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Started by Jeee, June 22, 2009, 10:01:27 AM

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K, a question about mutant. i started as PR and now i wanna make pr/pp. so in C4 there was a bug that if you made mutant with same dn sub as main and then change to main sub, you got crit error and couldnt log never more, but this is fixed now right? and 2nd how should i make that will looks like a dwarf?


is not fixed
u simply must not have 3rd class on first pr

phantom ranger, make pp, make also hierophant sub again pr and after make his 3rd class

(but for sure there was a bug making pr on dark elf stat. some guys posted also screens. pr mutant on dark elf body had lowp atk atk speed, i mean LOWER than original pr!!!!)


avoid mutant man
make he/pp if u really want a archer with pp buff
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


upup, any1 can explain more
actually i will make wc/archer but i want to looks like a dwarf :D
how should i start and about this nerf. can any1 say more about this?


Quote from: Jeee on June 22, 2009, 01:55:38 PM
upup, any1 can explain more
actually i will make wc/archer but i want to looks like a dwarf :D
how should i start and about this nerf. can any1 say more about this?
You can't make it in dwarf body, it was bug and it got fixed as far as i know. If you want make wc/archer u must start in orc body, bcs on any other body you will have bow penalty reduced patk or a.speed dont remember well.. ;P If you will start on wc dont make 3rd job, bcz u won't be able to make it again after "mutant" sub. If you will start on any other orc class it's np about doing 3rd job or not. :) The point is you need to take ORC, make it 75lvl, make retail ( official sub ) quest, take any archer sub, get golkonda's horn and sub it to wc. :)


Quote from: Jeee on June 22, 2009, 01:55:38 PM
upup, any1 can explain more
actually i will make wc/archer but i want to looks like a dwarf :D
how should i start and about this nerf. can any1 say more about this?

I don't think this got fixed.anyway there it is:
Start as WC.At 75 make retail but don't do 3rd class. Take desired Archer retail sub and when you are ready to DN sub choose WC. When you chose WC don't switch class at sir Eric (Which means remain at Archer sub stats) but go to orc guild and switch back tou your initial WC sub and after that go to sir Eric to switch class. Don't switch class again from grand masters or take new retail until you complete the 2 3rd classes and make the neessary switch classes at sir Eric to update your Subclass marks to their 3rd profession.