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OL DRain / Warcrayer Drain



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OL DRain / Warcrayer Drain

Started by greg270, June 18, 2009, 11:07:50 PM

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what is it now??

shoudlnt be elementar atack , in past was dark, but cost huge amount of mp , so shouldnt have ressists on it

some ppl say that is Earth Atack, some fire, in my opinion is bleed atack now

friend buffed invigor with pp, and ol drain do less dmg!!

what is it in your opinion, tests??


if it's bleed attack, do you make 50 damage on guy with antharas+zaken? i must try that


than what is it?? invigor reducess OL drain damage




bullshit. Tested 5 min ago. Neither Elemental prot /(protection from fire-water-wind-earth) or Invigor can reduce damage from OL drain.Still no elementaL like aura flare  or some other spell.


Quote from: greg270 on June 18, 2009, 11:07:50 PM
some ppl say that is Earth Atack, some fire, in my opinion is bleed atack now
Come on bleed is an effect not an attribute



I remember C4 times when I buffed myself with Invigor so the mobs in FoD with drains hitted like half damage or so.. dunno if it's something related.

Atenea - Mystic Muse / Eva's Saint - 8x - Necromancer 7x - DemiGods captain. Inactive.

..but I can't spell it out for you.. no.. it's never gonna be that simple...


Quote from: PoToSi on June 19, 2009, 10:33:54 PM
I remember C4 times when I buffed myself with Invigor so the mobs in FoD with drains hitted like half damage or so.. dunno if it's something related.

Same as mobs in FoG :> w/o zaken or/and anthy they drain you for ~300, and with zaken/anthy equipped they make ~30 dmg :P
Quote from: SolarWind on June 15, 2009, 06:13:19 PM
The real reason why Triad lost their dominance on sieges is because of Galactic clan.