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keep nm alive

Started by xD, June 28, 2009, 08:48:10 PM

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Ok, since I’m bored at home with absolutely nothing to do… I might as well create this topic and write and UPDATE it with only PRACTICAL ideas to keep DN or at least this server alive.

(1)   Lethals â€" Lethals are good IMHO as I play dagger class however the blow where the other persons HP goes to  1  should be changed to a more reasonable HP eg: 500 so that the enemy has a chance to save himself somehow.

(2)   Mana burn â€" we all know that mana burn (especially and mostly in Olympiad) freaks up the opponent. Is it possible to code mana burn so that it doesn’t mage crit? I think there was already a reuse nerf about this however mana burn without mage crit would be better.

(3)   Warcry doesn’t work with bow â€" why ?

(4)   Spoil â€" make it possible to spoil at least dynasty, not icarus parts/recipes etc. and make the dynasty quest into icarus quest (if possible) with a little bit more difficulty or even the same as is since it’s hard so far.

(5)   RB drops â€" make them drop s80 mats with a low possibility and with not a huge quantity. Alongside with (4) people will go to raid bosses more often and increase pvp as well since people will fight for the raids.

(6)   B grades â€" make them available for sale in shops. New players find it easier to buy A grades then B grades and give up before they even reach A grades since it’s hard for them to grind, especially when they are newbies and don’t even have buff bots.

(7)   Golkonda’s horn â€" Since there’s an x amount of people who spend their lives ingame and camping golkonda’s, make 2 or 3 spots (eg: keep TOI and another spot) with droppable horns and 2 other areas with only quest horns available making it easier for new players to camp golkondas and have a chance to get a horn. If possible even make the players get quest items from a box (like in retail quest) and when they gather an XX amount of items, they can exchange for a horn. Also reduce the price to get the horn from mammon. 50 lunargents is insane.

(8)   Siege times â€" I think u already know about this so I won’t spend too much time on it.

(9)   Barakiel â€" make it a bit weaker or higher level so that people can kill it easier, it’s  too hard and time consuming as it is and in this way when HP is for example 50%, some other player may come and restore full health or kill the lower level players.

(10)    Use the old policy on raids, heal a raid = pk, this makes it more interesting for the players to get a better drop and this way people are more afraid (especially with new change in return/bsoe) to do so and raids aren’t messed up.

I can’t think of anything else right now but keep the ideas coming, I will keep this updated.
Thanks for patience reading all this @_@
Hardcore from cradle to the grave


well, from my point of view, which may be misguiding a bit since I am not DN player for an extended period of time, it is a total waste of time to even think about coming back to DN. And that's for a several reasons.

* Making reasonable amount money is getting harder with every "fix" and I really dislike running around in A grade till 80 lvl and beyond. I am not saying that I want to jump into top C grade when I achieve 40 lvl.
I kind of dislike whole attitude of Lineage 2. On one hand, it is game with greatly open PvP system, while on the other hand, you have to sign your soul to the Farming Demon himself to get some reasonable equip, so you'll be able to have fun in such PvP system.

* All those little "fixes" concerning Barakiel, Lunargents, Golky's, empowered Raid Bosses are not really helping the case. I understand that farming Raids with a lonely TY/DE is not much amusing and it ruins the whole basis of MMORPG, but if you want to avoid it, set some reasonable rules about Raids. For example: Make a party with 4 - 5 and less members unable to attemp Raid Bosses. I know - boxing. Well, it is a GM's duty to protect this.
The fact, that most of GM's don't give a damn about their servers (long live Trackzero) is another sad part of sinking boat called Dragon Network.

* Servers are running HB quite freshly (well, at least they are running under HB interface) and I understand that such change must be hard to implement and such, but I must say, that even L2J servers are running smoother with more features then DN at the moment...

* Let's say you are really stubborn and resolved newbie on DN and after XY killed Golkondas you finally acquire your first Horn. Woohoo! So you make your desired combo, you are more then happy with it, you are having wet dreams about it every night. But then boom! Congratulations, you've been nerfed.. ah, I mean "you get fixed". Will you really be strong-minded enough to start farming another XY Golkondas? Because this little "fix" rendered your char absolutely useless. I wouldn't. I am not hardcore gamer anymore, I have my own joys in real life, I gotta go to work and such. And there is majority of such players, I'd say.

