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Rune siege - AllyInfo - for cryers

Started by Mayia, August 25, 2008, 02:43:04 PM

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If im well informed, ex3 created from sheva members that didnt want to be under sheva's crest. Now , they have very experienced players and a solid team.
Quote from: DePayens on August 03, 2009, 05:11:03 PM
Leave server pls or you'll lose all your castles and good farming very soon.
Your tears won't save you forever.


To be honest, I wouldn't have been surprised if you had said EB was a good clan, since they are, they know how to make parties and put up a good fight, which is fun.
Sheva isn't much special if you ask me, only this 1 or 2 DE/PAL that you see once in a while tend to be annoying.(for a few seconds that is)
TheHeroes I don't see that much, but some of them are nice, and most know how to PvP, though the cancel/accept war tactique they used to use sucks a lot lol

But X3? Come on, if I compare in PvP, I crit may1a for ~5k dmg, while X3 getting critted for ~10k or more. lol

Main problem of Temp is (in my eyes) that they never show up for PvP, unless it's a siege or a raid boss. Which is rather boring lol
Those PvP's during week etc are a lot of fun, yet I never see any Temp there, only see them at weekends, during sieges or when Baium/Valakas is about to respawn.


I allready told u why. U go in Varka where usually when we come we fkup 1 m8s ally ^^. Dunno why ppl changed the old nice FG with this varka. It was cool out there.


Quote from: Furesy on August 26, 2008, 10:23:57 AM
Main problem of Temp is (in my eyes) that they never show up for PvP, unless it's a siege or a raid boss. Which is rather boring lol
Those PvP's during week etc are a lot of fun, yet I never see any Temp there, only see them at weekends, during sieges or when Baium/Valakas is about to respawn.

I remember last time at Barakiel: someone said in ally, that he got killed there
1 our party vs 1 their party -> we won
they came back:
1 our party vs 2 their parties -> they won
we came back:
2 parties vs 2 parties -> Yoshimo did a very good work here, we lost
we came back in the same numbers:
2 parties vs 2 parties -> we won this one
Temp came back, but this time, they came back in siege-like number xD (I guess I don't have to say what happened)

Edit: Some smaller fights between those may happen, I wrote only the major ones

Think of how stupid the average person is and realize that half of them are even stupider than that.


Quote from: Jeri on August 26, 2008, 01:06:16 PM
I remember last time at Barakiel: someone said in ally, that he got killed there
1 our party vs 1 their party -> we won
they came back:
1 our party vs 2 their parties -> they won
we came back:
2 parties vs 2 parties -> Yoshimo did a very good work here, we lost
we came back in the same numbers:
2 partie vs 2 parties -> we won this one
Temp came back, but this time, they came back in siege-like number xD (I guess I don't have to say what happened)

Dunno why u like to lie about this all the time. U came 1 party and killed us cos most were afk. We never came there more than 2 parties if u wanna know the truth. But whatever, keep dreaming u r better!


Quote from: Mayia on August 26, 2008, 01:05:47 PM
I allready told u why. U go in Varka where usually when we come we fkup 1 m8s ally ^^. Dunno why ppl changed the old nice FG with this varka. It was cool out there.
Many people used to level in FG, ever since C4 that changed, still there were some PvP's...

But now in IL, NCSoft changed FG's port name to Seal of Shilien (god knows why? lol) and many people still don't know this.


Quote from: Mayia on August 26, 2008, 01:29:54 PM
We never came there more than 2 parties if u wanna know the truth.

Do you have screens of it? Only what I ever screened was my char on Dion's throne D=

Btw. "all the time" ... lol? this is the first time I am crying about this on forums

Think of how stupid the average person is and realize that half of them are even stupider than that.


U start with numbers so u come 1st with screens if u wanna prove smth. I dont need more than my word. I dont make prints just to show up some numbers in game like ppl form BH do l8ly. Yesterday i saw DeathAnd between us at valakas without hiting. Didn't know what he was doing there :). And after 15 minutes i saw his print on forum :P. Good job :) my friend.


Quote from: Jeri on August 26, 2008, 01:41:40 PM
Do you have screens of it? Only what I ever screened was my char on Dion's throne D=

Btw. "all the time" ... lol? this is the first time I am crying about this on forums

Don't take it so personaly. When i say YOU, i mean u as an ally. Not Brunetka the person. BTW is good u realise that was a crying atitude :P. +1 applaud from me ^^.


Quote from: Furesy on August 26, 2008, 01:40:05 PM
Many people used to level in FG, ever since C4 that changed, still there were some PvP's...

But now in IL, NCSoft changed FG's port name to Seal of Shilien (god knows why? lol) and many people still don't know this.

Well now no1 lvlup on his own. All became beggers to an orc to lvlup them.


Quote from: Mayia on August 26, 2008, 01:54:58 PM
Well now no1 lvlup on his own. All became beggers to an orc to lvlup them.
Yup, trains killed Lineage 2, together with boss jewels D=


At least now executioners accepted war to us, lets see how long they gonna hold out.

Quote from: MonsterKill on August 25, 2008, 05:21:30 PM
to your info mr "brain" we are normal clan and we are not like ur clan (you know what i mean)
if we are ress-bot-clan ur some kind of bitch-acting-clan ^^ changing sites for more profits but oh freak ur now vs Temp :O and its not so good for u now (castles) :(

Like we ever changed sides for any profits in the past^^
RobinBlake - On a little break.