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Kamaels Bugs!! Track..after 4 pages...give us an answer plz.. - Page 4



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Kamaels Bugs!! Track..after 4 pages...give us an answer plz..

Started by Morbid_Angel, June 28, 2009, 12:19:31 AM

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BUMP....I came to NM section in the GREAT HOPE,that TRACK will take a little care about Kamaels (coz i heard a lot of positives comments about him from NM players),but it doesn't seems that  ANYONE give a sh...t about that.I know,that you might be busy with fixing other things,but can't you just give a 1 comment about whats going on?Its kinda funny that on Lineage2 top 100 you can see:"Full Hellbound OFF,x5 x10 x15 x30 x200 rates, over 7000 players! 99% uptime. Custom potions,stackable sub system. Never wiped over 5 years."....the main difference of HB from any other parts of L2 is NEW RACE KAMAEL...
Isn't that PATHETIC?

P.S. or u dont answer,just because im from Dragon server?  ;D






up up up!!!!

Berseker's bugs are updated.
(still no answer..no fixing...HB without Kamaels FTW!!!! join Dragon-Network..FULL HB OFF bla bla bla...lol  :-X )


Quote from: Morbid_Angel on July 28, 2009, 06:27:04 AM
up up up!!!!

Berseker's bugs are updated.
(still no answer..no fixing...HB without Kamaels FTW!!!! join Dragon-Network..FULL HB OFF bla bla bla...lol  :-X )

/100% agree with you


Ok i know that kamael have new skills that need new code. But today i make 3th class on my soul hand (retial) and i wnat try soul vortrex - it land on me not on mob... I think that soul vortrex is not so different than other vortrex.


almost none of Kamael skills work as it should and some don't work at all or can't even get them!!!

the disapointing thing is tho,that GMs and Drake don't give a fock about that..that the new race of Kamael is unplayable...and they prefer to fix stucking items in wh...and imo HB without Kmaels is not HB!!!!

in this topic there's a complete list of bugs of all classes(exept Inspector,cause you can't get get this class yet :-\) updated whenever we come across a new bug,and there's not even 1 answer if GMs/Drake are aware of all these..and if there's a work in progress... :-X


Quote from: Diver on July 29, 2009, 09:54:58 PM
Ok i know that kamael have new skills that need new code. But today i make 3th class on my soul hand (retial) and i wnat try soul vortrex - it land on me not on mob... I think that soul vortrex is not so different than other vortrex.

thats what you unfortunately call SELFOWNAGE  :'(


Quote from: HeroCraft on July 22, 2009, 08:46:09 AM
Tonight i finally learn ENUMA ELISH skill....guess what? It's NOT WORKING!!! I tried to use both Forms of the sword(ancient and regula),coz in description of the skill it doesn't say anything about sword requirement.Plus i make sure that i have more then enough souls for this skill,Skill required 7 souls and i use Soul Gathering...so another skill is not implemented or what?  >:(

Accidently find out WTF its not working with 2 handed Ancient sword or 2handed original sword....coz for some STUPID reason it works with....RAPIER !!! BUT BERSERKER USE 2 HANDED SWORD,so be so kind and FIX IT  >:(


Quote from: HeroCraft on July 30, 2009, 10:53:55 AM
Accidently find out WTF its not working with 2 handed Ancient sword or 2handed original sword....coz for some STUPID reason it works with....RAPIER !!! BUT BERSERKER USE 2 HANDED SWORD,so be so kind and FIX IT  >:(

you're joking right???OMFG!!!!! and you wanna get D-network to the top 200,Track??with these kind of bugs,around???how difficult is to fix these things???!!!!