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Goddard 20.4

Started by Kamillo29, April 20, 2008, 05:59:24 PM

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Quote from: Weezer on April 22, 2008, 02:44:50 PM
Can i check in Milicia time?!?

btw i think i let there some clothes, can someone check it and send back to me?!?  :D

i kinda quote his signature .. U MOOB


Quote from: Diabolical on April 22, 2008, 02:47:18 PM
i kinda quote his signature .. U MOOB

i know... :P

but pls check i lost there my swin suit! It's hot here today and i wanna go beach! :D


Quote from: Weezer on April 22, 2008, 02:52:35 PM
i know... :P

but pls check i lost there my swin suit! It's hot here today and i wanna go beach! :D

pffttt it's gone .. we used it to clean the floor >.>


Quote from: Diabolical on April 22, 2008, 03:00:14 PM
pffttt it's gone .. we used it to clean the floor >.>


i think i need to buy a new one...


Quote from: Weezer on April 22, 2008, 03:13:20 PM

i think i need to buy a new one...

u dont .. ur middle area of ur body is invinsible that's ur SA


Quote from: Diabolical on April 22, 2008, 03:17:49 PM
u dont .. ur middle area of ur body is invinsible that's ur SA


just correcting.. its invincible!  ;)


Quote from: Weezer on April 22, 2008, 03:25:26 PM

just correcting.. its invincible!  ;)

I KNEW IT .. was confused between c and s >.>


Quote from: Diabolical on April 22, 2008, 03:34:46 PM
I KNEW IT .. was confused between c and s >.>

take care of it... someday u can give ur ass instead of ur acc! :D


Quote from: Weezer on April 22, 2008, 03:38:03 PM
take care of it... someday u can give ur ass instead of ur acc! :D



where did I say we were all good. 

in fact we sucked, but your group just ended up sucking more (yep...it was blowing day). 
And why you sucked more?  because of your complete disorganisation. 
While our sucking guys were organized, your pro players were not at all...making you sucking more then we did.

Voudas...you suck :P


Quote from: voudas69i admit u was better but not that good u all say ...


Quote from: Asgalus on April 22, 2008, 03:48:01 PM
where did I say we were all good. 

in fact we sucked, but your group just ended up sucking more (yep...it was blowing day). 
And why you sucked more?  because of your complete disorganisation. 
While our sucking guys were organized, your pro players were not at all...making you sucking more then we did.

Voudas...you suck :P


lollllllll good one!
Nothing Else Matters


Quote from: Asgalus on April 22, 2008, 03:48:01 PM
where did I say we were all good. 

in fact we sucked, but your group just ended up sucking more (yep...it was blowing day). 
And why you sucked more?  because of your complete disorganisation. 
While our sucking guys were organized, your pro players were not at all...making you sucking more then we did.

Voudas...you suck :P


i admit i suck but u suck also like u said...
disorganisation  = the huge lags we got ???or the other 32 players that dont play any more till the lag problem with isp will be fixed = disorganisation ?

i know u asgalus u never gone admit that we had a real problem soo ill stop posting.... say what ever  u like... call us noobs suckers what ever u like ... call ur selfs pro player elite what ever... have fun coz we cant enjoy IL right now ...
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