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~ FREE: Signatures/Avatars ~



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~ FREE: Signatures/Avatars ~

Started by Hel0, June 05, 2009, 11:41:17 PM

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After reading last post in this topic, I decided to make sigs and avs for free (for some time)

It's an example of my photoshop pro1337 skillZ !1!!! (freak yeah : DDD)

I can make signature in EVERY theme, just write, you choose. If you got a picture that you want to be in your signature - it  is also good.

And please, don't look much on this works. This is not only I can do in photoshop, this is just my EXAMPLES and only examples. Write here and I'll do my best in your ordered signature.

Please, give me chance  :)

IGN - HelakPL


any more works? this sample is on almost every signature oriented website ...  :P

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Of course,


Quote from: Ashlynn on June 05, 2009, 11:44:28 PM
any more works? this sample is on almost every signature oriented website ...  :P

Agree... Those sigs are kinda generic. I have seen like 23423423 signatures with that style o_o! Good luck on your business tho.

..::Dragon::.. {Retired}
slawekk - EE/SPS 80
..::Nightmare::.. {Retired}
Kobeashi - Dominator 79



And I've forgotten one thing - I'm good at making professional userbars. I can make it with your nicknames, favourite things etc. I know there are many ubars on internet, but if you won't find that one  with thing you are interested - write. Ok i'll post some more tomorrow.


well, judging by your second sample, that lady with Thompson, I guess you are stealing pictures :D I highly doubt there is man on the Earth who would put such awful font next to the elegant one.  :P

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


I'm very sad that you think i'm stealing pictures. I have never stolen picture. I placed this ugly font because i just wanted that noone steals it from me. I can post original picture without that shitty font.


sure, wtvr, It just hit my eyes, that's all :P I'm kinda tired, so I may talk bullshits :P gl in your bussiness :)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


2 years doesnt mean anything if u were drawing doodles all that time.There are already some signature sellers whose work is better then yours and they are well known.You should start doing them for free to see if people will accept your style, and once you get some rep then start charging ;)
just my 2 cents


This is my latest sig:

I'm still waiting for job :D


ill tell u how this topic looks like, ur a guy who wants to somehow earn caash, so why not copying ready tutorials and gettin some coins for it, especially that the only posts of yours on this forum ... are in this topic.
A man can be an artist... in anything, food, whatever. It depends on how good he is at it. Creasy's art is death. He's about to paint his masterpiece.
HR: Eviltwist/Creasy/GotYouWet
TR: Creasy
NM: Creasy/iKeel/Eviltwist/GodGiven/VoxMaris/letmekill
DN: oh boy ...


So, what's the problem? First thing, as you see I'm making sigs for free at the moment. Second thing, why do you think I must have many posts to open new threads like this? Post count have nothing to do with GFX skills. And your proposition is very shitty and even not funny. Why do I have to steal tutorials?