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spanish section ???



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spanish section ???

Started by PanzerKunst, May 04, 2009, 09:35:37 PM

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i get a error when i open it... any problem?

pd: o espameamos aca??? XD



Yep. its down

Lets see if TIllo can do something about it


you mean noob assholes section?, hope keeps down and swep away retards like falco
DRAKHOO = official and professional DN15x balls sucker/lickerSPARTAN300 = official DN15x retard and gay kid with no penis


Quote from: anil3 on May 05, 2009, 12:24:59 AM
you mean noob assholes section?, hope keeps down and swep away retards like falco

The one insulting it's u,then u'r the noob asshole.Some ppl have very interesting discussions there.


Quote from: janu005 on November 17, 2009, 10:19:20 AM
We hereby invite all Spanish speaking persons, devoted in one way or another to Jewish theatre (playwrights, actors, directors, musicians, designers, coreographers, critics, scholars, impresarios, etc.) to actively participate in this section,  Todo Sobre Teatro JudÍo , the  global website to promote and enhance Jewish theatre and performing arts worldwide.

This website has been created to act as a forum and a tool for theatre practitioners to make global connections. This is our motive and our mission. The more you make use of the site, the more useful it will become for you.
Don't keep this message to yourselves. Pass it on to your friends and colleagues, and visit us again.
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