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Started by Ingela, June 27, 2009, 10:23:13 AM

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Quote from: Ingela on June 27, 2009, 10:23:13 AM
Track long time ago you said that you will take clan halls from bot clans :)

2. Origins
1. ApocalypseNow
2. DarkHeretic
3. EtermalWatiot
4. ForgottenHope
1. Ares
2. IPiratesI
3. WinterHopeII
1. UnknowSoliders
1. 0N1
2. DarkWinter
3. freakTheRest
1. FaithNoMore
1. WariorsFactory
2. DarkInwaders
3. FrostBite [dunno for 100%)


All bot clans  ;D


Even if i need clan hall for 1 person i pay for it and fuuuck off Ok ?

Btw its very easy to buy clan hall like now its 3-4 for sale so gather your nooobish clan member get coins and buy it like people who own clan halss now did in the past ..


Firts of all dont call any body from IPOLANDI noob .. people playing in this clan now are in top equpment , 1000 pvp + , and all of them have at list 4 subed chars with nobles (i have 12 and 2 next with horn) and thay are playing from since c2 so if u call them naab then sry but u are idiot .
U are in every spot on serwer that u know where we play on our char ? Than u are stiupid 2 . To prove this i will say that i was on last goddart siege on my char ::)

This clan is one of the oldest on serwer and i dont care about your opinion , we pay for this clan hall alot and we will used it how we ,now we are active using it so GTFO

If u dont see any difference beetwin ch in dion and in aden then you are stiupid 3 time . But if u are so noobish to dont know that i will explain u . Buff level are diffrence i cant buff from b or lover grade clan hall (its not even 52 level pp buffs) and go exp while i can do it in A grade clan halls like aden .We very offten allow rendom new players on serwer use our clan hall and crest to help them on start (if u have nothing those buffs are important)


Quote from: Wedrowycz on June 29, 2009, 08:39:52 AM
Firts of all dont call any body from IPOLANDI noob .. people playing in this clan now are in top equpment , 1000 pvp + , and all of them have at list 4 subed chars with nobles (i have 12 and 2 next with horn) and thay are playing from since c2 so if u call them naab then sry but u are idiot .
U are in every spot on serwer that u know where we play on our char ? Than u are stiupid 2 . To prove this i will say that i was on last goddart siege on my char ::)

This clan is one of the oldest on serwer and i dont care about your opinion , we pay for this clan hall alot and we will used it how we ,now we are active using it so GTFO

If u dont see any difference beetwin ch in dion and in aden then you are stiupid 3 time . But if u are so noobish to dont know that i will explain u . Buff level are diffrence i cant buff from b or lover grade clan hall (its not even 52 level pp buffs) and go exp while i can do it in A grade clan halls like aden .We very offten allow rendom new players on serwer use our clan hall and crest to help them on start (if u have nothing those buffs are important)
1 lpolandI 1 hit :P
[URL=http://www.battlefieldheroes.com/heroes/199546525]Player profile at BattlefieldHeroes.com, Free Shooter Game[/URL]


2. Origins

1. ApocalypseNow
2. DarkHeretic
3. EtermalWatiot and ffs its EternalWarrior
4. ForgottenHope

1. Ares
2. IPiratesI
3. WinterHopeII

1. UnknowSoliders

1. 0N1
2. DarkWinter
3. freakTheRest

1. FaithNoMore

1. WariorsFactory
2. DarkInwaders and its DarkInvaders ffs
3. FrostBite

Clans are clans that i dont know shit of and i never saw active in the L2 world these clans imo r either bot clans or new clans (if new how the hell did they got the clan halls, dunno)
Clans These clans r clans that i know and i stand for them bcose r active clans that diserve the clan hall.
Clans These clans i dont know for sure... i knw some were Main clans but i didnt see them active for some ages dunno maybe they dont go where i go :P but i doubt...
NubClan Yea.. its active but is hold by bici maicek (hope u read this) and he is to noob to have one xixixixixi  ;D
Quote from: Hybrek on August 28, 2007, 12:25:29 PM
a polish prostitute named  Hybrek


FaithNoMore - clan lvl 6, with 2 royal guards - exist from c4 ( clan lvl 6 speak enough for activity). Small but with active players - and why the hell you should know something for this clan? We are not atention whore like most ppls here in at forum. We are doing our work - like farming, small pvps etc, etc.
And why few ppl here should judge which clan is active, which clan deserve CH etc, etc. This CH is bought on auction - something wrong with this?  Where is rule which clan deserve to have CH and wich no? Do you know that on retail servers is same.
And most important - even if in some situation CH got removed from current owners how they will be shared? Simple question - simple answer - again trough auction - so again small, not so active clans will have chanse to get CH.
And most important -  if you unable to get CH trough auction  and again some clan not so famous buy CH what will be next - cry to the end of days?


Pweety pwease daddy  ... me wanna CH, the other bad kids have but not me QQ
That's what it sounds to me covered by the nice self-impression that they DESERVE and it is they'r RIGHT granted by the LAW.
The way i see it it's really simple : either u can get it the normal way and GZ to you or you can't and therefore u'r not suited to own it in the first place no ?


Quote from: Ungolianth on June 30, 2009, 05:19:56 AM
retardovany poliak prebud sa z toho sna v ktorom zijes a vydi von z tej clan hally na cerstvy vzduch lol ;D

I have clan hall aden while u are driming of having one so who need to wake up naab ...
Popierdolony pepiczek co sie wszystkim wypina a potem zgrywa kozaka


waaaaaittt! iv seen yesterday 1 bot standing in aden from POLAND clan for all day to show how active clan is :D.
Zgliszcze BP/ES


Quote from: Dethstorm on June 30, 2009, 12:17:41 PM
waaaaaittt! iv seen yesterday 1 bot standing in aden from POLAND clan for all day to show how active clan is :D.

waaaaaittt!  Iv seen yesterday 1 bishop bot running on fallow for one sps all day to show how failure he is :D what was the name of this bot hmmm,  if I remember correctly  it was zgliszcze ?!


Quote from: Ungolianth on June 30, 2009, 01:12:03 PM
i am dreaming of clan halll? lol u funny i am in evil bunnies and u r in some forgoten clan from past  :D who need wake up from sleep?
u need cause poland clan is 1 of the oldest on nm and they still play .... not many and many from them play in other clans but they still have second chars in POLAND clan . aobut "whole clan payed for ch" when they were playing here u didnt even knew what is lineage 2 lol
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: Ingela on June 27, 2009, 10:23:13 AM
Track long time ago you said that you will take clan halls from bot clans :)

2. Origins
1. ApocalypseNow
2. DarkHeretic
3. EtermalWatiot
4. ForgottenHope
1. Ares
2. IPiratesI
3. WinterHopeII
1. UnknowSoliders
1. 0N1
2. DarkWinter
3. freakTheRest
1. FaithNoMore
1. WariorsFactory
2. DarkInwaders
3. FrostBite [dunno for 100%)


We are a small clan, with lots of ppl afk cause of rl, work, etc! We log mostly on weekends and play togheter!

You want a clan, try to buy it or go for forteresses and/or Castles. Gtfo here with your bot clan arghues, cause we arn't!!