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QQ topic #2



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QQ topic #2

Started by stanko, November 21, 2015, 10:06:56 AM

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Since the last one got closed for the flaming reasons, I'm now posting it in Flame ON section.

I have to say that I really enjoy playing here, having good time with my party, laughs etc... But what is missing is pvp... ON A PVP SERVER...
I am not quite sure how people become so scared of leaving town with main chars. Also we've seen in last couple of days that members of one of 2 big clans started leaving clan so that they can farm chimera spot without war penalty. What is this shit? You are farming stuff to get your char stronger, to be able to pvp better, and this farming will go on and on, and your main char will never be 100% full... so it means you will never get out and pvp? Even if you do manage to get full gear/enchants and whatnot, what will happen then? You will find nobody on those open world spots, because everyone finished their chars! Nobody is farming anything anymore, and will be just empty talk in towns how they are looking for pvps etc. This game is really a farm game, means farming is one of the biggest factor that will stimulate pvp. As long as there is some objective and resource to be fought for, the server and community will be alive. And the moment you stop caring how to build party for certain event things will go down. How it's supposed to work according to some logic of mine? You group with your party, go to the spot where you usually farm and enemies are there. What you do? Kill them and continue your routine. They come again, possibly bring some more people if they can't win in previous setup and pvp grows larger and larger, and everyone has great action! But how it actually happens now? The part when you go there and see enemies there, you try 1 pvp, no matter who won soe to town is inevitable, cause you will return with your clanless character to avoid wars. (or don't even fight back 1 time, who cares to lose time for it when you could've gotten some serious drops without being harassed by enemies)
I don't know, maybe you guys enjoy this way of playing, but what is the point of it at the end of the day? Everyone here, as I recall, was hungry for pvp and for opening of this server - TO HAVE PVPS. And now, we see countless of excuses to not join in pvp...

Tbh +1 for clan MostHated. Guys are clearly behind our clan/party in terms of gear and some actions in numbers, but they hardly give up and you can always find them outside on main chars and with war tag. To others, grow your clans, grow your balls and let's see the action that we were promised when we joined this server!

Discuss. Start flaming.

QuoteWhat about people stop fighting on forum and just play? Let the game itself make natural selection...leave forum to be support place.
Dont make things bigger than they are already, let others to grow. Anyway this is just another topic what is older chicken or the egg...
I am from Fear clan. If you'd log sometimes you'd know that this clan is always looking for pvp, and not fighting on forum, get your facts straight.
Letting enemies grow? How long? Everyone was spamming during the beta that we shouldn't test +30 skills and dynasty gear etc cause we will not have that on live... Guess what, we already have the most of it. And it's not like we are playing 24/7 to get advantages over our enemies, we play 3h a day, we even stream it so there are material evidences to support this claim. And if 3h a day isn't how casuals play I don't know what it is...

QuoteYou cant force people to pvp until they believe they are ready to pvp. There is pvp and there will be pvp, just give it time situation on server is warming up! Afterall not even 2 months passed guys...
Again, what warm up? I haven't been avoiding pvp even leveling 1-78 without sub or skills, what more do you need to pvp, everyone is in S grade already with some really shiny weapons and rb jewels... Mark my words, once people get FULL gear they will have no reason to leave town and pvps won't even happen. On sieges already nobody is coming, so I don't know, make 1 castle only siegeable?

QuoteI will lock this topic since it will become a flame-troll-insult place which will only drain our energy.

Cya in game
Yeah, thanks for having absolute no respect for my time writing this post in order to motivate people. If it's not all rainbow and happiness bullshit opinions get silenced, even tho you claim that you support pvp on this server.
Once again, I'm not saying that server is dead, I'm just saying that PVP IS MISSING ON A PVP SERVER, and it's only community's fault.
Bajchos  Eon  plavusha



So lets ban players who dont pvp?
Would you pvp if you are not in "big" clan?
Would you pvp if not ready yet?
Does other servers have discussions like this, do they allow negative topics regarding their server?
Do you think that other servers have pvp 24/7 even x99999999 ones?
Im sorry but your comment doesnt stand.
Speaking of respect, i didnt delete your post i just locked it to prevent incoming shitrain.

Anyway, you wanted it, there you go. Enjoy democratic forum.
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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on November 21, 2015, 10:19:46 AM
So lets ban players who dont pvp?
Would you pvp if you are not in "big" clan?
Would you pvp if not ready yet?
Does other servers have discussions like this, do they allow negative topics regarding their server?
Do you think that other servers have pvp 24/7 even x99999999 ones?
Im sorry but your comment doesnt stand.
Speaking of respect, i didnt delete your post i just locked it to prevent incoming shitrain.

