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Set +6



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Set +6

Started by AbdulHasib, November 19, 2015, 01:51:19 PM

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I'm wearing doom h set +6 and there is not any bonus
Shouldn't i get p.def bonus?

here I'm wearing enchanted items --->http://oi63.tinypic.com/15wcaqp.jpg
here I'm changed shield to regular one --->http://oi68.tinypic.com/21lv2bt.jpg


Quote from: AbdulHasib on November 19, 2015, 01:51:19 PM
I'm wearing doom h set +6 and there is not any bonus
Shouldn't i get p.def bonus?

here I'm wearing enchanted items --->http://oi63.tinypic.com/15wcaqp.jpg
here I'm changed shield to regular one --->http://oi68.tinypic.com/21lv2bt.jpg

from shield you get +24% shield defence
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1. additional bonus from shield: Shield Def +24%, but shield def and pdef is not the same things.
2. for bonus from +6 set(pdef and mp recovery rate) u dont need shield.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Shadow21 on November 19, 2015, 02:09:44 PM
for bonus from +6 set(pdef and mp recovery rate) u dont need shield.

This, my mistake, solved :P