subs and chars with sub in retail (or main), the chars with zero sub have 3 times more chances to get the horn.


Quote from: =drake= on April 19, 2014, 12:13:28 AM
Yes. In a party with mixed people like some chars with zero subs and chars with sub in retail (or main), the chars with zero sub have 3 times more chances to get the horn.

figured cause after that update launched I last hitted a golky with a pt and my char(with no subs) didn't get it, but a friends char on retail(with subbed mainclass) got it.

Dunno why not simply make it a true priority list, where the players without any subs will always get it before the players with subbed mainclass/retail classes...
Dragon c3/c4

Twix http://i.imgur.com/ijnOBg4.jpg?1


Quote from: _okazaki_ on April 19, 2014, 12:30:27 AM
Dunno why not simply make it a true priority list, where the players without any subs will always get it before the players with subbed mainclass/retail classes...

That would be just unfair for mixed random parties. Everyone should have a chance somehow.

I dont want a situation like:
"hello, can i join your party for golky? Thanks! but... does someone in this party have zero subclasses chars? if yes i leave as is pointless..."
"LF golky party! invite me! no party with zero subs in it, thanks!"