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4H quest by FB

Started by cristianvernal, February 12, 2009, 05:09:30 PM

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that conversation was made when me and bosche thought that silver scammed the items, but i guess im wrong....

any other screen u wanna post before i continue with my life?.... show me some hard evidence pl0x....till then all that u r saying is pure speculations



Quote from: WuWu on February 16, 2009, 03:47:30 PM
rotfl dont tell me anything about life :) i am without items so i have time to play with u on forum. And if u dont know nothing why u tryin to tell some ppls that silver scammed this acc?? I just want to know who scammed me its so hard to understand for u?? If u got honor better show this :)


we both know that silver didint have pass to that acc, so tell me u are lier or who?

woh nice screen, im just dunno what to say, but its cool to see this, first cuz i was 50% sure that bosch is a fag, now im 100% sure.
well, is way easy to say "it was silver, silver is a thief" etc etc, when i was in fcking vacations, talking abaut me whem im not there is really funny.

well when i came back from my vacations i wanted to play l2, and i wanted to asked bosch (cuz in december when i was on vacation he was still playing with some archer) to put back items on flameblade and akis  told me that 2, but he never answer me at phone.,,. finally after 2 weeks he took the phone and told me that the akis items´s was on Yaretzi, so i asked him for acc and pass and he give me it w/o problem, so whem i log yaretzi that sh1t was just naked, so i decide to call bosch again, and he told me "nolen" has the itmes. (is not cool nolen? your "best friend" told me it was you) the next days i called bosch at phone again for itmes ( cuz he know all acc from Nolen) but he didnt anwers me the phone. hes not at phone, not at msn, not a FB forum, not at l2... why he is hidding?

i log with yaretzi day by day and still naked but some day some guy pm me: he told me "hey bosch, my friend told me he wont buy your itmes, now he dont want it..."

i still have the screen, i send the screen via msn to nolen, akis got the screen too, .... bosch wanted to sell the itmes, i dont know if he sold it or not, but wasnt me who took aki´s itmes, was him.

(sry for my crap english, thats why i dont like to write some much at forum)


luis007996@hotmail.com <- if someone wanna talk to me abaut this

Playing with panchoverde ( thx to Sifacil <3 )


Quote from: cristianvernal on February 16, 2009, 04:14:15 PM
that conversation was made when me and bosche thought that silver scammed the items, but i guess im wrong....

any other screen u wanna post before i continue with my life?.... show me some hard evidence pl0x....till then all that u r saying is pure speculations

even with logs from game u still will be talking same shit

thx silver u are only whos trying to help me :P but nolen u are a dumb freaker all the time when u trying to tell smthg its looks like u avoid comment GG
i dont need to add nothing more it was made to show ppls who really u are and u know that u faild with boschetti
baibai nolen


i avoid all coments bcoz i dont want to get a bad reputation of all this...no more to say....im clean and i hope the gm will read this...



to late bcs u will get bad reputations anyway
going to play cstrike

cu later scamer



Wuwu,I hope Track will help u.

Nolen,u'r patetic,and bos even more.

Quotei avoid all coments bcoz i dont want to get a bad reputation of all this...no more to say....im clean and i hope the gm will read this...

U,and ur clan consequently,have already a bad reputation.And no,u won't be clean till u say the truth I'm sure u know.


it was rly strange u got many items without did any boss :) anyway i hope track will do something !


Quote from: cristianvernal on February 16, 2009, 05:52:16 PM
i avoid all coments bcoz i dont want to get a bad reputation of all this...no more to say....im clean and i hope the gm will read this...

when you had good reputation rotlf? before- lame oly transferer with "friends", now this : ) just gg

to the movie: songs, dances, pp + cov and u think you are awesome? :> ppl had no chances I bet 99% had only dances+pp and in 90% ur friends killed ur targets before you ; O

imho waiting till you make smth rly "cool"


hmm... and where's Track when we need him? These items seem to be strangely familiar...


I cant believe things like this are still happening ,poor wuwu >.<
mate, i really hope everything gets fixed ,Track really gotta do smth in this case cuz its just aint fair.


Quote from: Cynical on February 16, 2009, 08:52:22 PM
I cant believe things like this are still happening ,poor wuwu >.<
mate, i really hope everything gets fixed ,Track really gotta do smth in this case cuz its just aint fair.

hehehe :p a new sig as always its rly good :)


Quote from: Parabol on February 16, 2009, 08:18:00 PM
hmm... and where's Track when we need him? These items seem to be strangely familiar...

Raping Drake.