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Started by Fundin, May 20, 2009, 09:56:31 AM

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After reading Ehlenas post I too want to write of a few things that need fixing that would maybe turn the tide of this server becoming an elitist club.

ssd,ssc,mana pots in the NPC shops

Probably the best thing that could be done. About 2 - 3 years ago the wide player base of all different levels kept ssd and ssc affordable but the early days of L2 DN are over and anyone walking into the game now is at a more serious disadvantage. ssd,ssc and mana were in the shops briefly and there was a surge of new activity but now having LESS people in the lower levels is driving up prices of the things that ARE to be found. 2kk for an EAC? 250 for SSD? This is either a new player desperately seeking means, or an old player being greedy. Either way the cycle is broken and is driving new players away even faster.

Shadow weapons and soul crystals.

I thought B grade shadow weapons would offer some respite and enticement, making B grade usable if not exactly permanent. Yet what good is the soul crystal quest now when a new player cant afford the real weapon to SA? Whats more, while soul crystals not shattering is grand, it ruined the market by robbing new players of one item they could put a little work into and maybe sell a stage 4 or 5. Sure the stage 10 would be 100kk again, but soul crystal makers and sellers were a corner stone of the consumer market and thats one less range of trade now removed.

BUT (hold the flames) this does tie directly back to the HOM sellers. These days it is so MUCH easier to work up a nice C grade acumen weapon as a new player, where once they cost 110, 120kk.
So I guess the question is what works? Bring back a 'soul crystal' market and you drive up SA weapon prices. Ugh!

I think mammon and sevens signs is the answer.

With a 5kk price tag no new player can learn of or seek mammon out for weapon exchanges and is forced to watch more informed playes come back to town and sell eminence bows and beserker blades for 90kk.
At best, some players sell a manor certificate for seven signs at 250k and the increased seal stone drop has made AA very affordable. A little research, and a player could figure this out and open new doors for themselves but really its such a simple fix to make mammon accessable.

Crafting and drop rate.

Personally I think a C grade gm shop would make things worse. New comers would save their adena up to a point and have some pretty nice C grade. Thats fine. The argument being that they can now survive B grade areas and get some leveling done. But the idea here is to encourage a stable market not a rat race to lvl 80. And with no means to make any adena, they would probably be level 56 before they could save enough adena to buy the npc c grade anyway. Their half way through B and close to A...and they just now can afford C?

So it would fall to the economics of buying crafting and selling in this C grade range again.
If the server could inspire new people to join, it would stablize the market as new items were added, dropped, and crafted while providing income and finding a use for older players C grade they wish to dump. This connects both the low and high levels. NPC c grade shop tops you off nicely...but with no market for C grade you reach a dead end. What buying and crafting can now fund your b grade? Thats how its supposed to work. It seems like more work, but its about rotating supply and demand.
Tied directly to this is the drop rate and manor system.

The manor system is now dominated by older players who can set their own prices such as 2kk mith alloy and 800k vop...because they are selling to the same demographic/level of older player. Spoiling a windsus in the beehive at lvl 35 may be an alternative, but you get one steel for every 5 spoils. Even if new players were attempting buying, crafting, selling they cannot possibly achieve anything this way and again have reason to quit. The drop rate for a x15 x30 server must have 5 item reward spoil. It stops the super inflation on the manor system and makes it more relevant to use for everyone. Mats spread around, things are crafted cheaper and more readily available, oppurtunitys arise, adena begins to work for itself.

GM events and treasure boxes.

Tighter rules and standards. As it is now these events are rewarding the strongest players. I'm not saying they don't deserve an event but a lesser event like having more cats, drops, themes, goals, rewards adds once again to the market stabilizing. I know people farm medals as much as they farm AA but this ties directly into the insane inflation on enchants.

More medals, more enchants, lower prices.

With more medals and changing the treasure boxes back, this stops the enchant scroll inflation. All you EWC hunters need not scream...EWC was always stable at a nice fat 20kk or so. Doing this would again enable a new player to make a TH and make some money but as it is now it is taking to much work and the people working at it have rightly increased their prices for the effort. Again this pushes it out of reach for most new people, making it a OE game for older players, not to mention whats happened to the EWS.

Its all about the marketing but also about how you NEED new players. No system can survive without it. Even the most arrogant subbed dynasty player has to admit seiges and pvp is down. Others  further down the ladder can see that giran has low traffic of people and even b grade is becoming irrelevant, driving up prices of people still selling it there. The forum is dominated by new posts of WTB and WTS the same old OE items of the select few.
I have never flamed a donator for without them there isnt anything to play...and but even donators grow bored and stop playing and this fancy elitist club that hangs out on the steps of aden is stagnate and uncompromising....basically dying off.

You ALL know the price for EWS is insane...coins have gone up a further 200kk in 6 months and if this doesnt make you see the server is in trouble nothing will. L2 as a game is now several years old now and maybe the desire to play is less but I think theres a chance to draw back new players. I have seen pure pvp servers and the mass of cheap and easy gear makes it grow boring all the quicker. We need a measure of market and leveling/quest effort to keep people interested and its been dominated by the 'learn to play noob' mentality like Ehlena said for way to long.

See I think anyone finding his way to DN already knows about L2 in general. If they know where to find this server, they have played L2 before. Nearly all of them have played elsewhere...and thats my point. They will have a comparison and an opinion more ready than someone JUST starting. These are the possible donators that take one look at the DN market and go 'lol freak this, this is crazy'. Why help previosuly experienced L2 players from other servers then? Try and look at it this way...you played somewhere else...you want to find a new server. Would YOU want to make a new start under these market conditions?

How long can we players of DN last with other L2 players coming here and feeling that way?

Make mammon cheaper, treasure boxes back, fix spoil/drop rate, event cats, ssd ssc and mana in the npc shops. It was working great back when these things were so...it worked once it can work again.


My opinion is this, there all great idea's

but not needed, newbie's just need to level at ol mahum mobs. sell the herbs and there rich


Cry more  ;D

Don't like it - LEAVE  ::)

P.S.: Since your title contain "IMPATIENT" I must add that YOU ARE the one, not people who manage without cries like this. All rates are just fine you just have to have PATIENCE and of course some knowledge and skill to get WHATEVER you need.
On this rates it just takes LONGER to do it, but is NOT IMPOSSIBLE  ;)

MAIN problem are L2W users - PERMA BAN on FIRST caught, PERMA BAN for main on 2nd is my suggestion. Why let L2W users to get away 6 times???? Too many of them in Donator groups???? Or in GM clan?????


Quote from: JuOn on May 20, 2009, 12:51:46 PM
Cry more  ;D

Don't like it - LEAVE  ::)

P.S.: Since your title contain "IMPATIENT" I must add that YOU ARE the one, not people who manage without cries like this. All rates are just fine you just have to have PATIENCE and of course some knowledge and skill to get WHATEVER you need.
On this rates it just takes LONGER to do it, but is NOT IMPOSSIBLE  ;)

MAIN problem are L2W users - PERMA BAN on FIRST caught, PERMA BAN for main on 2nd is my suggestion. Why let L2W users to get away 6 times???? Too many of them in Donator groups???? Or in GM clan?????

As I see it, youre just another moron with the thypical answer to the post of the people who try to improve things..

Atenea - Mystic Muse / Eva's Saint - 8x - Necromancer 7x - DemiGods captain. Inactive.

..but I can't spell it out for you.. no.. it's never gonna be that simple...


Quote from: JuOn on May 20, 2009, 12:51:46 PM
Cry more  ;D

Don't like it - LEAVE  ::)

P.S.: Since your title contain "IMPATIENT" I must add that YOU ARE the one, not people who manage without cries like this. All rates are just fine you just have to have PATIENCE and of course some knowledge and skill to get WHATEVER you need.
On this rates it just takes LONGER to do it, but is NOT IMPOSSIBLE  ;)

MAIN problem are L2W users - PERMA BAN on FIRST caught, PERMA BAN for main on 2nd is my suggestion. Why let L2W users to get away 6 times???? Too many of them in Donator groups???? Or in GM clan?????

Stupid moron...

