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Real enchant armor success rate



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Real enchant armor success rate

Started by J4cKDan13L, June 26, 2009, 12:35:49 PM

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I noticed that in our beloved network we have a strange rate for enchanting armors...

In last day I made some test with ead and I noticed that from +3 to +4 there is a 50-60% of success rate...

but from +4 to +5 the rate is probally lower than 15%....  and god only knows how much rate has from +5 to +6...

If some1 has some  nice info is welcome...
Storm Screamer/Shillen's Saint 85

Infinity player since 15:53 gmt+1 of 28th june 2005 goddammit!


Storm Screamer/Shillen's Saint 85

Infinity player since 15:53 gmt+1 of 28th june 2005 goddammit!


also in nm in earlyer days of HB they noticed a lowered enchant rate

sfiga :)

(cmq le mie 4 homu +7 me le son fatte pure sto mese tie !!!!!!)

cmq oh sara una cazzata, ma per me va a tempo
spiego meglio.
se una mi viene un +1 e faccio veloce , me ne escono altre (al max 3 son riuscito a farne)
se fallisco, e incanto subito, anche quelle dopo falliscono

una roba tipo: 10 sec, tutti buoni, 10 sec, tutti fallati

sara una cagata. pero oh.

con una trentina di ewc ci ho fatto una +7 e due +6 non mi fa propgio cagarissimo
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


it's c'mon not c'on. lol. and enchant rate was lowered in HB...just donate


I recently did a karmian set to +6 and i can say...it really sucks. Yes from +3 to +4 is fairly ok, i can even risk saying is like 60% or 70%.
From +4 to +5 u can still do it, maybe like 40%. But from +5 to +6 OMG, it is a stupid diference like from 50% to 10%.
I wasted like around 200 eac +, on each part( give or take, at a certain point i just buy xD) before i could make it to +6.
I dont remenber acurrate numbers, so i cant especifie for sure the probs, but for sure the difference from +5 to +6 is like 30% or 40%, wich reaults the sucess rate being around 10%-20%.
Takes Big Pockets to put a Dynasty +6  ;D


Quote from: Dag on June 26, 2009, 02:39:46 PM
also in nm in earlyer days of HB they noticed a lowered enchant rate

sfiga :)

(cmq le mie 4 homu +7 me le son fatte pure sto mese tie !!!!!!)

cmq oh sara una cazzata, ma per me va a tempo
spiego meglio.
se una mi viene un +1 e faccio veloce , me ne escono altre (al max 3 son riuscito a farne)
se fallisco, e incanto subito, anche quelle dopo falliscono

una roba tipo: 10 sec, tutti buoni, 10 sec, tutti fallati

sara una cagata. pero oh.

con una trentina di ewc ci ho fatto una +7 e due +6 non mi fa propgio cagarissimo

armor amico dag =-D armor
Storm Screamer/Shillen's Saint 85

Infinity player since 15:53 gmt+1 of 28th june 2005 goddammit!


Quote from: TheElixirGuy on June 26, 2009, 03:08:03 PM
I recently did a karmian set to +6 and i can say...it really sucks. Yes from +3 to +4 is fairly ok, i can even risk saying is like 60% or 70%.
From +4 to +5 u can still do it, maybe like 40%. But from +5 to +6 OMG, it is a stupid diference like from 50% to 10%.
I wasted like around 200 eac +, on each part( give or take, at a certain point i just buy xD) before i could make it to +6.
I dont remenber acurrate numbers, so i cant especifie for sure the probs, but for sure the difference from +5 to +6 is like 30% or 40%, wich reaults the sucess rate being around 10%-20%.
Takes Big Pockets to put a Dynasty +6  ;D

some month ago... I wasted about 50 beas and dunno many eas  for see just two dirty +5... yesterday with 15 striped shirt +4 only 1 gone to +5.......

Should be fair if some admin/gm/god will give us the precious info about the real enchant rate =-D

tnx in advice...

Storm Screamer/Shillen's Saint 85

Infinity player since 15:53 gmt+1 of 28th june 2005 goddammit!


i go easily +5 (well more or less) but +6 is really hard.



mi RIFIUTO di incantare armature

si fa molto prima a
incantare armi
comprare armature gia incantate :)
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


just wait. soon there will be another "fixed a few crash bugs" or some bullshit like that and you'll suddenly notice that enchant scroll drop and spoil rate will be reduced "accidentally". but no worries they will fix it "soon" after


the problem with probability is, that it can be chaotic.

in a coin toss(heads and tails). its possible  that after 20 times, there is always "Heads".

drake could mess up the enchant rate, and he could blame all to probability.

some people, made a +16 weapon without donating or they make it in 1 go. the chances of that happening, in a small server like dragon, should be = 0.
but still it happens.

anyway my point is: yes enchant rate seems messed up. but we cant prove anything.