* I know, there is always a redempting option called "Donation". But hey! Why should I donate?
Don't tell me to keep servers alive - Psyck is paying enough money, so we all can have a really free server without a menace of shutting down.
The most sad part is, that some of us are forced to donate for the real basis of why we are here - to have a stacking subclass. Sure, it shouldn't be easy, but it shouldn't be so hard that I would have to work XY hours (in real life) to buy a damned Horn. And as I stated before - I'll pay money for Horn and then I'll get nerfed so terribly that my char (therefore my money) is useless for ever after.
Donating for stuff is even worse, since there is no way to get it ingame unless you have some kinky pleasure in farming 23/7.

Overall, I wouldn' come back ever again. :)

Oww, what a long essay I've written... I must be really bored today :)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: xD on June 28, 2009, 08:48:10 PM
Ok, since I’m bored at home with absolutely nothing to do… I might as well create this topic and write and UPDATE it with only PRACTICAL ideas to keep DN or at least this server alive.

(1)   Lethals â€" Lethals are good IMHO as I play dagger class however the blow where the other persons HP goes to  1  should be changed to a more reasonable HP eg: 500 so that the enemy has a chance to save himself somehow.

(2)   Mana burn â€" we all know that mana burn (especially and mostly in Olympiad) freaks up the opponent. Is it possible to code mana burn so that it doesn’t mage crit? I think there was already a reuse nerf about this however mana burn without mage crit would be better.

(3)   Warcry doesn’t work with bow â€" why ?

(4)   Spoil â€" make it possible to spoil at least dynasty, not icarus parts/recipes etc. and make the dynasty quest into icarus quest (if possible) with a little bit more difficulty or even the same as is since it’s hard so far.

(5)   RB drops â€" make them drop s80 mats with a low possibility and with not a huge quantity. Alongside with (4) people will go to raid bosses more often and increase pvp as well since people will fight for the raids.

(6)   B grades â€" make them available for sale in shops. New players find it easier to buy A grades then B grades and give up before they even reach A grades since it’s hard for them to grind, especially when they are newbies and don’t even have buff bots.

(7)   Golkonda’s horn â€" Since there’s an x amount of people who spend their lives ingame and camping golkonda’s, make 2 or 3 spots (eg: keep TOI and another spot) with droppable horns and 2 other areas with only quest horns available making it easier for new players to camp golkondas and have a chance to get a horn. If possible even make the players get quest items from a box (like in retail quest) and when they gather an XX amount of items, they can exchange for a horn. Also reduce the price to get the horn from mammon. 50 lunargents is insane.

(8)   Siege times â€" I think u already know about this so I won’t spend too much time on it.

(9)   Barakiel â€" make it a bit weaker or higher level so that people can kill it easier, it’s  too hard and time consuming as it is and in this way when HP is for example 50%, some other player may come and restore full health or kill the lower level players.

(10)    Use the old policy on raids, heal a raid = pk, this makes it more interesting for the players to get a better drop and this way people are more afraid (especially with new change in return/bsoe) to do so and raids aren’t messed up.

I can’t think of anything else right now but keep the ideas coming, I will keep this updated.
Thanks for patience reading all this @_@

1) I leave it like it is.
2) Mana burn totally sux now.
3) Fixed
4) Building a new table from start , so we should have old spoil back (also mats drop - important mats in reasonable amounts) just gimme some time is not easy and fast.
5) Oke ill think about it, and is an easy fix.
6) Yes ill make it, or at least ill put old B recipes back so craft is possible also.
7) I will remove drop horn from Quest golkies so people who dont need sub, have no reason to go there anymore.
8 ) Is fixed already. (maybe we will change Saturdays siege time for 19h gmt+1)
9) Nothing to change for now
10) Very nice fix coming from this weekend for raid healing, so fixed.
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7) I will remove drop horn from Quest golkies so people who dont need sub, have no reason to go there anymore.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D



glad to read that  : D

silly question.. but  if people  leaves drops  all over the floor, it causes item lag or smthing like that ?  or it was only in C3 ?¿



delete l2 and gtfo...  :-X
Carebears,BlackHand - 15x,30x
 sc4ry  , c0t ,  CrystalTear  ,  sc4rry , Phenomen
Since 2005


Quote from: lilmayer on July 24, 2009, 04:25:52 PM
silly question.. but  if people  leaves drops  all over the floor, it causes item lag or smthing like that ?  or it was only in C3 ?¿

even if, I am picking up drops at varka every day :D

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired