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Best subclass or mutant for a TH

Started by Duff368, May 24, 2009, 10:25:53 PM

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Quote from: Vegas on May 25, 2009, 10:39:49 AM
th/wl or th/pp if not mutant
th/sws and th/bd have problems with mana

rofl, i have th/sws, songs+9  0 mana problem u want know why?

focus mind from sws + pasive skill when running hp/mp regen increased _ rege pot.... trust me..... th/pal or th/wl have much more mp problem


Quote from: cofo on May 26, 2009, 07:12:12 PM
Yeah but ppl still have to talk shit about their super pro th subs :p

psst best sub is th/th, my friend got one and he has 5000 pvps, no joke

THAT IS EASY TO CHECK ^^  th w/o sub 5 k pvp ?  sure.......  btw u can easy check who have how much pvp score, and best pvp dagger with most pvp point is Simun on Dnx15, almost 8 pvp point, behind him is K0rina and Alex ,


Th/Wl has got worse than it was on Interlude. Focus attack doesn't work anymore with dagger. I did 5k crits on mages with dc robe set while I was on pp and bd. Anyway these times are over. Focus attack was a great advantage but it won't work now. Although I love revival, battle roar and the cp recovery skill. Also you have a LOT of CP but low m.def due to no Anti-Magic. Also the stuns are amazing. An a-grade or s-grade pole without SA will do it.

Th/Pal is just a monster. If you can play it (which is easier, way easier than th/wl)it's a good choice.

Anyway NOW as Mystic Immunity is an attack speed based skill I would choose Th/PP... You can go on selfbuffs as TH doesn't need too many buffs. Although a songer on dual or maybe a dancer would be cool. On mass pvp's you got buffs anyway. Now having mystic immunity based on attack speed means you are immune to ANY debuffs. Cancel isn't a debuff though if you think that. I am not sure how much surrender and vortex increase in percents but I'll just say someone does 500 dmg on you, can't get surrender/vortex on you but when he is fighting a th/wl or someone without mystic immunity he got good chances to get it through. Also vortex got way better now (the debuff effect at least) and you may get damaged by 1000 dmg with surrender+vortex if as example each increases by 25%... Now anyway you'll get 1200 damage on the th/wl due to the not existing anti-magic passive skills. That's the difference. On mass pvp's you're the first one dead when any spellsinger has ur target and you don't have his (to switch as example).

Anyway if you can play a class very well go for it even if it has disatvantages.

I like my pw/tk most anyway. It's some kind of a lethal lucker from time to time but it's damn strong.

Hope it helps


Hardcore from cradle to the grave


Quote from: xD on May 28, 2009, 04:12:21 PM
aw/pal sounds good

Tbh i wouldn't go through the trouble of making aw/pal when aw/sk is just as good if not better.



what about good old th/da ? :P also th/wk is good imo at least it was..

in the end its all about the players skills:P
Kerbedzisko th/pp Nightmare
CameronDiaz sps/ee Nightmare
L4PD4NC3R wk/he Nightmare
TypoweKurwiszcze th/pal Nightmare
ChaSiuFooYung sh/se Nightmare
Hybrek pal/necro Nightmare
and more....

Welcome Back Community


Quote from: Hybrek on May 28, 2009, 08:32:36 PM
what about good old th/da ? :P also th/wk is good imo at least it was..

in the end its all about the players skills:P

Ye i said the same before.... th/wlk if you have to have TH. If it's just any dagger i would definately go for aw/ps.



aw/ps hmmm I haven't tried one but seen a few. Indeed it might be cool anyway pw/tk rox  ::)


Quote from: AmayZang on May 30, 2009, 03:35:58 PM
aw/ps hmmm I haven't tried one but seen a few. Indeed it might be cool anyway pw/tk rox  ::)

pw/tk?   lol.... let;s see.... weak out dmg, tk is on the worst tankers, what is good in pw/tk ? 

th/pal >aw/sk >pw/tk so....


Quote from: Brevv on May 30, 2009, 07:18:18 PM
pw/tk?   lol.... let;s see.... weak out dmg, tk is on the worst tankers, what is good in pw/tk ? 

th/pal >aw/sk >pw/tk so....

Tk is one of the worst tankers? O.o
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: Brevv on May 30, 2009, 07:18:18 PM
pw/tk?   lol.... let;s see.... weak out dmg, tk is on the worst tankers, what is good in pw/tk ? 

th/pal >aw/sk >pw/tk so....
i agree that pw/tk sucks (in c4 was not bad) but aw/sk is even worse xD

anyway for TH sub, want to be unique ? take hawkeye subclass, no joke
- little more HP, more CP
- blessing of saggitarius = same as renewal (self buff) - what a dagger needs
- spirit of saggitarius = -50% MP cost of skills, for example clarity is 20%, champion 20%, renewal song 5%, this skills is better than all 3 together in terms of MP cost!
- pain of saggitarius - converts 407 HP to 61 MP, fast reuse, fast usage if you have a healer in pt
- quiver of holding makes your weight limit huge, doesnt make you stronger but it's nice to have :)
- bow skills! - you wont be as good as a real archer due to dye / buff / armor setup, but still a faster archer and with focus power won't be bad crits on running away targets (from back), also TH has problem in mass pvp, a TH/HE can have fun with bow, while other daggers are waiting for smthg to happen :D
- not a mutant - hellbound is here, mutants can't go over 80, yes yes rumors about blabla, don't count on that, i'm hearing rumor about more dnet subclass for over a year now

- not enough buff slots for everything...
still unique, and if you look on this way: a th/wl is only a TH with more HP, reviving/regeneration skills, some spear skills, and provoke :D
