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Rune siege - AllyInfo - for cryers

Started by Mayia, August 25, 2008, 02:43:04 PM

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Kamillo29 - PP / Sorc
JoinOly - PP / Wk
Kamilllo29 - He / Wl
Kam69 - Sk / Necro


Quote from: Mayia on August 25, 2008, 03:59:25 PM
77+no more than 27 Ex3. so ye around 100 as usualy :). But that emodeadcryppl saying hey we r 5:1 here =)).

if we consider there were around 20 online from our ally..... yes, it was 5:1 ratio

Quote from: darkling on August 25, 2008, 04:33:21 PM
Oh. Btw. Executioners is not a normal clan I mean its only there to ress the other TEMP clans so Id say its a ress-bot-clan.

we have war with them at the momment (wonder for how long) =)

Think of how stupid the average person is and realize that half of them are even stupider than that.


heh, i wasnt there cuz i have some work in my RL, but only i can see on that pics is: ZergToWin !!! ;) :D ;D

peace, bb.... ;)
BerenCZ - HE/WK + SPS
Ecthelion31 - SWS/SR + GL
Sigridka - SPS/EE + NE
Azaghal31 - BH/TY


rofl, i got 4 smites in 5 mins, they are zerging forum, oh nooooooooooooooo, pls help me, save me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    ;D :P
BerenCZ - HE/WK + SPS
Ecthelion31 - SWS/SR + GL
Sigridka - SPS/EE + NE
Azaghal31 - BH/TY


Quote from: darkling on August 25, 2008, 04:33:21 PM
Oh. Btw. Executioners is not a normal clan I mean its only there to ress the other TEMP clans so Id say its a ress-bot-clan.

to your info mr "brain" we are normal clan and we are not like ur clan (you know what i mean)
if we are ress-bot-clan ur some kind of bitch-acting-clan ^^ changing sites for more profits but oh freak ur now vs Temp :O and its not so good for u now (castles) :(
XxNigelxX <3


I was looking forward to post this, luckily for me, here is the perfect chance!

No hard feelings ;)

Astramael      [db/tr]


Quote from: MonsterKill on August 25, 2008, 05:21:30 PM
to your info mr "brain" we are normal clan and we are not like ur clan (you know what i mean)
if we are ress-bot-clan ur some kind of bitch-acting-clan ^^ changing sites for more profits but oh freak ur now vs Temp :O and its not so good for u now (castles) :(
Howcome your clan hardly accepting wars than? And just ressing others with bots standing everywhere?

Like today at FoG PvP, 1 and a half party of BH and 5 people of Umbrella, dunno howmuch you guys were, that didn't really matter, it was a fun PvP but Temp was way more anyhow. Your clan just standing there, ressing people and arround the corner there were like howmany bots? Like 10 only ressing lol
Can't also say you guys are the pr0's! Most of you die within 1 shot lol

PS: I love how this guy, Tijs or something, tried to PK me in the end with entire ally on his back, made my day when he still died after a failed attempt to PK, 1 shotted infront of all his friends, that looked funny lol


just one comment

i think that 231 was only EB  ;D
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: Furesy on August 25, 2008, 06:28:49 PM
Howcome your clan hardly accepting wars than? And just ressing others with bots standing everywhere?

Like today at FoG PvP, 1 and a half party of BH and 5 people of Umbrella, dunno howmuch you guys were, that didn't really matter, it was a fun PvP but Temp was way more anyhow. Your clan just standing there, ressing people and arround the corner there were like howmany bots? Like 10 only ressing lol
Can't also say you guys are the pr0's! Most of you die within 1 shot lol

PS: I love how this guy, Tijs or something, tried to PK me in the end with entire ally on his back, made my day when he still died after a failed attempt to PK, 1 shotted infront of all his friends, that looked funny lol

No shit they are nt so many bots xD
Just take a look from Valakas rush xD


Deathand, u were in temp some time ago. You know better than any "flamer" whats the situation there. Your are not as cool as i used to believe.

About executioners, is definitely one of the best (lvl 8 ) clans in server.
Quote from: DePayens on August 03, 2009, 05:11:03 PM
Leave server pls or you'll lose all your castles and good farming very soon.
Your tears won't save you forever.


Quote from: Astri on August 26, 2008, 10:10:27 AM
Deathand, u were in temp some time ago. You know better than any "flamer" whats the situation there. Your are not as cool as i used to believe.

About executioners, is definitely one of the best (lvl 8) clans in server.
Almost every clan is lvl 8 nowadays lol
Nice joke though xd

(ofcourse that can be your opinion D=)


Quote from: Astri on August 26, 2008, 10:10:27 AM

About executioners, is definitely one of the best (lvl 8 ) clans in server.

mby 1 of the best but aka support xD ress , no wars , 0 flags .. just ress others
  Nightmare 30x