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SOme fresh siege of DoI clan



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SOme fresh siege of DoI clan

Started by CIIaCubo, January 26, 2009, 11:45:17 PM

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some comments ^^

I am also started 2 learn Sony Vegas => so here are my first works

http://files.filefront.com/DoIvsBBoysavi/;13019458;/fileinfo.html   -   upload 2 mega later   cos   filefront deleted avi
My class is not the best one and not popular at NM, but i really like it, cos damage difference made on me and made by myself is balanced
At Oren castle there were SS lags, as usual at our server ^^

All gl with watching...
NM 30x  lHyaJIa Sps/Sws    ProblemChild He/Wk




some last siege videos
NM 30x  lHyaJIa Sps/Sws    ProblemChild He/Wk



More 3 different videos ...



NM 30x  lHyaJIa Sps/Sws    ProblemChild He/Wk



Quote from: coolcool222 on December 14, 2009, 08:49:56 AM
Alas, they do appear to be our only options. For the cameras are on their way, along with data networks that will send a myriad images flashing back and forth, faster than thought.

    In fact, the future has already arrived. The trend began in Britain a decade ago, in the town of King's Lynn, where sixty remote-controlled video cameras were installed to scan known "trouble spots," reporting directly to police headquarters. The resulting reduction in street crime exceeded all predictions; in or near zones covered by surveillance, crime dropped to one-seventieth of the former rate. The savings in patrol costs alone paid for the equipment in a few months. Dozens of cities and towns soon followed the example of King's Lynn. Glasgow, Scotland, reported a 68 percent drop in crime citywide, while police in Newcastle fingered over 1,500 perpetrators with taped evidence. (All but seven pleaded guilty, and those seven were later convicted.) In May 1997, Newcastle soccer fans rampaged through downtown streets. Detectives studying video tapes picked out 152 faces and published 80 photographs in local newspapers. In days, all were identified.

    Today, over 300,000 cameras are in place throughout the United Kingdom, transmitting round-the-clock images to a hundred constabularies, all of them reporting decreases in public misconduct. Polls report that the cameras are extremely popular with citizens, though British civil libertarian John Wadham and others have bemoaned this proliferation of snoop technology, claiming, "It could be used for any other purpose, and of course it could be abused."

    Visitors to Japan, Thailand, and Singapore will see that other countries are rapidly following the British example, using closed circuit television (CCTV) to supervise innumerable public areas.

    This trend was slower coming to North America, but it appears to be taking off. After initial experiments garnered widespread public approval, the City of Baltimore put police cameras to work scanning all 106 downtown intersections. In 1997, New York City began its own program to set up twenty-four-hour remote surveillance in Central Park, subway stations, and other public places.
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calm down, take it easy, its ok dont worry, calm down...
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


The " Black Book of Taymouth " gives some details of the events of
this year, which seem closely connected with the various negotiations
which have been already recorded in the last few years. Sir Duncan
Campbell of Glenurchy and the Earl of Argyll seem, one as much as the
other, to have done their utmost, both by force and guile, to ruin the
whole Clan, for which Argyle and his brothers had the best opportunities
by their access to the King, but Argyle was more lenient in some
instances than those known as the " Landlords of the Clan."
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