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Started by sotasydän, July 14, 2008, 12:49:16 AM

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Well... the numbers on wiki-page aint correct.
What bonus do tattoos give now?

I'll start :P

Empowered tattoos:
lvl 1  -  +4%  -5% -5%
lvl 2  -  +5%  -4% -4%

ADENAS PLX!!!!!111

I have a dream... that one day orcs and dwarves will rule the world :')


There is base form uploaded alreay so users can just edit the number.

Link to the page (http://dnwiki.dragon-community.net/index.php/Enchant#Enchanting_Tatoo.27s)

Thanks sotasydän  :D

If you are not lazy to write some math, please write the expression(I mean..actual source) to confirm and I will join this topic.

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTUwqxHpXMY]Dancing Android - new Sony Xperia Arc cellphone[/url]


Quote from: Finisterre on July 17, 2008, 02:02:42 AM
There is base form uploaded alreay so users can just edit the number.

Link to the page (http://dnwiki.dragon-community.net/index.php/Enchant#Enchanting_Tatoo.27s)

Thanks sotasydän  :D

If you are not lazy to write some math, please write the expression(I mean..actual source) to confirm and I will join this topic.

What a "Special tatoo"?