The problem isn't the l2w but it's easy to use as a target for every bad thing, like irl the "terrorism".
But the problem is this brainless donation system, what is going to be more brainless in time... and ofc the past exploits(adenaexploit). That caused the first adena BOOM, the second was drake's enchant LOL event, third was the dynasty shit, and the fourth is coming, the icarus shits.

im curious about the online player number, so i gonna decode those serverlist packets at login, cuz it contains the current online players number. But that fokin packet is different from c4 :\
Infinity 5x: inactive
Valkyria:  shiet
free from L2 since 2 years


Quote from: PoToSi on May 20, 2009, 12:58:08 PM
As I see it, youre just another moron with the thypical answer to the post of the people who try to improve things..

As I see it you're just STUPID retard who want EVERYTHING for free - if you don't like the DN leave too CRYBABY  ;D

Improving is just 10% of the topic, rest is just crying about high prices and ratios (which are just fine), so go cry more both of you  :D


Quote from: JuOn on May 20, 2009, 01:31:44 PM
As I see it you're just STUPID retard who want EVERYTHING for free - if you don't like the DN leave too CRYBABY  ;D

Improving is just 10% of the topic, rest is just crying about high prices and ratios (which are just fine), so go cry more both of you  :D

The Ketchup Abuser!


Quote from: JuOn on May 20, 2009, 01:31:44 PM
As I see it you're just STUPID retard who want EVERYTHING for free - if you don't like the DN leave too CRYBABY  ;D

Improving is just 10% of the topic, rest is just crying about high prices and ratios (which are just fine), so go cry more both of you  :D

Im not playing on DN, left a lot of time ago. And for your happyness, I didn't leave because of high prices.

Just put ur fcking skin into a new player and try to live it like a newcomer, not a rerlloed tard with 2 buffers.

Its a "high" rate, it's suppossed to be easily than retail, not harder. Try to get a Dinasty set without donating and tell how much time it'd last.

Atenea - Mystic Muse / Eva's Saint - 8x - Necromancer 7x - DemiGods captain. Inactive.

..but I can't spell it out for you.. no.. it's never gonna be that simple...


Quote from: Itsme9x on May 20, 2009, 10:03:14 AM
My opinion is this, there all great idea's

but not needed, newbie's just need to level at ol mahum mobs. sell the herbs and there rich
lol, High lvl players have rerolls for this... even casual players like me. I'd never pay 100k for 1 ol fur while it is so easy to get.

of course 100% agree with the topic creator.

Quote from: JuOn on May 20, 2009, 01:31:44 PM
I'm a forum troll, I'm stupid and dumb, just ignore my posts

[url=http://heliosdaedalus.free.fr/laboman/]Laboratory Manager by Oleron[/url]

"We're working on it, please be patient!"


Well that didn't take long. Theres no getting through to a player like you Ju0n because you enjoy yourself to much. For a moment you showed some slight intelligence about what needs improving for what you said about walker bans...but then you used that tired old logic of 'dont like it leave, cry more please' as if you and the trolls like you have the exclusive right to determine how others participate. Anyway the less said to you the better.

Regardless, it wasn't a cry topic. I was hoping for the best that even the most abrasive player could admit to the simple fact that new people are neccessary. I dont really see where I cried about prices or anything being unfair...I was just referencing them for the increased inflation and how that represents an imbalance of what kind of player is actually playing here now. Well I agree its not impossible to manage the current market...but if a few small simple tweaks helped the server stablize, balance itself and grow back in attendance...how can this be a bad thing?

Seriously if you sneer at this suggestion, you are obviously content to let it all slowly disintergrate until the owner just kills the power. Anyway thanks to the people that agree with me...and thanks for the criticism as well. I didnt comment on things like scammers and walker...I just wanted to address getting people to come here and STAY....it can only be a benefit to us all that play here.


Quote from: JuOn on May 20, 2009, 01:31:44 PM
As I see it you're just STUPID retard who want EVERYTHING for free - if you don't like the DN leave too CRYBABY  ;D

Improving is just 10% of the topic, rest is just crying about high prices and ratios (which are just fine), so go cry more both of you  :D
we would be greatful if you will get the freak out from here


Quote from: Dhart on May 20, 2009, 08:03:26 PM
we would be greatful if you will get the freak out from here

Kiss my ass and FU retard, that's all you can do - CRY MORE but I won't leave, at least to annoy you if no other thing  ;D