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Goddard 20.4

Started by Kamillo29, April 20, 2008, 05:59:24 PM

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Quote from: Kamillo29 on April 21, 2008, 08:43:30 PM
Wpadaj do Polski to się napijemy ) sąsiedzie
ja niemam zadaleko do czesky tzsesin ci jak sie nazywa z mojej strony :P


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on April 21, 2008, 02:01:22 PM
1. Wasnt me who wrote that.
2. We really dont, but its fun to take it away from you  ;)

2.why you are so proud about it ? ;) 
2.same we,thats why we all play here..   ;)

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


good job for the attackers....
all i have to say is temp 40/200 about and the 15 from 40 is from greece = huge lags from our internet provider....
its not an exuse its a fact...
u can call ur selfs pro players... u got 4 castles... gg good organize but goodard siege was only numbers 40 vs ??? u tell me now how many u was online from this one ally u say and this 3 clans + the no clan ppl coz i saw alot of them ....

any way gratz again .... i dont want this post to look like i cry ... I DONT i just say facts that u ppl maybe didnt know...

ps: we leave in a tourist place means summer = WORK soo maybe u gone lose some activite from TheHeroes

see yaa 

DRINK TO GET DRUNK :)  10 may matrix club live CARL COX       15 may desire club live SANDER KLEINENBERG
and soo goes on the whole summer :) lets get party (but not only 9 ppl :P )   and before 1 week HERMAN CATTANEO in desire club <--- i was there :P
[url=http://www.megic.1go.dk/dontclickeng.htm]DO NOT CLICK HERE[/url]


just name 1 non clan plz. there was none.

- Envy had 2.5 parties.  1 fighter, 1.5 party mage.
- few 69
- v3 was biggest amount of us...from 3 to 4 parties
- clanless ?  one guy and it was written "V3" on his head.

if u were only 40 in temp... u were so much more, because there was 2 other allies with you.  but of course, the grass of your neighbourg is always more green.  expect some flame from others, you are just trying to make a tempest in a glass of water while saying that the water is all calm. 

Nice try, but find other fools to believe your stories next time.

guys, post your screenshot... i want to see these non ally guys...unless he is talking about me (the one who took castle... alone in his clan and ally).  but then i can only be proud...that he calls me "a lot of people"

Quote from: voudas69 on April 22, 2008, 04:14:37 AM
good job for the attackers....
all i have to say is temp 40/200 about and the 15 from 40 is from greece = huge lags from our internet provider....
its not an exuse its a fact...
u can call ur selfs pro players... u got 4 castles... gg good organize but goodard siege was only numbers 40 vs ??? u tell me now how many u was online from this one ally u say and this 3 clans + the no clan ppl coz i saw alot of them ....

any way gratz again .... i dont want this post to look like i cry ... I DONT i just say facts that u ppl maybe didnt know...

ps: we leave in a tourist place means summer = WORK soo maybe u gone lose some activite from TheHeroes

see yaa 

DRINK TO GET DRUNK :)  10 may matrix club live CARL COX       15 may desire club live SANDER KLEINENBERG
and soo goes on the whole summer :) lets get party (but not only 9 ppl :P )   and before 1 week HERMAN CATTANEO in desire club <--- i was there :P


Nice to see arrogant ppl!
i feel very nice cause i know many players are better than me!
Rememper that last week Temp ally had some castles too..
that means that Temp were better last week and now they aren't?
Maby "not good organised" i would say is the best words!
Not apologie the fact that we were less (but fact..)
But that we have lag (huge sometimes) is a very big fact!
Not only in siege, but and in relax-exp-guest times..
So plz don't be arrogant! It is the last that good players has to be!
CU all online!

1rst it is just a game and 2nd I LOVE U ALL :)
Milampalas-> Evilbunnies CP recharge machine :)


Quote from: HellGreek on April 22, 2008, 08:22:31 AM
Milampalas-> Evilbunnies CP recharge machine :)
I like evilbunnies, they usually put up a nice fight against us. Keep on! :)

Astramael      [db/tr]


i think most of the servers clans haven't yet assimilated IL. mayhem adapted faster and took advantage of all it's features: new char skills , clan skills and new damage system.
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


GZ for the new owners :). It starts to become interesting. What i dont understand is why now when IL came, ppl lost their interest for playing. And yes, greeks have huge lags due to their main ISP problems. OTE... is making some changes now and atm their policy sux. For now gz,good organization from meyham, lot of fun (and nervs for me :P) but keep in mind: we will come :).

Have fun!
Camitzescu Hyerophant/Adventurer - nobless
Camyy Se/Bd - nobless
Amila - Sagitarius/Hyerophant - nobless - Not Me Anymore :(
May1a - Cardinal - Doomcryer - nobless
AlexProphet - SwS/Necro
Isuball - De/Ty - share account
Leonnidas Artisan Tyr/Spoiler - nobless - share account


Quote from: Asgalus on April 22, 2008, 05:36:52 AM
just name 1 non clan plz. there was none.

- Envy had 2.5 parties.  1 fighter, 1.5 party mage.
- few 69
- v3 was biggest amount of us...from 3 to 4 parties
- clanless ?  one guy and it was written "V3" on his head.

if u were only 40 in temp... u were so much more, because there was 2 other allies with you.  but of course, the grass of your neighbourg is always more green.  expect some flame from others, you are just trying to make a tempest in a glass of water while saying that the water is all calm. 

Nice try, but find other fools to believe your stories next time.

guys, post your screenshot... i want to see these non ally guys...unless he is talking about me (the one who took castle... alone in his clan and ally).  but then i can only be proud...that he calls me "a lot of people"

as i said 40 ppl and 15 lagging (and when i say lagging i mean they cant even move... ill ask astri to post his video to see the lag)
and even if we was 40 +20-30 from the other ally we still wassent enough!
and asgaluz dont cry coz its a fact that we wasent enough and this proves u wazent the pro players u feel like...just calm down u took goddard gratz... i admit u was better but not that good u all say ...
[url=http://www.megic.1go.dk/dontclickeng.htm]DO NOT CLICK HERE[/url]


Quote from: voudas69 on April 22, 2008, 01:28:25 PM
as i said 40 ppl and 15 lagging (and when i say lagging i mean they cant even move... ill ask astri to post his video to see the lag)
and even if we was 40 +20-30 from the other ally we still wassent enough!
and asgaluz dont cry coz its a fact that we wasent enough and this proves u wazent the pro players u feel like...just calm down u took goddard gratz... i admit u was better but not that good u all say ...

check Goddard owner :*    ;)



Quote from: Diabolical on April 22, 2008, 01:44:28 PM
check Goddard owner :*    ;)

Can i check in Milicia time?!?

btw i think i let there some clothes, can someone check it and send back to me?!?  :D