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Started by WindPhoenix, June 25, 2009, 11:21:54 PM

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Quote from: Parabol on June 28, 2009, 09:35:22 AM
Dude that's wiktionary... Ever written any thesis? It's not a reliable source.  
The cokcney expression that means 'hey' does not have an alternative spelling and your oy/oigh is a variation used in Scots (and Lowland Scots is often said to be separate language, not just a Scottish dialect). That's the closest to English one could get.

And here's the slight difference between your Oy and Oi (both taken from your wiktionary, concerning English)


Said to get someone's attention.
Oi, you with the red hat - stop doing that!


An exclamation typically expressing mild frustration or expressing feelings of uncertainty or concern.

Oh noes... different meanings for oy and oi in my wiktionary? How come?

You're a bloody ignorant who tries to act smart and doesn't even check his sources.

Ps. Now someone will tell me that Wind used the 2nd meaning :)

my ass.

Now back to school and learn to read with understanding.
Read it. Understand it. Memorize it.

oy, thx for bump.  ;D
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: Parabol on June 28, 2009, 09:35:22 AM
Dude that's wiktionary... Ever written any thesis? It's not a reliable source.  
The cokcney expression that means 'hey' does not have an alternative spelling and your oy/oigh is a variation used in Scots (and Lowland Scots is often said to be separate language, not just a Scottish dialect). That's the closest to English one could get.

And here's the slight difference between your Oy and Oi (both taken from your wiktionary, concerning English)


Said to get someone's attention.
Oi, you with the red hat - stop doing that!


An exclamation typically expressing mild frustration or expressing feelings of uncertainty or concern.

Oh noes... different meanings for oy and oi in my wiktionary? How come?

You're a bloody ignorant who tries to act smart and doesn't even check his sources.

Ps. Now someone will tell me that Wind used the 2nd meaning :)

my ass.

Now back to school and learn to read with understanding.
Read it. Understand it. Memorize it.

HAHAHA Your an idiot who clearly has no first hand experiance of cokcney people, you are obviously just one of these textbook nerds, the kind who will watch a documentry on something instead of going out to see it for themselves.

Yes perhaps you have the technical aspect of the language correct, but if you had actually been to london at any point (the place where I happen to live) you would realise that you posting to correct someones use of cokcney language is LOL, seriously, you made me laugh so hard at YOUR ignorance.

A language is nothing without it culture, something you obviously do not consider as you clearly have no experiance of the east london culture, where I live words are alot more diverse, the same word can be used in so many different contexts that any outsider would easily  become lost. It doesn't matter if you use a word in the wrong context, say it wrong or whatever as long as people understand what you mean. Your lack of experiance of the culture, and your willingness to tell others about it is what makes you the "bloody ignorant" one here, the other people who have posted here do not pretend to be some sort of linguistics expert as you do therefore they can oull off having not experianced our culture.

Last thing, I would absolutely love for you to come to east london and try to correct somebodies use of language, after being ridiculed (and possibly even beaten :P) then we will see if you continue to spread your textbook nonesense or whether you take your noes out of your book and experiance the real world.

Read it. Understand it. Memorize it.

Get your nose out of a book, go out, find out for yourself, and then come back.
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


my pleasure dear ignorant :)

Ps. This shite is hilarious

Next time you wear a suit, get yourself a proper size shirt and do something with the tie... the tip of the wide end of your tie should touch the top of your belt... I won't even comment the shirt cuffs...
and the mobile phone leash muahahahahah...




a freaking dosser.

Ps. Your sister is disgusting.


Quote from: Parabol on June 28, 2009, 11:44:57 AM
my pleasure dear ignorant :)

Ps. This shite is hilarious

Next time you wear a suit, get yourself a proper size shirt and do something with the tie... the tip of the wide end of your tie should touch the top of your belt... I won't even comment the shirt cuffs...
and the mobile phone leash muahahahahah...




a freaking dosser.

Ps. Your sister is disgusting.
oy, nice bump
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: Zuluman on June 28, 2009, 11:41:26 AM
HAHAHA Your an idiot who clearly has no first hand experiance of cokcney people, you are obviously just one of these textbook nerds, the kind who will watch a documentry on something instead of going out to see it for themselves.

Yes perhaps you have the technical aspect of the language correct, but if you had actually been to london at any point (the place where I happen to live) you would realise that you posting to correct someones use of cokcney language is LOL, seriously, you made me laugh so hard at YOUR ignorance.

A language is nothing without it culture, something you obviously do not consider as you clearly have no experiance of the east london culture, where I live words are alot more diverse, the same word can be used in so many different contexts that any outsider would easily  become lost. It doesn't matter if you use a word in the wrong context, say it wrong or whatever as long as people understand what you mean. Your lack of experiance of the culture, and your willingness to tell others about it is what makes you the "bloody ignorant" one here, the other people who have posted here do not pretend to be some sort of linguistics expert as you do therefore they can oull off having not experianced our culture.

Last thing, I would absolutely love for you to come to east london and try to correct somebodies use of language, after being ridiculed (and possibly even beaten :P) then we will see if you continue to spread your textbook nonesense or whether you take your noes out of your book and experiance the real world.

Read it. Understand it. Memorize it.

Get your nose out of a book, go out, find out for yourself, and then come back.

I'm not correcting native cokcney speakers (which is nothing like the real cokcney these days, anyway), yet mugs on DN forum. And for your information. I lived with English skinheads (real skinheads, not some uneducated pricks) in the UK, drank loads of times with Eastenders who remember the old days. So I do know a bit about the culture.
Being a foreigner doesn't mean I wasn't there to experience it myself.
You know what's funny? You're a native English speaker and you can't even spell... freaking shame not to know your own language.
Fancy to talk more? Catch me on msn.

Ps. The English are one of the least forgiving when it comes to using English. I won't buy your "it's fine as long as the message is clear" crap. Been there, done that.


Quote from: Parabol on June 28, 2009, 11:52:50 AM
I'm not correcting native cokcney speakers (which is nothing like the real cokcney these days, anyway), yet mugs on DN forum. And for your information. I lived with English skinheads (real skinheads, not some uneducated pricks) in the UK, drank loads of times with Eastenders who remember the old days. So I do know a bit about the culture.
Being a foreigner doesn't mean I wasn't there to experience it myself.
You know what's funny? You're a native English speaker and you can't even spell... freaking shame not to know your own language.
Fancy to talk more? Catch me on msn.

yo yo yo, that goatee gone already mate? ;D, damn what happened to you this is 1 of the first offensive posts i've ever read from your side :P
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord


Quote from: WindPhoenix on June 25, 2009, 11:21:54 PM
Before some smartass deletes this topic as well... pl0x, consider implementing DN subs on retail as promised, is nothing overpowered, it just help people with few time like me to make a new char with noblesse and all faster than starting from 0... and also i'd rather have one and just switch class than have 2-3 and switch gear and etc.
I will think about it and i will reply you, dont open similar topics i let you know asap.
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