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Started by our4n0s, June 27, 2009, 02:52:40 AM

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Astramael      [db/tr]


+1 for blocking this topic  ;D ;D


just remove fighter and mage classes from oly and mass pvps.

seriously a lot of skills need improvement. for example necros skills. not many of my kind left and thoose who excist just use gloom.
what about poison or poisonous cloud ? fear and mass fear . Mass fear only works and lands 1/50...
Mass slow ? same sh1t
and tones of other curses never landing or working


lol this forum is the most funy thing ever because of all the crap ppl say xD
about what i read here, ye mana burn should be a lot more nerfed, on 2k+ m def im geting burned for 300 avery 2 seconds, lethals ye kinda should be nerfed too thats the most idiot skill ever (after mp burn xD).
lethal on all classes ? no coment thats realy just idiotic ...
and there are a lot more stuff that sucks for example
-heals that heal 1.5k and cost 60 mp
-wth with oli skills ??? its almost full buffs for mages - zerk acumen and emp ??? who the hell got that stupid idea
-augments was a stupid idea from ncsoft ... they are stupid and should have never existed
-make bison work only in fists instead makeing raids stronger because ty/des is way o/e
-make ai and zealt not stackeable
-mi is not working as far as i know because cancels and debuffs still enter with mi on
-make a dam big recover use for warrior bane and that crap that skill is stupid too
-as far as i know evasion is not working ... on 160 evasion i still get hited like 90% of the times
-dual tb/dle +4++ is stupid, wtf thats like 3 good enchantements in 1 weapon, and ye then you see gl with 20k + hit points and massive -damage and armor

i dont play for some time so i dont remember what else is freaked up but the truth is this, c4 rocked and all updates that came after c4 just ruined l2...


Quote from: Diabolical on June 28, 2009, 05:00:15 PM
finally we get to agree on something
I see camel likes Panda, so now u are Camel-Panda lover?:D


QuotePosted by: buga
Insert Quote
lol this forum is the most funy thing ever because of all the crap ppl say xD
about what i read here, ye mana burn should be a lot more nerfed, on 2k+ m def im geting burned for 300 avery 2 seconds, lethals ye kinda should be nerfed too thats the most idiot skill ever (after mp burn xD).
lethal on all classes ? no coment thats realy just idiotic ...
and there are a lot more stuff that sucks for example
-heals that heal 1.5k and cost 60 mp
-wth with oli skills Huh its almost full buffs for mages - zerk acumen and emp Huh who the hell got that stupid idea
-augments was a stupid idea from ncsoft ... they are stupid and should have never existed
-make bison work only in fists instead makeing raids stronger because ty/des is way o/e
-make ai and zealt not stackeable
-mi is not working as far as i know because cancels and debuffs still enter with mi on
-make a dam big recover use for warrior bane and that crap that skill is stupid too
-as far as i know evasion is not working ... on 160 evasion i still get hited like 90% of the times
-dual tb/dle +4++ is stupid, wtf thats like 3 good enchantements in 1 weapon, and ye then you see gl with 20k + hit points and massive -damage and armor

i dont play for some time so i dont remember what else is freaked up but the truth is this, c4 rocked and all updates that came after c4 just ruined l2...

if u dont play for some time ago dont speak plz :D
Titan1          pr/bd
Garcon        nec/bd
NTitanN        nec/pal
TtnN             ps/sk
HellzSoul      ol/es
HellzStormer ee/sps


Quote from: buga on June 30, 2009, 11:02:59 PM

lethal on all classes ? no coment thats realy just idiotic ...

i guess u r dumb and idiot enough to not realize the irony


Quote from: buga on June 30, 2009, 11:02:59 PM
-dual tb/dle +4++ is stupid, wtf thats like 3 good enchantements in 1 weapon, and ye then you see gl with 20k + hit points and massive -damage and armor

8( .........first guy i see complaining about this....does some1 lese got a problem with this?



Quote from: Diabolical on July 01, 2009, 12:27:27 AM
i guess u r dumb and idiot enough to not realize the irony

   there is life before death?


Quote from: SpoilerAngel on June 30, 2009, 11:58:41 PM
I see camel likes Panda, so now u are Camel-Panda lover?:D

where is the panda ?


Quote from: cristianvernal on July 01, 2009, 02:52:28 AM
8( .........first guy i see complaining about this....does some1 lese got a problem with this?
Loled , if we started to whine about weapons SA and bonus when it get enchanted and drake and his staff added thier touch to that too then we better start to call it LineDrake :D :D 


Quote from: Diabolical on July 01, 2009, 04:19:33 AM
where is the panda ?
the one in your Av, running with dagger after mage :D