Anyway, you wanted it, there you go. Enjoy democratic forum.
Actually, until this server, I was mostly playing in group with 1 friend with boxed buffers, and believe me I never avoided pvp even in those scenarios. Maybe I wasn't killing many epics that way, but wiping 1 party with 2 guys was always tasting sweet.
I don't see this as a negative comment, rather I find it as global question for other players and for their opinions on how long do they need before they start pvping here. And why would you care about what other servers allow and what not? This only means that YOU have this point of view regarding freedom of speech and that's some really regressive point of view which will not give you respect of players nor good publicity.
And I'm not even looking for a shitrain, I truly want to know people's opinion about this matter.
Bajchos  Eon  plavusha



Sometimes leave town for pvp without full set-up with 2 bishops and 2 elders and I bet you'll find more actions  ::)
The Special One
Blizzer TH/DA 43x HERO - reloaded as TH/PAL
20+ HERO on other dagger classes


Quote from: Blizzer on November 21, 2015, 10:35:34 AM
Sometimes leave town for pvp without full set-up with 2 bishops and 2 elders and I bet you'll find more actions  ::)
Yeah sure, pm me with location and I'll be there. Only places I find people outside is Pagan and Rift, where unfortunately I can't hit them  8)
Bajchos  Eon  plavusha



Quote from: Blizzer on November 21, 2015, 10:35:34 AM
Sometimes leave town for pvp without full set-up with 2 bishops and 2 elders and I bet you'll find more actions  ::)
Garro | Enclave | Kaylo | Succellus

DevilsNation | Carebears | Excidium | CaerSidi

Discord Garro#0484



Quote from: Garro on November 21, 2015, 10:45:05 AM

I'm really expecting something more intelligent than this answer, new excuse is that your enemy is well prepared so that's why no pvp? LOL
Bajchos  Eon  plavusha



Quote from: Blizzer on November 21, 2015, 10:35:34 AM
Sometimes leave town for pvp without full set-up with 2 bishops and 2 elders and I bet you'll find more actions  ::)
2 vs 6?7?9? dunno

This is just from last days, ppl came once and then i saw only clanless orcs running.

Dont even dare to touch "you dont leave town without bla bla" part
Watch stream next time when we move on 2 box and 1 bp only, still 0 enemies pops up.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on November 21, 2015, 10:19:46 AM
So lets ban players who dont pvp?
Would you pvp if you are not in "big" clan?
Would you pvp if not ready yet?
Does other servers have discussions like this, do they allow negative topics regarding their server?
Do you think that other servers have pvp 24/7 even x99999999 ones?
Im sorry but your comment doesnt stand.
Speaking of respect, i didnt delete your post i just locked it to prevent incoming shitrain.

Anyway, you wanted it, there you go. Enjoy democratic forum.
It is not any kind of problem GMs can solve, it just to show ppl how wrong their mentality is. I can understand they will not want to fight some one fully geared party, but that doesnt mean pvp have to be equal, spots on chimeras are enough big so if one party takes one spot, come with 2 pt and wipe them simple as that. Right now they will log clanless orcs and just try to farm...


Quote from: Blizzer on November 21, 2015, 10:35:34 AM
Sometimes leave town for pvp without full set-up with 2 bishops and 2 elders and I bet you'll find more actions  ::)

that might have sense
during our CP time there is no enemies in the entire world of hellraiser (except pagan and rift) - dunno where are they hidding
otherwise revel is killing them alone (1vs5 / 2vs7...)

Only MH have balls to do not leave clan for some exp at HB and make some PvP
Pround AoD member

P0lmrok - OL/WC  -  Top 1 (Retired)
Terminate - SK/BD - Top 1 (Retired)
Terminat - BP/WK - Quite Top (Retired)

Quality > Quantity

Fak Ju pica diktator .!. ju łil not łin cziter


Quote from: stanko on November 21, 2015, 11:12:46 AM
I'm really expecting something more intelligent than this answer, new excuse is that your enemy is well prepared so that's why no pvp? LOL

Dude, you are well prepared only from 8pm to 11pm. Each person from ur CP isnt leaving a town when u don't have full party ready to roll out. Don't expect much at this time when ppl are already bored of farming/pvping all day long. There is much more fun during the full day than only in late hours. Specially if most of ppl are working on the next day so they wont sit infront of the monitor till 12pm and fights with u, when they are going to work at 5 am next day. You werent so rush in pvp at yesterdays Antharas didnt you? Somehow Exci were ready to fight with 3 pties at 5pm but your main CP wasnt ready so u didnt even show up (Lets don't count IRA standing inside and counting mins...)

Simply stop waiting for rest of ur 8ppl from CP and leave a town with rest of ur clan members.
Garro | Enclave | Kaylo | Succellus

DevilsNation | Carebears | Excidium | CaerSidi

Discord Garro#0484



Sadly i have to agree with Eon (and Kalineaa)

Hellraiser is a PVP server but:
Sieges - do not exist
Oly - do not exist
Random PVPs - hard to find
Random mass PvP - last one and the ONLY ONE was made on Varka thx to killerororor stream (and the one on arcanas - garro/sixytouch movies*)
Pround AoD member

P0lmrok - OL/WC  -  Top 1 (Retired)
Terminate - SK/BD - Top 1 (Retired)
Terminat - BP/WK - Quite Top (Retired)

Quality > Quantity

Fak Ju pica diktator .!. ju łil not łin cziter


Imo there should be only two siegeable castles.

1st sieges were fun. But know when each of top clans have castle, it is dead.
professional retarded driver